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Everything posted by Haku877

  1. [quote name='Aceburner']I second this motion with explosive laughter. Was I the only one who thought that Diddy Kong Kirby might be Pokemon Trainer Kirby before seeing Squirtle Kirby?[/QUOTE] No. I did, remember i was there. but my question is why did they only reveal[B] 1[/B] special move? it says Special [U]Moves[/U], is that Kirby's only one? I'm thinking not but I wanted a little more info
  2. [quote name='Aceburner']Correctness, and to my knowledge, Freakazoid has never seen a video game release. However, your next point brings me to mine: You're doing it wrong. You see, If you say Candle Jack, he is supposed to abduct you before you finish pos[/QUOTE] yes you must acknowledge this, Candle jack is a old cartoon on freakazoid. Also I wouldn't call it a "rotating stage" maybe just a inversing stage cause a lot of the stages move. Oh and ace you need to call me A.S
  3. [quote name='Aceburner']Eh, don't worry. He's joking. If he wasn't I'd have to personally kill him. What do you think about Candle Jack, though? I think it'd be grea[/QUOTE] Dont worry every one I wish there were a sarcastic tone button for a computer, cause I was trying to make a joke since the companies don't works together, and naruto is annoying, Ive joked with ace for a while, we thought it was a stupid Idea thats why we put it on here, because I personally enjoy bad jokes. The whole candle jack thing, it would be cool, but come on, can you say UNBEATABLE WITHOUT PIE!!!!!!!!!( and steel graters and bricks). I am gonna love this two player cooperation, it will be so fun for me and songsofso
  4. [quote name='Aceburner']You're doing it wrong. Candle Jack's supposed to abduct you for saying his name before you finish your post. Anyway, I can't really imagine what Waluigi would be like as a character. I mean, we've never really seen him in action. All he's ever in is Mario spinoffs, so we've never really seen what he can do. I suppose they could make a movelist for him. Heck, they pulled off Captain Falcon somehow. I just don't think it's too detrimental to gamepl[/QUOTE] was he supposed to cut you off when you say candle jack or what? cause I just didn't finish my sentence, my bad I must have not said it correctly ^_^ They could make a move list I mean, I found some people in japan on myspace and apparently its gonna be a small character list!!!!!!! i mean that just su
  5. this makes me sad T_T Waluigi is a assist trophy, he would be so much cooler a character I think, and come on ace the whole candle Jack thing? BRILLIANT! or at least the game needs some one piece or [I][B][U]MAYBE[/U][/B][/I] naruto, and quite possibly some more moves (e.g[I] four sword link[/I] that would be cool!!!!!!!!)
  6. O.K so, go through the music and listen to the metal gear solid one, doesn't it kinda sound like Pirates of he Caribbean? Is it by the same composer? it sound similar, you should all go listen to it
  7. I haven't really "played" the game, but I have helped ace with a case or two ^_^, its an interesting game, especially since you don't get penalized for whipping a judge?its just cooky
  8. [quote name='John']Man, I thought they were done messing up the online play, but then they pull this NPC crap on us, lol. NPCs replacing a human player when they leave [I]would[/I] have been a great idea, but their conscious decision to make it so that nobody knows when a player is replaced with a computer was stupid as hell. Now you'll never really know whether you're playing against another human or not, unless you know the AI pretty well. I wish I knew why Nintendo wants to suck any potential community aspect out of this game.[/QUOTE] No its a human, they have names and messages, if a person disconnects, they forfeit ( I'm really not all the way sure,but I'm pretty positive), or if its a team the person might be screwed. Also they are not ruining it, and I think a lot of us would agree stop flaming a forum page if you don't like something, just a quick comment and be on, please.
  9. By the looks of the update, the selection seems limeted, kinda seems crappy for a second. Ave, the think with you, you just hit and run, we always quit on you...we never really liked it:animeswea .Besides the fact of old maps what about the general idea of these new ones? there could be some more detail to them.
