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Sho Ayori

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Everything posted by Sho Ayori

  1. Ah yes, I remember this game, it's still in my collection. I managed to get all the cards I wanted for my specially customised deck, and I was very proud of it when I completed it. The deck I use is most comprised of Darkness and Spellcaster cards, which some of them have the ability to change the terrain into dark at the same time. I also added some nasty traps just to make it difficult for my opoonent. I'd recommend these certain cards in any kind of deck: Goblin Fan: Bounces Direct Damage back to your opoonent. (Very useful against Pegasus!) Shadow of Eyes or Gorgon's Eye: Renders you ropoonent unable to play cards in Defence mode. Bad Reaction to Simochi: Reverses your opponent's life gaining spells to hurt them. Reverse Trap: Reverses the power up effects on monster cards for your opponent. Brilliant against Fab Lyrr.
  2. I enjoyed the previous Budokai games, my favourite being the 3rd installment. However, the new system on tenkaichi really screwed it up for me. I haven't actually played the new one but I suspect a friend of mine will want to get it so I'll just play it at his house.
  3. 'All you have to decide, is what to do with the time that is given to you.' I originally heard this one from the Lord of the Rings series, I thought about it for a while and it really hit me with reality. Another one that I came up with a few years ago was; 'Faith is the belief of something that can't be proven.' Some of you may have heard this before but I didn't until it popped into my head.
  4. I've been using The Otaku website for about a year now and I eventually thought to myself, 'Why not join the forum as well, rather than just visiting?' I originally found the websites when I typed in Anime personality Quizzes, one of the top finds was The Otaku. Since then I've come to love it! :animesmil
  5. I'm 18 but many people have thought that I was about 20 when they first see me. If I wasn't aware of my age and I took a look at myself I'd think I was 19 or 20. I'm quite tall as well.
  6. Alright! Another Vegeta fan! My fave from DBZ! That's some impressive work there, keep at it. I like the colouring and finelines that you managed to do.
  7. Go to the neighbouring Worlds (Agrabah and Atlantica I think) Then choose to fly to Monstro with Normal drive, not warp. Sometimes he'll re-appear and swallow the Gummi ship, afterwards you can explore inside him again. It's only sometimes though.
  8. Siblings, eh? Well, I have my little sister in my life. When we were younger we used to annoy each other, since she used to have to share my room. Thankfully, e got our own rooms when she had her 9th birthday. She's fun to be with though, she even sometimes calls me Onii-Chan, which is Japanese I think for brother, and she's always there to cheer me up. I remember when she was younger, she's insist on sleeping in my bed if she had a bad dream or something. It was always me first, not our mom. :animesigh She doesn't really do that anymore though. (At least now I can get a full night's sleep.) It's rare that I go somewhere without her close behind me, even if it's just to the shop she comes with me. Now I'm 18 and she's 12, I wonder what the future holds?
  9. Simple, draw what you think you would look like in a manga or anime, in your own style though please, and show it to us. I did this one of myself a little while ago, I think there's a bit too much shading on this one though.
  10. I mostly spend a lot of time with my friends, although I prefer to go to the library and read. It sounds boring I know but that's the kind of person I am. I sometimes end up hanging with my younger sister's friends, who are around 12 or 13. Me being 18 it's not the funnest of times but it doesn't make a great deal of difference. I most play a lot of games indoors but I'd like to get out when the weather's fine.
  11. I normally hang out with a small group of friends each day, so I'd say I'm well known but not what you call 'popular'. I'm not one of those prople where they want to make themselves widely known throughout the colege, I don't mind attention but too much makes me uncomfortable.
