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black rurouni

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Everything posted by black rurouni

  1. if i can read manga i will but i like anime on t.v.because the price on manga is too high why buy of the rurouni kenshin manga for $67 went you can get all the whole seris on dvd for $34
  2. i dot't know where you can get it but go the amazon they have a lot of dvd pm me if you need info on amine or just want to talk about some thing i'm here man
  3. Naruto, street fighter have you seen those their a good fighting animes
  4. root beer is at the top of my list of pops (a.k.a soda).many because after a bad day or before the starts out bad like all my data on memory card got deleted or i have no root beer. a nice cold root beer always hits the spot :beer: :alcohol:
  5. i like family guy but not as much as robot chicken.Stewie,peter,and brian are the only reason I even watch this show to me family guy is next the simsons
  6. Robot chicken is the funny show i ever seen to me because it's stupid and to me stupid=funny. all my friend bt 1 likes robot chicken,family guy,Adult swim :D :beer: :idea: :genius:
  7. Here are the show that should have sequel: s-cry-ed- the end was CRAP they did not explain who won the main land or the alters. trigun-they did not explian what vash did after the whole nives thing. cowboy bebop-they did not explian if spike [spoiler]died [/spoiler]and what about every else. fullmetal alchemist-they did not explian if ed [spoiler]got back through the gate to al.[/spoiler] All these need a new season and many more i just can't think of them now :animestun [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]black rurouni[/B], when discussing aspects of a show that others may not have seen yet, always use spoiler tags. For easy information on how to use them just check the spoiler tag sticky at the top of the forum. Or if you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. i recommend games like god of war, soul calibur 2&3,Kingdom hearts 1&2, shinobi,nightshade,metal arms,the 3rd installment of Prince of Persia,jak3.if you like sport games madden o6. if you like mecha games like zone of enders 2,armor core last raven. pm me if you what more hack&slash games and if you need help in the kingdom hearts
  9. I rented super DBZ a week ago and to me it wasn't what i though it would be like.not to be a kill joy but the new people are chi-chi,king picaloo,and meach frieza with a cannon.if you have played ultimate battle 22 for the playstation and liked the controls then you will have no problem with the controls.but the new thing(s) i liked was the Z-Cards were you pick you person and you get new moves,and abilities for you person and the dragon balls are easier the get and they give you more was to use them. good game but not as got as Budokai 3 (to me) 7/10 for me
  10. I like a simple picture of kensin with japanese character in the back
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