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About Shrader050

  • Birthday 07/26/1992

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    Shortly starting muay thai
  • Occupation
    Applications all around

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  1. [B]Name:[/B] Jeiraden [Jair-awe-denn] (you can call him Jay, but he may have a different reaction every time.) [B]Race:[/B] half-elf [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y115/LittleRedRose/Anime/ehnydeel.jpg]clicky[/URL] [B]Age:[/B] around 100 (which isnt bad for a half elf) [B]Class:[/B] sorcerer [B]Weapons:[/B] [URL=http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c220/Princess_Manomi/daggers.jpg]blades:[/URL](click it good) [URL=http://gungfu.securesites.com/pics_general/pics_swords/swords_fantasy_skull_sword_with_bat_guard_and_display_plaque_mucxl0917nvnm.jpg]sword:[/URL](this one too) [B]Magic talents:[/B] undefined [B]Personality:[/B] Quite charismatic and optimistic, Jeiraden is very cheery. He is very kind-hearted and outgoing. He loves to make people happy. Jeiraden, however is a fierce fighter and never gives in. When he is enraged there is no telling what damage he will cause. All that is certain is he will get his revenge on who ever angered him, sooner or later. [B]Bio: [/B] Jeiraden has always been a well experienced fighter. He has lived with the other elves and humans since his birth. Many were impressed with his skill in combat with both a weapon and in his knowledge of magic. He learned these from both personal gathering and from his master Sariosh, a noble man of the elves.Jeiraden believes only his master and limited others could defeat him. He was in his home village when some trouble had started at a near by shop, a man 'who Jeiraden knew to be kind with many morals' was stealing from the shop keeper. Jeiraden quickly sorted with this matter, he found that this man and many others were being evicted by the land owner for they had not enough money, now they may starve. some of the villagers told Jeiraden that he was a perfect candidate for the alabaster cup, and there would be a cash reward for the winner, which he could use to help his village ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I][B]ps; he isnt quite done "hence the missing magic" but i'll prolly be on another com so i posted him the way he is and i'll finish him soon.[/B][/I]
  2. [B]Name:[/B] Jardith Gurawn [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]Type of sabre:[/B] Jardith fights with one transparent, single bladed, 1 foot cane hilt, light sabre. His light sabre is clear because he has an Eralam crystal powering its beam. Jardith has a second sabre under his cloak, of the same make that he may bring out for multi sabre combat.Also has the stone kasha. [B]Sabre combat form:[/B] Jardith knows a few forms such as but not limited to, form 3 Soresu for defensive purposes, and form 5 Djem-So when necessary to kill a skilled opponent [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/6/61/AntaresDraco.jpg]Jardith[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Calm and level headed when in battle as most Jedi are, yet Jardith can lose his cool, definitely not wanting to avoid battle in any occasion. He is completely content with sparing to improve, not thinking twice about killing an enemy or traitorous opponent.Besides this he follows the jedi way as much as possible. Jardith is a very skilled Jedi swift and surprising with rounded moves, has little trouble defeating any opponent. [B]Bio:[/B] Jardith was born on a planet far away from the republic, he had a midi-chlorian count higher then average Jedi but not by far. His home town was raided by sith followers, all adults were slain for they were useless. Yet they decided some children were not Jedi knights defeated the troops of sith and Jardith was taken with them for he had no family, the council states that he was too old but they understood his value to the council and saw that he had no dark side in him. He quickly became a Jedi knight at the age of 22 and is now a master controlling a squadron of 12-16 clones. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry it took me so long to post my signup, but you could've waited to start the RPG
  3. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]The last game I bought was today, Soul Calibur 3 kind of late to pick it up I know but I couldn?t really find it any ware that it wasn?t 50$, and I?m broke ya know. Haven?t played it too much but I already know mastering S.C.2 made playing 3 even harder because of the control difference, from 2-3 and GameCube - ps2. Its one of the sickest games I?ve played. With its new characters, with there awesome new weapons, and the create a character mode so nice. And the landscape is incredible ?if you haven?t already played sc2? because the difference isn?t that big? Before that it was Genji Dawn of the Samurai over Christmas again late to pick it up. I beat that in under a week really sweet game if your into live action and samurai killings, its extremely high paced an Yoshitsune has one of the Koolest fighting styles, one back hand and one front hand katana. The is really sweet kind of short but awesome ?benkei isn?t that kool because he reminds me of my retarded friend.? Last the same week I bought Genji I got The legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. Also beat it in the same week as Genji pretty sweet game, not up to its hype or 5 yr wait. If I was on the team I would?ve given it more and longer dungeons. There?s a special item called the spinner, sounds gay I know but its awesome, you stand on it and it spins but if you hit a track it clicks in and you go almost three times as fast while following the track it so kool and you have to collect items and defeat the boss this way, very kool item, great game. I?d recommend all of them and if you can find them for under 40 $ even better. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  4. to everyone what do you think i should edit to make my charecter a little less cheap
