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Everything posted by madwitch5
I agree there I have to redo alot of the first chapters, I started this a while ago back in 6th grade thanks fer yer feedback
Ok this is the first 9 chapters of my book ive been working on this since August and would love all the input and comments I can get on this. I would also like to thank the people ahead of time that have read this whole thing.   Chapter 1 Matt?s downfall A cold dark day in the life of Matt Sprig his parents funeral. Matt?s parents had died a week ago in a car crash Matt was devastated, the court had told him he must go to his aunt and uncle. He was filled with sadness and hate he had to move into a house with people he hated in a house that wasn?t even big enough for two people! (the next day) ?Ashes to ashes dust to dust may you rest in peace? Matt?s head kept cycling those words that the priest had said, Matt couldn?t take it the pain was just to unbearable to realize his parents were gone so he covered his sadness with anger, anger for what the court has ruled in favor. The anger to live with this pain to have to move and start over in this small shit town. A week later Matt woke up that morning angry and sad as ever, an lied there he started getting visions of his Parents but he kicked them out of his mind the pain was to alarming the wound was still to fresh. So he began to stare at the ceiling it was white with yellow fade spot and he began to wonder what did the churches ceiling look like but he didn?t recall.? Matt yawned ?Well I better get up got to go to school? as he threw off the covers to go get dressed. Chapter 2 The unfolding question Matt Walked out on the cold dreary sidewalk it had rained 5 days in a row and had finally stopped on his first day of school. ?Man this sucks I missed the bus, my first day of school and I missed the god damn bus!? Matt screamed aloud, He walked for about five more minuets and came across the old downy trees it was the local forest it was said that an old Mansion was back there somewhere. It was said that the family that lived there was conducting awful experiments on the people that would stop at the Mansion, as well as the workers themselves turning them into horrid monstrous beings that fed on flesh. But Matt didn?t listen he thought that it was just the local town ghost story that every town had, Matt looked once more at the woods and couldn?t help but feel he was being watched he looked this way and that assuring there was nobody watching him and took off down the sidewalk. Matt finally reached the school hardly a school at all Ran down shackles broken glass and ugly grayish peeling paint it wasn?t a nice sight to see. Matt walked in the school and saw an old man sitting on the stairwell He saw Matt and stood up ?Matt Sprig?? the man asked ?Yes? Matt replied ?your late? the man yelled out, Matt walked up to the man and explained what happened. ?I see? the man said with a vague look on his face ?well lets get you to class Im your principal Mr. Shay? ?Nice to meet you sir? Matt replied politely to his new principal. Later at lunch Matt was looking for a place to sit he being the new kid no one wanted to sit with him, so he found a small table at the end at the cafeteria and started to eat the food so disgusting like maggots crawling around inside his mouth he spit it out ?Mashed potatoes my ass!? he said to himself. Matt looked up 2 boys were walking towards him he remembered early in the day he saw those two they looked like the popular boys in the school why would they come over to him But he was soon to find out. . Chapter Three His parents note. ?Hi I?m John and he?s Mick, nice to meet you? ?Hi I?m Matt? he replied confused. ?Nice to meet you? John replied as the two sat down at Matt?s table ?So how long have you been going here we haven?t seen you much?? Mick asked him ?well I?m in everyone classes I think it?s just because I?m new? ?Maybe??. ?Oh hey Mick and I are going to look for that old Mansion in the Downy Trees and were wondering if you wanted to come?? John asked ?well I don?t know, is it even their my aunt and uncle told me it was just a story?? Matt replied ?Well that?s what we want to find out!? ?And why do you want to invite me?? ?Well seeing as your new we want to be the first to include you!? Mick said ecstatically. ?Um.... okay? Matt replied ?when are we going?? He asked ?tomorrow after school? ?all right Ill be there?. After school Matt went back to his home ,if you wanted to call it his home he hated the term. But Matt finally thought it was time to go threw his father and mother?s things that were left for him, Matt walked into his aunt and uncle?s home and saw his uncle at the table reading the towns local newspaper but He didn?t see his aunt anywhere in sight. ?Hey Uncle Tom!? Matt yelled as he closed the door, his uncle looked up from his paper ?How was your first day Mathew?? his uncle asked ?It was ok no homework yet.? ?Well someone?s in a good mood.? his uncle said surprised it was the first time in a long time since he saw Matt like this. ?Well I met some boys today and they invited me over this weekend!? ?well that?s good Matt? , ?And umm uncle I was wondering if I could go threw my Parents stuff?? ?Are you sure your ready?? ?Yea, I just think its the right time.? ?Well okay .?. Matt?s uncle got up from the table and left upstairs in about five min. he was on his way back down with two boxes and a letter on top of one of them, ?Here you go Matt.? his uncle put the boxes down in the living room ?Thanks Uncle Tom.? Matt thanked his uncle and opened the letter on his mother box and began to read: Dear Mathew, my sweet boy once you read this you?ll know that your father and I have passed, In our boxes are our old cloths, some old Items, and our weapons, use them with care, and remember son we will always love you. Mom Matt?s eyes began to swell up with tears ?Are you ok Matt?? his uncle asked ?Yea I?m fine.? Chapter 4 Prep. date Mat shuffled threw his parents? things looking for two things his father?s katana sword, and his mother?s 9mm pistol with an extra long clip able to hold 100 bullets. He found his mother?s pistol first took it out and aimed it at the ceiling, Matt put the gun down on the floor and took out his father?s sword. Matt took the blade out of its sheath ?Wow I?ve finally got dad?s sword? Matt said in awe. Matt put the sword in it?s sheath and set it down next to his Mother?s gun, he stood up and grabbed the weapons ?thanks again uncle!? Matt said running upstairs. Matt opened the door and walked inside ?BOOM!? Matt hit his head on the ceiling ?God dam it!? the room was so cramped it was unbearable, like in the Harry Potter film where he sleeps under the staircase. Matt walked over to his book bag and unzipped it, throwing his books this way and that smashing against the cramped little walls. He ran down stairs to grab some food he did so and ran back up in a flash, putting it in the book bag he asked himself ?what now I?ve got Dad?s sword Mom?s gun but what else?? ?Maybe this!? Matt ran