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  1. heck yeah! I like it any time. And just to clear something up, i'm not fat as you might think about the answer. I'm the living phrase 'looks like she hasn't eaten in her life'. So yes, TPBM has Encarta on thier computer.
  2. I would have to say.... [B]WEAPONS![/B] Ha, yes. I think weapons give the most excitement epecially when you get to choose/pick weapons. Think about it this way gravity gun or some random sword? For example: Random Sword: Swing it around, kill the enemy woohoo. Gravity Gun: Point it at the knife and all of a suden the knife starts swirling(and floating feet ahead of you). An enemy pops up, throw it and watch the blood works. A bit sarcastic, yes. But, I think you get my point that simple weapons like swords can get boring and out dated while the special gun makes things that never happened in other video game before happen. This also adds to originality as well as excitement and of course more intrest wich lurs people to the game and makes people want t continue playing it.
  3. I call it being 'cool'. Last school year I didn't have it, so this year I'm hoping to be considered 'cool'. And that my friends, is the diffrence between Emo peoples and I. I actually do something to achieve my goals and not mop around.
  4. Out of curiosity, would having little streak of hair going through your eye be considered 'Emo'? I have one and I can see fine, but it doesn't cover the whole eye, so just wondering.
  5. I dunno, but I think they have fillers so that the manga can catch up with the series, but thats most popular belief so far. I personally don't have a problem with them [spoiler]you can tell they were really bored when episode 101 came out[/spoiler]. So, I didn't get a chance to watch Naruto today I was wondering around the web. Am I the only one that thinks to many battle scenes at once get boring?
  6. Sorry, but not true. I use the latest version of Opera and it's not messing up. It really depends on your computer and settings for Opera. So, try refreshing and check your stuff.
  7. False, so boring. I can die by the time I catch an actual fish. SO, TPBM has gone to an arcade in the past three months.
  8. Hehehe! [B]Wolf's Rain:[/B] There must be a second part [spoiler]they just started a new life I mean there really has to be a part for that(and hopefully they'll even find paradise this time, eh?[/spoiler] The charecters and pasts were well thought out and not one peice of the story was cliched in any way, or well my point of view. [B]Ginga Nagareboshi Gin:[/B] I can wish can't I? But, it was done in the late 80s s yeah...
  9. True. Ah, yes defensetrate! Ze PBM watches only 2 kinds of Anime.
  10. True! Theres this big fancy word for throwing something out the window, but I sorta forgot it XD Ze TPBM has a box of choclate in thier room
  11. False, though now that you mention it... Ze person below me likes wolves(sorry, all I can come up with since the simple questions are taken)
  12. Two suggestions: [B]Mario Kart DS:[/B] You don't just only race, but they have this wicked awesome battle mode. You can compete for stars, or just pop everyone's balloons. There is also a mission Mode where you have to complete a mission in a given time limit. [B]Nintendogs:[/B] Hey, you said you wnated something with a touch creen! These doggies are just the cutest! Take 'em for walks, enter 'em in shows, train 'em, and the most important by far...dress them up! No, really they do look cute with the bowtie!
  13. *looks over at everyones' post and eyes widen*I'm on episode 120...obsessed much? Oh yeah... When is it on Toonami? i thought it was on Adult Swim*bangs head against wall*
  14. [COLOR=Sienna]Umm...I just think they are suicidal...very suicidal. I also think that we should introduce them Chicken Soup where people live in orphanages and beg on streets. I can't wait to see the shocked look on thier faces when they realise that they spent months of thier life acting like a four-year-old. I think they don't appreciate how much was done for them.[/COLOR]
  15. For new category: Wolf's Rain(shoulda guessed^^) Oh and also, this is all put under Maximum Quality it's the art that's diffrent from different animes. Oh, and I might have some Naruto/Sailor Moon ones up later. Anywho: [IMG]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/FluffehPup1/Wolves/WR1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Wolf's Rain [B]Name:[/b] Running Wolf [IMG]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/FluffehPup1/Wolves/WR2.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Wolf's Rain [B]Name:[/B] Howling Wolf [IMG]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/FluffehPup1/Wolves/WR3.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Wolf's Rain [B]Name:[/B] Wolf Eye [IMG]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/FluffehPup1/Wolves/WR4.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Wolf's Rain [B]Name:[/B] Kiba & Cheza [IMG]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/FluffehPup1/Wolves/WR5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Wolf's Rain [b]Name:[/b] Toboe Sleeping [IMG]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f185/FluffehPup1/Wolves/WR6.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Wolf's Rain [B]Name:[/B] Blue Angry
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