Crazy Kev
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Everything posted by Crazy Kev
OOC: Just to let you know, we're only allowed to use 10 moves total (5 for me, 5 for you) in each in a battle. Just telling you incase you forgot. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Alright Dratini, use Slam" Karzar yelled as Dratini charges at Cyndaquil.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]"Cyndaquil, dodge it!" Cody yelled as Cyndaquil jumps into the air.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You fell for it, Dratini, use Thunder Wave!" Karzar yelled as Dratini emits electricity from it's body, shocking Cyndaquil while jumping in the air, paralyzing it. "Alright! Let's finish the combo off with a Dragon Breath!" Dratini then shoots a bluish flame from it's mouth, hitting Cyndaquil with a direct hit.[/COLOR] "Wow! Karzar's Dratini is really powerful!" Skyler said to Craig as he continues to watch the fight. OOC: You can continue from here garmeil.
[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]As they walk into the store, Karzar looks at everything that's hung on the shelves and in display for sale. [COLOR="Green"]"Hmmm....Nothing here interests me."[/COLOR] Karzar said as he walks back outside. [COLOR="Green"]"Where are you going? Aren't you getting supplies?"[/COLOR] Cody asked right before Karzar walked out of the door. [COLOR="Green"]"No, I already have supplies I need for class. I just came to see if there was anything here that interests me."[/COLOR] Karzar said as he leaves the pokemart. Karzar then walks back the courtyard, waiting for Cody to arrive. Fifteen minutes later, he sees a group of three boys walking towards him. [COLOR="Green"]"Hmmm.....Cody's here!" [/COLOR]Karzar said to himself as he walks towards Cody and his friends. [COLOR="Green"]"So, I take it you've brought an audience." [/COLOR]Karzar said. [COLOR="Green"]"But enough of that, let's get this battle started!" [/COLOR]Karzar quickly points Craig and tells him, "You'll be our judge, ok?" "Alright." Craig said with a nod. Both trainers then stood across from each other from about 20 feet. [COLOR="Green"]"This match is between the two trainers. Cody and Karzar. Each trainer is only allowed to use one pokemon in this battle. Hey, I'm good at this!" [/COLOR]Craig said as both trainers take out their pokemon. [COLOR="Green"]"Dratini, I chose you!" [/COLOR]Karzar yelled as he throws his pokeball into the air. [COLOR="Green"]"Cyndaquil, I chose you!"[/COLOR] Cody yelled as he throws his pokeball into the air. Both pokebals open up as a red lazer comes out to let both pokemon out. [COLOR="Green"]"Alright, let's get this party started[/COLOR]!" Karzar said as he readjusts his sunglasses.[/COLOR] OOC: You can finish from here garmeil.
[COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You've been worried alot lately. And it's only the first day here at the academy, so I see nothing to worry about. But anyway, my room is just down this hallway. Nice seeing you both again. Come Dratini." Karzar said as waves while he walks down the hallway to his room, with Dratini following him. "He's a very nice guy! It was nice seeing him again!" Aryanna said. "Yeah. I wonder when his Dratini will evolve into a Dragonair. (But I'm still worried that he'll be challenging me more often. He's one of the toughest trainers I've seen in battle!)" Said Sean as he watches Karzar walk down the hallway. Just as Karzar reaches his room, he opens the door and closes it. "Not bad, not bad at all!" Karzar said as he puts his guitar case against the wall and takes out a laptop from his backpack and places it on a table. "Alright then, let's see how the other pokemon at home are doing." Karzar hooks up the laptop as he turns it on. With a satellite his parents launched into space, he is able to see how his pokemon are doing through video camera's linked into the satellite. Karzar does have a Charmeleon, Umbreon, and a Scyther at home, but they help Karzar's Dratini train. "Alright then, let's see how the others are doing. Charmeleon is doing fine, Umbreon is sleeping, and Sycther is helping mom cut the grass. Seems everything's okay. And I see dad is training Dragonite and Charizard Awesome!" Karzar shut off his laptop for now and returns Dratini back into it's pokeball. "Dratini, return!" The pokeball Karzar is holding opens up as a glowing red lazer appears, capturing Dratini and putting it back into it's pokeball. "Let's see now, what to do next.....Pokemart! Just going to see what they have." Karzar opens the door, walks down the hallway, and leaves the building. Just as he walks to the pokemart, he sees all the wild pokemon running around such as Mankeys, Aipoms, and Primeapes swinging from tree to tree, bird pokemon like Pidgeys, Sparrows, Taillows, Swellows, and other bird like pokemon flying. "Really nice to see pokemon come out on a