over to his dad?s box and grabbed an old Zippo lighter ?Dad said this is a lucky lighter it may come in handy.? Matt put the lighter in his pants pocket and walked over to his book bag he zipped it up then swung it over his back. Matt walked down stairs he put his gun in his pocket and the katana sheath threw one of his belt loops, ?well see you uncle? matt yelled walking out the door. Matt began to walk down the street ?dam its cold.? Matt blew on his hands it?s very strange it was never this cold in the day time it was only 5:00 in the afternoon. He began to run thinking he?d get left behind ?I hope they don?t forget me.? Chapter 5 The beginning Matt arrived at the front of the woods and saw the boys, ?God I thought you?d never get here!? exclaimed John, Mick just slumped against a tree smiling. ?sorry I got a little side tracked on the way here.? Matt explained to them, Mick stared at Matt?s new sword ?Nice sword.? ?umm thanks, look at this gun my mom left me.? Matt took out his mothers gun and showed it to his new acquaintances. ?Nice!? yelled John ?look at mine.? he said pulling what looked to be a very heavy rifle off of his back, much to big for the boy to handle Matt nodded and looked at Mick to see what he had brought with him for protection. ?Well? he began ?My parents don?t allow guns so I could only bring this.? Mick pulled out a long shiny knife so shiny you could see yourself as if it was a mirror reflection. Matt just shook his head ?So when are we going to get moving into the woods? Matt asked the others, ?As soon as you want to get moving.? Mick said quietly almost like a whisper ?Ok then lets go!? Matt yelled ?Ok?. The boys began to move threw the woods talking to each other John louder than the rest, but about an hour into their quest Mick began to speak with more intensity and started to stare at Matt. ?Matt would you like to know the REAL reason we brought you out here?? ?Umm sure..? ?We better sit down .?, The boys found a spot near a big tree and sat down for the long talk ahead. ?Ok Matt about a week ago my sister Jamie went missing.? ?Ok? matt replied with a confused look on his face, ?well she went missing after being dared to go into the downy trees and find the house, time went by and her friends waited at the entrance of the forest and Jamie didn?t return so they left and went to the police station to report their friend. But they wouldn?t help only because it wasn?t 24 hours of missing, so a day passed and they went back the police rounded up a search party and headed out into the woods.......But they never came back? Mick went silent ?So you drag me out here to look for your sister! even after knowing the police went missing looking for her!? Matt yelled ?Yes....? ?You son of a bitch!? Matt drew his sword ?No don?t do this? yelled John ?put it away it won?t help any!? Matt put it away and began to breath deeply ?Lets go back? Matt told them ?we cant? said Mick ?why the hell cant we!? ?Because they lock the gates at 6? Matt looked at his watch ?6:31, dam! well lets find your sister and get the fuck out of here!? Matt and the other two boys began to walk into the now dark night. Chapter 6 The first to die The boys still walking into a relatively helpless situation came to a crossroad ?which way guys?? Matt asked ?I don?t know? said Mick ?You go that way Mick, Matt you go strait and Ill go to the left.? the boys split up unable to see each other by the thickening bunch of trees. When they all heard a loud howl like a wolf but there were more then 1 maybe a pack or so they weren't sure, but what they were sure of was that they needed their weapons. Matt took out his mothers gun and loaded it up with a fast motion, John swung his rifle into his hands and dropped it he was just able to pick it up, and Mick took his knife out of his pocket. They began walking ahead again but this time to Matt and Mick?s ears the howls sounded farther away but to John they sounded like they were right up ahead, he aimed his gun into the darkness and fired. The shot was so powerful it sent him back a few feet falling onto the ground, he heard a dog moan in pain but then heard paws hitting the ground floor faster and faster till he could see red glowing eyes running at him. John?s eyes widen and he rushed to pick up the gun, he managed to get one hand on the trigger he pointed no time to aim and fired 2 shots but hit nothing, they got closer and he fired a 3rd and hit another not a wolf he didn?t know what the hell they were he thought dogs from hell but that was to farfetched. John pulled the trigger once again ?click? ?oh god no? he tried again ?click? he had ran out of ammo and had no time to reload, he got to his feet but soon back down the lead hell hound pounced onto John and latched its jaws onto his face. The monstrous dog twisted and tore at his face ripping and tearing John?s skin off the dogs teeth sinking deeper into his face getting tighter with every second, John still conches put his lifeless hand in his pocket and pulled out a shell and loaded it into the rifle next to his body. Then with his last bit of strength he lifted the barrel up to the dogs stomach and fired, Disgustingly the body was gone with only the entrails and blood on John?s body but the dogs Fangs were so deep into John?s face the head was still attached with the eyes looking into his. Those bright red eyes glaring into John?s soul its like it never died it was already dead, he tore off the head and looked up and saw the other dogs standing there staring at him smelling his fear John closed his eyes accepting his fate. Chapter 7 The Arrival The two boys filled with fear from the Snarls, Screams, and gunshots they had just heard made them run their hearts out of the paths they were on, smacking into each other. ?Ouch!? yelled Matt as he fell to the ground, ?Did you hear what I herd!?? Exclaimed Mick in fear ?yeah!? Matt replied ?Lets get the hell out of here? Mick demanded ?I?m with you on that!?. The two boys drew their weapons, Matt with his dad?s Katana and Mick with his bowie Knife and began cautiously walking down the path wondering what's to come. The night got later and the surroundings darker, scarier ?I?ve got a flashlight in my book bag? yelled out Matt as he unzipped his bag and took out the light that would guide there way. ?Great timing? Mick said sarcastically. The boys began to walk again, hearing the calls of the owls the trees rustling in the cold harsh breeze just added onto the terrifying seance of fear that had surrounded the boys. Hours went on and the boys became more and more scared as they walked deeper and deeper into the woods, Mick was beginning to get paranoid the longer they were out there the worse it became. ?Do you see that light Mick?? Matt yelled pointing at a faint yellowish light in the distance, Mick looked up and began to run at the light. ?Mick wha- where are you going!? Matt began running after him as fast as he could, when all of a sudden Matt smashed into Mick?s back with a hard thud . Matt stood up ?What the hell!? he yelled out Mick just pointed ahead in awe ?Is