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chaos Alvis

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Everything posted by chaos Alvis

  1. haha well since it's summer break for me, i've been making myself toast, scrambled eggs or omlets, juice, and what ever is left in the fridge i guess. i don't really eat cereal because its cold. i mean i could put it in the microwave and heat it up but i'm too lazy to:animesigh. Oh and coffee.... hate the stuff haha.
  2. [SIZE="2"]I haven't played Diablo in such a long time. I've made a bundle of nice/great friends on it and at the same time i lost a few :p. Speaking of a D2-athon, i'd be up for game... if my characters still exist[/SIZE]:animeswea. [SIZE="2"]As for Diablo 3, i think it'll be a great game! Graphics are nice and the game-play is a lot more exciting such as the previous diablo games. My main concern is that blizzard said they would bring back 5 characters back from the previous games, one such as the barbarian.And i'm wondering if they're going to bring back the 2 other characters,assassin and druid, that were released in Diablo: Lord of destruction (LoD). I mean i wasn't really a fan of using them but are they going to replace them with the original 5 characters from the first diablo 2 game? Still this game is going to be awsome either way[/SIZE] :animesigh
  3. [COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][SIZE="2"]I want to know what kind of risks do u guys take, and how it effects your whole life or part of your life.I wanted to start this thread because i took many "dareing" risks in the past and my life went downhill from them[/SIZE]. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][SIZE="2"]See one risk i tried to take was asking out a girl who i really liked we knew each other pretty well.i would usually put my arm around her so she would know how i really felt. Well, she let me put my arm around her but i didn't think she even knew i liked her. Then one day at the end of a huge long trip(we went to six flags) i asked her the question. "Will you go out with me?"... and everything exploded. i had my arm around her still but then she was like "haha...no?..." :animedepr ... ummm she was pretty weirded out after that... a day later i told her i was sorry for weirding her out like that. she told me to never do it again. i'm what you call a "nice" guy. After this incident i started to regret what i did. Our friendship just crashed.whats worse is that its summer vacation and we barely get to see each other anymore. i usually try to text/im her but she doesnt reply back. It kind of worries me but not much. People keep telling me to move on but for some reason when i try to forget her i tend to remember the memories we had together..[/SIZE].[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"][FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"] [SIZE="2"]well enough about me :animesigh. How about you guys? have you ever taken a dive and suddenly it didn't go as you planned?[/SIZE] [/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. chaos Alvis


    [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=2]In my opinion Pokemon is a bit "easy". When i mean easy i mean "i'm lvl 40 and i'm already at the 7th gym badge". Dont get me wrong or anything but to me it seems like the game goes way to fast and way to easy :animeswea . But i'm not saying its bad or anything. So anyway heres some what my pokemon [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Level 47[/FONT] Palkia [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Level 39 [/FONT]Luxray [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Level 37[/FONT] Floatzel [FONT=Courier New]Level 38[/FONT] Steelix [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Level 39[/FONT] STaraptor [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Level 40[/FONT] Gengar[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1]Well me and my friends are "attempting" to make a band... i mean we already have 2 guitarests 1 bassest and one drummer. o ya and a singer...but the only problem is....i cant bring my drumset to my friends house every saturday :animeangr which really ticks me off..but anywho, i'm in a band. but we're still "fresh". we dont have a name yet but my friends are atleast trying to make songs which is going great :animesigh [/SIZE]
  6. [QUOTE=HedonismBot][COLOR=Sienna] Option one. I mean, holy ****, that's a MILLION DOLLARS! A million! I'd never have to work again if I spend with some brains, and for what? 30 seconds (give or take) of awkward grunting? Sign me up! Would You Rather... ... read the Narnia series? OR ... have hot pokers jammed into your eyes while maggots noisily eat away at your inner ear and a large man goes to town on your genitals with a corkscrew?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Lol. I'd rather read the narnia series. Its better than haveing you ear getting eaten and a large fat guy goes into town on my genitals with a corkscrew -.-...that was just disturbing...ANYWAY would you rather Go on a space mission to uranus (i mean the planet...) and come back after a 20 year period... OR Go to shop rite and stay in the freezer section for 10 years o.O Yes yes tough choices.