beautiful day like this! It'll be really nice to go to that forbbiden area everyone's been talking about. Would be very cool to see a legendary pokemon there!" Karzar said with a smile on his face. Karzar has been always fascinated with the wonders of pokemon and how pokemon and people interact with each other. "I see the pokemart up ahead!" Before Karzar gets to the pokemoart, he quickly stops and notices something wierd. He sees a moving object that's somehow invisible, with only water-ripple like effects ressembling the shape of the pokemon that were noticeable. "Woah! Gotta take a picture of this!" Karzar quickly takes out his digital camera anf takes a quickly photo of the invisible pokemon. Just as the picture was taken, the pokemon quickly flies away. "Was that what I think it was? Well, atleast a got a picture of it." Still with a puzzled look on his face, Karzar continues on to Gourtkey to reach the pokemart. After the walk to Gourtkey, Karzar can already see the pokemart up ahead. "Found it." Karzar said as he walks towards to the pokemart. Just before entering the pokemart, Karzar sits down on a bench and thinks about some stuff. "(What the heck was that, a legendary pokemon. Must be. I'll have to find an archeologist, they know.......I hope.)" With a big sigh, Karzar lays his head back and says to himself, "I have funny feeling that something wierd is gonna happen."[/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Ah! Finally here!" Karzar said as he stood in front of the school's front door. "Alright Dratini, come on out!" Karzar shouted as he takes a pokeball from his and throws it into the air. A red light glow as the pokeball opens to let out Dratini. "You've been in that pokeball all day, but I think it's time to get some fresh air. What do you think?" The Dratini nodded with gratitude as he follows Karzar into the academy. As Karzar heads to the office to get a sheet saying what dorm he's in, he tells Dratini, "Just wait Dratini, you'll become a Dragonair before you know it. Like my father said, I am the next generation of dragon pokemon trainers." As Karzar walks into the office, he sees a lady sitting on her desk with a laptop, doing some paper work and asks. "Excuse me, but I didn't a paper saying where my dorm was for this year. I was hoping you would have an extra that would tell me where my dorm is." "Why yes, I do!" The lady said as she turns around and gets a paper from a filing cabinet."This should have the info you need." "Thanks!" Said Karzar with a smile on his face. As he leaves the office, he tells Dratini, "Be careful though, the trainers from last year are gonna be tougher this year." After the statement, he begins to think about the trainers like Aryanna and Sean. After he gets out of the building, he walks around the campus, looking his dorm building. "Hmmm.......Bingo! I've found it!" Karzar saids with relief as he walks towards the building. Just he gets to the building, he tells Dratini. "Well buddy, we're here!" He then opens the door and walks into the building. Just as he walks down the hallway, he sees to people talking to each other. "Those guys look familiar." Karzar said as he takes off his sunglasses and takes a better glance at the two trainers. "Oh yeah! It's Aryanna and Sean. Might as well say hi to them." As Karzar walks towards the two trainers he says, "Hi Aryanna! Hi Sean! How's it going? Funny thing was I was just thinking about you two a while ago." As Karzar gives them a smile, Dratini jumps up and down with happiness. "Oh! And Dratini says hi!"[/COLOR]
Username- Crazy Kev Name- Karzar Jax Age- 15 Gender- Male Region- Kanto Bio- Karzar came from a long line of dragon pokemon trainers. His family tradition is that every first born child has a Dratini as their starter pokemon once they reached the age of ten. After Karzar trained his Dratini with his father's Dragonite for a year, he was then sent to the academy. There he would gain more knowledge on dragon type pokemon and show the true power of a dragon type to all of his classmates. Well, at least once he gets his Dratini into a Dragonair and then into a Dragonite. Description- Karzar stands about 5'10, with brown spikey hair and forest green eyes, though he wears sunglasses most of the time. He also wears a black zippy hoodie with a black sleeveless shirt under it. On the back of the hoodie is a symbol that that resembles a dragon, which is the family's insignia. He also wears cargo camouflage pants. Pokemon- Dratini (Ice Beam, Slam, Thunder Wave, Dragon Breath) Tokens- 100
Food addcition huh?........Pie is definately that best answer for me. Why? Because one, I'll have a huge craving for pie whenever I smell it or see it. I like pies of all kinds, so it doesn't matter what kind of pie I see or smell! And it's been going on for a very, very, very long time! :-) And also because I'm the Pie Overlord!!!! Mwahahahahaha!!!!!
