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About Starchild

  • Birthday 01/13/1991

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  • Biography
    I'm generally a happy person, kinda shy when you first meet me. I'm stubborn to boot, and somewhat slow here and there.
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  1. I've just recently started downloading three dramas called Express Boy, Love Contract, and Devil Beside You. I haven't watched them yet, but I'm planning on it soon.
  2. Hello everyone! How are you? Anyway, here are some things about me: My name is Emily I'm 15 years old I live in Indianapolis, Indiana I'll be a Sophomore in high school this coming August I have 2 sisters I have 2 dogs and a cat I love anime I wish I was Japanese I love to talk I love to sleep I being lazy right and I will stop right now I'm not that interesting, but if you have questions, I will answer them.
  3. Do you have the programs needed to watch them? Like HJSplit? Or BsPlayer(I don't think you actually need this, but it works)? Do you even have enough space on your computer? Let me know, and I'll try to help you.
  4. Yeah, I heard about Stand up! I'm planning on watching it, but I've got to many dramas floatin' around on my computer! I still have a n e g o, Ganbatte Ikimashou, Yasashii Jikan, Sapuri, Hana Yori Dango, and Gokusen I. Not to mention I still have to download Kurosagi, and the rest of the dramas I currently have or want to see.
  5. Yay! I'm so glad someone else on here watches dramas! ^_^ I have started watching Nobuta wo Produce(I'm on episode 4, 5) and I've downloaded the first episode of [b]Sapuri[/b] which also has Kame-chan in it! I haven't watched it just yet though. Love Bi, didn't know he did a few dramas...I should check 'em out! ^_^
  6. Hi! I'm kinda new here. The name's Starchild. I was asked to join by my sister, Moonchild. Anyway, I wanted to know, does anyone watch asian dramas? I do. I've watched a few. Not many, but they were very good in my opinion. So far I've seen Kimi wa Petto, a n e g o, Gokusen I, Gokusen II, Waterboys, Hana Yori Dango, and soon I'm going to start a new drama called Sapuri.
  7. I don't listen to a lot of Japanese music because usually I'll hear a band, and listen to them a lot until I find another band. I do hear pretty cool songs here and there. [U]I do like[/U][list] [*]KAT-TUN [*]Gackt [*]w-inds. [*]NewS(Mostly Yamapi) [*]Utada Hikaru [*]L'Arc~en~Ciel [/list] As you can see, a lot of the bands I like are j-pop.
  8. I discovered this on Saturday while watching Toonami(Of course I totally missed the PoT part) and I went I saw they had dubbed like the first episode of Prince of Tennis. I was like, "Homgz...They really did it. Let's see it!" and alas, as happy as I was, Ryoma's voice was horrible.
  9. I feel bad...I don't think any anime has made me cry, but in Prince of Tennis, episode something or another almost(That's ALMOST!) made me cry.
  10. I've heard about the anime and manga, but the only thing I've watched that has to do with Gokusen is the live action drama.
  11. Hey, Sis! I'm here! And of course, you KNOW I like Gackt and Hyde! ^_^ @Hybrid Ninja: Is this DBSK? [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfPArvijP9A&search=DBSK%2BStudio[/url]
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