  7. [QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial]HEy, I think I'll take Jay Leno, 'cause he's got the newspapers. (I gotta stop picking on you...) Would you rather... ...get fatally hit by a train going 70 MPH? or ...get pushed off of a sixty-story office building and go splat on the pavement below?[/FONT][/QUOTE] errr get hit by a train :D. I mean its going to hurt twice as more falling off a 60 story building :P. Weee my turn Would you rather Be ur favorite character/celeb/person for a day and die? OR Not be your favorite character/celeb/person for a day and still die? Tough choices ]:
  8. Eat a spider :P. I dont want to kill ppl because of their B.O. My turn. Would u rather be locked inside a cube for 10 years then let out?(with food and water) OR would u rather be the only person on the world(note ur the only person on the face of the planet...which means there are animals and plants with u :D) Tricky tricky tricky...
  9. As phenom said, about his quietness, i had the same problem but different situation. My biggest regret was asking one of my best friends out. we did atleast say we loved each other, but now i regret all of that. From saying i love, to the hugs me and her had. Though theres one regret that will always haunt me till i die, and it was when i didnt get to ask her out. instead i thought i should've waited till summer and ask her out...but due to my quietness i couldn't. Someone already had asked her out so thats when i got really depressed. And from all the hugs and i love you's, i truly regret them all. As of now me and her are still friends. But the painful part of it is we're drifting apart. She thinks i'm a jerk for no reason, and i tell her she's just not careful of what she says. Honestly i've seen her hugging other guys and saying she loves them. and that made me wonder, was it worth it if i ever asked her out?
  10. :D yay! Christmas day, oh the joy :]. Many things come to mind when talking about presents like a New Mp3 player, a new camera, and a new cellphone would cheer me up :animesmil . O ya and i would also like a laptop with wireless internet(highspeed). thats all i want for christmas :animesigh
  11. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] Why'd you have to give us a hard one!? Hmmm.....let me think......umm.....I guess i'm gonna have to go with "wear a big shirt that is way too big for me" option. Hmmm....let me see what I can come up with. Would you rather live in a trash can for a week? Or.... Would you rather live in a bigger trash can for 2 weeks? P.S. I just confused myelf.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Lol nice. Lets see I'd rather live in a BIGGER trash can for 2 weeks since its spacey, and its only for 2 weeks :P. Ok would u rather Drink 10 gallons of salt water? OR... stick 10 double A batteries in ur mouth?
  12. In my opinion, we should just let the U.N settle this themselves. Why go into another nuke war? I mean comming from deathknight's quote saying that we have more than enought missles than any other country has. Even if we do use them, it'll be a pointless war. So i say lets just let the U.N settle this. Why take more ppl from the war, and put them in korea?even if we do take half from iraq, bush will never stop sending troops to korea or iraq. And reading esther's 2nd to last paragraph stating to send fresh troops to korea. What good would that do? It might scare korea a little bit but what other good things might happen? its not like its going to stop korea testing nuke missles.
  13. Lol BIG BIG BIG mistake watching a scary film at night. ok some movies i recomend u watching are 1.Kairo 2.tale of 2 sisters. 3.the eye 4.juan top 4 movies i think u should watch. Have a good night :animesmil
  14. WAIT A MINUITE. THE FINAL EPISODE IS AT OCTOBER 27??!!!! IS THAT A SATURDAY??!!! please o please let it be a saturday!!! :animecry: o ya i was also wondering when inuyasha was going to end. i mean its been awhile right? what 3or 2 years? and going? Not saying that it should end. It is a good show, i watched some episodes :animeswea but not all of them. But i still remember some episodes.
  15. Since I'm moving to north carolina at the end of the year, i'd rather be here instend of being there. To me, jersey is like a home for me. I have all of my friends, my family, and good teachers. This is where i was born and grew up. When moving time occurs then i'm ready for the new life and the new change. but i'd rather live in jersey than north carolina...
