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dbz mysticgohan

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Everything posted by dbz mysticgohan

  1. i got dolphins cry by live, the vidkid one its preety cool its techno music, limp bizkit my way for vegita, and im lookin for the dmx one right now sense you said it was so good.
  2. i love swords and daggers. right now im obsesed with throwing knives. I really want a real sword, i think im gonna save up for one. :demon:
  3. they just took toryiamas manga and turned it into a t.v. show. then when the manga stopped they wanted some more money so they made up dragonball gt as it went along.
  4. yeah, jackie chun (master roshi) used the mad cow attack on goku so goku used the crazy monkey attack. I think it was the crazy monkey, but i thinkt thats the wrong name, feel free to correct me.
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