that Is that it?? ?I think so Matt?, the two boys walked up to the front door and knocked hard on it but there was no answer. So they knocked again but no answer ?We came all this way were not turning back I?m going to find her if it?s the last thing I do!? Mick yelled out pounding on the door. Matt put his hand on Mick?s shoulder ?We will don?t worry.? the two boys heard the door click and slowly with a loud creek it revealed a small hunched over man. ?Hello isn?t a bit far for you boys to be out?? ?Just let us in!? Mick yelled out ?I?m sorry about him but our friend may be hurt can we use your phone?? ?The wolves got him correct?? the boys nodded ?He?s dead? the small man inclined as he opened the door. The boys wearily entered the old Victorian structure ?How can we get back to town?? Matt asked quietly ?I?m afraid there isn?t a ride for a few days, you see deep in these woods a buggy only comes by once a week to bring us to town.? He smiled at them ?But not to worry! you may stay here until that day arrives.? ?Thanks? Matt said in a sarcastic tone of voice. The three men walked into what looked like to be a kitchen, it was covered from head to toe in dust and cobwebs . ?It looks like no ones eaten in here for years!? Mick said disgusted by how dirty it was, ?Yes well we don?t have many guests in these parts as you may have guessed....? The man said looking back at him with a cold look. ?You may sit here? he said pulling out two dusty chairs ?The Mistress will be with you shortly?, the two boys sat down and the man soon left the room. ?We found it Matt? Mick exclaimed ?Now we can find Jamie? ?Mick there?s some thing you haven?t thought, this is the house they could kill us!? Mick?s eyes widened with terror ?Matt what if those wolves we herd were theirs!?? ?Lets get the hell out of here? Matt yelled as he stood up and ran towards the door. Chapter 8 The Widow As Matt ran up to the door it opened quickly, with a flash a beautiful woman pale as a ghost in a raggedy blood red cape was in front of the boys. ?Hello? she said in a sweet tone Matt stood there looking in awe ?H-hello? Mick let out over in his seat, ?I must inquirer, why are you in my house?? she asked blankly. ?Well? Matt began ?WHERE?S MY SISTER!? Mick yelled bashing his fists on the table making the china rattle, Matt rubbed his forehead in discomfort ?What do you mean, we have not had any passerby's in quiet some time you by far are the only ones at your age?. Matt spoke for both of them now ?I?m sorry my friend and I are looking for his sister, she went missing a while back and we thought she may have ended up here.? the woman let out a small laugh ?You think this is that haunted house, my boy you have gotten this all wrong I am but a lonely Widow. Please sit down and we may discuss these matters further?, in a quick motion she had grabbed his arm and forcibly placed him next to Mick at the table. She moved gracefully as if she was floating, Matt?s palms were sweating and he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck prick up as he watched her sit at the table. ?Now, you may stay here for the night and we will take you to town tomorrow? ?No! we aren't leaving untill we find my sister, I know you have her here!? ?My boy I am telling you I have not seen your sister in this house.? she replied calmly. There was a loud clashing noise and the butler had come threw the doors with a great cart of food platters, he quickly rolled up and placed a plate in front of each of them it smelt so heavenly the butler lifted the covers off and a huge amount of smoke rushed up into the air dissipating into nothing. The woman picked up a worn out fork ?Please eat.? She ordered them, Matt did nothing but watch what Mick did ?No thanks I think we would rather go to bed.? Mick said coldly. Matt?s Hair was still standing up something didn?t feel right ?Very well? the woman snapped her fingers and the butler walked over to the boys ?Follow me will you? he told Matt ?Um sure? he stood up and walked off with the butler leaving Mick with the widow. This was a different butler not like the man at the door this guy looked like he was free, the butler before moved like an older slave frail and brittle. But not him he looked like he hadn?t a care in the world ?Where are we going?? Matt asked him ?To your room, where else?, Matt liked this guy not like the others he seemed like he could be trusted. They arrived at a door it was so worn chipped on the sides, hinges were rusted. The butler opened the door and walked inside Matt quickly followed, He was amazed at how beautiful the room was. Chandelier on the ceiling, below that a queen size bed the room was covered in Persian rugs on the floor, ?One of the nicest rooms in the mansion? announced the butler as he left the room ?Good night? he said as he shut the door. Back in the dinning room Mick was out of control yelling and screaming at the woman pleading with her to tell him where his beloved sister was. But all she could say was ?I haven't the slightest idea? and she was so calm not even breaking a sweat, Mick stood up from his chair with a loud screech and crash as it hit the floor ?Now why?d you have to go and do that young one? The woman snapped her fingers filling the room with an eerie echo. Within seconds two disgusting looking men shot out of the floor and landed with a large thud making the ground shake they?re skin was rotten and chunks of skin were missing showing exposed skin to the air. ?What the hell!? Mick yelled as he pulled out his knife, the woman chuckled and snapped her fingers again making the men rush at Mick. She turned and walked off laughing, Mick was afraid they looked as if they didn?t want to catch him more like they wanted food! They moaned and groaned as they steadily walked towards him, like something out of a horror flick he thought to himself as he raised his primitive weapon ready to strike. The first man grabbed on to Mick with such force it almost knocked him off of his feet the man opened his mouth drool dripped from his mouth onto Mick?s neck he was going to bite! The man plunged his head at Mick he screamed and stabbed into the man?s body and pushed him back moments away from the bite that would seal his fate, the man stumbled back as dark red blood began spewing from the wound onto the floor in front of him. The man began to walk forward again as if it hadn?t hurt him at all, but luckily the fresh blood on the floor slipped him up making him plunge to the ground. The other man groaned and turned away from Mick and onto the man lying on the floor beside him and began eat, Mick took this chance to ?try? to find a way out he ran to the door he came in. He tugged and rattled the doorknob but it wouldn't budge ?Shit!? he yelled out, he looked back at the men a gruesome sight lay upon his eyes not only that but the sound of crunching bone and flesh. Blood was everywhere, then the man feasting upon his comrade looked up at Mick with bloodlust in his eyes. The man slowly stood up from his meal and began walking at Mick again ?Not again!? he yelled, he ran to the