Crazy Kev
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Everything posted by Crazy Kev
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]Xazer realized that Xenos was trying to make an opening for his attack, so he quickly put his arms in front of him to make an X formation. "I see what he's doing! Very well, time for quick speed." He said. Right after Xenos lunged at him, he quickly dodged it fast enough for no one to see him. Then Xazer appeared behind Xenos to perform a strike from his lightsaber. "This is the end!" He said while he was performing his attack to Xenos.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]Xazer did the same with his double blade, he splitted it to two to block both of Xenos's swords. "Very impressive! Thanks to you, I'm having more fun than I usually do!" Xazer said while blocking to plasma swords.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]"(Very clever! Faking one attack to perform another. But not clever enough!)" Xazer thought to himself while he was dogding all of Xenos's attacks.[/COLOR][/FONT] Then again, Xazer jumped back to get some distance. "(That's right, follow the birdy!)"[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]Xazer jumped from the sweep and did a few somersaults backwards to get some distance and got back into position. "Quite amazed! Please show me more!" Xazer said.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]As soon as Xenos rushed at Xazer, he blocked his plasma sword with his lightsaber. "Been a while since I fought a worthy opponent. I expect something....Challenging from this match that I could enjoy!" Said Xazer as he still held his double bladed lightsaber to block Xenos's attack.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]"I knew he'd take the offer." Xazer said to himself as he gets his ship and starts it. "Hmmmm.....Well, I was taught to use other methods other than the force to rely on so I'll be fine..." He said to himself as he drives the ship to the mountain. "This is gonna be fun! Hehehehe!" After he reached his destination, he landed the ship and walked towards Xenos and said. "Hope you're ready. Because I hate it when a good show has to go to waste if you know what I mean." Then he took out his double bladed lightsaber and got into his battle stance. "Hope you remembered the rules." He said.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]"So, you wanna fight, huh?" Said Xazer as he took out his double bladed lightsaber. "If that's what you want, then I'll guess I'll make it worth your wild." He said even more persuading then before. "What are saying?" Asked Xenos still holding the plasma sword towards Bloodscale's face. "What I'm saying is that I'm willing to make a proposition-bet like thing with you." Said Xazer in a persuading manner. "What is it that you offer?" Yelled Xenos. "The competition is a one-on-one match on top of the mountain about 20 miles south from our distance. If I win, you'll have to leave me alone for now on and quit following me as if you wanted all the valuable stuff I have. But if you win, you can have the valuables I have here, and I'll be forever at your service." Xazer said in an even more persuading manner. "So, do we have a deal?....Oh! And don't even think about doing any deal breakers too cuz I doubt you'll like the consequences that'll happen."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkRed]PyroBlade gets mad after Sky threw Thomas into the air like a piece of crap. "That bitch is gonna pay!" He siad as he takes out his specially designed rocket launcher. "Need some extra fire power Hikaru?" He said as he begins to aim at the target. Some where in the jedi temple, a jedi is training while all of a sudden, he senses a disturbance in the force. "I sense a disturbance in the force master." He said as he turns around and faces his master. "If you must, then go there immediately Aero." Master Skyro said Aero walks out of the room. "Yes my master." Aero said as he leaves the room.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Black]"God he's pissed!" Said Bloodscale as he threw throwing knives, stars, etc. at Xenos. Xazer could hear Xenos yell at the bodyguards."Boy, he's pissed badly!" He said as he faces the direction of the chase coming towards him.