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black rurouni

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Everything posted by black rurouni

  1. yeah some people shoundn't have kids, but what if she had a mental problem and thought the kid was a pack of ground beef and put the kid in the microwave. she didn't want to kill the kid and than she realized she kill her baby.(sad isn't it)
  2. the playstion 3 will be manly for teen (13+), i beleve that the PS3 will sell out more then the 360 did. Also the PS3 will have the best graphic and vision effect ( with HDTV). But the only downfall is the price of 600 or 500 dollars depending on the 60gb and the 20gb.
  3. the last game i bought was Mortal Kombat: armadeddon for the ps2, the real up on this one is the create a fighter mode were you make a fighter for online play.also ( here a tip) konquest mode gets you the gold coins.
  4. black rurouni

    Last Movie

    the last movie i saw was jet Li's Fearless, the real reason we wacth because it's jet Li's last movie. also fighting movies are the greatest movie types in my eyes. :cool:
  5. I have never cried on anime but i haved my share of moment of almost crying like on wolf rain when they were [spoiler]killiing off people[/spoiler] near the end,also on FMA when they started [spoiler]to killing off people[/spoiler] too. [INDENT][COLOR=#007520][SIZE=1]Although mild, I added spoiler tags to your post so as not to ruin those two series for anyone else. -r2[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  6. Money is not the root of all evil the love of money is the evil of all evil, also I'll add the fact that greed is one of the deadly sins.( love of money= greed)
  7. south park has it moments were they go to far but that what make it funny. If south park never broke the limit of pushing it to far it never be funny( sometime) :cool:
  8. Gender segregation is the most crazest thing that can happen to a school. we did that too but it was lunch gender segregation and on the first day the boys had a food fight and the girls were at the door screaming '' we want boys,we want boys''. If they to that in to classrooms my school would be shut down( basicly i say nay). :cool:
  9. Love is a crazy thing for someone to kill theirself. love most have bein the only thing she had and this world and when she lost it, what was the point for living for her( that was what she may have tought). but she could have done more and my have find love again. :cool:
  10. people like anime so much because it is a way to get away from the real world. for example your family is have problem so you can go a try to stop adding more to the problem or you can turn on the t.v., change the channel, and watch a anime on the max volume. which would you have? :cool:
  11. keep the show goingggggggggggggggggg! inuyasha was one of the founding animes for me and many people( like one of my friends) that like take what got me in to animes like naruto and fooly cooly(flcl for short) as your self if you never seen the first anime you saw would you be watch it right now. :D
  12. i'm so-so on the death penalty because if the person kill your family you want pay back. But if a person of different race and the judge doesn't like that race he will kill him. But the many is i Believe that no man should take the life of another but god. :cool:
  13. I really like the obivion fo the ps3 so i don't have to ask my brother to play his ( he can kick me off) an i think they are doing this because they're going to connect all the games to one spot online( can't wait) :cool:
  14. anime is just as it sounds like ( anime=animation) that started in japan. to me manga is not anime manga is just comics made from anime( also not in color) but you go to google or something for more info :cool:
  15. I have one thing to say that guy was @#$% up. How do you kill a your roommate over toilet paper it not like he could have bought some and no one wound have died ( he has @#$% up his life)
  16. Cartoons back in my day were tiny toons, animanaics, samurai jack, the original Dragon ball z, and dragon ball,when toonami was on weekdays i can go on and on but i say all the time is most of the old shows were the best we should have kept the old ones with new seasons like samurai jack ( great show ended to quickly) :cool:
  17. I think that sport anime is one of the lowest forms of anime in the world because the anime has no story line to it but just that main person just playing the sport :D :cool:
  18. I really like amine with a good storyline in a twist at the end and the action in amine. But i dislike it when the story doesn't anwser the question at the end like in cowboy bepop.
  19. the funniest song i ever herad is eat it(he took beat it from michael jackson) by Weird Al.that is the funniest song i seen,or heard i still laugh at it even do i seen a lot of times
  20. I like it because its unique and no people has do that before. Also to me manga is manga if it look like it and has a story line it cool
  21. i seen all the naruto from the begging to the end(before 2 year skip) and naruto get really good after naruto fight neij then it just so good i can't tell you but wait for it and it's worth the wait.
  22. I say pokemon would win because they have more moves than digimon and with each lv the get stonger but digimon go up 5 lv and some pokemon are stonger then the highest lv of digimon
  23. i like it to but it's too close to inuyasha not that it a bad thing but i like inuyasha so i 'll like this too. hope to read more :cool:
  24. the brak show isn't really funny to me it has it moments but the bark show has kicked off so many times i lost all likeing of it :cool:
  25. i'm with yahoo but i will add you to my buddy list and if you what you can pm me you Email :cool:
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