  5. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Name- Jullian Age- Aprx. 120 lost track at 83 Appearance- Jullian has an average height and weight 6" feet tall 178 lbs, he wears a red t-shirt under a long dark blue trench coat, silver knuckles, and dark sunglasses. He has light brown semi spiky hair and silver eyes 'hence the shades' Personality- very calm and collected exspecially when hes in a battle and it seems thats where he always wants to be. Jullian may seem like he is in league with the villains because he is so anti social at times,under his shaded exterior he might be slightly less harsh. Bio/History- Jullians parents were selected for genetic experiment testing shortly before he was concieved Jullian was born with silver eyes, a hybrid with origins unknown, though no-one knows about his eyes. All that is really known is that he has verygood hearing, extraordinary sight and smell. It is vitually undetectable that Jullian is a hybrid. Expertise- Jullian has had vast encounters with many different demons but is most fammiliar with gargoyels. Weapons- Silver knuckles that extend 7 inch(es) like the weapon CAT CLAWS and can retract back down to .5 inch(es) a long dragon katana with a pure silver blade that has been blessed by a shambala master, not only making it virtually indestructable but no demon or monstrous entity may weild it, and some throwing weapons.Aswell as an assortmeant of firearms that include:, military grade spaz shot-gun, MP5 hand machine gun, colt .45 pistol, AK47 assult rifle, M16 assult rifle, and a M40A3 sniper rifle Training- Jullian has had training from a few differnt locations and teachers but the one he is most proud of is at a budist temple with a shambala master. Extra Abilities- Jullian has supersonic hearing, extraordinary sight and smell. Has had hand to hand combat training and taught himself to use firearms. Now he has had much experience with them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. I would assume that naruto fans are gundam fans weird
  7. Name-Alaster Nash Age-22 Gender-Male Nationality-Confederate Planets Rank-new recruite/has had extensive training studied under colenal nathaniel nash" A well known pilot" appearence- about 6"2 185 lbs seemingly skinny, a semi spiky light brown harstyle much like a shag, has a longsleave t-shirt with a regular t-shirt on top and has a pair of blue cargo pants, never weres the uniform jacket unless in battle and even then not very often. Biography/history-Alaster was born to the commander of an elite flight organization and was not allowed to enter a battle untill now because if he was to lose than their would be no heir to the nash corporation and fortune. personality- Very outgoing and fun to be around mostly carefree but when a battle begins he becomes concentrated calm and collected mobilesuit- much like the freedome in mobile suit gundam seed with a few custom variations this gundam has two forms and the basic original form inwhich is rounded to the perfection, the bombarder form which is great for distance fighting and is equiped with dozens of firearms and the assailant form which is great for close range combat and consists of a plethera of beamswords and daggers hiden in many different places. ooc: Ill definately want to edit this later.
  8. My skill is great, but so is his. Goru never mentioned that he had a master, this could get very confusing. Asaar thought to himself. " Onimasa eh, well you seem to be a colligue of aya's aswell, but you seem far superior to her, I guess I'll need to use my kekkei genkai to its fullest extent. That last bone blade I forged was only a fraction of the density I can make in but a second" Asaar bosted, as his right clone was charging at the shadow onimasa from above. Onimasa barely moved an inch and caught the clones arm with one hand and snapped it off with the other, and said " if that is the extent of your power than Goru was mistaken" Asaar realized that if he wanted to fare well at all he would not be able to use clones he would need to fight in person. onimasa turned towards Asaar and with an instant was behind him and squarely kicked him directly in the back Asaar caught himself before smashing into any thing and shot 3 bone spikes in Onimasa's direction but Onimasa used a replacementjutsu, Asaar saw where he would appear and quickly telaported there with a spike out his wrist and punching straight. Onimasa appeared just behined Asaar and cut his arm badly before Asaar realized that Onimasa purposely lead him to believe he would reapear somewhere he didnt. "Onimasa will you allow me to join your association if I fare well against you" Asaar asked Onimasa responded if you keep fighting like this than no" but while he was answering Asaar forged a blade out of his bone and stabbed it into the fake Onimasa.
  9. Shrader050

