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Everything posted by BlackTigerOFire
[COLOR="DarkRed"]A good snack to snack on...hm? For me, it really depends really. When I'm getting home from school and haven't eaten lunch, which is almost always cause my school food is gross, I usually get a bowl of grapes or something sweet. Depending on what we have. Now if I wake up in the middle of the night, I usually get an apple. Trying this thing out where I get some healthy food instead of junk food but sometimes it doesn't always work and I'll grab a back of the fun size chips to go with that apple.:animesmil All my sister do the dry cereal thing but I really don't like my cereal dry. So sometimes I will sneak a bowl of frosted flakes or whatever late at night. So all in all, it really just depends for me.:catgirl:[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Chiyasha]Sorry to say this, Justin Timberlake's SexyBack. I cannot stop laughing the first time I listen to this song. What's with Justin? Was he too horny and enthusiastic while recording this song? :drunk: Seriously, I dunno what's going to happen upon this Trousersnake.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy][CENTER]Lol. You are so right. I was going to say Weird Al's song "White and Nerdy" but this song REALLY makes me die laughing. I really like Justin Timberlake but this song I cannot help but diss. ''I'll let you whip me if I misbehave" is my favorite part of the song. I just laugh everytime I hear that one part. OMG! It trips me out. :bellylol: I just remembered something. That song "Chicken Noodle Soup" has to be the next funniest for me. The song has no meaning what so ever and the dance just makes it worse! [/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy][CENTER]I really don't like Metallica. I guess there music is alright but some of it is just nosense really. I know my sister is really into them (or trying to). I think the only song I like that I know is St.Anger. Lol. I feel a bit foolish. I think the only reason I like that song is because of the video.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
Sign Up Project: Liberation Transmission [M-LV]
BlackTigerOFire replied to Anakoni Stark's topic in Theater
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Rumi Song [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Nationality:[/B] Japanese/Black [B]Race:[/B] Hellcat [B]Powers:[/B] She can manipulate fire and use it at her will. Of course, she is able to bring out fire whenever she wants but it is much more powerful when she manipulates it from another source. Not only that, she is able to add her fire to her weapon creating a fiery twister. She also can make fiery beings using the power of the flames she gathers. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i195/Kyanii09/brownegirl.jpg]Rumi[/URL] [B]Alternate Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g227/BlackTiger_of_Fire/Rumi.png]Rumi2[/URL] [B]Occupation:[/B] Student in college/Artist assistant [B] Medical Defects:[/B] Anger Management, ADD, and Depression [B]Weapons:[/B] [URL=http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g227/BlackTiger_of_Fire/Rumi.png]Twister[/URL] [B]Background:[/B] Growing up, Rumi lived with only her mother and her only sister, Sumi. There father, sadly, past on before Rumi even knew him. Rumi lived with her mother and sister for a while until they figured out that her mother was blind and was unable to take care of them. But, Sumi was of age to fend for herself and take care of Rumi. It was there, in a little apartment, that Sumi took her own life and Rumi saw her do it. Sumi was locked up in her room while Rumi, the age of 14, was sitting in front of the TV watching her daily programs. ?Sumi, I?m hungry,? Rumi called out to the locked door. There was dead silence. Rumi didn?t like silence or like being still. Which really explains how ADD she is. Rumi got up and walked over to the door slowly thinking she would scare her sister. When Rumi stood in front of the door, she quickly opened it screaming at the top of her lungs saying ?I?m hungry!? Just as she said it, a gun shot went of and Rumi saw her sister fall from the bed onto a pool of her own blood. After that day, Rumi went into foster home after foster home. Seeing counselor after counselor. Each one of them trying to help her get through the depression she was feeling. But inside, Rumi didn?t want help. She just wanted out. She was confused and ticked. She was always yelling, always screaming, and then suddenly, always getting sad or crying. Then her next foster home was in Brian?s neighborhood. That is how they met. Wondering around the neighborhood until they bumped into each other. Since then, they?ve been real close and Rumi told Brian everything about herself. From her father disappearance to her sister?s death, she released all the stress on her shoulders. Since then, they?ve been an item always having each other?s back. [I hope you don't mind, but BlackTigerGurl said I could RPG as this character. She said she's already in 2 RPGs and she doesn't think she'll be able to do this one.][/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT] -
Anime Why Do People Love Anime So Much?