  10. [quote name='Aceburner']That's right folks, I suck at Smash, too. But I still play. I was actually referring to the fact that I suck at life, but whatever. I need a taco...[/QUOTE] 1.No Emo Lad,hes not popular yet...yet...yet 2.you don't suck at life you fail at it...or it fails at you...idk i always get those confused 3.King dee dee's final smash? come on, nothing personal but summoning those things? I mean that is one of his standard moves 4.theres gonna be a lot of pokemon
  11. [quote name='Aceburner']I could swear I always sucked. Hey, Haku, have I always sucked? Meh, whatever. I'll leave WM alone for now. I'll probably never play as him anyway. EDIT: YEEEEEES! HYRULE TEMPLE IS BACK! Excuse me while I throw a spontaneous party at the nearest available location.[/QUOTE] Yes.Yes you have. This smash ball thing, when you hit it it diminishes a little..thats ok, but the significant point loss smash is good for you ace you'll get a smash like every 10 seconds lol:animesigh
  12. So there was a new episode today, and I say..AMAZING!! WERE IN SKYPIA! I love the bounty part near the end HAHAHAHAHAHA:animesmil
  13. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Ya. You think that might have been a bit of humor creepin' in there? :rolleyes:[/FONT][/QUOTE] scince this point took place after I brought up costuumes I just want to say that I still admire pits costume change,and fox's Amazing;)
  14. [quote name='Aceburner']See, the thing is, the site itself says there's no significant boost to his power. I'm just going to regard it a Zero Suit Samus without a huge devastating attack beforehand until I find out otherwise or see him in action. From what I can see, though, he sucks. Oh, and rendering the bike as a suicide move? That I don't like at ALL.[/QUOTE] But the bike might work if there were to be like a wall or something? ( Stage builder ) Ya never know,ramps, a button to discontinue, run out of power? oh the posabilities,yes it sucks though for what we know
  15. [quote name='8bit'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="Gray"]Way to assume. Wario Man is [i]awesome[/i]. Also, I've got to say that Widescreen Update was absolutely hillarious.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] wario man.....cool. but the whole fact is if youre a new player and your getting used to it, it sucks, and another thing i thought his final smash was the atomic fart? didnt anyone see the preview, RIP OFF! for what I matter, I belive my statements are correct
  16. I belive Zelda will still have same set list and everything. Any news about any upcoming characters?I will die if they put people from Xbox brand in there. Sega,Nintendo,(what snake came from is....i forget), the GOOD companies, I mean som Xbox people are cool, but I would really detest that. Also while on the subject, What companies are helping sponsor brawl? its not so important, but to us game freaks its good to know
  17. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I have never lost a match as Red Marth. Ever. But no, I'm really excited by a Goth Zelda. Especially since I am going to make it a point to make her my second. (I wanna know what Goth Sheik looks like.) Lucas' Final Smash is all right. Never much cared for Ness (though I cede he's a decent opponent), so it's really a "meh" for me, but it still looks painful.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Ness? i loved him! The whole zelda thing...LEARN TO READ PEOPLE, the descripsion is, [B]OLD ZELDA![/B] She has grey hair,its old,just saying,I like commas,,,,,,,,,,, Lucas's FS is pretty cool, but I could escape it,I hope lol:animeswea
  18. [quote name='Aceburner']Yeah, I figured as much. And I definitely agree with the Fusion Suit looking weird. Also, Des, you use KLAN LINK?!:o[/QUOTE] That link is very popular yes....I too use it. but I have to agree its the dark link sea's beggining. About the whole trainer thing, its possible to have different trainers but it wouldnt be that cool, changing pokemon? cool! acctually doing it, not possibele, you would have to have completely different charcters, moves,Final smashes,attacks. Sound like a new character?its cool but not possible, most likely different pokemon stuff cause the trainer isint that important.:rolleyes:
  19. [quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="Navy"]I curious about the Pokemon Trainer's color change... I'm sure they won't, but I wondered if you could change into other regions' trainer...heavily doubt it though. :P I love Pikachu's Green Costume, though. Ruby Male Trainer was my favorite. :smirk:[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] I would have to agree, maybe the pokemon get different stuff or something like that. today I know we have a new assist trophy but come on! its cool and all but I want to know about the bigger stuff! It may ruin it for some people, but it make me want it more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:animenose
  20. Yes. I do say things.( from last post ). O.K just to start a topic what is your Favorite final smash and least favorite?(+ why) I would say my favorite revealed so far is Mario's, Pit's or Fox's just because it's such a huge range! and it looks so cool! My least is Peaches. WTF is with that! If its an FFA its pointless, the fall asleep for a small amount of time, of you heal like 30% damage, its only good on teams.
