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Everything posted by ArgentEagle
After James' Trial James and Bob were sitting in a hallway of sorts, James having been bandaged up proceed to fuss over the stupidity Bob had shown. ?I mean really, I can be healed, I doubt that they would let even the worse students die, but you. What if he had crushed you. You might think you?re flesh and bone Bob, but you?re not. You?re only clay? Do you understand how easy it is to break someone like you?? ?Yes?? he mumbled. ?But if I didn?t take out his eye imangine how much harder It would have been for you!? With a small smile James agreed with his friend. ?That is true, but look at you. Your arm is barely there.? ?It doesn?t matter. You can fix me! You always take good care of me!? Bob commented with a smile and something that if someone had been looking could have be adoration. ?That is true, so let?s get your shirt off. I need to see the damage.? ?B-b-but there are ladies present in the hallway. I can?t in good mind strip in front of them. It would me perverse!? The little golem said with a blush. One of James? known deviant smiles grew. Bob knew something was up. ?I don?t like that look!? ?Awww?. Is the wittle golem shy? Is he scared of what the women might think! WELL TOO BAD!? With that said a struggle of sorts begain. In the end, with James the victor. Bob tried to hide his face from the women while thinking ?Oh the shame.? While he was sorely tempted to wait out his friends embarrassment he got to work. Taking out some dirt he began to remold Bob?s arm. It wasn?t too damaged, but still, he deserved this. James could only smile when he thought of what the little golem did for him. "There you go. All fixed!" Putting a bandaid on Bob?s left shoulder he pronounced, ?There just like me.? He pointed out the bandaged arm on himself and watched as the little creature bristled with pride. ?And now that we are battle scarred we can pick up chicks!? ?WHA!? No!" But it was too late. ?I?VE GOT A WONDERFULL GOLEM LOOKING FOR A LITTLE LOVING! WHOSE INTRESTED? HE?S A NICE GUY!? and with that the golems humiliation was complete. OoC: Yeah, this had nothing to do with anything, but I just love making up little scenes between these two. If it gets to be a problem, just tell me and I'll stop it.
James and Bob strolled into their arena with confidence. Well? It was James walking with his knees shaking, and sweat poring down his head, with Bob riding comfortably on his shoulder. The first thing that James noticed was that the room was almost pitch black with only the light from the door that he had entered from. James sighed he knew what was coming up next, it was so cliché. As he thought the door that he had entered close right before him. Effectively taking out all the remaining light in the room. ?Know what will happen next Bob?? ?Want to make a bet?? ?I bet that a pair of glowing eyes, will appear and the battle shall start.? ?Damn, I wanted to say that. Well I bet it has terrible breath, drool hanging from it?s mouth, and a lot of sharp claws that can cause us lots, and lots of pain?? ?Yep.? Just as the duo had predicted a pair of red glowing eyes appeared some where above them. With a crash it landed. Suddenly the room was filled with light. Drool hanging from it?s fangs. It charged. ?DAMN! IT?S A UGLY ONE!? James shouted as the creature used it?s right claw to make a horizontal sweep at him. James was thrown to the side, but was relatively unhurt due to the use of the lance as a blocker. ?Bob! What should we do!? Looking around frantically for his little friend he looked toward the approaching beast. Nice ugly dragon thingy he said as he held the lance in his ready to strike position. Something was moving on it?s head. A sickening realization hit James full force when he realized what had happened. Bob had jumped onto the monster when it attacked them. The little golem was hanging on to the monster?s head. He wouldn?t, no he couldn?t loose his grip. Jumping down upon the monster?s snout the little golem shoved his fist into the monster?s eye. James blanched at what his little buddy had just done, but was a little proud. That was until the saw the monster swipe the little golem away. He watched as the body of his newfound buddy was slammed into a wall. A new found source of determination washed over the boy. Picking up his lance he charged forward. The spear broke through the dragon?s tough hide and a stream of blue blood squirted over James? face. It swiped at James, once again throwing the poor boy into another wall, making him dry cough. Shaking his head clear he screamed in pain as the dragon slammed his foot into James? chest. James could only look on as the monster ripped out the lance and broke it in to two. Then letting out a roar it bit down on his left shoulder. It was shaking it?s head as if it were trying to rip a hunk out of him, which it probably was. Reaching out it?s hand for something it came to the lance?s broken spear head. Taking it into his hand he rammed it into the creature?s skull effectively killing it out right. He picked himself up as he headed over to where his golem lay, motionless. Nudging it with his foot, he told him to get