OOC: Ok, I'm gonna gone for like a week and a half so could someone please take control of my character while I'm gone. I'll let you know when I come back. I don't care who controls my character, just don't make him do any stupid or ironic stuff, ok? Just letting you all know! :-)
After Gosa arrived, Keasora then stood up from sitting down on a tree trunk. The training field was pretty much open grass fields, with a small forest to the east, and some shrubs and bushes scattered. "Perfect, you're all here!" Keasora said as he readjusts his sunglasses. "What do you want us to do?" Asked Yuki. "I was just about to get to that." Keasora replied to Yuki. "What I plan on today is a test that I've planned out for just two genin. It'll be a one-on-one match against each other. But the rules are that you must use ninjitsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu. That way I can see what your srtong points and weak points are. Second rule, this isn't a winner's match, you'll be fighting until the timer goes off. So pretty much it's an endurance match. Third rule, no killing your opponent. There maybe times when I'll have to come in and stop the match under certain conditions. But you must attack your opponent with the intention of killing them. So put all you got into this match. The reason why I'm giving you both this test is because I want to see what you specialize in and what we could work on. This helps me see if you have any trouble in any area of fighting such as ninjutsu, taijutsu, or genjutsu. Got it?" "YES!" Yelled both Gosa and Yuki as they face each other. "You may start....NOW!" Keasora yells as he puts on the timer. "You'll fight until three in the afternoon." As Keasora sits back down, he readjusts his sunglasses and says to himself. "This match should be interesting."
OOC: I plan on making another character, just to let you all know. I'm not certain about it yet, but I'll see what I can do. :-) "Very interesting." Said Keasora as he eats his ramen. After he eats the remaining noodles in his bowl, he places his bowl aside and begins to introduce himself. "As for me, I am Keasora Seiyaru. My hobbies are reading, collecting knives, training, traveling to exotic places, all that neat stuff." As Keasora readjusts his sunglasses, Gosa then took a quick glance at him. "[FONT=Impact]This probably has alot more that this guy has to tell about himself[/FONT]." Gosa thought to himself as a asks Keasora, "Hey, what exactly are we gonna do for our training?" "I'm very glad you asked that." Said Keasora as he gives the money to the shop keeper to pay for the ramen. "The answer for that question will come to you once you meet me at the 14th Battle Field about.......Now!" Keasora replied as he teleports to the battle field, leaving Gosa and Yuki at the ramen shop. "At least he didn't leave us to pay for the bill!" Gosa said as he and Yuki laughed together.
As Keasora looks at the few remaining genin, he then glanced at the ones named Yuki and Gosa and said to himself, "I seen their skills before. I believe they'd be excellent students for me!" Afterwards, he then teleported behind Yuki and Gosa without them noticing and placed his hand on both of their shoulders . After both of their surprised reactions, Keasora quickly commented, "Is that anyway to look at your jounin instructor?" As their eyes widen a bit, Gosa and Yuki then got a happy look on their face and was glad that she was finally picked. "I see that both of you are happy to be picked after a while's worth of waiting." Keasora said as he readjusts his sunglasses. Afterwards he then told both Gosa and Yuki to meet him at the Ramen shop, which they did 10 minutes later. "Ah! I see you made it here quickly. Let's introduce ourselves while we have ramen, my treat!" Keasora said as he turns to the chef and asks him to order him and his students a bowl of ramen. After receiving the ramen, Keasora then asked, "Today's just gonna be about introducing ourselves, getting to know each other. So, please, you two can go first."
Oh! Wasn't paying attention to that, sorry! I'll change it right away.
