Now, I used original names etc... because it would get to confusing if I didn't. Also, Rakuen means Paraidse so yeah. Since this is my first thread please telll me if I'm breaking the rules.
Disclaimer: I dont own Wolf's Rain. Nor does the song that I put in between chapters.
So far: 4 pages Microsoft Word
[CENTER][i]I hear a voice.
A voice, resounding through the sky that stopped crying.
It has shot through the target of my heart.
Chasing the summer I spent with you,
I pass through the end of winter.
The words I heard from you that day
Are guiding me.[/i][/CENTER]
[B]Chapter 1: The five, friends or foes?[/B]
I awoke with a start that morning. I heard the sound of paw steps and they were running. What would other wolves be doing on my territory? All of my pack died in search of paradise and the rest turned on me and are now dying somewhere. I sighed through my nose. ‘It must be a band of wolves trying to take over my non-existent pack; I’ll just have to break the news to them.’ I thought to myself glumly.
I squeezed out of my den and saw a band of what? Five wolves as I can make out. They all seemed muscular accept for one. He was a brownish pup with silver bracelets. There was also a black female with blue eyes with them running along side a beige wolf with a black collar. The other two were gray and white males. Calmly I sat down. The group was one hundred feet and approaching. ‘I’ll let them speak first. I shouldn’t jump to conclusions. It gives a bad image.’
The group of five slowed to nothing but a trot. I stood up and eyed them. The white wolf stepped forward he was muscular and just about one centimeter taller than me. “Who are you?” he demanded a deep rumble in his throat. I smiled. “Relax; I’m not looking for a fight.” I said standing up. Thinking about it, that night I was in good condition compared to them if a fight were to turn out I would have a good chance against them. The wolf seemed to have calmed down a bit, but his fangs still showed and his tail was still up as a sign of dominance.
“Would you like to say somewhere for the night?” I asked hoping that my hospitality would cut the glares he was giving me. “That would be good!” the pup exclaimed as his bracelets rattled. The black female and beige male (who up close is a bit chubby) gave him a look. “Then, it’s settled!” I announced my tail giving a wag.
Later that night, my guests were fed (with some of the prey a cached) and watered with the stream running by the cave. To explain myself, not all would fit into the den, so I showed them a reasonably large cave to rest in for the night.
Conversation between them began and I was invited to join in. Heh, I couldn’t say no! I started off by asking questions. The basic ones first, of course. “So, what are your names? I’m Taiya, just call me Tai.” I tried to keep my voice calm and friendly as I wore a sweet smile on my face. The first to speak out was once again the pup “Toboe,” followed by the chubby one”Hige,”followed by the one with blue eyes “Blue,” followed by the one with a scar on his chest ”Tsume,” and lastly “Kiba.”. Soon, everyone split up into groups and conversed Tsume was talking to Hige, Kiba was talking to Toboe, and I was talking with Blue. She is such an interesting character!
“I’m exhausted we’ve been looking for it over a full moon now!” Blue exclaimed. My eyes narrowed in confusion. “For what?” I asked tipping my head to the side. “The daughter of the lunar flower, Cheza.” A voice said behind me. “For what?” I asked again. “Rakuen.” The voice responded now sounding serious. “You believe in such childish things…Kiba?” I chuckled. The wolf growled and I turned around all too calmly. “How dare you say that!” he snarled. “You’ll just die like the rest who searched for this Rakuen!” I retorted. “Lets take this outside.” He sneered. Now, the whole pack was staring at us.
[center][i]There's more than enough memories, but
If I turned around, I could lose just as much.
So I recklessly went down that road,
Praying for tomorrow.[/i][/center]
[B]Chapter 2: A Spar With A Meaning[/B]
I walked out yards away from the entrance of the den, Kiba did the same. Soon, we were glaring at each other. He was less than fifteen feet away. Our tails raised and throats rumbling we waited for each other to make a move. The other four wolves were gapping at the entrance of the den. Both Tsume and Hige betted on Kiba to win, but the other two remained quiet. “If I win you’ll have to take back what you said about paradise.” The wolf snarled. “And, if I win, I’m joining on your pack’s quest of finding paradise.” I smirked. He growled even louder.
