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Everything posted by intothemyst

  1. The same anime made me cry twice. FullMetal Alchemist made me cry during Epsiode 7: "THe Night of the Chimera's Cry" and episode 25: "Words of Farewell". The thing that will always have be point to this show as great is that Words of Farewell was the first episode of this show that I saw and it had me balling like a child. You all know which scene I'm talking about. Truly a great anime.
  2. What makes anime anime? I don't really know. What makes comedy comedy? SOmething thats funny. BUt what's funny. I don't know. What makes anime anime. TO me anime has a certain feel to it, you pick it up on the screen. IT looks different, it doesn't always look the same. (ONePiece, doesn't look like Ghost in the Shell, which doesn't look like FMA)> What I've always equated to as anime has never been based on what country it came from. But more for how the show presents it's story. A cartoon though a drawing that is animated always brings up a sort of farsical fantasy that is in no way presented in any sort of inteliigable way. It's funny and fun to watch, but is meant for kids. ANime to me has elements of fantasy, and science fiction. But beyond that it filters it through a world that is almost real. FMA presents some unreal themes, but the characters and what the two brothers are trying to accomplish are based on something that is very real. THe story of their search for a philosophers stone and their ability to do ALchemy is the icing on a very truthful look at 2 kids dealing with the loss of their parents. ANd Ed's struggle to fix what happened to his brother. It's rather hard to explain and I'm not really doing a great job of explaining it but, no matter how far out some of the particulars are in an anime show, they all seem to be grounded in some sort of real life situation. The only other thing I can point out that makes an anime an anime and a cartoon a cartoon is character development. The animes I have watched have had 3 dimensional, fully fleshed out character. Say what you will but Bugs Bunny wasn't much more beyond taking out Elmer Fudd.
  3. To me I would have to recommend [B]Gungrave[/B], the series makes sitting through the first episode extremely worth it. It has great animation, 3 dimensional characters and a great plot to boot. Only 26 episodes but one heck of a story that leaves you wanting more. I couldn't believe this thing was based on a video game. It was really one of the best animes I have ever seen. It had me laughing, it had me crying. THe emotion comes through on the screen in huge waves. I also, would have to say [B]Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal[/B]. A terrific OVA. At times beautiful, at others ugly. AT times comedic, at other times heartbreaking. I will say this the ending is what completely makes this anime a great anime. Pick it up, with the first volume of Gungrave. :D
  4. I would go with Sosuke Sagura and Kaname. They have great chemistry together. Likewise, I would have to say Mugen and Fuu, not the mention Fujiko and Lupin. Oh yeah, Tomoe and Kenshin. I loved the idea of betrayal and redemption and of star crossed lovers.
  5. I get like that from time to time. FMA definitely. Another anime series that I got completely attached to was Gungrave. That anime said so much but left so many years left unknown. Only 26 episodes, and the ending was spectacular, heck the whole story was gripping. The way I deal with it, other than reading the manga. IS realizing, that half of what makes the show so awesome, is that it ends.One of the reasons FMA is as completely fantastic as it is. is because it tells one giant story and when that story is told, it stops. FMA wouldn't leave as much a lasting impression if it kept going and going. Gungrave, wouldn't be as good if it moved on beyond what the central story was. SO I cherish the episodes that we have, if I need a fix, I catch a fanfic orthe newest manga. I also, would like to say hey. I'm a relatively new Otaku. (Less than two years now.)
  6. [quote name='Kurayami Oji']I don't think they show those on toonami. That surprised me to when I saw that they were gonna be showing those two on their site.[/quote] Yeah, i had read that Toonami was going to stream stuff that is on their T.V. block, plus some stuff that hasn't been seen on American TV so this site would definitely be a great site for new otaku. (Like me, less than 2 years but still new :animesmil ). But also, great for catching new to America animes, without having to plop down some cool hard green.
  7. Hello, I'm new to the boards. So please be gentle :animesmil . I love FMA. The first I had heard of it was when I read the back of the DVD case at a local store. From the description I thought it sounded stupid, but then I caught the last two episodes of the first season and I wound up crying over a character that I didn't even know. EPisode 7 was another, I still cry over that episode. It is such a truly awesome show that can pull the emotion out of you. Filled with wonderful visuals and truly great writing, full of sadness and humor. This show pulls you in no matter where you start watching. I had to go back and watch from the beginning. All around awesome anime. FMA definitely one of the best.
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