Name: Karzar Xade Age: 25 Gender: Male Side: Elite 4 Likes: Ladies, art, dragons, his pokemon Dislikes: Team Rocket, annoying people, rambling idiots, Personality Quirks: Very observative bothduring and not during a battle. Always makes Sarcastic remarks to any unpleasent comments made. Karzar is usually quiet, but can get talkative if you get him to the right subject. Appearance: Stands around 5'10 to 5'11 with some muscle build. Has greenish/bluish eyes with short brown spikey hair. Wears blue jeans with a chain wallet attached to it, a black zippey hoodie with a sleeveless black shirt under it, and a necklace that has a dragon emblem attached to it. Pokemon Team: Dragonite (Skyro): lvl 60 Charizard (Inferno):lvl 58 Salamence : lvl 56 Aggron: lvl 57 Flygon: lvl 56 Aerodactyl:Lvl 58 Biography: At the age of ten, Karzar's been always interested with dragon pokemon. By the age of 11, he began his pokemon journey with his first pokemon, Charmander. Later on, he decided to be a dragon pokemon trainer. So he first started off by capturing a dratini, which later on eveolved into Dragonair, and then into his strongest pokemon, dragonite. By the age of 20, he was asked to become one of the elite four, so he said yes. By then, he's known as the Lord of Dragons for his knowledge and excellency on dragon pokemon.
After Keasora woke up, having an eagered look on his to see who the new genin are, his facial expression quickly changed after looking at the clock. He realized that he over slept and began to be in a constant hurry to get ready for the exams. "Damn! I overslept, again!" Said Keasora as he grabs his sleeveless hoodie and camo pants from his closet. After he gets dressed, he quickly runs downstairs and grabs his sunglasses fomr the table and grabs an apple to eat as he runs out to the door. After ten to fifteen minutes of insane sprinting, Keasora has finnaly reached the Academy. After Keasora has made his appearence, Snickerfox turns his head back and says, "So you're late, like last!" "Shut up already. I just overlsept, that's all." Replied Keasora as he takes a glance at the genin taking the written test. "I see they're still doing the written test, well, at least some of them. I already tell that most of them are done." "Very observent, as always. I could see why people call you the Hidden Leaf's "Silent Eagle"." Snickerfox commented on Keasora's last sentence with a snicker. "At least he wasn't late the genin selection after the exams." Said Tsubasa as she turns to Keasora. "Thank god that didn't happened!" Replied Keasora as he readjusts his sunglasses. "So, how many do you think will pass the exams. Three quarters, one half, less than one half. I'm just taking random guesses. How about you two? What are your thoughts about the exams this year?"
Let's hope those problems won't happen again like last time because I was really getting into the rpg.....Well, gotta try again sometime. :-) I'll just use my character from before, just to make things easier. Name: Keasora Seiyaru Age: 20 Gender: Male Rank: Jounin Village of Origin: Hidden Leaf Appearance: Keasora stands about 5'10 or 5'11, around there. He has short dark brown spikey hair, along with forest green eyes, even though he wears sunglasses most of the time. He wears a black sleeveless hoodie with his clan emblem, which is a symbol in the shape of a moon. He also wears a necklace that has a snake shaped emblem. Also wears camoflauge (did I spelled it right, if not, tell me so I can correct it) Likes: Spicey foods, music, art, girls, books, getting stronger, practice fighting techniques, making new friends, meeting new people Dislikes: Rambling idiots, annoying people, cheese, tomatoes Personality Quirks: Very quite, though he has a sarcastic side. Keasora tends to be very observent when fighting and not fighting, which gives a major advantage when fighting. He can be a ladies man at times, but that would usually happen if he's in a good mood or just excited. He's very nice meet and also is very friendly too. Loves to make sarcastic remarks to anyone who makes unpleasent comments about something. Special Jutsu: Dark Chidori- A technique that's similar to the normal chidori, but requires more power and is several times more powerful. It has a purplish/bluish glow to it. It does severals times more damage, but can cause so much strain to the muscles that they could be permanently paralyzed if he uses it too much. Shadow Dragon Flare jutsu- Keasora breathes out a blackish/purplish fire in the shape of a dragon. Summoning Jutsu: Shadow Fang, the Black Wolf- Keasora summons a black wolf named Shadow Fang, usually used to help track down enemy because of his good sense of smell. Special Weapon: Shark Teeth- a pair of knives that have ridged edges on the blade. Bio: Not many people know about Keasora or his past. Keasora is one of the most strategic jounins in the village hidden in the leaves. It has saved countless ninjas so many times during dangerous missions. Many people have known him as the "Silent Eagle" because of the fact that he's quite most of the time an he has the eyes of an eagle. His parents were killed in a war so he moved in with his uncle, which is where he got his 2 knives or the Shark Teeth. Many new challenges awaite him for this dawn of time.