[/FONT] [/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkRed] PyroBlade got up as soon Hikaru spoke to him. "I'm just here to apologize for what happened earlier, and second, I wanna introduce myself to a native to this planet." He said as he took out his hand. "I am Spartan 111, or also known as PyroBlade, the best pyrotechnician out of all the spartans out there!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]"More like Blade of the whimps!" Yelled Bloodscale as he ran even faster. Both body guards reached the ship as Xazer looks and sees them get chased. "Hmmmm....I might have an interesting idea that might end this dilemma once and for all." He said to himself.[/COLOR][/FONT] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkRed]Pyro reaches the room where Sera and Hikaru are and suddenly hears the conversation that they're having. "Maybe I shouldn't interfere right now....Probably after their conversation is over." He said to himself as he finds a chair to sit down and wait until the conversation is over.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Black]"Fool, you underestimated us once again!" Said Xilriz as he reached a device to contact Bloodscale with. "Now!" He yelled as Bloodscale threw a smoke grenade at the group of covenent. A huge smoke cloud appeared and both bodyguards were able to escape through the ambush as they ran into the direction to the ship extremely fast. Xazer can sense that his two body guards were running away from the covenent and were heading towards the ship. "So they're coming after us after all." He said to himself as he walks toward the ship.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]Xilriz noticed that Xenos was tempted to get back at Xazer and wanted to take the planet. "What would you want with this planet anyways? It's nothing but lava and mountains, nothing that the covenent would want. Hardly anything valuable lies here, and if there was, it wouldn't be any use for you guys." Xilriz replied as he senses a bad feeling of the covenent's presence. Xazer suddenly senses that the covenent found one of his bosy guards. "Hmmmm....The covenent are that desprite to get back at me. Deciding by taking this planet away from me, even though I hadrly have any use for the planet yet." He said as he walks to a shrine on top of the mountain. As soon as he reaches the shrine, he finds a pannel with an empty slot on it. "I already have they key for this." Xazer said as he puts the key in he pannel. A door suddenly opens and Xazer walks in the room and sees blood luster crystals. "These would be an excellent addition to my collection." He said as he picks them off the wall and quickly teleports back to the ship. [/COLOR][/FONT]
Name: Aero Shadowdragon Age:17 1/2 Race: Jedi Rank: Jedi Master Gender: Male Personality: Kind, friendly, brave, determined, storng willed, quiet, one heck of a fighter, very loyal to the people he cares about. Appearance: blonde hair, green eyes, wears one of those jedi robes and cloaks, has a blue and green bladed lightsaber, and wears a necklace with a lightning shaped emblem on it. Bio: He was born and raised on the planet Ansion, until his master, Master Skyro, took him to courasaunt and took him under training. His father died during a war when Aero was 5. Ever since then, he's been loyal and protective to the people he cares about. When he found out that the sith were the ones who killed his father, he hated them ever since. He was also taught to use some of the hardest types of martial arts to master, which comes in pretty handy when fighting hand to hand combat. He was surprised on what he heard about the new guests that arrived on courasaunt.
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkRed]PyroBlade suddenly stopped as he heard Sera yelled at Blood Dawn. "That kid really needs to know on how to REALLY control the situations happening." He thought to himself as he continues to look for Hikaru. [/COLOR][/FONT] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Black]Xazer senses the covenent's presence as soon as the pods landed. "I knew it, they couldn't resist following me after I attacked them. They're too tempted to follow me and take this planet, even though my plan wasn't to conquer it....Yet.." He said as he adjusted his mask. He reached for a device to contact his bodyguards with to see how their assignment was. "Have you find the crystals yet?" Xazer asked. "Yes my lord, all we need is a few more." Replied Xilriz. "Good, meet me by the ship when you're done." Ordered Xazer as he turned off the device. "The covenent are too predictable.." He said to himself as he walks to a mountain west of him.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial Black]PyroBlade looks around and wonders on what to do now. "Hmmm....I already said hi to the other spartans and also made a few new friends.....Maybe I should go introduce myself to that female jedi that was upset earlier....Yep, saved by boredom." PyroBlade said as he looks around the temple and looks for Hikaru.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkGreen]As Xazer lands his ship, he senses a disturbance around him. "Hmmmmm...I sense a bad feeling about this..." "Master, what should we do?" Asked Xilriz. Xazer points at a temple from north of his direction."Go to that temple, and find a Blood Lutser crystal." He said as he looks at the sky."This should be interesting."[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial Black]"Whoa, something wrong?" Asked PyroBlade as he saw Hikaru crying swatting Sera's hand away from helping her up. "I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to get in your way. Oh, hey Sera and Blood Dawn." He said while he tried to help Hikaru up, but she kept on swatting his hand away too. "Did something bad happen?" Asked PyroBlade as he tries to continue helping Hikaru up.[/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Black]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkGreen] In the middle of space somewhere, Xazer has his eyes set towards on a planet. "Hehehe, my plan shall proceed without any interference this time." Xazer said as he heads toward the planet. "My lord, where exactly are we going?" Asked Xilriz. "We're going to the planet Mustafar!" Xazer said as he enters the planet's atmosphere. "But what are we doing there though?" Asked Bloodscale. "You'll find out soon enough." Said Xazer as he sets the coordinance up.[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkRed]As PyroBlade walks around, he asks one of the Marines about the status of the planet. "So, what is there to know about the planet, Courasaunt?" PyroBlade asked to one of the Marines. "It saids here that this planet happens to hold the Jedi Temple, the home for the jedi during their first years of apprenticeship, and also where they learn the ways of the force." Said a Marine as he was looking at the info on a computer. "A place for jedi to live and learn....Cool!" Said PyroBlade as he looks around and sees all the tall structures of buildings and stuff. "It also states that Sera is here as well." The Marine saids as he looks at a radar. "Even saids so on the radar that detects all of our spartans within-" "I know." PyroBlade said as he cutted off on what the Marine was saying. "Now then, let's her visit!" PyroBlade said as he walks towrad an armory in the pelican and grabs his weapons. "Just to be safe, I'll bring these along." "I wonder what's more deadlier, PyroBlade with explosives, or the jedi here." A Marine whispered to another Marine. "Yeah, me too. I'm thinking the same too." PyroBlade said after he carefully heard what the Marines were whispering to each other. "Ok then, let's go say hi to Sera and to any other friends she has made so far!" PyroBlade said as he takes the radar and looks for Sera.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black]OOC: Ok, first off, I'm really sorry for making my sith too powerful. Second, I'll try to limit my sith's powers as much as possible, and third, I don't wanna cause any problems and issues to the point where people drop out. So yeah, I'm really sorry for any problems I've caused. So let's just have fun, ok? I[COLOR=DarkGreen]C: "Nealry made it....I underestimated the covenent after all.." Said Xazer taking deep breathes. "Where are we going to next?" Asked Bloodscale. "To the nearest planet that I can find in this moment." Said Xazer as he looks at the radar. [/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkRed]"Ok Marines, we're here!" Shouted PyroBlade as the Pelican lands on Courasaunt. PyroBlade jumps out of the Pelican to get a better view of the place. "So, this is Courasaunt huh? Looks fancy...I like it." "Sir, do you need your weapons right now?" Asked a Marine. "Nope, don't need any right now Marine." Replied PyroBlade as he looks around the place.[/COLOR][/FONT]
OOC: Dude, I swear, this no way that any covenent ship can go as fast as the millennium falcon, because that's the rate my ship's going right now! Trust me, I'm a Halo fan as well!!
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]As Xazer was flying his ship through space, he suddenly stop and putted on a targeting system. "My lord, what are you doing?" Asked Xilriz. "You should know what I'm doing right now, it's the same idea that I used to take over Dagobah." Said Xazer in a joyish-evilish tone. "Oh, now I see. What's your target then?" Asked Xilriz. "Naboo, to weaken the covenent so they don't interfere with my plans." Said Xazer as he targeted Naboo. "Ready, aim, FIRE!" Meanwhile at Naboo. Xenos and the other covenent were discussing about the great journey. All of a sudden, BOOM! "Argh! What just happened?" Questioned Xenos after the fire. "Boom! Bullseye!"Said Xazer after he fired at Naboo. "Phhh! That moron thought he could take me? Ha, what a waist, the covenent were inferior to me anyways." Then the ship quickly goes to another galaxy. "Even though that blast was powerful, I didn't put the fire power on full blast, but lowered it so I can weaken the covenent by surprise!.....Such pathetic mortals! Mwahahahahahaha!!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]Xazer looked at the large number of covenent near Xenos and said, "If you need that much back up, then you fear my power then... You're afraid that I'll beat you one on one!...You're nothing but a fly that's gonna get swatted by the fly swatter. I was gonna have an ally to help me out with something me and you want, but I can clearly see that you're gonna get in my way.....Now then, if you excuse me, I have to go to another planet to take over." Xazer walked back to his ship with his body guards protecting him. "What are you planning now my lord?" Said the other body guard, Bloodscale. "Hehehe...I have plans that'll make everyone run in fear." Said Xazer as he got into his ship. "Not even the covenent or anyother sith lord can stop me!" Xenos saw Xazer's ship fly into outer space. "Good riddance!" He said as he saw the ship go away. As Xazer went into space, he stop for a sec and thought about his previous and new plans. "My plans were to assassinate the queen to be ruler, but I realize that the covenent took the queen, making my plan ruined. But, I shall do riddance to everyone as soon as possible...Hehehehehehe!" He told him self as the ship was going as fast as the Millennium Falcon. "Hehehe! Everyone that's inferior to me is a newb!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]"You don't know when to quit, do you?" Said Xazer as he quickly teleported. "disappeared again?" Half Jaw said right after he lunged at Xazer. "You're just like a cockroach, no matter how much I try to squash you, you're still alive." Xazer said as he appeared from the shadows." "Yes, us hunters are very well strong and defensive. And also tough to be beaten." Half Jaw said as he took out his fuel-rod cannon and aimed it at Xazer."Bye-bye!" He said as he shot Xazer with a direct hit. "Ha, and you call yourself a sith. You're pathetic!" As the dust and smoke from the shot cleared, an orb of shadows were covering Xazer as a shield. "You're worthless if you can't bypass the shadows." Xazer said in an evilish tone. "Now then, I think I have the solution to this situation. Xilriz, get rid of these hunters at once." He said as he commanded one of his bodyguards." "Yes, my lord." Xilriz said as he cast a spell that created a spiritual wave that sended all the hunters flying and falling unconscious as they hit the ground." But Half Jaw was still keeping his ground. "Ha, and you're calling me worthless!" Half Jaw with laughter. "Now die as I....What!?" Half Jaw notices he can't move at all. "I can't move anything at all!? What is this?!?!?!" "You fool, my bodyguard, Xilriz, is the best shaman in all of cabalis. The spell he just casted on you was a de-strengthen spell, which causes you're whole body not to move a single inch." Xazer said as he turns around and faces Xenos. "Now then, on with business."[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]Well actually the PS3 is just like an expantion packed version of the PS2, hardly anything new with it at all. While the 360 and the wii are like an almost completely different version of the consoles they originated from.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkGreen]When Half Jaw swiped at Xazer, he dissipated into the air, as if it was only a mere illusion. "What the?!" Half Jaw yelled. "Hehehe! You're more pethetic than I thought." Xazer said as he reformed himself from the shadows. "How did you do that?!" Half Jaw responded in a surprised way. "The darkness is mine to control, as I am Xazer, the Sith Lord of darkness and shadows. And I'm afraid that you're no match for me" Xazer said as he used the force to lift Half Jaw. "Who's the feeble now?" He said as he threw Half Jaw high into the air. "Now then, where were we?"[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Black]"Well, well, well. I never thought I would be spotted so quickly" Said Xazer in an anxious way. "Very well then. But yet, sad enough that your guards have such lower power level then mine." Then Xazer rose up his hand. "Be gone!" Xazer said as a huge force wave sends all the guards flying. "Is that all you got? I expected more from you guys."[/FONT][/COLOR]