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Everything posted by Haku877

  1. Ok so idea. For easy stickers and some CD's heres a smart idea me and my friend made. [IMG]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/anime54321/untitleddfghdfghfgh-1.jpg[/IMG] Now, imagine the black are conveyerbelts, and red are blocks, and lines are team colors and where they are. have only sandbags on and teams of 3 vs 1 or 2v1, or 1v1 1 person runs around picking stuff up top while the other 3 sit there and kill all sandbags that fall. free stuff! ( good 3 team characters are Metanights tornado, falcons punch, and Ike's anything.:animesmil GRAET COMBO!! also the caracter on his own should be sonic so hes fast wont fall of conveyerbelts and can pick up cd's faster cause they dissapear quick!
  2. It could say somthing like" Here lies haku, he was kind, gentle, and always loved------What? this isnt haku? well damn, who is this then? oh well lets move on.
  3. Hey Im gonna keep checking in but when another tournament starts Ill jump in.
  4. Pretty funny crap, things like these make me wonder [YOUTUBE="Crank dat homeless man"]uihQ2SkEQ00[/YOUTUBE]
  5. only 2 slightly out of context: [URL="http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/anime54321/untitled.jpg"][U]Picture[/U][/URL] [IMG]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/anime54321/efgdfgdf.jpg[/IMG] and one thats just weird: [IMG]http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e298/anime54321/sdfsdf.jpg[/IMG]
  6. What if you just have those pranks or jokes like: "this is just as bad as the yellow snoco--- why you bastards...." "This is why I hate High School Musical..." "Crap, did I leave the water running?"
  7. Those arnt even half as funny as his first few! One of my favs. [YOUTUBE="Thunder rolls( Taco bell version)"]sI3V9euaaSw[/YOUTUBE] OR [YOUTUBE="A-R-A-B rap"]nizt2oEtHl8[/YOUTUBE] SUPER FUNNY!
  8. Hmmm, this sounds interesting. Ill check this out, also if anyone if looking for matches just P.M me with your code and ill get you mine.
  9. I just thought of one "Don't blame me, all I said to her was if I could see if they were real..."
  10. [YOUTUBE="Nice slam dunk"]ESPcC6G30kA[/YOUTUBE] These kinds of people crack me up, jsut sit there, then watch ,then run, then get help ALSO [YOUTUBE="Saw 4 trailer"]untLNKKgtZM[/YOUTUBE] These kinds of things are funny too :animesmil
  11. [YOUTUBE="Super smash brothers brawl - 300 trailer"]2Cn3rt0UYPw[/YOUTUBE] This is pretty scary, I think there may be some co-workers that helped with 300 working on brawl...:animedepr
  12. Ok, so me and ace were discussing' Thing about brawl, so we come to the idea of Phoenix wright as an assist trophy, because we couldn't find him a move list, what is he told everyone to restate their testimony and reversed time like 10 second, everyone is doing the exact thing they did the previous 10 second, except for whom the tropy was thrown by, pretty much cheap K.O
  13. [quote name='Aceburner']Someone else described it as this: Take all the missed games, all the stolen staring roles, all the times he's played second fiddle to his big brother, and of course all the crap he takes in the RPG's about "Mario and... this other guy!" or "Green Mario" or "Whoigi?" Now gather it all together into a gigantic bomb of negative energy. That's Luigi's final smash.[/QUOTE] Even though thats true, while looking deeper into the dojo it describes how it has effects on them Opponents who set foot in the Negative Zone are plagued by a random assortment of effects including: * Drastically reduced attack power * Greater launch distance when hit * Increased likelihood of slipping * Steady increase in damage percentage * Flower growth on head * Dizziness * Uncontrollable taunting * Sudden sleepiness * Decreased movement speed ...And so on. It also says you have a better chance of living while in the air. Sorry Ive been gone, Ive been awfully busy ^_^
  14. [quote name='Aceburner']:therock:HAKU MAH BOII. I'm coming to your house right now. We will perfect your sarcasm detection skillz.[/QUOTE] Ace, really now? its kinda hard to detect sarcasm from an written post with no words standing out. THIS GAME WILL BE THE BEGGINNING OF A NEW LIFE!
  15. [quote name='Aceburner'][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeeIYr5wW78"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeeIYr5wW78[/URL] Spoiler! Probably confirmation of nothing, since as one clever and observant viewer pointed out, Photoshop can, in fact, animate entire Brawl matches while simultaneously adding detailed texture to a previously textureless character.[/QUOTE] Acctually its true on my last post i had a site on there and here are confirmed characters! Falco Game and Watch Ganondorf Lucario Toon Link - "The swordsman that sailed the seas, Toon Link joins the battle" Jigglypuff Ness Captain Falcon Luigi Marth
  16. Well being the magnificently genius friends I have,mine will end up something like this Haku877, a good friend we have a few words for, "*orgiving Nature, *nbelievably Cool, *unning Sence of Humor, *ing of All Ninjas, *outhful and talanted, *ptimistic, *ncanning abilitiy to be himself." Now as you notice I have blocked some letters, not hard to decipher the code really. I realized i shouldnt have posted this because now Aceburner will now do something like this to my grave....dont. :animedepr (also please excuse my spelling it needs work i think)
  17. Well while on subject, just recently, King dedede can K.O someone at 17% with a full charged smash attack [url]http://brawlcentral.com/[/url]
  18. Hey all! sorry just got my internet back^_^ New stages, characters, everything. I love the Mushroomy kingdom, scroll feature and alternate stage! and OLIMAR!!!!!!!!! i was just telling my friend when it was announced, that olimar should be in it, and he is!!! well its good to be back
  19. [quote name='Aceburner']Unconfirmed. Remamber, we thought [strike]hoped and prayed[/strike] that the Ice Climbers were out, and there they are. I doubt they'd axe a fan favorite like Falcon, especially since he's been there since N64 and has no obvious possible replacement (a la Ness, but I'm thinking Ness will stay, too.)[/QUOTE] No. The whole thing said copy characters were taken out, and some others,but some stayed.
  20. [quote name='Lilt'][B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well the new items look pretty cool. And I like how the stages change. That was one reason why the stages got boring on Smash 64, they were always the same. But is Captain Falcon out of this title? He was my favorite character on 64. Maybe I need a new favorite? There are a lot of new characters though and that's cool, I just don't see why they (possibly) removed two of the old characters. Balance issues maybe? [/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] Yes, unfortunately C.F is out.and so is Gannondorf . Only 2? no no no, they removed a lot more as it seems so far.
  21. [quote name='Aceburner']Dragoon. Freaking sweet. Anyone else instantly think of Final Fantasy when you saw the title? Actually, a Dragoon wouldn't be a half bad fighter...[/QUOTE] uhhh no. I didn't. well only because Ive played Kirby air ride, I know what it is, its a pretty cool feature though.
  22. [quote name='Aceburner']Okaaay, so it's Pokemon with trophies? Seems like more of a lame gimmick than anything else. Ah, well. I won't knock it till I've tried it.[/QUOTE] How is this like Pokemon?
  23. This is an amazing feature! Its going to be so fun to do something like this. these people are absolutely genius, I wish they were a religion! ( O.K no I dont its just an expression:animeangr) but ya this is sooooooooooo cool
  24. Ha. At first when I read this I was like "What the heck is F-Flab"?( as apposed to like A,B,C-flab?) I feel retarded. No remark ace.:animeangr I think sonics final smash is pretty cool^_^ but is that all it does? can you attack? or is it just speed. but if you have played the gamecube [U]sonic adventure 2 battle [/U] you should know of the coolness of super sonic.
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