He sprinted for me and jumped, I did the same. Both our jaws outstretched we intended to pin each other to the ground and say the words “I win.” I saw his eyes move from me to my shoulder. Nice spot to target, but not going to happen. I let the front part of my body down, aiming for the ground. All Kiba managed to do was scratch my hunch. The damage could have been worse had he gotten my shoulder. I landed softly. Since I got Kiba confused he fell on his side, but quickly got up with nothing but a bruise to show for it.
I charged for him while he tried to regain his footing. I was lucky enough to catch him by the chest. I bit down and threw him. Kiba flew a few inches over the ground and fell. As he stood up I noticed that he had a bruise on his side. You can’t exactly blame him though. He hit the ground twice. Growling he charged at me, I really wasn’t paying attention (I thought I heard a strange sound). Kiba wasn’t going for my front he turned and in seconds was shaking me around like a rag doll. I couldn’t move at all, he got me by the back.
Furiously, he shook me for I don’t know how long. I knew that it wasn’t long since somebody like Blue would stop him and before I knew it I was flying at a tree. Soon as I hit it (with what felt like the force of running at full speed and knocking into it head first) everything grew black and I was knocked out cold.
Now, I awoke on, well frankly I don’t know what it’s just bobbing up and down. As you see, I was remembering the whole thing. Time to check it out? I raised my head slowly to see the light of morning. Soft, it was fur, white fur! As I raised my head I noticed that I was on Kiba’s back and the rest of his pack running in front of him. Wanting to get off I wriggled for a second before falling off, head first, into the snow. I rolled over onto my back. I heard the pack stop.
Straight after I saw Kiba towering above me, a smirk on his face. “Take back your words.” He snarled. I smiled, not a mean smile, but an actual smile. For a second, my true wolf yellow eyes caught into his golden once and he actually smiled. Kiba raised his head and shook it. “I went a bit over board last night, sorry. Do you think you can walk?” He apologized sitting down. “It’s okay. And yeah I’ll be fine.” I said merrily. I raised myself up somewhat shakily, but I was fine.
[center][i]The wild sleeping within is driving us
To the eternal, endless, irreplaceable dream.
The aimless, simple, helpless days,
We keep walking through them,
Because we are the children of the journey.[/i][/center]
[B]Chapter 3: Lunar Flower[/B]
“You’re odd, if you said Rakuen doesn’t exist, then why did you want to come?” the wolf asked. I chuckled. “You are right, it’s a very long story,” sighing I continued “You wouldn’t understand. I have no place back in the terra I call home, but if I think about it, if the world ends….how should I say this? Staying there would be suicide, but if there is, if just maybe there is a spot for me in paradise I might have a future.” I finished hesitantly.
I took off the same direction they were heading at the same speed I remember Kiba running. But, almost as soon as I started, I fell again. Kiba was soon at my side pulling me up by my cuff. As soon as he pulled me up, he tilted me over forcing me to lean against him. “You’re in no condition to be running.” He said sternly. “Don’t worry about me, I just slipped that’s all.” I said pushing myself off him to support myself. “So, where are we to find this flower girl?” I asked shaking myself. “She’s not far, but I have the feeling we might encounter a few fights before getting her.” Kiba said nodding and taking off much like I did (except for the fact that he didn’t fall) the pack followed and so did I, still basking in the fact that maybe they might accept me as a pack member.
The next few days were hard, but we managed to get on. Oddly enough, Kiba kept an eye on me and not in the bad way. So far, Blue and Toboe completely accepted me and Tsume tolerated me (as I was told, he doesn’t accept, but tolerates) , but with Kiba it was different I didn’t know whether he even tolerated me he keeps looking down on me even though I’m a few months younger. Should I say something?
Tonight, I didn’t have the chance the pack was plotting on freeing Cheza from a noble’s tower. I was to guard the entrance with Hige to keep any more soldiers from coming in. Kiba was to rescue Cheza and the other two were decoys to fool the soldiers. A perfect plan manipulated by Tsume. The three were already inside there was yelling and loud noises. Occasionally, small groups of soldiers came. Blue and I finished them off quickly and the plan seemed to go by smoothly.