up, which even though it took him a minute he did. Bob expressed concern at his master?s bloody shoulder, and even though he was dizzy from blood loss he picked Bob up and placed him onto his uninjured shoulder. Hearing door open he looked and saw his teacher, the same one who taught him summoning. ?Looks like you passed James.? He said with relief visible on his face. James staggered over to him, and with a smile he said, ?Good, cause you?re paying to get my lance fixed, it?s kinda pointless to fight with a broken one. Get it pointless, broken spear.? And with a final laugh he passed out onto the floor with a smile on his face. Looks like he wasn?t worthless after all, but damn, it hurt like hell to find out this way. OoC: [URL=http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a161/SleepyNin/dragon.jpg]Monster/Dragon thingy[/URL] Yeah, that's what it looks like. It was a simple fight, cause well... Stab almost anything in the head and it'll go down.
Two weeks before final test. 11:50ish PM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- James opened his dorm window and sat himself onto the window ledge. He oftener like to do this when is roommate was out doing something. It was a secret pastime of his to gaze at the stars and try to find all the constellations he could. But like a lot of teenagers he often wondered what would happen if he just slipped of the ledge. Now he didn?t often have thoughts like this, it was only when he tried time after time to only gain the same results of failure. He knew his personality was the type not to care, but when he put his own effort, of his own free will! And he still failed; he often got to thinking about how he was. He didn?t have any friends; even that loner kid Alex had more friends than him. He looked at the broken clay figure in his hands. Every time he was going to ask Kyosuke for help, he always had the girl around him. James wasn?t scared or anything by girls, it was just that they always seemed to be enjoying each other?s company. He didn?t want to mess that up by imposing himself. So he kept on failing, pretty soon it became a test. A test to prove that he could be good at something. He looked toward the broken figure that was once a bird. He began to change the dried clay back into putty like substance, something any earth elementalist could do easily. He often passed time by making clay figurines. This time, for the first time he was going to try a human body. He wasn?t sure, but all this time he had been doing only birds. He smiled as he let his fingers mold the body. This was something that James often lost himself in; often because of this he was late to class. After he was done he took a look at what he created and only on a few other times he didn?t fell like he should try harder. Once again he did tire to summon a spirit into the body of the freshly made golem. This time, the body didn?t break, or show any cracks. Surprised James looked at the clay figures face as two eyes slowly blinked open, and stared right back at him. A smile broke out upon James? face. When something wet fell unto of the golem, startled he looked around frantically till he looked up at the huge face that was above him. Water was dripping from the big man?s eye; in a brief moment of understanding he patted hid creators hand, showing a brief glimpse of some human emotion. Blinking away at the tears in his eyes James headed over to his roommate?s bed. Pulling out a small shoe box filled with little toy that the other boy?s family had sent over the years he pulled out a small outfit and dressed the naked golem. Remember something form his instructor about how golems learned. He would need to teach the little creature how mimicked every action that James made, for at least one day. Then the golem would pick up things at an almost supernatural rate. With a smile James picked up the little golem and placed him upon his shoulder. Seating him back onto the window ledge he began pointing out all the constellations he knew. And his once empty felling was slowly disappearing with every mimicked move the golem made, along with his clumsy speech. A smile broke out onto his face every time the golem got something right, and looked proud of himself, and a tear threatened to fall every time the golem was wrong and showed dissatisfaction at himself. Just like James, with a moment of understand James realized he would have to take it upon himself to teach the golem something nobody had taught him. That he wouldn?t always get everything right, and he would have understand that. And on that night, [URL=11.photobucket.com/albums/a161/SleepyNin/Engi%20Character%20Pics/1138142612627.jpg]Bob [/URL] the golem was born. The duo spent the rest of the night looking at the stars and the moon, even when his dorm mate came back; they still sat at that window. OoC: Yeah, I know. He's not supposed to be a moody person. But I figure I should throw this in to add a bit more to him. By the way Bob is a link to what the golem looks like. He has his own personality. A lot softer than James, Bob tends to look out for the two of them. He has alot of manners, and doesn't like when people are put down. Is often seen riding on James' shoulder.
