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About freakonaleash

  • Birthday 06/10/1992

Contact Methods

  • AIM
    mister pudding

Profile Information

  • Biography
    im blonde, and tall, and stupid, i listen to heavy metal, emo, and all kinds of metal music, sum people may call me emo but im not.....idc if u call me emo...but im not!, ummm...i like to eat cardboard, and i live in a box next to the dumpster... ^_^
  • Occupation
    job??? wat job?

freakonaleash's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/6)



  1. FALSE!! subway is wayyyyyyyyyyy better then quiznos!!! TPBM spends at least 5 hours a day on the internet
  2. false...sadly.... TPBM has never had a girlfriend/boyfriend
  3. false....i cant drink alcohol yet.....and i dont like non alcholic pina colada but i love the rain... TPBM like to sing in the shower
  4. false! i dont farm chickens!!! or do i? they mysteries of life......i dont have a cat i have a dog and its 3 eyed....duh! and i teach it science not alegbra....math=yuck! TPBM likes the smell of wine.
  5. true...i went to one yesterday ummm....tpbm likes heavy metal
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed]well outside of the otaku i.....draw...im really into drawing right now...i started writing/drawing a manga and i hang out with my friends as much as i can........im only 14 so i cant drive and most of my friends live far away... :animecry: i also go to the movies alot and the mall.......hot topic is my home away from home :animesmil and i think tats pretty much it....well i also watch fuse....but only sometime...like wheni wake up..... :animeswea [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Red]me...hmmmm....i couldnt live without my music....i listen to music 24/7.....i fall asleep to music, wake to music, etc. without my music i would rot in a corner....... also i couldnt live without my friends....they keep me going through good times and bad...and when i have a hangover...lol.....jk.......but i really couldnt live without my friends...... and i couldnt live without sugar!!! omg! i love sugar! weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :animestun sugar makes me loose control!!!!! woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! chocolate and candy!! omg! yum! [/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Navy] emo....well people call me emo...even though im not.....i dont wear tight pants ewwww!!! i dont wear make up...yet...sum people are trying to convince me to try some one..... i do wear black all the time and my hair is in my face i wear BAGGY chained pants so i dont know how people call me emo..... i dont cut myself either....cuttting urself is really stupid.....its like slowly taking ur life away...sorta like cancer..... but lotz of my friends r emo and i dont have anything agianst them once u get to know them they r pretty cool [/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][b]freakonaleash[/b] please work on your post quality as the correct use of spelling, grammar and punctuation makes it easier for others to understand what you are trying to say. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~SunfallE[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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