Soon enough Kiba, his gang, and I were running for freedom. Kiba was in human form in order to carry Cheza. He seemed to be wounded I wonder what happened in there. As soon as I heal, I might fight again hoping he doesn’t consider me weak since that win was a fluke.
As I re-thought about joining this path it turned into early morning as the sky was turning pale yellow. What was this Cheza like? She smelt so sweet with her floral scent. There she was a living proof of Rakuen and its existence. The five seemed as quiet as they did not utter a word as they headed for unknown lands. This was going to be a difficult journey. We now have a human with us I’ve always considered them as clumsy animals walking on their two-leg stilts. Yet, there was something strangely un-human about her. But, now was no time to think it was a time of action since cars crawling with soldiers were surrounding us.
I sprinted up to be running next to Kiba. “K-Kiba! There are vehicles coming up in front of us to, we’d better stop and fight-“I was cut off as the vehicles retreated and an airship hovered above us. The pack picked up its pace and I was last again. With a thump the airship landed and streaks of red began to fly all over. One already hit Tsume and the pack stopped. My eye caught two that were headed for Kiba (who was now in wolf form) I jumped in front off him and the lasers hit me I yelped in pain as I went flying through the air. The next one hit Hige and the lasers stopped.
I was relieved for a second before I saw at least twenty soldier trod out of the airship. I got up to my feet and once again stepped in front of Kiba. “Listen, Taiya, take Cheza away from here.” Kiba said panting. “B-but what about H-hige and Tsume?” I asked also panting. “I’ll take care of them, just keep running meet us at the next city take Hige with you.” He ordered as Hige also limped over. Hige and I stumbled to Cheza. “Get on my back Cheza.” I barely whispered. Even though I couldn’t use the human illusion I could probably carry her. “This can run.” Cheza replied softly. That’s how it went.
[center][i]So you're guided?
Do you keep running from something?
The endless world,
Someday, when you've reached your destination,
You'll be able to see the rest of your dream.[/i][/center]
[B]Chapter 4: Silence of the Wolves[/B]
We reached the city at day break Cheza stopped once in a while to heal our wounds and I had to put the human illusion on. “C’mon, just imagine you were a human, it’s easy!” Hige encouraged me. I tried and tried, but still could not do it.” Okay, then just pretend you’re my dog.” He said after my seventh failed attempt. I wanted to argue, but decided not to. I was too tired to argue so I just nodded. We walked through the town Hige and Cheza looked like a normal couple and I a normal dog. Finding a bench at a park they sat down and I sat next to the bench.
I got up and sat next to Cheza. “Cheza, does Rakuen exist?” I whispered to her. Hige’s attention was caught and he turned to look at me mildly interested. Cheza began to pet me. “What do you think?” she asked patting me on the head. “I’ll be right back.” I said to both of them. I trotted out of the park and to the city’s main gate. My eyes caught hold of three human figures and even though I didn’t know it my human illusion was on.
I sprinted for them all seemed to be bloody and battered and Tsume who was hit by the laser seemed to be in the best condition. “Ch-Cheza? How is she?” Kiba managed to utter. “She’s with Hige she’s alright.” I assured him. I helped Kiba to get to the park and Tsume helped Blue. “The whole pack is injured we should rest here until we heal a bit.” I told Kiba. To my surprise, he nodded in agreement. “No more than three days.” Was his response.
We were in peace the next three days. The pack fully healed (even my back and Kiba’s chest), Hige brought us food, and we drank from the nearby stream. The pack was once more excited to go to Rakuen and tomorrow was the full moon. Even I couldn’t help but wag my tail at the thought of all seven of us at the full moon. That day, we took things slow and easy stopping often. Cheza decided to walk. I began to like her, but I decided not to be attached to her and I decided to do the same with the pack. I cried for days after my pack died and betrayed me…I got attached. This won’t happen again! I promised myself. I’ll never be hurt if I don’t get attached.
The day went by slowly, taunting me and the pack. Of course, night eventually came and the pack literally flipped with happiness.