11:20ish AM: James hears the message. - - - - - - - - ?DAMNIT!? James yelled. He had finally gotten the note, which basically said that Kyo should help him from Ms. Gilluim. When he headed down to the nurse station, no one was there. So he just did what he normally would have done. Lucky for him today was the day his lance would be fixed, how was he supposed to know that pole vaulting with it was a bad idea. He had ended up paying for it with cut throw down his back. He was heading to his weapon training class, or the ?Class with sharp things that cause ouches and pain? as James calls it. He hadn?t had it in the last week because of his little??mishap? with the lance. He was just about to get to his class when he heard [B]"Attention students and faculty, this is Headmaster Enteri speaking. May I have your attention please. There will be a mandatory campus wide meeting for all students and faculty to be attended immediately in the auditorium. There will be several major announcements, which everyone in attendance will be required to hear. Next period's classes are cancelled as well as the others proceeding the meeting. Please be dressed in academy uniforms, and do not be tardy. Thank you, and see everyone there"[/B] James looked up to the heavens and mouthed ?thank you? there would be no pain for him today. Then a second thought crossed his head. It said it was mandatory, that would mean that big headed Kyo would be there. Another devious grin splitting across his face he ran down the hall a maniacal laugher following. OcC: This is post was going to be longer, but I ran out of ideas for it. *sigh* sorry.
James? summoning class had just ended when his teacher called him over. James had long forgotten the teacher?s name, if he ever knew it in the first place. ?I?ve called you over here James to talk about your grade in this class. It?s well below what you normally do!? ?I know it?s just that I can?t get it right. I don?t know what?s wrong with it, but when ever I try to summon a clay golem it always breaks. I can get the body made with no problem; it?s just when I summon the spirit to enter the body I can never get it in! It?s like trying to cram all of your junk into your closet door, but the door won?t close.? ?Well I suggest you go to the library, and read up on it some more.? ?Nah, I?ll get by somehow no problem! He said with a confident grin.? ?This is not about weither or not you can get ?get by somehow?. This is about you putting some effort into something for once. I don?t get it! You have all this chances in the world to do something and you squander it!? the teacher took a moment to collect himself. ?Honestly, the respect I had for you is dwindling done to nil. Now I want to respect you, just like I want you to respect me, so show me some of it, and do me this favor. Okay?? James sighed and looked down to his feet, he hated it when someone lost respect for him. That?s why; he decided that he?d do this favor. As he walked out the door he turned, ?I?ll do it just this once. After all I have the image of a slacker to keep.? Waving goodbye to his teacher, he walked to the library. As he sat down at an emptied table and opened up the book titled ?Spirits and You: A guide to summoning? He began to sweat. He couldn?t understand any of the words they were using. Running up to the librarian with the book he yelled. ?I can?t understand! It?s all Greek to me!? The librarian replied with a stone cold face. ?That?s because it is you bumbling moron. It is Greek. Most of the books in here are in dead languages. Really, why can?t you be more like that young Kyosuke.? A smile broke out upon James? face, and a deviant glint shone in his eyes. He did share a class with the young master Kyosuke. A plan formed in his mind. ?Thank you!? he yelled as he began to run out to the library. ?NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!? came the reply. Running faster than he ever had in his entire life James can upon Kyousuke alone in the halls; most likely kyo was on his way to his dorm. Loosing his balance James ended on his back looking up to an annoyed Kyosuke. ?I NEED YOUR HELP!? He screamed while picking himself up. ?James right? What is it, I?m busy? ?I need your help.? ?This late at night?? ?Well, yeah. I just got out of summoning class.? ?Sorry, too busy.? Kyosuke said as he began to walk past James. Quickly stepping in front of him James tried to reason with him. ?Oh come on. You?re always trying to show how good you are. What better chance then helping me out!? ?You?re a slacker; I don?t have time to help someone who won?t help himself.? James shrugged, ?Oh well, guess even you don?t know everything? ?Oh please such a childish attempt to bait me would never work.? ?Okay! I was just asking for some help from someone how know a lot, guess you?re just full of hot air, and don?t know anything of use. Simple as that, huh?? He hoped big time that this would bait him, either that or Kyosuke would take pity on him and tell him why the spirit he summoned would never go into the body he made. OoC: I'm not sure if I portrayed him kyosuke right, most likely I didn't. And if that is the case please tell me how I can fix it.
