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Everything posted by triblackfire
There are two choices you can make. One is that you never try to experience love with a significant other, or two, you can just go for it and take the risk. I'm currently a high school student, who has been going out with my boyfriend for about six months now, but were good friends the year before. I'm in love with him and so is he to me. I trust that he does and he does the same. Both of us know that the chances of us staying together after high school are slim, but it doesn't stop us from enjoying what we have now. I know I'll lose a part of myself to him, but I'll gain something back in exchange. Sadly though, this concept doesn't work for all relationships. :animeswea
Well my first official boyfriend was more like a friend to me. During May when the amusement parks arive annually, he and I were always together. After we broke up, I automatically went out with my current boyfriend and we've been together ever since. My first boyfriend and I are really close friends then and now, and I can't believe that I ever dated him. It's so wierd. Don't worry, when we first kissed, we always bumped noses. Ha, it was a major turn off but it made up for some major laughs. :animesmil
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=deepskyblue]I'm currently in a relationship right now with one of the greatest guys I've ever met. Of course we started out as friends first and now we are commited to each other. We do the regular stuff boy/girl friends do for each other and it's all good. Of course at times we do have our urges but we both have enough self-control to stop from crossing any boundaries. ^.~[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=deepskyblue]We both wish for our relationship to last for[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=deepskyblue]quite awhile, and if something does break us apart, the foundation called friendship that started us out will always be there. (tear)[/color][/font]
I'm also a very active myotaku user. I started out from there when I was randomly searching for anime quizzes on google. I don't think everyone has a myotaku but then again I could be wrong. There are like how many sites going around for myotaku???...Anyways just wanted you to know! ^.~ I also have a few friends who are consistanly on this site so yeah. ^.^
Let's talk about sex (Mature please)
triblackfire replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=deepskyblue]What I think about sex...hmmmmmm I don't really know. I think it's naughty and I heard you can lose alot of calories that way! ^.^ Anyways, I first learned about sex from my older siblings. I was about in kindergarden. Yeah I was tramatized. Now I'm used to it from tv and school. ;)[/color][/font] -
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=deepskyblue]Weight has never been an issue for me, much less my body shape. I never actually paid attention (or even cared) about it until I took aerobics class during my freshmen year. I noticed how toned I became and now I'm more muscled then skin and bones. Shoot, I don't watch what I eat at all and I never will. I JUST LOVE FOOD!!! Well, I'll always exercise, which I do daily, considering the amount of physical activities I do! :animesmil[/color][/font]
Hmmmm...siblings! Ha! I'm the yougest out of three children and loving it! Yah, I'm the annoying one and I guess the stupid one! (or at least that's what they call me!^.^) Anyways, most of the time, I feel as if I'm the oldest out of my sister and brother! They, from my perspective are the annoying ones! I usually get my revenge though!!! ^.~ Well, I could understand your point of view though!
[font=Verdana][size=2]I have three important people in my life. First is my mother for the support she has always given me. Even though at times (ok most of the time...lately) we don't get along, you still watch out for me and forget my flaws. The second most important is my boyfriend. Even if we'd been together for practically a month now, I was able to open up to him and he accepted me for who I am. Even when the subject of "love" came by, we made it through our doubts and uncertanties and ended up closer than ever! The last but not least is my sister. I love her to death and she understands me so well... that it scares me!!! Yet, I would never forget the friends I have and of course, the friends I have made on Otaku! I would call this...my fourth important peoples in my life!!! (actually I don't catagorize on who is the most important, but if I had to, which is now, this is how I would rate that.) ^.^[/size][/font]
[quote name='UnknownColor][color=gray]The "perfect" guy for me would have to be kind, yet agressive. I don't know how that will work out. haha Just playful really and likes to have fun but never goes too far with things. I'd like to have a lot of things in common with him so that we won't run out of stuff to talk about or take part in. ^_^ I want someone to also accept me for me. I don't want him to care about how I look or dress or even think about changing me. My standards aren't that high so yeah.. I [i]think[/i'] I met him already. We're not all that perfect together but we've been together for 8 months already. We'll just see how that works out because nothing is ever perfect. [/color][/quote][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Wow I just wanted to say that's amazing!!! Eight months together!!! I would be lucky to have lasted about atleast one month!!! I agree with your standards and I think I've found the "one" too...but we've only been together for four to five weeks now. We both talked about "us' and hope our relationship together lasts.:animesmil Well...sorry just had to say that!!!;)[/color][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]I don't really like emo...not to be mean. Since I live in a small town, everybody practically knows everybody else, and when someone tries to "cut" themselves just to be emo, someone will find out. I agree that it's another for individuality but they don't have to "hurt" themselves to be emo!!!:mad: Well, I'm just saying!:animeshy:[/color][/font] [/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Being a virgin is a good thing...right? Sometimes I think I'm too naive at times, especially when it comes down to love in relationships. Love is used too lightly now adays and that is just WRONG!!! I'm embarrassed to say...but I might lose my virginity with this special someone I have been with. Yet for some reason I'm reluctant to DO it!:animeswea Ya, sounds pathetic in my ears, but I don't think this is the right time for me. Is this bad?:animedepr[/color][/font]
What skills do you have or what are you best known for?