door that the butler had come out of and stopped in front of it praying it was unlocked but there was no luck it was locked too. Mick began to panic he looked around scanning the room for another door as the man closed in on his prey, but those were the only two ?What am I going to do!? he asked himself looking at the man walking towards him. Then his eye caught the shine of his knife sticking out of the fallen mans stomach, it was his only chance Mick quickly ran past the man still alive and slid over to the other body. The stench was unbearable Mick thought he was going to barf but managed to tear the knife out of the corpse, He turned around as the man began to swat at him with his arms ?Get away!? he yelled raising the knife up to the man and slashed at the man with his eyes closed. He herd a sharp tearing sound and a thud on the floor, he opened his eyes and blood squirt onto him Mick yelled out in terror as he fell back on the other corpse the man came to and lunged at Mick but this time he was ready. Just as the Monstrous man was about to latch onto Mick?s neck he raised up his knife and stabbed the man in the head, he fell onto of Mick sandwiching him between the other dead body. Mick sighed in relief ?now to find a way out of here.? Chapter 9 A rude awakening Matt laid awake in the cold large bed looking into the darkness, thinking about what had happened tonight. John who Matt presumed dead was so young and vibrant what could have been his downfall? Moments passed and Matt heard the door to his room open, he pulled himself up to a sit on the bed ?What was that? and a thud sounded. Matt stood up out of bed and ran over to the switch on the wall flipping it, the lights came on quickly and tensed his eyes making Matt squeeze them shut in pain. As he slowly opened his eyes to a blur he could see the outline of his surroundings, he rubbed on his eyes and was able to see clearly. A man was walking towards him ?Hello?? Matt said dreary the man said nothing but kept walking, Matt walked over to the left and saw the rest of the man. The whole right side had no skin and the muscle was rotting showing exposed bone, Matt?s eyes widened in terror as he stumbled onto the floor. ?Get away!? he yelled as he picked his gun off the table above him ?I- I?ll shoot!? the man didn?t stop he kept coming, Matt could see now the man was drooling and his eyes were rolled back in his head. Matt shook his head as he aimed the gun at the man?s cheast ?I?m warning you for the last time!? he didn?t hesitate he unloaded two shots into the man?s chest cavity, Matt?s adrenalin was running like crazy and he thought he could hear his own heartbeat as he stood up. The man fell to the floor dark brown blood gushing from his mutilated chest, ?What the hell was wrong with that guy!? he said as he cautiously walked towards his katana across the room. It felt like an eternity just walking across the room as if it was in slow motion, he arrived at the man?s corpse which was now drenched in a pool of blood. He felt so ashamed of himself he never wanted to kill anyone, but considering the way this guy looked he considered it a mercy killing. ?I?m sorry? Matt said faintly as he continued he way to his sword arriving faster than he imagined he tied the string to his belt connecting the sheath and himself together, when all of a sudden he heard a low cry Matt turned on the balls of his feet and saw that the man had risen from his eternal slumber and was walking towards Matt again. ?What the hell!? this time Matt drew his sword and held it steady waiting for the man to get close he closed his eyes and swung decapitating the man with one fatal swing. Matt opened his eyes the head was on the floor but the body kept moving towards him, Matt backed away until the body fell with a great fall. Matt withdrew his sword and took out the pistol he checked the chamber and jumped over the body avoiding the blood gushing from it?s neck and out the door. The hall was dark and Matt couldn?t see anything he quickly took out his flashlight and held it with the gun in front of him, How long had he been sleeping he hadn?t the slightest clue all he knew is that he hoped he wouldn?t run into more of those zombie like men! Matt continued down the hall scanning it with the small faint light, he reached the main hall that brought you to the kitchen he doubted Mick was still in there but he had to check. Matt quickly zipped down the stairs and ran up to the big double doors he heard footsteps inside, he quickly opened up the doors pushing them with all his might. ?Mick!? he yelled rushing into the room ?Matt!? he heard in reply ?Where are you?? Matt yelled ?Here!? Mick yelled back raising his hand in the air. Matt ran over to him still sandwiched between the two dead men ?You had a run in with these shit faced freaks too?? Mick nodded as he and Matt pushed the top man off of him, Mick stood up and tore the knife out of the corpse?s head. He wiped it off on his shirt and looked at Matt ?how long have you been here?? Matt asked as he put away his gun ?About two hours? Mick looked back at the men on the floor ?We found the house Matt, Jamie?s here somewhere? Matt nodded ?We need to find that butler that led me to my room? Matt told him ?Are you crazy! that guy works for the crazy bitch that set those things on us!? ?No he was different, and I bet he will help us? Mick shook his head ?Whatever Matt just as long as we find her.
Name:Joshua Clark age:19 gender:male role in band:Lead guitarist/ back up singer personality:All around nice guy but has a dark side, if you mess with his bandmates or he himslef you better watch your back History of how he/she joined the band:Josh was the one for the idea for the band making most of the lyrics, he wasn't the greatest singer but a hardcore gutarist. He soon recruted some of his friends into his band and here they are today two years later. Band Sign-up sheet Name:Hostile Takeover genre: Hard rock/ metal Members:Josh Clark,lead guitarist, he plays on an Ibanez drop tuned D. James Mcgraph, rhythm guitarist, James plays on a Gibson SG. Cory Amell, Bassist, he uses a fender Bass guitar. Nick Queor, Drummer, He plays on a signature set used byJimi Jordison the drummer form the metal band Slipknot. Taylor Wait, Lead Singer, He sings into a micraphone not much els. Currect playlist: Run Away, Independant, Wasting away, Memories History:Two years ago Josh put these bunch of fools together Josh and James could barely play a chord, Taylor was so off key, and dont even get me started on Cory! But time went on and they became better, now they are the most popular band around their home town but are still small in the music world. They hope by winning this Battle of the Bands contest theyll get known further into the music world. Snippet: From:Memories 3rd verse: The Sex was great beyond an eight I just wanted to take a break, you overreacted and compleatly flatened everything that was ever made. Our friendship down the twisting toilet down into the septic tank, to toil in all the mistakes you've ever made you can't be saved.
