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Everything posted by Moonchild

  1. It is ok though I prefer Japanese korean and chinese graphic novels.
  2. i am in this Graphic novel club at my school and it is called Maus. It is about a mouse that lives in Germany during WW2 and so far it is interesting........anyone else read it?
  3. I have had dreams of amny animes. Mostly I am being chased by the bad guy and I fall in love with the guy I like. I usually use my dreams for my fan fic.
  4. I hope you don't think I am the kind of Fan who likes it becuase it is Asian. I prefer thier music because I can relate a song to a certain event in my life. I can realte to what they say. I love it because the music really helps me through a tough time. I like the music because they write with their hearts and souls. They helped me alot especially Hyde. His song Evergreen helped me after my friedns death. I love their music because what the song is about not because it is Asian.
  5. Personally, american music seems to be more silly than Korean or japanese. I mean singing a song about "chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side?" Is that really neccessary? I found it is actually a dance. I admitt some is pretty silly but mostly on anime... no offense. Take DBSK...They wite and produce their own music and lyrics. BOA is not I repeat not Japanese she is actually Korean. This has been proven by so many Korean website...I have a friend who is Korean and translated. Believe what you will but Asian singers tend to speak more from the heart than most american bands. Most being the operative word. I really like what they wirteand it seems they see and know what I am going through. You have your opinions and I have mine but that can't stop us from being friends and who we are inside. :catgirl:
  6. DBSK is actually an International band...Miicky lived in the states for awhile with his family.....I think the still live here. They sing in Japanese Korean chinese and english. The lyrics are good and unless you have a korean friend, who speaks and understands korean, the internet is your best way of getting the answers to your questiong on what they are saying in the song.
  7. I pray nothing happens. I know a boy who lives in South Korea and everyday I worry about him...we have been getting close and I don't want war to spereate us. I hope he and his family are safe. I pray we meet again.
  8. My Korean friend came to our school as an exchange student......My school is Northwest highschool well we have been keeping in touch but actually I was in Korean music since I was young but could never find the cds I wanted.
  9. There are language translations on the internet. Go to websites like yahoo, google and Ask.com for the translations.
  10. I can help you. Korean music is just like Japanese the only difference is the language. Music is Universal.
  11. I listen to it because they tend to write better music than american people do dont get me worn gI love american music but some of it is so silly I also listen to japanese and chinese but i wanted to start with something korean because I have a friend who is from south korea. If you want to hear him go to a website called Youtube.com. Soon I will have Rain on my Multiply account.
  12. I have listen to some Korean bands and they rock my favorite one is DBSK. Which has five hot...I mean sizziling guys! They also made this cool song called O and one named Rising sun. Also there is a singer named Bi AKA Rain....He rocks too. So if you have any more suggestions of Korean Bands or want me to help you out with some music join this thread. Korean music is cool so try it out. :D
  13. I have watched this snd I don't know if there is a thread already but I thought this anime was awsome. thought if you don't like exploding heads and Violence I caution you to stay away. I hear my all time favorite Singer Gackt Camui stared on it. On volume 1 and 2 there interviews with him on how feels to be staring in an anime for the first time. I really liked his answers. Hopfully this is a thread that will stay up. Oh yeah Gackt plays a bad guy.
  14. hey sis id never seen any but i know some of the people whio act on asian dramas!
  15. Moonchild


    Hey ya guys!!!!!! hopefully this thread stays up longer that the other one. This is about our beloved Kat-Tun. I personally love Jin and Kame. Poor Kame... all those fan girls wish him dead! Those a-holes!!! They should be punished!!! anyways if you love Kat-tun come along. Oh yeah and my sis starlight should be on so check out her thread on asian dramas.
  16. Hey any one like W-inds? I love Ryohei!!!! W-inds being how I put it a wonderful band though my sister thinks their dances are dorky! I think their dances are awsome!!! So if your a fan let's discuss about them Oh I belive Ryuichi is so silly but funny! Keita is kool. Keita=lead singer Ryuichi=back up voice/dancer Ryohei=Back up voice/dancer oh keita's mom is supposibly a big fashiion designer, hmmm.....does she design w-inds costumes and wardrobe? [SIZE=1] [COLOR=Indigo]Merged the threads. Thank you for fixing your post. -Marsh[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. All hale Gackt and Hyde!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gackt is the greatest so id hyde and i've heard of some of those bands.
  18. hey why dont you send me a drama dear sister of mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :animecry:
  19. Gackt is the only thing i listen most of the time.
  20. Alright enough is enough I haedly see anything about these guys so if ur a fan then bring ur Gackt lovin butt here and hyde lovin butt. Live Jrock and jpop and kpop and krock..............also give me suggestions on some bands! mostly Gackt though!i love him so much that my screenname on youtube is Gacktswife!
  21. I love GACKT CAMUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's my Fave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he';s hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i also like L'aec~en~ciel Luna sea w-inds x-japan yoko ishida Hyde (without his band.) Bi Kattun Kinki kids and much more. :animeswea
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