triblackfire replied to orbindo's topic in General Discussion
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]What I'm known for in my hometown of Kodiak, Alaska is being one of the smartest people in my grade. I have common sence, which not to be mean, not much people posses anymore.:animeswea I'm also a optimistic person and very happy all the time. In the thread where "what quote do you live by," mine was to not let my sadness rule your life, so i try to make the best of things. Also i'm known for my laughing. I laugh, I guess you can say, ALL THE TIME! I just make the habit of making situations funny.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]I don't posses a skill that I'm REALLY GOOD AT, but I'm generally good around most academics and sports. I'm an all around person! ;)[/color][/font] -
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]I would say animecon because I never read much comics in my life! I don't dislike them, it's just that I haven't had much of them at all. I think Robin is cool!!! Tee Hee...well I've liked anime since childhood and of course I want to go to a place where there are tons of them today! Yay for anime!!![/color][/font]:animesmil
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]The song "Broken" by Seether reminds me of my boyfriend. One day, before we were really going out, he played the song for me. I told him I knew the lyrics to it and we agreed to collaborate our talents (his playing and my singing) to this song. I guess you could call it our song now.:animesmil[/color][/font]
The quote I currently live by is "don't let your sadness rule your life." I'm a happy person and people are always asking me why I'm always like that. I tell them that I don't let the sadness in my life stop me from enjoying life as it is. We may have our ups and downs, but it's up to the person to make the best of things as they come by. ;)
What I really want right now is if "love" is really happening to me. I'm with my boyfriend and he's the greatest guy I've ever met. We're compatible in everyway there is and today, on our Saturday date, he told me he loved me. When I heard those words, I felt my heart flutter. Yet, I was never one to believe such words ever from anyone. I love him too, but we're still young. I guess I'm just afraid if this "love" we share isn't really love at all. I just want to know. Sorry for my endless drabble.:animesigh
The strongest emotions that I posses are happiness because my hyper-activeness falls into that catagory and my self concienceness. I am over anylytical of myself most of the time over petty situations that has happened to me. It's usaully embarrassing situations that I wished I could have done differently. :p Also I always think of making things better when things go awry, which is my optimisim. I am a very happy person overall.:animesmil
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Hello there! Here is some information about me...[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]My name is Trixie Acob[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]I live in Kodiak, Alaska[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]I'll be a sophmore this year[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]I'm currently 15 (until August 31;) )[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]I have two older siblings, a brother and sister[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]I love anime/manga and video games (especially the final fantasy series)[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]I'm hyper active (a spaz attic monkey:catgirl: )[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]And basically love to have fun (i also have a great sence of humor)[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Well there you go!!! Enjoy[/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Well I'd definatly become a ninja! I'd love to kick some major butt! I'm kinda into alot of violence and love to see some cool butt wooping! Tee hee, but being a pirate is cool too, yet I'd still want to be a ninja though.:animesmil[/color][/font]
You today compared to you a year ago
triblackfire replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=darkred]The person I was a year ago was an introverted person. I was shy and kept my true self hidden from the outside world. When ever I was at home or with people I was "used to" I would be myself, which is a spaz attic monkey.:animesmil Now ever since the summer before I went to high school, I've been "me" whereever and whenever I was. People say I have changed, but in truth I've just broke out of my shell. Yet it doens't matter to me whatsoever. I liked my life before and I'm liking now.;) [/color][/size][/font] -
[font=Verdana][size=2][font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]What I think about guys is that they're pretty facinating! They're soooo different from girls yet they are so much like us. It's cool to hang out with guys, especially if it's someone you want to get hooked up with...:animeshy: ....Well anyways, yeah, life wouldn't be as great if there weren't the opposite sex around...;)[/color][/font] [/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]I was just browsing around on the internet and went on google and typed in anime quizzes. My friend Katie told me about how much fun anime quizzes were and decided to check it out. Otaku.com was the first on the list and instantly I've become hooked!!! I regestered and now I'm officially a new member!! I'm having fun posting and meeting people (even though I'm still having trouble with html...);)[/color][/font]
On a personal level, I am truly impressed by your persistance in this sport! Even though you suffered quite a bit, you still like wrestling. I am a vollyball player and wanted to do wrestling, but I never did because non of my friends would take it with me (pathetic huh...) Well if wrestling is your true passion, then there is nothing to do but just go for it! I'm cheering you on!!:animesmil
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]Well, I don't know if there is such thing as finding the perfect person, but you could find someone that's pretty close to the one you want! Well right now I'm with this guy and he's like a dream come true. He's smart, athletic, determined, and sweet. He shared the same values as me about relationships and that is loyalty and trust. He told me that there couldn't be a relationship with the person you wanted to be with if there wasn't friendship between them to begin with. I just hope that the relationship between us will last. :animesmil [/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=darkred]The way I difine if someone is popular is someone that is well known. I don't know if I am popular but I do have a reputation as being one of the more well know people in my school ( in a good way of course). I do have friends who are popular and many that are not. I see many others that consider themselves to be popular, and not to be mean, they are, but in a bad way. :animeblus So there are good things and bad things that come with being popular, and one of the bad things is reputation. There are so many ways to ruin it!!! Yeah, but I guess to be popular is just the way you hold yourself. Anyone can be popular.[/color][/font]