Pokemon Conquest! story- Time has passed in the pokemon world and a new evil organization called Team Sengrave has arisen from the ashes of all before it. Time passed and they came to rule all of Kanto, but a group of trainers came together to fight against Team Sengrave they called themselves Team Conquest. Time went on and the battle raged, the last ray of hope for the world went out when team Sengrave defeated Team Conquest. But now 12 years after 1 boy Craige Tanner will bring back the team and beat Team Sengrave and save the world once and for all. Back story- The story all began in Pallet Town, in an underground base which was owned by Professor Oak. He gave it to Craige?s father Jason Tanner for the greater good of the world of pokemon, they used the base as a headquarters. But unfortunately Team Sengrave?s base was in Celadon City at least they thought, Not long after Jason sent out 5 trainers to spy on Team Sengrave they returned with news of a new base in Viridien City. Jason knew what they were doing they are going to take over the old Bases of Team Rocket, Jason sent all of team Conquest to Viridian city alongside him for the last battle. It raged on days, tremendously strong pokemon battled for good and even stronger for evil. But sadly in the end Good lost and Team Sengrave ruled on and still do 12 years later. But now Jason?s son Craige will bring back Team Conquest and Bring down Team Sengrave, but he uses a different Base one of Team Sengraves old bases! in Vermilion City. Now its up to him and the new Team Conquest to tear down Team Sengrave, Will you help! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rules- 1. no legendaries 2. no god moding when fighting another trainer 3. your pokemon can only know 4 moves 4. your pokemon start at level 10 and can go up to 50(5 battles to gain a level) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sign up- Name: Age: (must be in between 11 to 15) Gender: Personality: Description: pokemon party: 1 pokemon that is your most loyal companion: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ heres myn Name: Craige Tanner Age:15 Gender: male Personality: courageous and intelligent he loves Pokemon and Hates Team Sengrave Description: He?s 5'8 and 165 pounds he has black hair with blue streaks he always wears a black hoodie and baggy jeans. pokemon party: Arcanine, Umbreon, Pidgeot,Marowak,Venusaur,Charzard 1 pokemon that is your most loyal companion: Umbreon
story- Time has passed in the pokemon world and a new evil organization called Team Sengrave has arisen from the ashes of all befor it, time passed and they came to rule all of Kanto but a group of trainers came together to fight against Team Sengrave they called themselfs Team Conquest. Time went on and the battle raged, when in the last ray of hope for the world went out when team Sengrave defeated Team Conquest. But now 12 years after 1 boy Craige Tanner will bring back the team and beat Team Sengrave and save the world once and for all. Back story- Craige Tanner His father and Mother met in team Conquest they were the leaders they had their sun recently after the team Disbanded, he left home with his trusty team of pokemon to bring back Team Conquest. He challenged team gruntz and won he them met his rival in the exact place the battles were joining up with Sengrave he rised in their ranks and is now 1 of Craiges top priorites. With your help Craige will take down team Sengrave! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules- 1. no legendarys 2. no god modding when figthing another trainers 3. your pokemon can only know 4 moves 4. your pokemon start at lvl 10 and can go up to 50(5 battles to gain a level) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sign up- Name: Age: (must be in between 11 to 15) Gender: Personality: Discription: pokemon party: 1 pokemon that is yer most loyal conpanion: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- heres myn Name: Craige Tanner Age:15 Gender:male Personality: courageous and inteligent he loves Pokemon and Hates Team Sengrave Discription:Hes 5'8 and 165 pounds he has black hair with blue streaks he always wears a black hoodie and baggy jeans. pokemon party: Arcanine, Umbreon, Pidgeot,Marowak,Venusaur,Charzard 1 pokemon that is yer most loyal conpanion:Umbreon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- any questions Pm me thanks!