  12. I remember when I was about 6 or 7, when my mom's [B]current[/B] boyfriend at the time was making some milkshakes in the kitchen. My sister and I were in the living room playing a game, when we suddenly heard a screeching noise coming from the kitchen. It turned out that my mom's boyfriend had got his beard caught in the blender, and it was spinning around his chin as he flailed about, milkshake was going everywhere. I have never laughed so much in my life! Also recently, my sister and I were at the beach, and she decided to carry a large rock up to where our stuff was. She asked me to help, but as I went to take the rock, she slipped on some seaweed and the rock slammed into my shin. Luckily, she kept hold of it and got back up, but my leg was in agony. And then, just as she turned, it slipped out of her hands and landed on my foot! At that point, my leg gave in and I fell to the floor. It wasn't funny at the time but I can laugh about it now. :animeswea
  13. Thanks for the pointers. The manga I normally create is usually Shojo kind of stuff, since I'm more into that rather than action and adventure. (Chobits, Carcaptor Sakura, Case Closed, Elfen Lied and other stuff like Negima or Love Hina are some of my favourites. After reading some of those mangas, I just picked up on the 'cute' drawing style and just adapted form that. Taking in mind what Chikara Kokoro said, that's one of the small problems I have: getting the proportions right every time. Hopefully I can improve on that though. These pages are actually part of the manga that I want to work on, since I know a story that I want it to have. It's a ghibli kind of story since I'm not too good at making action stuff. I've always found it easiest to get ideas from real-life situations and events, since they can happen every day, plus it's easier to draw.
  14. It's an interesting piece of work, but I just don't know what it is. :animeswea Go Photoshop!
  15. I'm not really the kind of guy who goes for relationships, since I want to concentrate on my studies so I can get somewhere in life. I've never actually had a girlfriend before, and even if I did my little sister would just annoy me about it. I'm very much a quiet and gentle person, I never really get mad at people and I haven't sworn in over 3 years (Honestly, I find swearing disgusting). [list] [*]Quiet, gentle, caring and thoughtful. [*]A girl who I can share my feelings and thoughts with. [*]She respects who I am, not what I am. [*]Long, long hair. [*]A girl who is able to have a laugh but also take things seriously when need be. [*]A girl who doesn't swear. [*]She wouldn't always worry about her appearance and fashion. [*]Somewhere between 5'4'' and 5'9'' in height. [*]She'd be slender but not over the top. (Not like Paris Hilton) [*]Must enjoy reading and quiet places, like libraries. [*]Wouldn't be interested in alcohol. [*]Doesn't smoke, never has, never will. [*]Someone who I can rely on, and vice versa. [*]A girl who undertstands the value of freindship. [*]Someone who can teach me some cooking skills. [*]Doesn't have to be overly smart. [*]Loves animals, mostly cats/kittens. [*]Wouldn't mind having children, maybe two. Must like the names Sion, Res for a boy. Athena, Raine for a girl. [*]Final fantasy and Nippon Ichi fan. [/list] That's quite a few essentials but that's what my match would be like. I had to use your idea for the layout Silver_Blade, hope you don't mind. They see that there's someone out there for everyone, I wonder...
  16. For me, Gameplay, characters and story is what I look for in games. Since I play RPGs almost endlessly, I like a complex storyline that makes the player think hard about the connections between characters etc. FF7 was an example of that. I am naturally drawn to a game when I see the design of the characters that I like, in my case I like it when the characters have an anime design to them (Tales of Symphonia is one of my faves). Graphics never bother me when I play, because no matter how good graphics are, if you can't play it it's worthless Therefore, gameplay outranks graphics for me. I think it's a good system when the player is able to make decision for the characters, rather than the game doing it itself. Realtime fighting is a bit more fun to play than turn-based in my opinion, since it keeps you on your toes and makes you focus.
  17. I've been drawing my own manga for quite a while now, but I've never been completely confident in my style of drawing. I was wondering if some of you could give me some tips on the structure of my character designs. Below are links to the comic I recently did. [URL=http://img148.imageshack.us/my.php?image=checkup1gp7.jpg]Page 1[/URL] [URL=http://img291.imageshack.us/my.php?image=checkup2wj9.jpg]Page 2[/URL] [URL=http://img135.imageshack.us/my.php?image=checkup3ia5.jpg]Page 3[/URL] [URL=http://img149.imageshack.us/my.php?image=checkup4up6.jpg]Page 4[/URL] [URL=http://img146.imageshack.us/my.php?image=checkup5cd5.jpg]Page 5[/URL] Apologies for the bad scanning, the pages aren't actually inked yet since I prefer the lighter lines until it's completely ready.
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