BlackTigerOFire replied to NightAlchemist's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy][CENTER]Why do I like anime? Is it the plot? The characters? Well, I think I like anime because that when I watch it, I imagine myself within the anime. Doing the things the characters are doing or acting like the characters act. Not only that, but I think it is the characters too. I love the way they act so goofy one minute but then act all serious the next. It's pretty funny. I also think it is the plot. To me, an anime has to have a good plot to be a success. I say, not all animes have to have a good plot like Bobobo-bo-bobo(or have ever it is). It's a pretty weird anime but I like it. I think that is about it. :animeswea [/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy][CENTER]I love Japanese music. My parents think I'm nuts for being so into Japan instead of America but I can't help it. The Japanese music is so soothing and sometimes peaceful. I love the way they talk even if I don't understand what they are singing about. Sometimes, I'll go look for the english lyrics so I can have a better understanding of the musics. Most of the Japanese music I listen to comes from anime shows or video games. But now that they have a Japanese station, it's a lot easier to listen out for different variety of Japanese music. I prefer the calm peaceful type over the rockish type though.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]False. Haven't had a boyfriend yet. :animecry: TPBM has cheated on a test before.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]Here is the review. I found it on the site also so I don't have to type it out. Hopefully, it isn't that long.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT] Reviewed by Lisa Schwarzbaum Because I was so harsh on Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl when it steamed into port three years ago while so many others around me were hoisting their mugs of grog for the movie based on a Disney theme-park ride, I was determined to embrace Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest with the open mind of a rum-soaked hearty. ''A mirthless course of script beats and busy action sequences'' is what I arggghed back then, mustering only a mild yo-ho-ho for Johnny Depp's glam-rock vamping as pirate/Village Person Capt. Jack Sparrow. I see now that I was wrong about the original: It's a thing of balletic grace, theatrical richness of character, and self-effacing economy of action when compared with the shapeless, weightless, endless sequel -- a version 2.0 that, in its final minutes, portends a future 3.0 of such necessarily staggering, ostentatious extravagance as to bankrupt all but the most iron-walleted of Hollywood producers. Yes indeed, Pirates 2.0 is a theme ride, if by ride you mean a hellish contraption into which a ticket holder is strapped, overstimulated but unsatisfied, and unable to disengage until the operator releases the restraining harness. There's a big moviegoing chasm between joy and Pavlovian response, and this baby plunges headlong into the abyss in a summer when other equally escapist big deals manage to keep their wits about them. [spoiler]So, first to the barely intelligible plot -- not that the plot in Dead Man's Chest matters a fig anyway, except insofar as young sweethearts Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley) are once again thwarted from, as they say in classic pirate movies, getting it on. This time what stands between the two photogenic romantic leads is bluster from a new villainous British prig-in-a-wig, some twitty adult who demands that Will do some impossible thing or another to earn his freedom. Or else. (Or else what? Like we'd care? Like Will and Liz are anything other than whirling teacup figurines?) Meanwhile, Jack (the louche weirdness now ratcheted up by the one-of-a-kind Mr. Depp so that jumpin' Jack is an exotic Cage aux Folles bird of even fancier lip twitches, wrist curls, and rouged feathers) owes a debt to the underworldly lord of the waterlogged, Davy Jones (Bill Nighy). And Jones commands a ship of dead fools disfigured with pulsating, curling, slimy goiters and squid-like protuberances. This army of the deep suggests the very picture of ick by teen standards, conjured through the very fanciest of special effects; the clattering skeletons of the original Pirates look positively minimalist by comparison. Beneath the tangle of Jones' facial pasta, it's possible ever so faintly to make out Nighy's own familiar, welcome characteristic head tilts, more usefully employed by the delightful British actor in just about anything else he has ever done, but doubtless never more handsomely remunerated. Anyway, as Jack, Will, and Elizabeth work cooperatively, the makers of Dead Man's Chest hurl obstacles in the trio's way with the tenacity -- and undifferentiated agitation -- of shipboard monkeys. Clash after calamity after jokey mishap ensues, with time enough for many of the original secondary players to cash their own paychecks. Remember the BBC Office's Mackenzie Crook as that skinny, scurvy seafaring knave with the loose fake eyeball prone to going astray? There's more eyeball rolling where that came from. But, see, this is where the cheat between sensation and satisfaction comes in, a substitution only likely to become more commonplace as the Pirates franchise becomes the very model of modern studio brand extension. Without character, where's the consequence? Without consequence, where's the joy? Without an artistic stake in eliciting joy (or sadness, or concern, or something other than a glazed giggle at Depp's finery), there's nothing to keep producer Jerry Bruckheimer, director Gore Verbinski, and their screenwriting galleymates from piling on another big false ending, and another, and another, Caribbean without end, until a pummeled audience begs for a toilet break and, for mercy's sake, a real conclusion. Discounting adrenaline rush, fright, nausea, and relief as evidence of dramatic effect, there are no consequences in a theme-park ride: You get on, you get jiggled, you get off. Maybe you even ask for another go-round, because it feels so good when the jiggling stops. Difference is, a ride runs a few minutes, while Dead Man's Chest cranks for what feels like an infernal eternity.