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Crazy Kev

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Everything posted by Crazy Kev

  1. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]But that's what [i]makes you[/i] what you are. That's all ther is to judge on, and judgment is the basis of opinion. If someone isn't judging you hatsoever, then they are indifferent to you. The way people judge you is the makeup of who you are. Ho you portray yourself. Your life in the perception of others may not be what you consider to be 'you', but in their mind it is. The you that others judge you as is just as much 'you' as you are. But before I get into a whole 'I am the asuka in your mind,' 'while I am the asuka in her own mind', I think I'll skip down to... What grinds my gears is people who cant accept what they are. Who say 'I can't help being this way' instead of either doing all they can to change it or making it their own. no one, no matter the circumstances, is not allowed to be happy.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Wait a sec......I think what I meant on that part is how people judge you..in the bad way, or in this case, stereotyping......you know......If I think about it, pretty much on what grinds mt gears is stereotyping and what not....But you see, from what you were saying was the fact that on what judging other specifically meant in the version that represents the fact that people use sight and smell for judging, because in order to truely judge someone, they need to know the whole thing, especially their personallity........Forget I said any of that stuff said above and put it into the fact that people can't truely change who you are..........................Also, I hate rambling idoits at school!!!! :devil:
  2. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] So err... what else would you have us judge you on? Your appearance? Your body odour?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Black]Ok, well first off, how could you judge me on those 2 subjects just knowing on a computer without actually knowing me. Second, I know what your getting to, but I'm saying anything in particular within that subject, I'm just saying that it really ticks me off when people judge other for who they are, like religious beliefs, inerests, disabilities, appearence, all that kind of stuff.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. So many things to count and even think.......ok! let's see now: 1.) people who make fun of you because of who you are 2.)suck ups 3.)people who walk around and act like complete show offs like 'check out my sweet shoes' or 'check out this $500 jacket that I'm only gonna wear for at least a few months.' come on people, they're just freakn' clothes! 4.)people mocking you. that just plains annoys me! 5.)Teachers who have a bad case of favoritism, like my science teacher! 6.)People who judge you on who you are. that just makes others feel bad about themselves by alot! Shall I say more? :devil:
  4. Weapon of choice, huh? Well then, I got two for this question: 1.) An anti-matter bomb, it'll blow up every single *beep* thing in it's path. Or in this case, destroy all the atoms in the area in which it was detonated at. (But in this case, it's suicide) 2.) Put on really good and strong headphones and put in a tape or cd that has the barney theme song. Everyone's ears will bleed so much that they'll die of blood loss. Hehehehehehehe!!!! :cool: ;)
  5. Skyro was attending a meeting at the Darkborther Hood about their next mission. "Alright men, this mission will be one of our deadliest ones yet! But fortunately, we have one of the best assassins in this guild. I would like to present Skyro!" The meeting commissioner said as Skyro rises from his chair and said, "Enough of the small talk, what's the mission?" "Ah yes! But this mission is to be kept classified, so we'll have messengers coming to you as you progress. The first place you'll need to go to is the Ash Lands. Here's a map of your destination." The meeting commissioner announced. Skyro took the map and headed his way to the Ash Lands. But instead, he decided to do things his own way as usual. "Things will go alot quicker if this mission is done my way." He said to himself as he leaves the Darkborther Hood building.