nonono his story is very different than myn this is totaly different i told him befor hand i was going to do this and he told ME! that ide have to sponser his story demon of the south and i agreed so im alloud to do this! there are 2 side to every story! :animeangr
-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Some of many kids have the power to use the keyblade, they are accepted to enter the keyblade acadamy. Here the teachers will help them learn to use their keyblades with more skill than they could ever imagin. There are tournaments, tests,and bravery exams that are held during the school year, the stdents think this is the best place they could ever be. But in reality the teachers are training the students how to be in a war the war of the keyblade. -\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- The war of the keyblade: There is one keyblade the dean wants and the only way to get it he believes he must train these young students to get it for him by force. An old order has arisen to protect the sacred keyblade and the students will go to war without knoledge of why to get the keyblade. The keyblae acadamy is one of may chapters of the keyblade war saga, so be prepared for a great rping adventure. The Academy. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Academy. Academy central - This is none other than the academy's location. Marked by a giant sign that says "Academy walkway". This path is 1 mile long and must be walked. But the academy decided to stretch it to 5 miles as a test for the freshmen. This path is bordered by beautiful red leaved trees. No matter the season the leaves are red. Behind the academy lies training forest. The outside area sarrounding the academy is known as "Academy central". Stores are located there for games and equipment needed for practice. The school supplies the students with money. Training Forest - An academy school ground. The students train here, talk with friends, and play. It's like a playground exept no one watches the students. Exept cameras. The forest has a gate that has been there before the academy was built. The builders decided to give it a touch of school by putting a banner on the gate. The banner has the words "Training grounds." on it. Dorm Rooms - This is where the students live you are allowed to make your room look like what ever you want this is also where the students eat. Forgotten Santum - This place is an area for only the brave. if a student is man enough Or brave enough) The will tread the grounds. It used to be a mansion. But due to the academy being built the mansion was moved. Now ghosts and heartless roam it's halls. The building is covered in ivy. Roses line the walkway entering the building. Dead roses. 7 Students have been reported missing in the building. What is it's secret? Nobody knows. -\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Worlds. Spirak Where the sacred keyblade is protected, the students go to fight the war here. Eyitan This planet is nothing but desert. The battle of guru was held here. Civilization is huge though. Vast oases covor the deserts. Field trip time for the students. A 7 day break for students. The planet is well known as a vacation spot. Ravensprout . This planet is known for it's canyons. Mostly used for army bases. Birds are beasts here. Named for it's raven's. These birds are vicious here. Poking peoples eyes out. Stealing. The god bird talks to the soldiers. He is peacful. But turns hypnotic when shiny oblects catch it's eye. He can carve keychains out of stone. Many keyblades have been discovered here. The canyon's are black. Night time is non existing here. But the sun stays nice and cool. The perfect place for a base. Rain is very rare. but a giant lake is always being rained on. Giving the planet life. -\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Battle types fighter- This is normal basic fighting. Use of power mostly. Hard hitting attaacks with no combos cahined. Defense creaking. People using this type of fighting must be physicly fit. Slow but effective against slower enemies. Drive form - This is a style were transforming is induced. Utilizing the keyblade to it's fullest. Attacks come in different styles. Hard hitting, stratigic fighting, and even acrobatic moves acan be used in this style. No exact body recemended. Depends on style hoice. Gunfighting - The use of projectiles. Either grenades or shooting from the keyblade. Not much is really needed for detail. It's a simple battle type. But swift bodies must be used. The faster your reaction to others the better you are. Keyblade control - The use of keyblade. You can use this style to make your keyblade hover arround. mental states of mind are usually needed for this type. This is also known as mental keyblading. You must be smart, and mentally strong. Also you need to know when to quit fighting. Berserk style - The use of combos. Chains, combos, endless attacks. Anything to bring down the house. You have to be really strong, fast, agile, and must have high stamina to pull this style of. Ony for the very skilled. he hardest style to achieve. -\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- magic types White magic - The use of healing magic. And even increasing resistance to other magics. The easiest form and the most helpful. Black magic - Using elemental magic. Examples : Fire, water, thunder, etc. Or even using status enducing spells. Like paralisys, poison, Silence, etc. It is quite useful when confrontingelemental monsters. Summoning magic - The sbility to summon creatures to battle. Only women are allowed to use this. Probably because only women are capable of using it. Some men have tooken steps in order to use summoning magic. But males have to have a certain bloodline. The most skill draining magic. Copycat magic - The ability to copy moves permenetly or een take the same action as others. Men use this skill to copy summoning spells. Or even taking on the form of someone. Pranksters misuse this magic to fool around like idiots. The most useful of magics. red magic - The ability to use elemental magic to transform body parts. If you want to transform your arm into poison ivy, you can. If you want tornadoes on your fists, you can. Easy to use. Defensive people use it to shield themslves against other magics. Not a lot of people pick it thogh because of one cost. You might get your matter fused with someone else. Turning you into a freak. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Sign-ups Name: Anything. As long as it's not a disney charecter. Nor can you be sora or any of the regular KH characters. 1 exeption though. You can be a pasy member of organization 13. But you must be killed by a heartless during your senior year at the academy. Age: How old your character is. He/she may be from age 13 to 19. People past the age of 19 have been held back or weren't able to be in the academy that year. Blood type: a+, a-, o+, o-. Or any other bloodtype. As long as it exists. If you become a member of organization 13 you can put none for a bloodtype. battle Type: Any of the five stated above. magic type: Any of the five stated above. Women charaecters must have a second magic. Summoning magic. Weapon: What's your keyblade look like? Is it shaped like a katana? Does it have a design made just for it? And if you want a new one later on PM me about it so i can give you the o.K. Abilities: What magic and keyblade skills does the character have. Tell thre then give three more that your charecter will learn later on. Personality: What he/she is like. Is he/she nice or mean? History: What happened to let him/her into the academy? Did something change them? The characters past is all here. Appearence: (image, or discription, or even both): what he/she looks like. What clothes does the character usually wear. Dorm room description: \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
nice story white! Name: Sam Sefer Gender: Male Age: 19 Appearance: Sam has black hair and blue eyes he loves to dress in black hoodies and baggy pants. Story-Snippet: Sam sat down in the college library and opened up a book,as he began to read when he heard footsteps shuffling in the library. He looked up from his book "hmmm probly just kids" he said to himself and began to read again, Sam slowly got drowzy and drifted off to sleep in a matter of minets (sp). He was awoken by a slam on his chest that sent him flying across the library, when he regained his strength to pick himself up he winced at what was infront of him "Oh my god! it cant be its its the warewolf from my story!" the werewolf began to run twords him. Sam shuffled to his feet and ran ran for his life and luckly he made it, he brought the werewolf thrue a maze of books untill it was tiered out when Sam heard the werewolf stop he pushed a self over causing a chain effect and killing the werewolf. OOC: i hope you liked my profile plz let me join your RP :catgirl:
I like it rick! Name: Craig Alitime Age: 19 Gender: male Weapon: A very big sword (like bonryu) it has a black hilt that only lets Craig hold it and 2 laser pistols. Continent of birth: Asia (looks Eropean) Tribe: control tribe Alteration (Demon): Cratos Physicle form: He stands at 5'9 he's very phyisically fit he has long bluish black hair he has a scar on his stomach and back. Demon form: 15 feet tall he's a mixed color of black and green as well as red bulging veins threwout his body. He also has a black strip of fur going down his back. History: Craig was born in asia by a european mother and a chinese father his father tought him the anchent technique of sword play Craig forged his oun sword the power of cratos is fused into the blade which makes it pulse a green aura he's trying to master all the elements because he belongs to the control tribe but has only masterd Earth. saddness was completly lost. Abilities: Percing eyes, Earth stab, Claws of poison, Earth crush, Burst shot, Natural power.