  21. If I say so this game is in genearaly speaking the most wanted game now, nobody wants mario vs sonic olypics now ( one of mine and aceburners points ) because [spoiler] sonic is in brawl!!!!, I just dont get why king dee dee is in there though? I mean hes cool and all but seriously why!?! hes not so much of a main character, a somewhat major villan ( less popular then meta-night) and kinda crappy attacks ( check the website I had posted earlier) [/spoiler]
  22. [quote name='Aceburner']I wanna see how heavily they actually have to edit it. And I know Naruto's fine, I just hate Land of Snow. It's a crappy movie. I don't remember Sanji lighting up, but there was one episode a couple weeks back where Cricket was holding a lit cig for like, half a second. (don't argue, Haku. I'll show you the clip next time you, me and the internet are in the same room, if you want.)[/QUOTE] I will give you that...I hated land of snow. Its just to cliché for one, and the fact is, its just to out of line, one place to another it's hard to follow but easy at the same time, Ya know? But yes, I too want to see have they will edit it, I predict less blood, and [Spoiler] no dent in his head [/spoiler] will be there, maybe it will just not as heavily.
  23. [quote name='Nehszriah']Naruto's cool and all, but I'll agree that the fillers are a drag... plus a select number of the fans creep me out. Nothing personal; they just do. Oh, did anyone else catch a couple weeks or so ago that there was one shot where Sanji was still smoking? I can't remember exactly when it was anymore, but my brother and I were laughing so hard it hurt. I want to see the good ol' boys in Mariejoa and Shanks's crew. That ought to be a treat.[/QUOTE] I dont really remember him smoking in the new company take over ( Funidub) but you might have seen the old version..but I dont really know..but it is funny!
  24. SSBB has got to be the WORST, MOST HORRIBLE, MOST HATED GAME IN THE WORLD! On opposite day! This games is just simply amazing. The Characters, The stages, The Items, even the movement is amazing. Lets not forget [Spoiler] Stage builder, lucas, Groudon the pokemon, worldwide connection and SNAME!!! [/spoiler] for all who dont check WEEKDAY UPDATES on [url]http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/index.html[/url] this site tells you everything so you can be more exciting, or if your not optimistic, tottaly ruins the game. well thats something to look forward on when it comes out Febuary 10th
  25. [quote name='Aceburner']Hey, folks! Next week we get to see Bellamy's [spoiler]oh-so satisfying dented skull.[/spoiler] Here's hoping for minimal edits and amazing dialog as usual. Anyone else impressed by Colleen Clinkenbeard's flawless and quick transition into Luffy's character? I am utterly impressed by how well she's adapted, especially since she had it almost perfectly by the 4th episode. Other VA's I'm impressed by are: Sonny Strait (Jason Griffiths ruined Sonic. He never deserved Usopp.) Stephanie Young (I liked Robin from the first funi episode, if not just for the absence of the hick accent.) EDIT: Crap. Looks like we have to wait longer. Toonami is airing that stupid Naruto movie again this week. Why do we have to suffer through it again? There are only 2 good parts in the entire freaking movie. [spoiler]Sasuke's autographed picture and Naruto Rasengan'ing the bad guy to the 31st of February.[/spoiler] Usually I don't mind Naruto much, but why replace 2 new episodes of your cash cow and a new episode of a fantastic revival that's almost sure to garner you some money for a crappy movie that more or less insults your biggest-selling franchise by existing?[/QUOTE] But Ace if you remember, we watched that already ( but it was funny to see how it was finished ) Also Naruto is a good anime and some of the movies are accyually good. The only thing I hate is when I was watching the series online the last 20 episode of the original series were ALL FILLERS!!!! The shippuden is amazing though
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