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Everything posted by songsofsorrow

  1. i have to agree with ace on this one i feel that the clash of ninja games are the best of the naruto series so far. its pretty good but could be better all that happens is back and forth, so it's pi:combo p2: combo P1: combo p2: aww finally a punch p1: replacement jutsu p2: o crap aww well replacement jutsu, combo p1: awww my health. thats bassically what happens, unless your freekin haku877 *cough* spammer *cough* a well i think its the best game so far.
  2. ace picked up the first game a while ago about 3 days or so. he hasn't put it down since in fact right now he's playing a video of it. he's actually beat the first ace attorney game now. he's also kind of creapy about it. I also think the game makes you kind of creepy i was paranoid last night.
  3. tales of symphonia- if it's hours your talking about i personally have spent 150 hours. but aceburner that's a different story i think that guy has literally spent 2000 hours easy on that game getting every single piece and bit that he could get. i'm doing a runthrough with him. I think he has 17 saves each with atleast 50 hours, that's not counting the ones that he has finished. Soulcalibur 2- gah i have not had a person that can beat me in number of games (not trying to toot my own horn) i think i've spent 150 hours on it. first game that i ever got, first time my parents got mad at me over video games. super smash bros. melee- i spent so much time to get mewtwo and then so many parties of all night melee. took forever to get all the stages too. pokemon- you know you all like it and it took me 70 hours to get my team and then about 50 hours of pvp playing people i know.
  4. I consider myself a pretty nice person and so do my friends. i think i would help a mother/ soon to be mother if she needed help with a flat tire, i also think i would help the kid and mostly anyone that just seemed helpless in their stuation. See this is where I think society has problems. the kid in the store, if his or her mother would have been paying better attention, or the kid just ran off. or the homeless people as someone stated earlier, I'm not trying to say that person is careless but how the homeless people got that way, because you give so much and it will never be enough. Or if people were just plain smarter (of course then we'd be stuck with a raising bar and no one trying to meet it). But to get back to the topic i would if they seemed, kind of helpless.
  5. hey everybody just wondering what your anti-drugs were/are first a couple of rules no using drugs as anti-drugs leave your comments to yourself unless there constructive and finally try not to be "dumb" personally my anti-drug is life because its to good to mess up with drugs.
  6. i was wondering how people make their ramen since there is now a cook book for 101 ways to cook ramen. and since my friend aceburner keeps on saying what great things you can do with ramen, and he can make and survive off of three main meals of ramen. i was wondering how you people make your own ramen meals i would also like to know your favorite flavor of ramen. mine, personally has to be creamy chicken and just as a show of hands (for you americans) how many of you drain or strain the water out of your ramen before you put the flavor packet in or on your ramen
  7. well this is my first thread might *** well make it memorable since sojiro keeps on saying your just saying that cause your jealous i have songofmemories feel free to post about girlfriend related stuff not girl friend realated stuff such as shopping and i started this cause i was bored
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