Name: Craige Alitime Age: 17 Blood type: a+, battle Type: gun fighting (in despret need he's a driver) magic type: White Weapon: JC has a Keyblade that splits into 2 peices to make 2 keyblade pistols he reloads by pushing buttons buit into the hilt, he can also connect the 2 peices to make a keyblade to swordfight with. JC's keyblade is black with JC engraved on the sides. Abilities: three he knows: Rapid shot Blast canon and clash stab 1's he will learn: snapshot swift fire and dragon slice. Personality: JC is a nice guy most of the time he's a little rough around the edges but soft on the inside, He gets really into a fight and dosn't know when to quit. when and if he wins he gets very cocky, and if he loses he seeks revenge untill he beats them. He's not the smartest in class but maneges to pass by. History: JC cant remember how he got put into the acadamy or almost anything about his past witch is very hard for him to handle. Appearence JC loves black and blue clothing he almost is always seen in a black hoddie and blue baggy pants JC has a scar above his left eye but since he dont remember his past he has no recolection of how he got it, JC has hair that comes down to his eye brows its black with blue streaks. He stands roughly at 5'8. OCC: rick did i do this right i cant wait till the acadamy to open up a actually like this rp! :catgirl:
JC?s at his guitar shop, getting his new shipment of guitars in. " Hmmm... Dean, they're not going to sell well... but what the hell! I'll take them!" He signed the shipment papers and yelled, ? Jack! Come help me get this **** off the truck!? ? You got it,? Jack replied. Moments later, JC's cell phone was ringing. It was a text message from Rei - it read: Beware. Interpol is on the hunt. Stray dogs are sniffing around our territory. Watch out for following lost Puppies and bugs. Race is on 2moro night. Will be a street race. All who are racing, Sign up via SMS Tell car and person driving. JC read this and thought, " I better tune up my ride." He turned around and said, ? Hey Jack, close up for me alright?? ? Close up? You got it,? Jack replied. JC got in his Eclipse and went to 'Jager Racing Parts'. He walked up to the front desk and asked for his parts. The man at the front desk added up the cost and JC handed him the cash, asking how much it was to install the extra parts. ? 1000,? the man replied. JC bought his parts and had the shop install them. When they were done, he took his ride and tested it on 'Highway 99'. The NOS kit worked great and the new tire and brake kits were great too. The sway bar was a wise choice and the Toyo tires were the best he's ever purchased. Once he was home, he heard a beep from inside. It was his answering servicce. He ran over to it to play the message. It was from his mom - it said, " Hi hunny. How's Monaco? I hope you're having fun." CLICK. Later that night, JC was watching television when he heard knocking at his door. ? Hold on a second!? he yelled. He got up from the couch and walked to the door. He opened it to have a woman jump at him. Before he knew it, JC was on the ground on the house floor with her on top of him. ? Gina!? JC shouted with excitement. ? How you doing baby?? ? Amazing now that you're here!? JC replied, a little stunned. ? Ohhh, that's so sweet," Gina said, smiling. " So I hear you're getting into the street scene huh?? ? Yeah, I am. But if you want to talk more, I've gotta shut the door.? After closing the door, JC led Gina into the kitchen and sat down at the table ? So, want some coffee?? JC asked. ? Sure,? Gina replied JC brewed up two cups of coffee and gave one to Gina. ? So... what?s new Josh? It?s been a while.? ? Well, like I said before, I've gotten into the street scene in Monaco.? ? Hmm... I see. Well you got a car for me?? Gina asked ? You?! I didn?t know you raced?!? ? How do you think I was able to pay my way through school?? ? Well well, my girls' got a dark side. Who knew? So what happened to your car?? JC asked. ? Well, back in London, it was impounded.? ? I've got a Honda Civic out in the garage with the Eclipse. I guess you can use it,? JC replied. ? Can I see it?? ? Sure,? replied JC. JC brought Gina to the garage to see the Civic a beautiful gloss white with green tribal grafics. ? I love it Josh! I think I?ll just change the paint job and a few other minor things and it?ll be good to go.? ? You do whatever you want with it - it's yours now,? JC replied as he threw her the keys. ? why dont you pop the hood?? Gina suggested to JC. ? All right.? Jc popped the hood of the car. ? Wow! Josh, this is impressive.? ? You should see my Eclipse,? replied JC, a proud tone in his voice. ? A NOS fogger system, a T-force turbo, and a direct-port nitrous injection - this is a nice ride!? ? There?s even more in there,? said Jc, indicating to the Eclipse. OOC: Gina is JC?s girlfriend from the school in London Josh was waiting all this time for Gina to come to Monico but he didn't know when.