  6. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: Zasori, Seiyaru Age: 15 Gender: Male Rank: genin Appearence: Here: [url]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c...0pics/ninja.jpg[/url] Excluding the mouth mask and add a sleeveless black hooded jacket, along with some camo pants too as well. And like every ninja,Seiyaru has a kuni holder on his right leg. He has a sheaf(did I spell that right because if not, correct me please) on his back that holds his katana. Seiyaru wears sunglasses due to the fact that his eyes are really sensitive to sunlight and what not. Personality: Seiyaru is what you call 'a lone wolf'. He Usually does eveything by himself, except when he asks other people for help. He has somewhat of a Kakashi personality. Seiyaru would usually make sarcastic remarks during arguements, which shows alot of his sarcastic side. Seiyaru's parent's died during a war and gets really said if anyone ever speaks of that incident. But most of the time, he's usually in a good mood, usually quiet and mysterious though around others he doesn't know. But in the heat of battle, he's exremely clever and as cunning and sly as a fox. Equipment: Shuriken: 10 Bomb tags: 5 smoke bombs: 3 Katana: 1 Soldier pills: 5 Medical packs: 3 Main Weapons/Technique: (if you know the japanese names for these attacks, I'd appreciate if you tell me what they were.) ---------------------- Ninjustu Abilities: Dark Chidori: A more powerful form a chidori. About two or three times stronger as an normal one. When it activates, it releases a dark purple glow which of course, darkend lighting sparks. It's a very powerful version of chidori but can cause extreme strain to the muscles. Dark Inferno Dragon Jutsu: Blackish-purplish flame in a form of a dragon appears. With the use of telephathy (please tell me if I spelled that right), he can control it and order it to attack enemies and stuff. But it drains the chakra like mad though. Eyes of Fear: His left eye turns red and his right eye turns red. When performing this, the user has to look at the opponent straight into the eye, causing them to either scream in fear or die of fright. (Origanlly called Eyes of Insanity) Taijutsu abilities: Dragon Rage: Seiyaru will kick the opponent into the air, them perform a series of kicks and elbow slams, and then the finishing blow is when he'll punch downwards with his knuckle right at the opponent's face. Bloody Claws: Seiyaru will concentrate his chakra to create a reddish glow and pretty much does an omnislash attack. The Zasori blood Line trait, Death's Eye is a very rare trait that only a pure blooded Zasori clan member can obtain. The series of abilities include the Eyes of Fear, which is explained above. Other abilities include the Eyes of Death, which is when the user looks into the opponent's eye and just makes them go completely insane to the point where their mind is all messed up and they just die. Seiyaru barely uses weapons. Instead, he realies on his strategic skills to out wit the opponent. But the weapon He'll mainly use is his katana because it's been brought down from generation through generation in his family. Biography/Writing: When Seiyaru was very young, both his parents died in a war. He felt very lonely, and became sad if anyone ever mentioned that. By the age of 11, he became a private pupil of Kakashi Hatake for a few years. Currently during that time, Seiyaru realizrf that he possesed a very rare gekki kenkai (tell me if I spelled that right) called Death's Eye. During this time, Kakashi realized that Seiyaru only works for and by himself, so he placed Seiyaru into a random squad to learn the true value of team work. By then, he made lots of friends, including his close friends such as Ichiro, Zukachi, and Kaoru. After a year or two, Kakashi taught him the Dark Chidori technique (technique explained in the main weapon/technique section) and the Shadow Inferno Dragon technique. By then, Seiyaru learned and mastered these jutsus and develped his own taijutsu attacks, including the Dragon's Rage and Bloody Claws (both explained above). Learing that making friends wouldn't be easy for hi, due to his past, he's developed a sarcastic side on ocassions. All Seiyaru wants is to never feel loneyness ever again. Extra note: 1.) He is good friends with Zukachi, Ichiro, and Kaoru 2.) Has a secret crush on Hiroko 3.) He has a very high tolerance to spicey foods 4.) He'll sometimes pull a prank on some random person just for kicks 5.) The first time he's performed the Dark Chidori, his entire right muscle was strained to the point where he couldn't use it for 4 months until it recovered 6.) One of his main goals is to make others happy 7.)He loves to make people laugh (p.s please tell me if I made any mistakes so I can fix them immediately)[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Sup! I've been thinking about on what they should add for the next guitar hero game or something. Like add new songs or characters and what not. One of the characters I think should be added is the Burger King guy or Darth Vader![/COLOR]
  8. When the elevator reached the floor, Darth Kunzar entered the laboratory, seeing many of his specially designed KX-47 driods being build. As he walks to a table where he designs the parts, he quickly reacts to a prediction that will happen. "I....Feel something that.....would not be very good for my plans in moments...Must act quickly." He said as he sees his droids being finished. Once the droids were finished, Kunzar quickly had them step onto a pad, where they will have information downloaded into them with cords attached to the back of their thick metal heads. The droid's bodyshape resembles closely to a magnagaurd, along with being equiped with a wrist-blaster, built in missle launchers in their arms, shield generators attached on their waist and wrists, and many other combinations with parts of other droids. "The KX-47 droids will have combinations of skill and weaponry from different types of droids. From astromech to Assassin droids. Yep, these droid will soon be deadly enemies to even the most skilled jedi knight." Kunzar said with laughter as the droids were finished with their downloading.