After Shinaru and Yuki went to the hsopital to visit Gosa, Keasora walks back to his house to do some quick cleaning before training his two genin. As he cleans and dusts through his living room, he quickly glances at a pair of knives that have ridged edges on the blade hung up on the wall. "[FONT=Impact]I haven't used those knives since the war a few years ago, but still. I have a strong feeling that I'll end up using those again[/FONT]" Keasora thought to himself as he finishes the rest of the cleaning, he walks back outside and jumps on the roof on some random building. As he glances around, he sees Yuki and Shinaru walking back to their homes. "Hmmmm....I'll send them a quick note to both of them about today's training." He said to himself as he writes two quick notes and attaches each one to a kunai. With precise aiming, Keasora throws both kunai knive to a window each house has open. After Shinaru enters the kitchen and grabs a quick bite to eat, the kunai Keasora threw land diagonally on his table, surprising Shinaru as he first thought it was a paper bomb until he grabbed the kunai. After Shinaru grabbed the kunai, he took of the piece of paper attached to it and read it[FONT=Georgia]."Hello my fellow genin. Don't forget that today's training begins at 12:00 sharp at BattleField 25, the field that just 5 or so blocks away from the Academy. So don't be late or else!"[/FONT] After Shinaru left his house, he meet up with Yuki and walked together at the training site Keasora told them to meet them at. Momnents later after they reached the training site, which as an area that was mainly opened grass field, along with a small forest to the east and some bushes in various parts of the area. After taking a quick glance of the area, Both Shinaru and Yuki saw Keasora sitting on a branch of a tree, reading a book as he sits there. "Ah! I see that you both came just in time." Keasora says as he jumps off the tree, landing on his feet. "You freaked me out! I thought you threw a paper bomb in my house or something." Complained Shinaru. "Same with me!" Yuki added to Shinaru's statement. "Sorry to surprise you like that, but I guess I wasn't thinking about that. But anyway, about your training for today. This is a test pretty similar to the one at the academy, but I'm gonna be alot more pickier about it." Keasora said as he readjusts his sunglasses "Today, you two will face against each other. But there are some rules that you must follow. First, you must use ninjitsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu, so that I can see what you're more efficicient and non-efficient with. Second, you are allowed to use any weapons you have, including paper bombs. Third, no killing your opponent. This is just a test to see how skilled you are in ninjitsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu when facing someone in combat. The reason why I'm giving you this test is to see what your strong points and weak points are. That way, we can work on areas that you need work on to benefit our team better. This match is timed, so it'll end until 3:00. There's no winner or loser, just fight until the timer rings got it?" "Got it!" Said Shinaru and Yuki as they both face each other on the open field. "But, how do we know if we pass or fail?" Asked Yuki. "That's something that you'll have to find out after the timer rings. Just remember that you have to use ninjitsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu. And there's no killing your opponent. But under certain circumstances is when I'll cancel the match." Replied Keasora as he sits down by a nearby tree. "Oh! And make sure you make this match an interesting one!" As the two face each other, Shinaru tells Yuki, "Give me all you got!" "Already planning on that!" Replied Yuki. "I can already tell this will be very interesting to watch." Keasora said to himself as he takes out a book to read.
Just after Yuki talked about herself, Keasora then said, "You know, I believe this conversation is best to be said in a better environment." As he readjusts his sunglasses and puts his hand on his head as he starts to think of a better location to be at. "And since you two passed the genin exams, I'll treat you to some ramen, my treat!" He said with a smirk on his face. "YES!!!! I LOVE RAMEN!!!" Yelled Yuki with excitement. The Shinaru slightly leans his head to Yuki and whispers,"Maybe this jounin isn't a bad sensei after all." "Well then, let's get going!" Keasora said as the three of them leave the room and out of the academy. A few moments later in the main part in the village, Yuki is ahead of the others because of excitement from having ramen as a award for passing the exams. "Well, there goes the money I have left! Hehehe!" Keasora said with a smile on his face. Just as they get near the ramen shop, Keasora looks at the people carefully, seeing that they have a feared look in their faces. Then all of a sudden, a man runs in fear as he screams for help. Just as he runs, he runs into Keasora and lands on the ground. "What's going on? Why are you so scared?" Asked Keasora as he helps the man up onto his feet. "A...Man....He..Used his...Bones.....As a....Sword!" Answered the man as he shakes in fear. "[FONT=Arial Black]Must be Kusu[/FONT]" Keasora thought to himself. "Don't worry, I'll go check the situation." Said Keasora as he faces Shinaru and Yuki. "Alright, whatever any of you do, don't do anything without my order, got it? We're gonna have to have ramen later, but now, follow me." Yuki and Shinaru had a surprised look on their faces on when they saw Keasora's calm and relaex faced into a serious and demanding one, but for everone's sake, they obeyed Keasora's orders and followed him. Just as the three got to the ramen shop, the place where the man from before was running from, they saw Snickerfox and his three tailed fox summon fighting against Kusu. Snickerfox quickly glances at Keasora as he appears in the scene. "Need any assisstance?" Asked Keasora as he readjusts his sunglasses.
