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Everything posted by DarkWolf93

  1. im such a loser :animedepr i got them to their right size thanks anyway though, i keep makin mistakes plz forgive me :animecry:
  2. [quote name='Shadow_Blood']I am in need of a banner of Ryoho and his alter power from S-Cry-ed. If anyone is willing to make one...please pm me[/quote] I could find u pics but U have to ask someone else to make them I cant make banners srry.
  3. Here I found some pics if u wannna use them [COLOR=RoyalBlue][b]EDIT:[/b][/COLOR] Heres the rest of them --- [COLOR=RoyalBlue][size=1]Double posting is forbidden on OB. If you have something to add, please upload the pictures to an imagehost ([url=http://www.photobucket.com][b]Photobucket[/b][/url], [url=http://imageshack.us][b]Imageshack[/b][/url]). Please read the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php][b]Official OtakuBoards Rules[/b][/url] for clarification. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. [B]- Retribution[/B][/size][/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=DarkWolf93]thank you so much, would it bother u if u could make my lil bro one, cuz he wants one too. ill put it here later if u want to make it it would be really nice thank you though Here is the pic Text:RayZero got it memorized, Dance water dance(bottom) (top) Text color: same blue and red dont care how wide it is ok focus on both axel and demxy[/QUOTE] I forgot to tell u that these sigs are for a diff website.srry :animeswea [COLOR=Blue]And Could u make them bigger all 3 sigs cuz when i put them on for a sig they end up really small so plz make them bigger srry so srry to bother u :animeswea[/COLOR]
  5. thank you so much, would it bother u if u could make my lil bro one, cuz he wants one too. ill put it here later if u want to make it it would be really nice thank you though Here is the pic Text:RayZero got it memorized, Dance water dance(bottom) (top) Text color: same blue and red dont care how wide it is ok focus on both axel and demxy
  6. Yes plz I do want the text included both of them.Yes I want both Dark and Daisuke thank u so much :animesmil
  7. uh hi i'm new but i was wonderin if anybody could make me 2 banners, i got pics already and stuff. [COLOR=Navy]Plz make them anybody[/COLOR] Vincent Text: Lonelyness is all I know, Destruction is all I do Color text: red and black (Dont care how wide it is ok) D.N.Angel Text: My soul is the Darkness painted White that cuts through the White Darkness. Color text: black and white, or black and blue Thank you
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