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Sho Ayori

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Everything posted by Sho Ayori

  1. I think you did pretty well on the colour editing, since the lines and gaps are quite solid. Personally though I think the pencils sketch was better, but that's just me. In any case, keep working on that, it's good stuff!
  2. This one's easy. A couple of years ago, I had a lot of my cousins come round to my house, and we were all planning to go out for the day... we ended up going to Alton Towers. This was the first time I'd been there, and throughout the day we just had one exhilirating experience after the other. EVery ride we went on made us laugh and scream with joy. There was 6 of us in total: Me, My sister, my three female cousins and one male cousin. I just wish I could do something like that again in the future.
  3. The reason I love anime is because.... it's different, basically. It's different from the modernised cartoons and animation that we get over in Europe. Anime is, 9 times outta 10, better animated, beautiful characters, and brilliant plot. I've found it very rare that an anime I've watched doesn't have sleek animation and awesome storytelling capabilities. There's those reason, and the fact that there's just so much of it, there's loads more anime that I watch rather than Western cartoons. Don't get me wrong, I watch normal animation, and I enjoy it but anime takes it just that one step further. With it's design, plots and development I've loved it ever since I first saw Pokémon, and that inspired me to draw in the same style. I often find that I can really relate to characters in an anime, when they normally reach a certain goal or achievement, it seems as if they discover something new about themselves, and this also happens in everyday life, which isn't really something you can find in Western animation. Plus, there is a whole range of different aged anime. Some can be for the younger generation, the teens and the adults, so it offers something for everyone. Realising the existence of anime was the turning point in my life, and I'll never lose interest in it, since it draws you into its beautiful and magical world. I do find it irrritating though when certain people always associate anime with porn. When thought about carefully, it isn't. There may be a lot of 'mature' anime, but that shouldn't stop people giving it a try. I'm just happy that most of the friends I hang around with also love anime as much as I do, including my sister. It's given me a new outlook on life, really!
  4. Personally, I love being with the few friends that I hold dear. But more than that, hanging out with my kid sister is what I enjoy most. I don't know how she does it, but she always manages to cheer me up, even in my darkest moments. We often end up going down to the beach, and just sit together looking at the sunset. I We both like being in tranquil places, the coast for example.
  5. Well, I don't think my avatar says much, but my signature really tells the story. The fact that I customised it with pictures of Cloud and Aerith in their chibi form, it basically means I love chibi and kawaii stuff. I suppose the slogan in my sig also tells a small fraction of my weird past. My custom title, 'Onii-Chan', (Big Brother, in japanese... I think) represents what position I am in my household, since I have a younger sister. That's also what she likes to call me, but I don't really mind. Finally, my cryptic saying at the bottom just dictates my outview on life, sorta. I personally believe that we don't need rewards for acheiving greatness, just the fact that you achieved it should be reward enough. That's what I think anyway.
  6. It's quite rare that I consume junk food. And even if I do I normally end up doing some exercises very soon after. I enjoy it mind you, but healthy living is a passion of mine. Things like pasta, mashed potato, vegetables are normally the first thing I will opt for. What annoys me is the food that we enjoy, are normally quite bad for us. But the foods we dislike, [B]are[/B] good for us! It's a cruel balance...
  7. I used to celebrate Halloween when i was younger. I used to go out with my friends and sister, we normally did a cosplay kind of theme for our costumes. Over the years, the style changed and we came up with some pretty good ideas. Nowadays though, I hardly ever even notice the Halloween decorations or products. My sister often keeps asking me to come along with her, but if I do I never dress up. Halloween was fun while it lasted, to me anyway.
  8. Apologies if this has been done before, but this thread is to discuss the kind of dreams that you have. From what I've learned in the past, dreaming consists of the images and influences that you've witnessed during the day. All the stress or distractions that occure can also have an effect on what you dream about. But most commonly, we dream about what our life usually revolves around. For instance, my dreams normally consist of being in a real life RPG, or being transported into a game world. This can be down to the fact that I play endless video games, and I can somehow remember almost every detail about each one I play. Added to that, dreams are supposed to be subconscious message from your own feelings. I once heard a saying that went: 'To ignore one's dreams is to ignore one's heart.' So what kind of dreams does everyone else have?
  9. I suppose the fact that my 'real' dad walked out on me and my family (Mom and sister) when I was about 5. :animeangr The same year that my sister was born. I've resented him ever since and I've promised myself to always watch out for my family and never abandon them like my old man did. Ever since then, I changed from being outwardly cheerful, to being cautious and choosing my friends carefully. But, life goes on, and hopefully my sister won't suffer as much as I did.
  10. I think my oldest game is the original Sonic the Hedgehog on the Mega Drive. My sister loves the games as much as I do. I've completed it on several occations but I never seem to get bored with it. An alternate game I had for the Mega Drive was 'Another World', I never managed to get past the first level. Some weird slug things kept slashing my leg. :animedepr
  11. Most of the time when I'm with a bunch of friends, we'll just be talking about your average everyday topics, like Lessons, new games... whatever it may be. But at ay given point, our conversation will suddenly just change into something completely different. For instance, one day we were talking about certain teachers at our college, and for some odd reason the topic became about the extinction of dinosaurs. now, I don't really remember what one of us said to relate it to that, but it just suddenly cropped up. After having a long discussion about that, the next comment about a T-Rex became about Global Warming. Our conversations stem from the weirdest roots, surprisingly my sister does the same thing with me at home. We'll be talking about something like 'What's for dinner tonight?' then it will suddenly become a talk about a television monitor. It's always something wacky where I live. :animesigh
  12. I suppose my problem is when people start to worry to much about me. I personally find it really irritating, because I want and can show that I can look after myself, and I don't need someone watching me every second. If this ever puts me in a bad mood, I either go and sit silently near a river or go by the coast. The sounds calm my nerves. That, and I go away to draw stuff. The only exception I take for this is my younger sister, she's really the only one who I completely open up to. Even when I'm in a bad mood I don't mind her being around. She usually cheers me up anyway, and she often gives me motivation or encouragement.
  13. I agree with the Death penalty. I believe that if you intentionally murder someone, you don't have the right to exist anymore. Why should you when you've just ended someone else's. Everyone on this planet is given life, but to take it away from someone innocent is one of the most dispicable sins I can think of. With most cases I've read about, the murder gets a ridiculous sentence in jail, some of them are only 6 years or less, and most of the time they get out before that anyway. Even when they are released, they are most likely to commit their crime again, which shows that confinement just doesn't work well enough. If you want my idea of punishment for these filthy murderers, it's this: Instead of testing substances, new products, chemicals etc on animals, the scientists should test them on the murderers. Maybe then it will show them the misery they put people through, and somehow get away with it.
  14. I've seen many videos and trailer to this, and I think it looks like an enjoyable game. I've found out that the system keeps the 'Skit' idea from Symphonia, and the batle system looks almost identical, being real-time of course. Is there a scheduled European release though?
  15. It's got good proportions but shading is also a very useful technique, as I use in my drawings. It's very rare that I myself use colour, but try just shading your work, and it's easier to darken the lines when you use this technique. That's what I think anyway, it's up to you though. ;)
  16. Sho Ayori