  9. As Kunzar jumps from branch to branch in the thick dense forest, Kunzar had quickly sensed another disturbance. "I see that the other sith lord decided to blow up my ship and let me die here." Said Kunzar as he quickly jumps throught the forest. Just as soon he'd reach the area where he commanded his magnaguards to go and eliminate the milita, he sees parts of his droids scattered all over place. But with quick notce, Kunzar saw that the droids all had saber cuts on them. "I see the militia had jesi assistance." Said Kunzar as he walks through the graveyard of droids. "I see that my plan didn't go as I thought, no matter. I'll just steal another jedi's ship and take off to Mustafar." After Kunzar looked around to make sure that there were no survivors, He saw a jedi star-fighter that a jedi left. Kunzar ran to the ship and quickly opened it to jump into the cockpit. After getting into the cockpit, Kunzar got the engines and thrusters ready and was in space in a matter of seconds. Once he was in space, he managed the ship to go into hyperspace to quickly reach his destination, Mustafar. "All right then, time proceed with plans and see how my 'special' droids are doing." Kunzar said as he managed the controls to go into hyperspace. After he got through the hyperspace route, he was a few moments away from reaching Mustafar. As he enters the atmosphere, a driod command post quickly detected a ship coming to the docks. Once the ship entered the docks, of bunch of droids includung Battle Droids, Super Battle Doids, HK-50 Assassin Droids, Droideka, Magnaguards, and other types of droids came running out with their weapons out and armed. When the cockpit opened, they reconized Kunzar coming out. "State your purpose." Asked a batle droid. "I'm here to check on the new droids I'm inventing. The KX-47 droids." Replied Kunzar as he reaches an elevator. As gets inside the elevator and picks what floor to reach, he simply thinks to himself, "This war will shed lots of blood.....I'll like that....Especially with the new droids I'm making.." as the elevator goes down.
  10. [quote name='Deathsye']Accepted but you might want to change a few things. Like the Exterminate Skill. If it is a poison then it has to work its way throught the body and would be painful but not a instant kill.[/quote] Ok! Thanks for telling, I'll change it immediately.
  11. Name: Skyro Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Dark Elf Appearance: Wears a black cloak with chainmail armor. Also wears sunglasses. Weapons: Carries a katana and a dagger under his cloak, along with poisons and toxins for assassination missions. Likes: Sharp bladed weapons, blood, killing people, Dark Brotherhood guild, designing poisons. Dislikes: Annoying people, rambling idiots Class: Assassin Abilities or Specialization: Exterminate: His dagger blade glows blood red and turns into a weapon that causes severe damage to the opponent. Intoxicate: His dagger blade glows pine green and releases a deadly poison when stabbed into someone. Only Skyro has a cure that can eliminate the poison Stealth: (Uh yeah, you all probably should know what stealth is already) Biography: Not much is known about Skyro's past. He's been in the Dark Brotherhood guild ever since he was 10. His assassination skills and abilities are far beyond of those his age and is known to be one of the best assassins in the Dark Brotherhood. He's never usually social to everyone and likes to get sarcastic on everyone once a while. He's been quite famous on many murders and assassinations.
