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  1. For thoes who have seen the series and have bought or seen the movie what do you think? Personally I loved the series it was a masterpiece and i'm sure it will go down in anime history and the movie was also amazing but i'm not sure on the ending.I think it would have been better if [spoiler]Ed and Al stayed on the other sideof the gate,where theones who love them are (Winry) and I think they would be happier there.[/spoiler] [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Lostsoul612 I combined your thread witht he official Full Metal Alchemist thread, when creating new topics, don't haste in looking at the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208]Official Threads Directory[/URL] located at the top of the forum. ~Ikillion[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! I do amit it is a good show and it should be on a bigger network but top notch and the best....... you havent seen many anime series have you.
  3. Your a little late, i've already seen the whole series and yes it is AWSOME!!It is truely a master piece.I was in awe after each episode watching the story unfold.I wish it would go on forever but like all good things they must come to an end. So now i'm just waiting to buy the movie.
  4. To your first question, if someone i loved died and i was able to bring them back yeah i would even if i had to lose some of my body parts, to get you gotta give, but would they have a soul and also would they be happy to come back to life? Yes i do believe when you give something you also gain wheather its greater depends.Eqiuvalent exchange is one of the quotes i live by, before i even heard of FMA.
  5. I love anime so I started looking at the bigger meanings in anime. For example life lessons, different ways of doing things or of thinking, or the connection between the anime and the real world.Basicaly I want to know what anime changed your life or way of thinking and why.
  6. [QUOTE=darkisMINE]I was wondering, if you could be a ninja or a pirate, which would you be and why? I'm not sure which I would want to be, because ninjas have skills, moves, and stealth, but pirates have swords, ships, and puffy shirts..... I'd like to know what you think, because this has baffled my brother and I for awhile (we have large disscussions about it all the time). And I'm sorry if there's a thread like this one, I looked, but I didn't find any.[/QUOTE] Ninja! They can kick a pirates a** any day!Besides pirates have no honor or personal higene plus they're dum and dirty.
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