    Family Guy

    hey are you insain family guy rocks hard dont question it
  10. Asaar quickly lept to tree level, a few trees away from aya below her yet behind her, and shot three bone spikes from his wrist towards her, knowing aya would easely dodge them and engage their fight. Aya was fixed on Goru in the opposite direction Asaar assumed that he was probably going to cloak his rare assortment of supplies with a complex genjutsu, Aya noticed the bone soaring for her at the last second and jumped into a backflip to dodge them. Two of them were dodged very simply but the third she could not escape in time so she raised a kunai to shield herself from it expecting it to shatter or dissapear as if it was an illusion but instead it skimmed the edge of the kunai and shot directly into her shoulder about three inches. Aya quickly landed in pain and renched it out of her arm and said " Im not here to fight you. I am here to finish bussiness with Goru." you may talk to him when we are finished here for i do not wish to kill you, infact your more of a test for me to improve my skill at new and old techniques. besides it seems Goru has another engagement at the current time."Said Asaar as Goru ran off faster then Asaar nor Aya could see. Aya seemed very angry that she only had linear usage with her left arm. Instead of casting hand signs and performing a jutsu she through a single kunai at Asaar and Asaar droped to a branch below but when the kunai stuck itself into the tree the tree began to melt very much like before. Asaar hadn't realized how skilled Aya was and instantly knew that this battle would be far more interesting then he first expected. Asaar began cloning himself twice with earthclone aya didnt want this to succeed so she lept towards Asaar with a kunai forward attacking him but it was just an illusion, he was actually behind her and had completed the cloning and the real Asaar axe kicked Aya from three stories high into the ground off the tree. Aya got back up extreamly aggrevated, and realized Asaar was not an enemy that would so easily be deafeted and would not stay down so it seemed it would be a while before she could take care of bussiness with Goru.
  11. OOC; just so that every one is completely clear on this Asaar is also a male charecter and it is spelt Asaar and pronounced "eh zar"
  12. Asaar awoke before the pheonix inferno was executed. He could see that daria and his sister seria were talking but he was still weak and could see very little and hear nothing. Just before daria performed his jutsu seria began a stone shield jutsu, Goru quickly used the powers of his mask to replicate seria's shield asaar knew this jutsu must be very powerfull if not onlly seria is pretecting herself but also goru. He performed a technique inwhich he hoped he would not need so early. Asaar dashed behind a tree because he had not mastered this techniqu prior to the battle he found himself in presently and did not wish to die. He the quickly executed the hand seals for the Shikotsumyaku a kekkei genkai wich grants the user the capability to reconstruct there bonestructure into any form they choose. Asaar was able to use this kekkei genkai because kaguya blood runs through his vains thanks to his mothers origin. Asaar created a sheild under his skin aswell as over for minimal exposure to the explosion, though daria decintagrated the tree Asaar shadowed himself with his kekkei genkai worked better than expected, accept for it drained alot of energy.Asaar shortly after passed out so seria and daria assumed he had perrished. Asaar did not wake for quite some time, not untill Goru found hime with bone shooting out in spikes from his body, while he was asleep Asaars mind was racing around trying to decifer why daria and his sister took such interest in master Goru.
  13. As Asaar was dashing through the forest he came across Aya quivering on the ground in imense pain and fear, with three genin infront of her,Asaar took a look at them and took a look at her and insulted her with "you were afraid of that" and then said to the genin "good job."He then reverted back to Aya and said "Goru must be past your level if three genin could defeat you." Asaar then took her heaven scroll and made his way out of the forest. while Asaar left the premises he scouted Goru and decided to catch up to him and see why he was in the forest. When he caught up, Goru asked him" So Asaar how are you doing in the second exam"."I already have a heaven scroll and I believe thats thanks to you." Asaar replied "Did you defeat Aya infront of those Genin." but before Goru could answer, Asaar and him heard an odd sound that they emmideatly Knew had to be Seran and Deria pesturing those with not the strength to defend themselves, such as Aya attempted before. So Asaar and Goru dashed towards the sound and sure enough it was the two brothers Seren and Deria pesturing Dakashime, Miki, and Keitaro. Goru and Asaar stopped between Panda and Deria, seeing his power Asaar said "run, you are no match for him! We'll hold him off as long as we can."to Panda. Then Goru said "Now that I've defeated Aya, you two are my only rivals" to the brothers of the stone village.
  14. "Every one has already left the premises." Goru said "Well we best get started" Asaar replied "Will there be anyone else in the forest" "No every sensei has their own training grounds and the forest is asigned to me and my pupels" Goru stated "But you are right we will get started emedietly" In the forest clearing the two began there battle. Goru started with "We shall measure your skill in hand to hand to begin." With that he used a replacement jutsu and was about to attack when he noticed that infront of him was not Asaar but a mirage though it dissaperered shortly it seems Asaar used the body flicker jutsu. Before he could attack Goru had sensed it was not really him for he was the only true master of a jutsu far superior the shadow dash. Goru knew where Asaar was coming from and threw shuriken in that direction and in the time it took Asaar to redirect himself Goru had swiftley executed hand signs Asaar had never seen before...
  15. After Asaar became a ninja of the lowest rank 2 years ago a genin. Asaar decided to quit with petty training. Though now he regretes this decision, he finds it a bad one for all his life Asaar wanted to be a true ninja, one who is allowed to execute deadly asignments so that others do not suffer or lose loved as he did. After lots of thought Assar decided he would go back to the academy and pass the remaining levels of exams the first being the chunin. He wanted to become a world renound ninja as his uncle Kenji did years ago. Asaar left the village,he went to visit Kenji to consult and possibly train with him. upon his arrival Kenji was attacked by a masked ninja Asaar believed he belonged to some one of great importance by thier skill and dress atire. He quikly through many shuriken at the masked foe but with his hightened senses the ninja knew he was there and used a replacement jutsu, in a flash he was behind asaar and roundhouse kicked him in the back of the neck. Asaar emedietly knew he was no match for him alone Kenji dashed to Asaars aid and before they could attack symultaniosly the assassin had vanished. Two days of training and Asaar was confident enough. He left for the academy. only to arrive late and there was a man who seemed to be waiting for him though he did not know who he was.
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