  12. "Sorry, I don't take orders from anyone, including the sith. I follow my own paths." Kunzar said as he quickly got into a fighting stance. "But at least I get to shed even more blood than I expected in this war!" He said while he twirled his lightsaber around. Thinking on how many times he exterminated the jedi that crossed his path, he already devised a plan to defeat Rei. Rei was thinking to himself that his opponent was no pushover and is extremely strong in the force. He then quickly used the force to get his lightsaber that Morbus kicked away from him and ran to Kunzar, ready to strike at him until then Kunzar quickly reacted and blocked the attack with his lightsaber. "You're good with the blade, but I wonder if you're good with hand to hand combat." Kunzar said as he jumped and turned off his lightsaber while spun around in the air. Then with quick action, Kunzar kicked Rei's hand, causing him to drop his lightsaber. Then Kunzar landed on his hands to stand on, then kicked Rei in the face. Rei then fell to the ground, tyring to endure the pain he's recieved from the other battles from before. Kunzar then jumped back his feet and can tell that Rei is trying to endure the pain he's gotten. "Do you really think you defeat me in your condition? Do you really think you could defeat a sith at all?" He questioned while he walked towards Rei slowly and ignited his saber. "In life, all living things must die, and I'm afraid that your time is up!" He said was about to strike the jedi with eager to shed blood. But then, a sudden pause came by when Kunzar quickly sensed a disturbance in his plans. He turned off the lightsaber and said to the jedi, "You're weak! Why should I have time killing a worm like you while I should be making sure my plans work. You're worthless. Come back to me when you're battle skills have improved." Kunzar said as he jumped back on a branch. "But don't expect this to be the last time you've seen me though." He said as the wind blew his cloak like a waving flag. Then suddenly, Kunzar just vanished in thin air without a trace. Rei then back on his feet, feeling insulted from the lecture Kunzar gave to him. With rage building up in him, he then tried to control himself to prevent the anger from getting to him. But he did realized that the sith fighting in this war are well trained and exrtemely powerful.
  13. After Darth Kunzar landed his ship, he came out with 6 Magnaguards as his personal squad to wipe out the Wookie militia. As he walked on the surface of Kashyyyk, he already sensed the presence of other jedi and sith here on the planet. "I guess that there will be more blood than I expected in this battle," Said Darth Kunzar as he eagerly waits to kill some jedi and wookies. "Alright, squad! Listen up, my plan is to wipe out the wookie militia, or at least eliminate most of them, just to weaken their army somewhat." Commanded Kunzar as he walks though a thick and dense forest. While his Magnaguards were cutting through the thick and heavy vines and bushes to make a path, he quickly senses three wookie spies that have been watching him. As he commanded his Magnaguards to stop, he stood silently and then slowly took out his single red bladed lightsaber. By then, he swiftly jumped a few hundred meters into the air and quickly cutted all their heads of in a flash while he spun in the air. After killing the wookie spies, he jumped down to a lower branch, turned off his lightsaber, and quickly commanded his droids to go out and eliminate the militia. After he commanded the droids, he sensed the presence of a jedi battle he know would be interesting. After that, he swiftly and silently jumped from one branch to another to watch the match between Rei and the NK droid. As soon as he reached his destination, he stood silently on a branch and began to observe the jedi's techniques. Darth Kunzar had thoughts of impression in his mind as he studied the Rei's fighting techniques. "Ah! Very unique fighting stances and skills this one has. I sense much potential in this one." He said to himself while he still observed Rei.
  14. Name: Darth Kunzar Age: 21 Type of lightsaber: one red and green single blade that can attach to each other to make a double bladed lightsaber. Appearence: Wears a sith lord robe, along with a mask that's red on one side and black on the other side with purple markings on it And also has spikey green hair that has red stripes going vertically across. Personality: Dark, quiet, cunning. Kills everything that stands in his path, including allies. Never hesitates to kill or destroy anyone or anything. He never shows any mercy to those that oppose him everyway. He can manipulate attack and strategies from opponents very quickly. Bio: There's not much that is heard from about Darth Kunzar. He was trained by one of the strongest sith lords, Darth Slazer. Everywhere he goes, we always wears a mask since it is the tradition to both him and his master as a sign of fear, hatred, torment, power, and death. He has a secret base on Mustafar, which is where he does all of his experiments and strategy thinkins for the next battle. His skills in both hand to hand combat and lightsaber combat is extremly beyond those of his age. He has been given the reputation of having quick senses in battle and quickly manipulate the opponents strategies. And also the reputaion of being a well skilled interrogator, due to his very well and never failing attempts of interrorgation.