  16. Wow. I mean wow. Your art work is pretty amazing. so in return i will give u a five!
  17. Haha cool. Well i have another show in mind. Kamen rider ...well all the series. Its kind of like power rangers but 10x a lot better. no zords or anything. u just have to watch it urself ^o^. Ya so anyone else wants to share their favorite japanese t.v show?
  18. Ok so i was thinking about posting a thread about this one japanese show but why not hear all of ur favorite japanese show!!! yay!!!!! My favorite Japanese show is densha otoko. more like a romantic love story ^-^ but u just have to find out by yourself So whats ur favorite japanese show?... o ya and not anime :P. dont name anime shows cuz that goes with the anime lounge thread.
  19. The train Man. I saw the first episode today and thought it was pretty cool how a guy who lives his life like a geek/nerd. [spoiler]It was his birthday and everyone forgot about it. During his birthday everything went wrong like, he had to deliever some reports, but during the sending he stumbled across a little girl who has a balloon on the tree. So he tries to get the balloon but little as he notices, theres a open window and a girl jumps right out and says that hes a pervert and crap. so when he was up there he let go of the balloon and he falls down on his ankle. Then the little girl picks up the paper's he was trying to deliver in the sewers. After a big fall and hurting his ankle, he goes down the sewer and retreives them. When he finally got back up he gave the papers to the person who was sending and she didnt accpet it...everything went wrong. After all of that he goes up on a roof and starts singing "happy birthday" too himself with a slice of cake(sad isnt it). and he starts crying and thinks of commiting suicide. But he backs down and thinks it wasnt worth it.so he goes back to his house, and sees a box or a package for him on the table. He picks it up and tosses it to the side. Then He goes on his comp and checks his mail/ forums. Then he notices that the package that was for him was from the girl who he saved. ^-^ he starts asking ppl on the forum if he should call her or not. He still didnt get enough courage to call her... till this one person sent him this message that says" The Train Man. You can do it" After he picks up the phone and dials the number and it rings. right b4 the girl picks it up the episode ends :animecry: . [/spoiler] If u seen this show or movie please tell me where i can find another episode to it thankss [SIZE=1] [COLOR=Indigo]I added spoiler tags for you this time, but please remember that not everyone has seen a TV show or movie and they may not want to find out what happens before they get a chance to watch it. If you have any questions, please PM me or any other mod. -Marsh[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. Omg. my worste barfing experience would be at this party my friend had. first we went rollar bladeing for a bit, then we went to his dad's restaraunt. he started to do gross stuff with his food and my stomach started to get all weery and stuff. then i was thinking that drinking cola would make it better.....it didnt... it made it worste, so i was sitting there and i'm like um...*BARF* POOOSHHH all the barf is on the table. so we went back to his house for a bit and i cleaned up. blah blah. went back home. i think it was either food poisining or its ny friend's grossiness.
  21. sigh. well i've watched his shows and learned alot. heck it kind of inspired me to do something oustide. i actually wrestled my stuffed dinasaur thinking it was a croc. my final words to him is... Rest in peace steve. you will be always remembered..
  22. Well, this one is a toughy. Each one has a flaw. Digimon: Sure they can get stronger by digivolving...but wouldn't it take awhile since "some" dont have...lets say digi owners?. Pokemon:Ya theres alot of legendary pokemon such as ho-oh lugia raiku entai suicune and so on. But look how tamers can fuse with mere data, and have powerful armor. But some how i think digimon would over power pokemon any day.
  23. Well of course the ps3 would cost alot. Plus the games. The games would range about 60-70 bucks. 4 games would be like $260. Course ps3 has great graphics, but seriously would u want to pay more then $700 on a system and a game.
  24. My favorite type of music of all would be japanese rawk and 23 1/2% like thai music. I usually listen to american rock :P like silverstein, mcr, nirvana,(And the list goes on). Though now, i want to look into more thai music because my friend showd me "Patatoe" which is a great band by the way.
  25. [QUOTE=haku877]Drunkship of Lanterns Well let's see the new word is ~itnnneod mecugaeb~ HINT~~~ A system[/QUOTE] :D nintendo gamecube ^_^ tksobohnaa ~hint its a band
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