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Luck Cl

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    Luck Cl

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  1. interesting i have seen pics of him before but i never knew who he was. He can be interpreted both ways. Some may call him hero yet some want to call him a demon due to the fact he was involved with communism. ill have more to post when i leanr about him because the forum gave me the idea do to che for a Social Studies project.
  2. [quote name='Red 6][COLOR=Sienna'] I feel sorry for the Katrina victims, of course, but I don't really consider it to be anything worth remembering... The only reason anyone remembers it is because it made the US realize that hurricanes could happen there too.[/COLOR][/quote] ok but i bet people reminded about it everyday will remember it. I know i will..... [QUOTE=Red 6] Not at all. All I'm saying is that, as far as hurricanes go, Katrina/Rita was nothing special, and I don't see why there needs to be a special memorial for it whereas worse Hurricanes in South America or Indonesia only get a passing "In Other News" report on Faux News.[/QUOTE] yeah, as far as hurricanes idk, but remember the tsunami in Idonesia. yeah we sent help in a very short time and do you realize how long it took help to get down there? no of course, because you seem to be one of those people that care more about what happens in the rest of the world then you do in places a little closer to you. [quote name='Red 6][COLOR=Sienna']The only reason anyone remembers it is because it made the US realize that hurricanes could happen there too.[/COLOR][/quote] yeah, we knew hurricanes could come....its not that we did not know. thats all i have to say....and that ill remember the hurricane for probably the rest of my life
  3. ive been doing pretty good with weight. i have stopped eating unhealthy snacks and school food (eww). i also have stopped driking soft drinks. so far in two weeks ive lost near 10 pounds. yeah, grilled foods are best.
  4. I dont really have an opinion on Nirvana but i dont think Linkin Park sucks. I actually like the band. I mean Linkin Park isnt metal or anything, but they do have rock in it. I also listen to Atreyu, Korn, System of a Down, and various other bands(maybe listen to a few of other bands' songs)
  5. Yes i am obese. I have like near a 29 bmi. Im trying to lose weihgt but its hard. I think its true because i have a low self esteem because of it.
  6. Vicious- He is a maniacal killer who only belives in fighting. I mean he even said [COLOR=Black]"and you shal shed tears of scarlet."[/COLOR] That is bad ***. Trowa Barton- Trowa shows no emotion and always sees any objective through.
  7. I just started to use firefox and am liking it.I like it because the tabs make it much easier to switch between sites instead of switching between firefox pages.
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