As Skayne travels through the forest with his Squirtle on , he hears the sounds of battle going on, not far from where he was standing. "I hear a battle going on, maybe I should go check it out, what about you Squirtle?" He says to Squirtle. As Squirtle nod his head, a sign of saying yes, Skayne then said, "All right then." As Skayne runs to the place where the battle took place, he sees two trainers fighting against a member of Team Incarnate. "I see that the girl with black hair is a member of that Team Incarnate organization. If so, then do you need help." He said as Squirtle jumps off his shoulder, getting into his battle position.
As Shinaru and Yuki look around in the room, Keasora quickly appeared in behind them and put one hand on each of their shoulders. "Hello! I'm Keasora, and I'll be your team captin." He said with a slight smile on his face. Both Shinaru and Yuki had a surprised look on their faces as Keasora asks. "Looks like you've seen a ghost or something." "No, I'm just kinda freaked out on how you snuck behind us." Said Shinaru. "I wouldn't say 'snuck up', more in the line of an unexpected hello." Replied Keasora. Keasora looks at both Yuki and Shinaru, thinking of the training he has installed for them. "Don't worry, I have a good feeling we'll all get along fine... So, tell me about yourself. I want know on how the team would contribute to each other by knowing some basic info about yourselfs." Keasora asked with a slight smile as he adjusts his sunglasses.
After Keasora asked Shinaru to oin his squad, he later said, "Think about it for a while. If you want to join my squad, then meet me in room 203." Then Keasora quickly teleported to Snickerfox and said. "I over heard you guys saying that one female genin should have some 'supervision' as I put it. So, then I'll take her in my squad. ust tell her to meet her new jounin teacher at room 203." Keasora said to the group as he left. After Keasora left the group, he quickly teleported to the room where he'd told his genin to meet at. "This shall be an interesting year, hope the genin I get will get more than just an experiance in there first year." He said as he sits down on one of the chairs in front of the chalk board. As he sits back down, he readjusts his sunglasses. "Fun times we'll have together!" He siad to himself with a smirk appearing on his face.
"She maybe right, but I have my own beliefs and training methods." Keasora said to himself as he adjusts his sunglasses. Then suddenly, a thought came to him. He'd now began having an interest of training Shinaru. "He may not looks as much, but I can clearly see he has the potential of becoming a true shinobi. He's seems like a curious one in my view." Keasora saids to himself as he performs hand signs. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I think I've found someone I'd like to meet." He said to the other jounin and then disappears. As Shinaru is taking deep breaths from all the fighting, Keasora quickly appeared in front of Shinaru and asks, "Good job! How would you like it if you joined my squad?" Shinaru suddenly has a surprised look on his face. "You'll more than just a shinobi if you train under me." Kesaora said with a smirk on his face.
"I see that these students are very optimistic about the exams today." Keasora said as his head faces to Tsubasa. "But very sad that more than half of these students won't become genin....." He said as he adjusts his sunglasses properly. As he waits, he thinks of a way to test their abilities to see if they were worthy of being his students. "Hmmmmmmmm..........So many things, so many ways. I can't chose which option to pick that's well suited for any of them to take. I don't like to make giving a test easy enough to pass with ease....Something that would at least allow me to see which ones a really capable of becoming shinobi." Keasora said as he puts his hand on his head. A couple minutes passed by and then he came with a solution. "Bingo...I got just the one." He said with a smirk on his face.
30 minutes after Keasora woke up, he was done chaning into is clothes and just took a quick shower. After taking a quick look at the clock, a surprised expression came to his face and said, "Shoot! I over slept! Gotta get going and fast!" He said as he quickly takes a bite out of an apple that was lying on the table and quickly grabbed his sleeveless hoodie. He puts on the hoodie as a runs straight towards the academy. "I need to go faster." He mumbled to himself as he increases speed. As Keasora reaches the academy, 2 other jounin just opened the door outside. Keasora stopped and quickly asked, "Are the exams starting yet?" "They we're just about to start, so you better hurry and fast!" said one of the jounin. Gracious Keasora was, he quickly ran into the hally where the room that was holding the exams were. After he opens that door into the room, he quickly sat on a chair spreaded across the rooms and said, "Sorry for being late, I over slept......Now then, show me what you got."