--------------------------------------------------- - Name- Josh Age- 19 Gender- male Country- Neo-japan Appearence- Whit not japanies he always wears a black hoodie he has dark blue hair . Bio- He was born in america and moved to japan he has a Canadian Gundam Personality- he uses brute force to defeat his opponant, He loves hand to hand combat but he also loves to shoot up a storm. Job- Pilot Gundam- Grizzly gundam (GF13-037NCA) Armor- Gundarium alloy super ceramic composite, rare metal hybrid multilayered materials. Weapons-Vulcan 2 Machine Cannon 2 Specail Weapon- lumber axe 2, SLash The Mountain I dont know much about gundam tell me if i have to change anything
The world is on the verg of destruction by the evil cult Cion and only a small group of travelers are try to stop them, even though the towns and city's hate what Cion is doing they are not powerful enough to stop them. So they depend on these people to stop Cion and defend the world, after Cion took out the Controling nations ( Usa, U.K, and China) The world has been going down hill. More contries are being taken over as we speak. Cion was started by Kaymar an evil Sword wielding man bent on the destruction of the world his followers will do anything at his commandall he has to do is snap his fingers there have been multipul suicide missions to take control of the world nearly all have failed but not all. he uses monsters made for stone to move his troops of followers over the world his troops alsohave personal motorcycles to move around, they are often seen in deserted towns and city's. Sign up: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Age: (must be at least 16) Gender: Wepon: (or wepons Max. of 3) Description: personality: other info: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heres my sign up sheet Name: Has Age: 19 Gender: Male Wepons: Two handed Mega Blade, Double bladed axe, and a 3barrel pistol. Description: Normal highth, he dresses in a black hoodie and very baggy torn pants he has lether straps on his back connected to his sword and axe's sieths he puts his pistol in the pocket of his hoodie. Personality: Has hates Cion and everything it controls he tries to Forget his memories because of his destructive past he cant resist girls its what gets him into trouble. other info: Has was once a drone in Cions plans he saw what was happening and quit wial he could now he is exiled from Cion and if he's seen by Cion they are orderd to kill him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I hope you will join my rpg i will be posting the underground thread after we have at least 5 people ill let 15 people in after that you will have to private message me with your sign up sheet and tell me why you want to join. Thanks yo guys :catgirl: madwitch5
[QUOTE=Split Keyblader]:animenose you have problems. That's not even a story. It needs more emphasis. No smilies. To much :sleep: :animecry: :animedepr :catgirl: :animeshy: :animeswea :animeblus :animesmil :animenose smilies. Grammer needs work. Tell more about Red & Black. Dude you told me about this at school. Frankly it's not funny. It is real life. And those lessons. Everybody here knows that. Except excesive hentai watchers.[/QUOTE] now thats funny and its not supposed to be really funny just adding a little sick humor to a disgusting subject and dont talk about excesive hentai watchers like that (rolls back and forth) and i wouldnt talk Mr. retarted stupid and whatever the other thing was i read the replies to yer story :naughty:
EPISODE #1 Pron We join red at his house ALONE! Flipping thrue the tv channels when he finds his dad's secret station :faint: , Reds eyes open wide :naughty: :excited: before he knew it he was beating his wanka bar,spanking his monkey,beating his meat :sick: must i say more. At the next moment right befor he explodes his parents walk in! :wow: Gusse what happend next :blowup: . The lesson is DON'T WATCH PORN! That includes internet porn playboy tv and magazines!!!!! The next episode with black Killers tell me what you think of this please don't be harsh twords this but tell me whats wrong with it and how to fix it.
Discuss The Fast and the Furious - The Garage [M-SLV]
madwitch5 replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[QUOTE=Dare][size=1]Sorry about that Kitty. I knew I didn't explain it very well. Forgive me, it was at 1am. Basically the SMS is warning people about the Interpol investigation, telling them to watch for police officers following them or phone/computers bugs. Also, it's telling people that a race meet will be held tomorrow night (RPG time) and that the type of race that will be running is a street/sprint race. By sign-up, I mean to tell my character Rei if you are going to be competing in the race, and if you are, which car you will be using. You don't have to include anything related to Interpol in your post if you don't want to - remember, it's your choice. But at least try to acknowledge that you have received the SMS. You don't even have to do that, and then confront my character about being out of the loop. There are many avenues where your character can go. Is that a bit better?[/size][/QUOTE] It helped me out dark thanks :D -
Discuss The Fast and the Furious - The Garage [M-SLV]
madwitch5 replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Whats SMS do i need it :catgirl: madwitch5 -
Sign Up The Fast and the Furious: Monaco Blaze [M-SLV]
madwitch5 replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
Name: josh clark (known as JC) Age:20 Gender: male Occupation: Ouns a small guitar shop Nationality: white caucasian Short Bio: He grew up in a small town in northern new york and lernd to play a guitar at a young age he didn't get into the racing scean untill he moved to brittin to go to a guitar school. He met a boy who became his best friend and was introduced to the racing streets to make money. he started as a racer but he got deeper into the scean and was put into drug pedaling. ************************ Traffic Offences: speeding endagermet of padestriens damage to gov. property damage to public property driving without a licence drug pedaling ramming a police veacle D.W.I possesion of illegal auto-parts ************************ Preferred Rides: mitsubishi eclipse (black) honda civic (white) ************************ Known Associations: (all others befor me) -
basic story a group (5) of 15 year old friends from a small town no ones herd of befor go to school one day and this school has a very bloody history that was locked away from the students by the town. but anyway they go to school and find an old text book written in blood it says "put this in " its all scratched out and then it says"and find out the truth" this intrigs the friends and they try to find out more. The story kicks off here and we are supposed to uncover the mystrey and find the door the book gose in, then we'll start a new thred to think of the montrous things that happen ide like to include everyone. The story of the school back story in 1955 a school was built on the portal to hell, when the school was up and running satan was enraged and sent these monstrous god awful creaturs to kill the teachers students and the town. When the portal was opened it stayed open and 5 students took guns knives and anything els they could find down the portal and close it forever but the sucky thing was there souls were stuck in the portal forever accept one she escaped and wrote in her oun blood "put this in" she was attacked thats what made the scratches she got away and wrote "and find out the truth" and died. After everything in the town was cleaned up the whole town got together and decided to keep this a secret from future generations. now in the year 2006 there are new teachers new students and a new suspicious mayor his name is Mayor Bradly Jake has a funny feeling about him he just cant put his finger on it. At the start of the new school year jake is alone and no one wants a thing to do with him untill he meets these kids (this is where you guys come in) and become best friends. (Sorry blaze this is all i can think of) sign up info heres how it should be filled out i need 4 people for the friends i will read your sign up info and decide whos i like best, there will be more positions in the second chapter. Name: description of charicter: wepon of choice: (reminder you will use this in the future to fight) heres my'n as an example Name: jake description of charicter: tall, muscular, hes a witch(which means hes wiccan) and is very misunderstud because of his religion Wepon of choice: Pistol with a laser sight. i hope you enjoy reading the rpg and for the people who get picked good luck with my first rpg.
ive been having trouble thinking of ideas for a manga ive tried horo fantisy drama im completly stumped another problem i have is that i cand draw the same charicter twice HELP ME PLZ!!! :animecry: