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Gatomon*s Power

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Everything posted by Gatomon*s Power

  1. Digital Tempest Here's chapter one of my new fanfics. There are going to be three Chapters of digital tempest, then more fics. I hope you enjoy. Digital Tempest Chapter 1 The moon's gentle beams drifted through a window splashing against a boy about sixteen laying in a bed sleeping. The window was open, allowing a small breeze to blow through the window. Dark clouds drifted against the night sky, slowly beginning to cover the moon. Small sounds of distant thunder quaked throughout the city. The boy turned over in his bed, opening his eyes slowly. His hand slid from his side up to his face, rubbing his eyes. Folding the sheets over him and sliding out of bed, he stumbles toward the window. Squiting as he looks up at the sky, the moon had not been covered completely. Sighing as he closed the window, he turned around while scratching his head. "Another storm, great." He grumbled as he went to lay in bed once again. Tossing and turning throughout the duration of the night. The storm continued through the night. Lightning cracked and thunder quaked, not allowing Lawson to get any sleep. He wasn't afraid of storms, it was just once he had been woken, he couldn't go back to sleep. His alarm clock buzzed at seven a.m., he had forgotten to turn it off the night before. Lawson emitted a sigh of defeat. There was no use trying to sleep anymore. He sat up in bed, folding the sheets over his legs once again. Sliding out of bed, he walked over to his closet door and pulled it open. Walking in it, started to go through his clothes. Taking a green t-shirt off of its hanger, it was his favorite. The shirt was a light green, not quite pastel but light. Over the heart there was a stylized white sun. Walking through his large closet, he walked over to his jean shelf. Pulling down a pair of faded jeans. Putting his shirt on top of the jeans, he walked over to his shoe rack. Taking out a pair of black boots, putting them on top of his already picked out outfit. Walking toward the door, he grabs a black belt on the way out. Walking back over to his bed, he sat down to put on his jeans. Pulling them up, he bends down to put his shirt on. The shirt was tight fitting and it came right down to the belt line. Pulling his belt through the belt loops, his outfit was almost totally on. Lawson walked over to his dresser, and opened the top drawer to pull out a pair of socks. Turning to walk back to his bed, sitting down when he reached his destination. He put on his socks, then pulled on his hiking boots. Shaking his head, he walked over to his bed room door, opening it and walking out. He ran downstairs to the kitchen. Making himself some breakfast, well at least he could pour milk and cereal. He ate his cereal, and drank his milk. Finishing his breakfast quickly he ran back upstairs. Brushing his teeth and fixing his hair quickly. He ran into his room and grabbed his hemp necklace. It was just a plain flat hemp necklace. Lawson ran back downstairs and grabbed his khaki jacket on the way out of the door. By now, it was eight thirty. It was still storming outside, it happened a lot in Merry Old England. London was a great place to live for a teenager. There were lots of things to do. It was still early yet, but Lawson was usually an early morning person. Sometimes he was a night owl. Lawson went to an old playground and sat on the swings. It was still pouring outside but it didn't matter to him. He enjoyed storms, they were his favorite things in the world. Sitting there swinging for over two hours, he'd had nothing else to do. It was now about ten thirty. Most teenagers would be waking up about now. Lawson didn't care, he didn't have many friends. In fact, Lawson had no friends. He sat their swinging, looking up at the sky. The rain had stopped, but the sky was still overcast. Looking up at the sky for about thirty minutes. Now it was eleven o'clock. 'What a way to spend my Saturday.' Lawson thought. It wasn't enough that he couldn't sleep through the night, but he had to spend the whole day alone. His parents were out of town, they were all the way in America for three weeks. This was his first day of winter holiday. It wasn't too cold out, but he did have on his favorite jacket. Finally Lawson got up. He was done swinging. Starting to wander around his neighborhood, walking the streets idley. He had nothing else to do. Sixteen years old, no car or job. He was a total loner, it was different when he was younger. Lawson used to be the most popular kid in grade school and junior high school. Something changed when he went to High School, he just didn't want that pressure any longer. Having other priorities, he left the popular group and became a loner. Lawson still had many aquantiances, but no good friends. "Might as well go home," Lawson sighed as he walked down his road toward his house. Thunder began to crack once more. His head drifted upwards, looking at the sky. Again, the fimilar sound of thunder was heard. The storm was incredibly close for the thunder to be that constant. It was odd, the sky seemed very black for it to be the middle of the day. Lawson shrugged as he continued toward his house. Half way up his drive way, a bolt of lightning struck right infront of Lawson. He was incredibly scared. Turning tail, running toward the city. He could ride around on the trains all day, that would be better than being near his lightning road of a house. It took him about fifteen minutes to get to the city. Walking down the stairs slowly, for he was very out of breath. Buying a ticket, he walked through the gate and got onto the elevator. Something was strange, the station was almost empty. Leaning back against the wall, going deeper and deeper toward the right terminal. His bright green eyes staring at the door. Lawson was good looking for his age, he had never had trouble getting a girlfriend when he was popular. He was built, about six feet tall, chesnut brown hair, lightly tanned skin, and of course his bright green eyes. Everyone noticed his eyes, they were often mistook for contacts, but Lawson's sight was perfect. He never wore glasses a day in his life. The elevator chimed to let him know that he was on the correct floor, he didn't even check to see what floor it was on. Stepping out of the elevator, the doors slid shut behind him. He'd never seen this floor before, there were many colorful trains. Walking toward a silver one, he walked on. He sat down slowly, relaxing. 'This will be relaxing,' Lawson thought to himself. Leaning his head back over the top of the seat, something began to glow over his head. One of Lawson's eyebrows raised. 'What the..?" Thinking to himself once again. Lawson reached up to grab the glowing object and brought it back down to his lap. After about thirty seconds the glowing died down to reveal a dark gray, silver, and black device. He'd never seen anything like this before. "What is this thing?" Lawson questioned himself outloud. No one else was on the train, it wasn't like they would think he was crazy for talking to himself. Lawson hadn't even seen a conductor. Sitting in his seat, staring at the device for the rest of the ride. The train slowed down, and Lawson looked out the window. "Where am I?" He questioned again. Lawson had never seen this train station. This didn't look like any of the train stations in London. It looked like it was a different demention completely. The floor was white, there was a black cover over the top of the train station, no walls. Around the train station was a city that he'd never seen before. The doors slid open and Lawson walked out. Scratching his head he looked around. Lawson had obviously gotten on the wrong train. The train began to back up, the steam and smoke comming out of the top. Lawson could have sworn that the train bid him adieu. This was a strange place, and Lawson seemed to have gotten himself into deep trouble. Exploring the train station then slowly around the city. Strange creatures were all around, he didn't see another human. Little monsters were running the shops and resturantes. Lawson stopped in a pizza place, and walked up to the counter. "Excuse me," Lawson asked. A monster that looked rather like a chef. He had on a white chef's hat, had tan skin, red gloves on, red boots on, and a big black mustache. "How can I help you sir?" Replied the monster. "Could you tell me where I am?" Lawson questioned. "Why you're in the Digital World's biggest city, Digi City" Replied the monster. "The Digital World," Lawson sighed. "Well how do I get out?" "I've not seen a human here in a while, so I wouldn't know sir." Replied the monster. "So what are you?" Continueing to interogate the monster. "I'm Chefmon, a digimon." replied the monster. "Digimon..right...thanks very much." Lawson nodded to him, and pulled the device from his pocket. Chefmon's eyes grew large when he saw the device. It could have been a diamond the way that Chefmon was looking at it. The device just sat in Lawson's hand. "Could you please tell me what this is?" Lawson questioned. "Why that's a digivice sir. A D-tector." Chefmon replied. "And it does what?" Asked Lawson. "I've only heard rumors sir, I couldn't tell you exactly." Sighed Chefmon. "Well thank you for all of your help." Lawson waved and walked out. Wandering around throughout the city, Lawson found bits and peices of information about his d-tector. Learning about human teenagers that were in his position in the past. Some of the teenagers even had the d-tectors. In the past they had to find their spirits and defeat Cherubimon. Lawson hadn't found anything about what he was supposed to do while he was in the Digital World or how to get out. Lawson's feet grew tired eventually, so Lawson walked over to a bench on the side walk. Digimon walked behind him, pointing and staring. Humans weren't very common in the Digital World, and when they were here it meant something bad was happening. One odd looking digimon walked by Lawson. Its eyes bulged when it saw him. It looked as though it was a little white teddy bear, but it had a blue band around its stomache. Running around to the other side of the bench, it sat down next to Lawson. "Hallo." said the Digimon. "Hi. Need something?" Lawson asked, not trying to sound rude. "Yes, I think I can help you." Replied the digimon with a big smile on his face. "Hows that?" yawned Lawson. "Well my brother helped the last Digidestined, so now its my turn to help." Continued the digimon. "Oh, well what's your name?" Lawson said, becomming interested. "My name is Scrolemon." Replied the digimon. "Nice to meet you, I'm Lawson." Said Lawson, smiling. "Come back to my house, we'll pick up some things then be off on your journey." said Scrolemon. Lawson nodded and stood up. Scrolemon had already jumped off of the bench and was walking toward his home. Hurrying to catch up, he ran next to the digimon. They chatted mere conversation about Lawson's old home on the way. Now Lawson had someone who knew what he was here for. This was going to be better.
  2. Master Place...how's the game? G*P
  3. The three Starters for Ruby and Saphire are: Fire: Torchic *looks like a little Fire bird.* Water: MudKip *Cant really describe it like an animal* Grass: Treecko *A lizard. It looks aweswome.* Pictures here: [url]http://pokemon.com/news/news5.asp[/url] Their are pictures on Pokemon.com of them, but I don't know if they've put that they're the starter pokemon yet. I got my new Nintendo Power and the 'Pokecenter' showed the new starters. Looks as though Grass is going to be the strongest in these games. In Red and Blue it was Fire (the one with scratch, Charmandar) In Gold and Silver it was Water (the one with scratch, Totodile) And in Ruby and Saphire, it looks as though Grass will be. :) as anyone else noticed the ones with scratch are stronger than the ones with tackle? I have :) G*P
  4. yeh, you can change the thread name. and that Team Rocket game would be awesome. You should write nintendo. :)
  5. I've just found out that the offical release date for Saphire and Ruby is March 17th 2003. I was wondering what is to be expected in these games? Also: I have always wanted Nintendo to make a pokemon game that allows you to be a Gym Leader! Wouldn't that be awesome? To be like Brock? Or Morty? I think that would be awesome. Or you could be yourself and open up your own Gym! I'm thinking about starting a 'Street Pokemon Gym league' in my town. Me and my friends have a favorite Kanto Gym leader, so we could take them. I would be Brock. This is my Brock team, tell me what you think: Golem, Onix, Vulpix, Crobat, Raichu, and Xatu. I added the Raichu to get the water pokemon that will probably be up against me. And the Xatu for the fighting pokemon that I'll be against. What do yawl think? G*P
  6. 1) That was not cool for you to move it...it was just for the digimon section..not cool Shy...Not cool 2) That was only a preview...Not an actual part of the story. Just kind of a sneek peak. :) I'm a better writer than that and ya know it! :) Well later all...Thanks for all the support everyone.. I guess that I, G*P, am not liked as much as I thought. Well later all G*P *Won't be signing on for a long time............*
  7. Hey now people! What is going on? I know I know...You've been asking yourselves. "Where did G*P go?!" Well he's right here...he's been working on a new season of digimon fanfics. Oh yes.. You remember the old ones! With Faith and her crew. Those were just the beginning...I have been working with some storylines and I've got a little preview for you all... Welcome to my digital world...during: The Megi-Ages. Genai sat at his home, thinking about days past. He looked into the case where the original crests were kept, still held them. He sighed. Genai: How I wished that the digidestined were still needed. As he said that, the eight original crests began to glow. Genai: Wha? They suddenly began to change, and one more crest appeared. Genai walked over to the case, and a beam of light hit him. He was young still, but when the beam hit him, he became a teenager. Genai gasped. Genai: Oh my soverign! I've become a teenager! The newest crest floated through the glass, and around Genai's neck. Genai: The crests! It can't be. Have we gone into the Megi ages?! We must have. I need to gather the new digidestined! He ran over to the case, and they all shot up from the case and into the sky. Genai: I can't believe it! I'm finally a digidestined! In the real world. The second generation of digidestined were having a meeting. Davis: I think that we should try to get back to the digital world. Kari: But we can't. You know that! Tk: Kari is right. We can't go back, there is no need for us. And even if Digidestined were needed again, it wouldn't be us. We've served our time as digidestined. A boy was in a tree listening to them. He sat and wondered what they were talking about. Yolei: But I miss Hawkmon so much! Ken: We all miss our partners. The branch that the boys was sitting on began to crack, and suddenly it broke off. The boy fell right in the middle of their circle. Cody: Who are you?! Boy: My name is John. Sorry. Kari: What were you doing up there John? John: I was listening to you. I thought it was interesting. As he said that, a golden light shot into this hand. As the light died down, it was able to bee seen what it was. Kari: A crest! Tk looked at it. Tk: It looks like my old crest, just a bit newer. John: What is a... Before he could finish his sentence, he was sucked into a portal. The rest of the group gasped as he dissapeared. Tk: He is a new digidestined...I wish them all good luck. In the Digital World. John fell from the sky into a chair. Genai ran around the corner to him Genai: Ah a new person...that great. May I see your Megi-Crest? John: What is a Megi-Crest? Genai pointed to the thing in John's hand. John: Oh! Yeh, sure...here. He handed Genai the Megi-crest and Genai handed it back to him. Genai: Thats the Megi-crest of Hope. Genai then held out his own Megi-crest. Genai: Mine is the Megi-crest of Goodness. John looked at it. John: Cool. So what does a Megi-Crest do? Genai looked at him and frowned. Genai: I don't know. I'd heard