[/spoiler]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]False-I am a girl.... :animedepr TPBM is watching a movie.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]OMFG! I was reading the 'Entertainment Weekly' magazine were some reporters were giving their reveiws on movies. Well, I wanted to see what rating PotC got and I was sort of shocked at what it got. It got a D+ rating and as I read why it gives all these reason and excuses why the reporter didn't like it. I was so ticked off!! Grrr. :animeangr [/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]Here is my veiw on this matter. If we allow people to advertise something like this, it just gives companies a more of a reason to advertise more of these ads that could more like this. Yes, it is merly saying that the white PS2 is better than the oringal but if you look at it deep enough, people will also see that it is saying that a white woman is better than a black person. Some people see it that way. People should make an ad that would attact the same audience. Black and white. Not something that will offend anyone. This type of ad would offend mostly the black population. So dropping the selling process of this object. This ad offends the black audience that is why their is a big deal on this and if it was vise versa, I do think that the white audience. Possible a bigger deal then what they are making of this right now. People just got to be smart on how they advertise things.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Dragon Warrior][spoiler]I noticed this too and was confused, but after Barbossa appeared at the end (which I somewhat predicted would happen), I figured the money and Barbossa would be explained in the third. I do love the fact he's back 'cause he's so much cooler of a villain than Davy Jones :) Even if he's somewhat on the good side now. [/spoiler]Having said that, I just returned from seeing the movie again. You understand it a lot more after the second time. It also goes quicker and you catch a lot of stuff you miss the first time 'cause you aren't looking for it. [spoiler]The first time they go to the Voodoo Lady's house (her name has slipped my mind), you'll see the monkey playing with Barbossa's legs, who is either sleeping on the floor or still dead and the Voodoo Lady hasn't revived him yet or what-have-you. So whether you catch that or not, Barbossa is in the movie a lot earlier than you think.[/spoiler] And a lot of people asked me why I didn't dress as a pirate. Am I that geeky? ;) Haha, diss on GTK :^D[/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]I've never noticed that. I guess I will have to look pretty hard for that the next time I see it my friends. But it will be hard for me since my eye site is poor. I dressed up as a pirate that day. You are like the only I know who didn't...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
[quote name='musical_kitten]My sister who is closest to my age is pretty ok, [B]but my other sister, who is 11, lies like there is no tomorrow, and gets mad when we don't trust her or believe her, whether she is right or wrong.[/B'] [/quote] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]Lol. That's me and my older sister. Well, she has a reason why mother doesn't believe her but I on the other hand don't. [/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
[QUOTE=Dragon Warrior] Onto the real conversation at hand, I find it funny we speak of the romance as if they're real people. It's like when this one woman in the store randomly started talking to me about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie like she was personal friends with them.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]Yeah, I found it pretty funny too. I don't know why we do it but we do. [spoiler]But, Jack and Liz will never be. They are too different but how Will and Liz got together, I will never know.[/spoiler] So you make Pirates of the Caribbean Franchise? Must be pretty cool. Lucky.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]Yes, we all know what you mean. I have 3 sisters. One is older and thinks she knows everything. Everytime I'm trying to do something she's always telling me a better way to do it. It drives me crazy! :animeangr I then have a 5 year old that cries about everything. She's always coming up into my room and destorying so many of my things. I try to tell our mother about it and it is always the same thing: "She's young. She'll grow out of it." Ugh. I have a 10 year old sister who tries to do anything she can to get some attention even if it is negative attention. I will admit, however, that I can be the annoying one sometimes. I mean, every sibling is annoying in their own way.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]