Name: Keasora Seiyaru Age: 19 Gender: Male Rank: Jounin Village of Origin: Hidden Leaf (if there's too many from hidden leaf, then I'll change mine if you want) Appearance: Keasora stands about 5'10 or 5'11, around there. He has short dark brown spikey hair, along with forest green eyes, even though he wears sunglasses most of the time. He wears a black sleeveless hoodie with his clan emblem, which is a symbol in the shape of a moon. He also wears a necklace that has a snake shaped emblem. Also wears camoflauge (did I spelled it right, if not, tell me so I can correct it) Likes: Spicey foods, music, art, girls, books, getting stronger, practice fighting techniques, making new friends, meeting new people Dislikes: Rambling idiots, annoying people, cheese, tomatoes Personality Quirks: Very quite, though he has a sarcastic side. Keasora tends to be very observent when fighting and not fighting, which gives a major advantage when fighting. He can be a ladies man at times, but that would usually happen if he's in a good mood or just excited. He's very nice meet and also is very friendly too. Loves to make sarcastic remarks to anyone who makes unpleasent comments about something. Special Jutsu: Dark Chidori- A technique that's similar to the normal chidori, but requires more power and is several times more powerful. It has a purplish/bluish glow to it. It does severals times more damage, but can cause so much strain to the muscles that they could be permanently paralyzed if he uses it too much. Shadow Dragon Flare jutsu- Keasora breathes out a blackish/purplish fire in the shape of a dragon. Special Weapon: Shark Teeth- a pair of knives that have ridged edges on the blade. Bio: Not many people know about Keasora or his past. Keasora is one of the most strategic jounins in the village hidden in the leaves. It has saved countless ninjas so many times during dangerous missions. Many people have known him as the "Silent Eagle" because of the fact that he's quite most of the time an he has the eyes of an eagle. His parents were killed in a war so he moved in with his uncle, which is where he got his 2 knives or the Shark Teeth. Many new challenges awaite him for this dawn of time.
This came across to me today. Why hasn't anyone made a thread about pie! Pie is awesome! Pie is the best! What can beat pie? Pie can come in so many flavors. Cherry, Pecan, Apple, Strawberry, Rhubarb, Rasberry, Blueberry, Banana Cream, Coconut Cream, Chocolate Pudiding, Brownie, Cow(I won't go there), etc. Pies of all different kinds! And as the Pie Overlord, I wish to hear your statements or thoughts about pie!!!! :cool: :D [SIZE=4]SO BRING THEM IN!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]
Name- Skayne Kazar Age-17 Personality- Laid back, sarcastic, very observent within the area he's in, especially on the battlefield. He'll make sarcastic remarks to someone if they diss him about something. Cool, laid back person, never let's his emotoins get in the way. Mostly quiet, but can get very social if he likes too. Appearance-(Picture,link or a detailed description) About 5'10, 145 lbs. Skayne wears a sleeveless black zippie hoodie, with a black sleeveless t-shirt under it. He also wears camoflage cargo zippie pants. He has dark brown hair with blonde highlights on the tips (he has spikey hair), has green-blue eyes, but usually wears sunglasses most of the time. He wears a necklace around his neck with a dragon emblem he's had ever since he was 9. When they started training- 11 Are they a gym leader- No Pokemon(nicknames included if they have one,levels also included)- Dragonite- lvl 55 Charizard- lvl 47 Scizor - Blade lvl 44 Squirtle- lvl 12 Umbreon- Shadowknight lvl 42 What they want to be(coordinator,pokemon master)- Master Bio/Writing sample- Even though Skayne is young, he's been known to be a very skilled and high level trainer for his age. He has had an interest to dragon pokemon ever since he was young. A few months after getting his first pokemon, charmander, he was fishing and suddenly caught a dratini, which later on evolved into a Dragonair and after a while of serious training, Dragonair evolved into Dragonite. Even though he's a big fan of dragon type, he perfers to have a party of several types of pokemon, which gives him a huge advantage in battle. After he won the pokemon league 3 times in a row, he took a break for a while to relax. But maybe this big event coming up could bring Skayne back to the battlefield