legends of the Megi-Ages that were to pass. And I am now part of it. These crests could do anything. But I know that they've been reformed from the original crests..and they were powerful things. John: What were the original crests? Genai: Courage, Friendship, Love, Sincerity, Light, Hope, Knowledge, Reliabilty. They belonged to a great group of friends. Courage to Tai, Friendship to Matt, Love to Sora, Sincerity to Mimi, Light to Kari, Hope to Tk, Knowledge to Izzy, and Reliabilty to Joe. John: I see. And what happened to them? Genai: Well that group of digidestined was no longer needed. Kari and Tk were part of that group as young children. They were needed again for the second generation of the digidestined. John: I see. Did they use the crests? Genai: No. The second group of digidestined used Digi-Eggs. The eggs had the symbols of the crests on the, and the eggs allowed them to Armor Digivolve. John: Armor Digivolve? Genai: It is something with your digimon partner. John: Digimon? Genai: It will all be explained later...at least I hope so. You might not even have a partner during the Megi-Ages...who knows. John nodded and sat down. Genai: Others should be here shortly. Well there's just a preview..that's about an 8th of the whole story...its pretty long. Because its the opener! Post or PM me with what you think...I'd really like your opinions.. Shy..please don't move this. No mods move this please. It needs to be in the Digimon section..and its on thread. Thank you all! G*P
  8. Vs. Threads are not allowed please see the otakuboard rules. This thread should be closed
  9. Sage...I don't get how suzie got to the digital world...but oh well...
  10. I have a question Cera, can like Guardramon digivolve to andromon and stuff like that? [COLOR=orangered]I don't see why not. ;) -Cera[/COLOR] ______________ While the four boys were in class talking, in a classroom next to them, were Ryo and Rika. Their seats were next to each other, and they were talking while doing some english work. "I miss CyberDramon so much." Ryo said, doing some book work. "Yeah, I'll never stop missing Renamon. Wouldn't it just be great if we could go back to the digital world and get them?" Rika said back to Ryo, looking at him. "Rika, I don't think that I ever got to tell you thank you for giving me and Cyberdramon all of your energy." He said, looking back at her. "You needed it. And we wouldn't have been able to stop the D-Reaper without [I]our[/I] energy." She said back to him. "I know Ms. Digimon Queen." He said sarcasticly. "Was that sarcastic King?" She said back, sarcasticly flirting. They continued to talk back and forth, mean while back with the four boys. "We'll need to talk to Suzi, Rika, and Ryo." said Henry, trying to make a plan, "We can't go without them, if we do go..." "What is that supposed to mean Henry?" Said Kazu, being full of himself as usually, "Of course they will want to go. Why wouldn't they." Takato was sitting at his desk thinking about Guilmon, when a thought burst into his head. "What about Ai and Mako?" he said suddenly interupting Kazu's rambling, "Their Impmon's tamers. They'll have to come too." "I don't know if we'll be able to look after three children Takato." Said Henry thinking about Suzi, Ai, and Mako. "Don't worry about them, MarineAngemon will help look after them." Kenta said bosting about his digimon. "Ha! MarineAngemon! No, Guardramon is much stronger than your MarineAngemon!" Said Kazu starting yet another fight.
  11. So are ya gonna make a new one? Oh OH Please let Riley and Shiamon be in it!!!
  12. 1) ??? *not in UK* 2) Piedmon Anwser to riddle: Unimon deffanitly *sp*
  13. So Cera, we going to start another one of these up or what? LOL I loved the first one.
  14. I would like that too Cera. What do you think. I remember when you all made this the first time. *I was under a different name, which will not be named. lol* And someone could work with me on Riley LOL. his Information sucks.
  15. Cera this is great stuff!!!! I love it. Are you going to start it up again? Because I thought that I might could maybe *please* add a character...Riley and Fawkemon. Name: Riley Digimon: Fawkemon Crest: Understanding Information: Riley is only 14 years old. He and Fawkemon have just been put together two years ago, while he was at camp. *heh. I don't know what else to put*
  16. Okaies, but still think that this should be move to Games And Stories.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] The best that i have found are Dreamweaver4, and Fireworks4. Fireworks works for the pic. that you want. You know what dream weaver does. Other than that, i haven't found any others. I am happy with them for now. Using HTML works to, but that takes to long sometimes [/B][/QUOTE] Actually I don't know what DreamWeave does, I have just heard about it. Please explain. about FireWorks4 and DreamWeaver4. Thanks
  18. I have heard that DreamWeaver is expensive? Is this true? What about FireWorks?
  19. WebMasters, I am a webmaster, and I have been looking for a good Layout Making program. Do you know of any other than DreamWeaver?
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