  15. [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen]1. What name would you like to be used for you during this competition?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Crazy Kev or Kevin[/COLOR] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]2. What is your age and gender?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I'm 14 and a male.[/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen]3. What country do you come from?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I'm from MI, USA! Yeah!![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=2] [FONT=Arial Black]4. What areas of OtakuBoards you consider as your strengths and weaknesses?[/FONT][/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Strengths: video games RPG's Weaknesses: Literature movies[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Black] [SIZE=2]5. Name one member of OtakuBoards that you consider your friend here?[/SIZE][/FONT] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]mewmewninja45 is a close friend of mine....Yup!.. Been friends ever since I first got here at the OtakuBoards..She's so amazing and just just fun to talk to![/COLOR] [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]6. What one thing would you take with you to a deserted island?[/COLOR] [/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]I don't know really...Probably my emergancey kit. It has all the stuff I would need, blankets, food, radios, batteries, water, clothing, pocket knife, ect...If not, then a life time supply of pie!!! I LIKE PIE!!!! LONG LIVE THE POWER OF PIE!!!!!!!![/COLOR] [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Black]7. Why do you want to participate to OtakuBoards Survivor 4?[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Because, it's my first time doing this and it sounds fun. Plus it helps me to interact with other people I haven't meet yet here and make more friends. Plus I heard that this event sounds really fun so why not?[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkGreen]myspace can get addicting, I can understand that. But something else I don't understand is why are some people so 'desprite' as I put it for...Well....You all should picture it by now...[/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']Probably 'cause Resident Evil 4 was released in January 2005. :p[/color][/quote] Well yeah..... And I hardly play Zelda games either too. :p
  18. I think I have some games that I'll remember from this past year. GCN: Resident Evil 4. The graphics, game play, you name it, were awsome!...Plus I'm a huge RE fan! (Why am I surprised that I'm one of the only people that chose a game other then Zelda: Twilight Princess. PS2: Guitar Hero 2 Xbox 360: Gears of War! Xbox: I have no clue? PC: Hard choice....Very hard choice. PSP: Lumines...One heck of an addicting game! DS: Who cares? PS3: I don't know many games for it. Wii: Same as above, don't know many games for it.
  19. OOC: Just incase you forgot, this part is when Sky appeared at Courasuant at began to attack us. Just making sure you didn't forget anything. [FONT=Arial Black] [COLOR=DarkRed]IC: PyroBlade was ready to aim at the ship Sky was until he herd Thomas screaming for help. "Oh crap! The boy!" PyroBlade yelled as he dropped his rocket launcher and sprinted to catch the boy. Then a jedi appeared and caught the boy before PyroBlade did. "Nice catch!..Who are you by the way?" PyroBlade said with a thumbs up. "There is no time for that now!" Aero yelled as he puts down Thomas and takes out his lightsaber. "It's time to get rid of this pest." He said as he got into a fighting stance. "Right beside you." PyroBlade said as he ran back to pick up his rocket launcher. "I'm all ready for the boom-boom now!" He said while he aimed at the ship.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]Xazer walked to his ship and saw his two bodyguards. "What are we going to do master?" Asked Bloodscale. "We are going to wherever we must go." Xazer said as he walks into his ship. As Xazer gets to his seat and sits down, he thinks on what would happen to Xenos now. "Hmmmmm...I can clearly see that Xenos is gonna need more power than that....But I might have a clue on were we'll meet again. Hehehe." Xazer said as his two bodyguards getting into the ship. He starts the ship and flys off into space. "So, did any of you guys get any of those crystals?" Xazer asked both of his body guards. "Yes master. We've got a good supply of it too!" Xilriz replied. "Good, because I had to make a peace offering to Xenos with mine." Said Xazer as he looks through the radar. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]"Oh really?" Xazer questioned. "Yeah, punk!" Umbra said as he began to attack Xazer. "Moron.." Xazer said as he punched back and send Umbra flying. "You see, you're nothing without your troops! You mainly rely on your troops believe it or not. I've heard about you and the Great Journey for a while now and I can clearly see your ambition will try to destroy everything that gets in the way. Regardless on how many troops you have, they'll all go tumbling down later on by the spartans and anyone else that gets in the way. I've heard about the incident with the Halo rings and stuff and realize that you guys are really no match for any other army out there that has a more powerful race, and regardless on how much you deny it, it's true! So you see, just having like what, two sith with you isn't gonna solve anything... Yes, I've seen you team up with the other sith as well, so basically, if you insult me, you insult them as well." Xazer lectured Xenos as he steps by the edge of the mountain. "Oh! You can have your crap back. I can clearly see it's of no use to me anyways. I have enough gadgets as it is." Xazer said as he throws the Gravity Hammer on top of Umbra. "Oh, and this bag that you wanted so bad too, you can have it. I realize that I have enough crap all ready." Xazer said as he throws the bag at Xenos. "You have made a wise choice human." Xenos said as he caught the bag. "I told you I was smart." Xazer said as he points his index and middle finger in the air. "You have been a challenging opponent, and I honor that. But don't think this is the last that you'll hear from me. Fairwell and hope your journey goes well." Xazer said as he teleports back to his ship.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. OOC: Sorry that I forgot to say, but my character's name is Xazer, not Xaner IC: [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]"Hmmm..Is that so? Besides the fact strong warriors are supposed to take the fall when they meet in these situations. For that , I automatically win the match, due to the fact that this was supposed to be a one-one one match. But seeing that you're too much of an ugly coward, I can clearly see you like to fight dirty." Xazer said with laughter at the end. "What are you laughing at?!" Questioned Xenos. "You fool! You underestimate me just because I'm 'human', according to you. As you can clearly see, I was never human at all! Never was, never will. And besides, I'm always one step ahead of you anyways!" Xazer said as he finds a huge rock and uses the force on it to knock off the Gravity Hammer from the Chieftain and took it as soon as he got free. "I believe this is of no use to you anymore! But it will to me!" Xazer said as he holds on to the Gravity Hammer. "Now then, I have another offer that not even you would even decline on!" Xazer said. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]"Is that so?" Said Xazer as he turns off his lightsabers and puts them away. "Then I guess that you haven't experienced my true power yet." He said as he takes out a different lightsaber and turns it on. Xenos sees that the black-bladed saber is different from the other lightsabers he has seen. "If you want power, then I'll give you power!" Xazer then spins around and hits the plasma swords so hard that the impact makes Xenos drops his swords. "That lightsaber..The color..Somehow, I can sense a more powerful presence from it then from the other lightsabers I've seen." Said Xenos. "Ah yes, you see with your very own eyes the ShadowSaber!...Only a true sith lord is capable of weilding it!" Xazer said as he pushes Xenos to the ground and points the ShadowSaber at him. "In life, all living things must die...And you, I believe that your time in life is up! And also, I'm no human, I'm the essence of darkness itself!" Xazer said.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]Xazer kept on dodging Xenos's attacks as soon as he attacked him. "Me ugly? The only thing ugly around here is you. In fact, you look so ugly, you can't look at a mirror without breaking it!" Xazer said while he kept on dodging. "In fact, you are the defination of ugly!" Xazer said as he jumped back again to get some distance. "Do I need to say more stuff about you that's true!" Xazer said as he plans an attack.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]"Regardless of what you do, I'm still gonna dodge your attack!" Xazer said as he began to dodge when Xenos attacks him. But one of Xenos's blades caught Xazer in the shoulder by a bit and left a mark on it. "Arg...Only a flesh wound, nothing for me to worry about." Said Xazer as he puts his hand over his shoulder. "But don't think this is over yet!" He said as he jumped back to get some distance.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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