    Last Movie

    It's been a while since I watched a film, and that was when I watched Scary movie 4 at a friend's house. Since then I just either watch TV or do something else. I don't really have much time for movies, unfortunately.
  17. I suppose my favourite would be Media Studies and ICT. Morever because they give me the hance to hone my two competent skills, computing and drawing. Plus media lets me view and learn things in a multimedia style, which makes it easierfor me to learn.
  18. When's Episode 3 coming out in Europe? I've wanted it since I began playing Episode 2, though I haven't played the first one. But the storyline and characters absorbed me into it, and I liked the battle system. I know what the whole story's about but waiting for episode 3 is really getting to be a drag.
  19. The last game I bought was Suikoden V, though on friday it will be Kingdom Hearts 2. After playing the first Suikoden, my love for this RPG series has grown considerably, so I eventually got 4 and then 5. They keep getting better!
  20. Well, I get paid two different ways: Bearing in mind this is between college hours. 1. Restaurant near the Seafront. A few other members of my family work there as well, my mom, my Grandmother and sometimes even [B]her[/B] mother! I suppose the position I play is a waitor, but we all seem to share the same jobs, except for the chefs, which are my mom and gran. Wherever possible, each of us will either do some waitoring, serving, till work or whatever needs doing. So we all share the same position, and the boss... well he can take it easy. :animedepr 2. Looking after my little sister for certain days. At times when my mom has to go out for the day or something, she normally pays me a few quid to look after my sister for the day. Luckily, my sister and I are quite close and we very rarely have arguements. She enjoys spending time with me and my friends, and I enjoy the company. I suppose the worst part of my restaurant job is when I'm pulled into working when it's not my normal hours, and it makes it worse when the weather is wondeful. I have to painfully watch people having fun on thebeach, while I work my *** off! :animesigh
  21. I generated a random playlist from my iTunes databank and got these. 1. Darkness of the Unknown - Yoko Shimomura 2. Fatalize - Symphonia OST 3. Digital Dimension - Sonic Style 4. A Fight To The Death - Yoko Shimomura 5. Water - Nobou Uematsu 6. Otherworld - Black Mages 7. The Man With The Machine Gun - Black Mages 8. Fighting of the Spirit - Symphonia OST 9. The Chase of Highway - Nobou Uematsu 10. Challenge - Nobou Uematsu 11. Passion - Utada Hikari 12. Clash on The Big Bridge - Black Mages 13. Captain Jack - DDR 14. JENOVA - Black Mages 15. 1000 Words - Nobou Uematsu (Or is it Yuna?) As you can see, practically all of the songs in my iTunes listing comes from various video games that I idolise. the majority of songs I listen to are normall just the music itself, without lyrics. I find that when there's someone singing, it can ruin the effect, which is why I absolutely despise Rap, Urban etc music.
  22. Let see... traditions. I suppose my family's tradition is to go bowling every time it's one of our birthday. My sister and my birthdays are the times we do that, since our parents prefer to go out for the evening on theirs. In any case, my sister and I have to outplay each other in ten-pin bowling, which can get ugly sometimes. If we have to have the sidelines up, my sister uses a sneaky move where she rebounds her ball side to side on the barriers, and she nearly always gets a strike. I, on the other hand, try her technique but it doesn't seem to work for me. :animesigh
  23. My favourite band is , and has been for a long time, The Black Mages. And they have a brilliant vocalist known as Kazco. Ever since I found their two albums on the internet I've been hooked. They specialise in the remixing of various Final Fantasy songs, my favourite from their albums being 'Clash On The Big Bridge'.
  24. Mine was just an original creation off the top of my head. But when I looked at it again, I though 'That's actually pretty cool.' And I've used it in many other places.
  25. Hmm, for that kind of thing I normally go to Tokyopop.com, they're big on the news of manga publishing and stuff like that.
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