Discuss Citius Altius Forttis [The Underground][M-VLS]
ArgentEagle replied to Doublehex's topic in Theater
I need some help. Because I posted later than I should have everyone else has basically met, and I have no idea how I can get james into the mix. So could someone please help figure something out? -
Today James decided would have been better spent in bed. Catching up on all of the sleep he had missed while studying some more, which was something uncommon for him because he rarely studied at all. As he looked at himself in the mirror of his dorm room he sighed. [COLOR=Indigo]?This is the problem with studying, it takes away from my natural beauty? [/COLOR] he said with a small smirk, then rubbed his eyes again. Today was one of those days that were going to suck he suspected. He went to his first class in which he earlier prediction proved true, while trying to cast a low level fire spell, a girl sitting next to him setting his collar, and a second later his hair on fire. He was just hoping that he would be able to get to his next class without any trouble. Climbing the stairs which led him to his Summoning studies class someone rushing down the stairs stumbled and knocked into James, of course knew he was going to fall down the stairs, such was the way his day was going. A few minuets later after climbing all the way back up the stairs he went to class. After that class James ran as fast as he could into the bathroom. He waited a few minuets until he was due to his next class. Pressing his body against the corridor wall James looked both ways, as if searching for some form of life. Noticing none, he began to feel a bit more comfortable. Coming upon he reached out his had for the doorknob when the door cam flying out toward him knocking him on his underside. Rubbing his head James sighed. He should have known, reaching for the door that something would happen, it had been entirely too easy to get form the bathroom to this class. He wasn?t even sure what class it was, his sleep-deprived brain telling him it didn?t matter so long as he could take a nap during it. [COLOR=Indigo]?Damn, since that door to my class hit me I?ve had a really bad headache.?[/COLOR] Sighing he waited until all the other students left before heading down to the nurse?s office. This was his one free period, right before lunch. ?Lunch?, the thought, drool beginning to pool in his mouth. Picking up all his stuff he headed down to the nursing station. Just as he was about to open the door, it slammed himself in the face knocking him down. This was all too much for the seventeen year old as he begin bawling his eyes out. Moaning about things such as ?crazy girls with fire, too many stairs, and lunch?. [COLOR=Indigo]?No fair! All I wanted was to get some asprin or something then maybe go eat. But what do I get another door to the face!?[/COLOR] By now he was having a tantrum pounding his fist on the floor while kicking his feet into the air. Today really sucked. OoC: *Sigh* I didn?t even know this was up. I?m really sorry. Sandy if you want, just ignore James, I just wanted him to get hit in the face with a door again.
Discuss Citius Altius Forttis [The Underground][M-VLS]
ArgentEagle replied to Doublehex's topic in Theater
I didn't have anything to comment about the article. Yeah, unless it's an RP post, I'm not very good at when I try to express what I mean in a post. And about the character request, I tired to talk to you on AIM, but you logged out a minute after I sent the IM so you must not have gotten it. o.o; weird. -
Discuss Citius Altius Forttis [The Underground][M-VLS]
ArgentEagle replied to Doublehex's topic in Theater
I don't mean any offense, but I don't really have anything to comment about that Doublehex. I just wanted to say that if anybody wanted to be friends with my person okay, if not, then I would like it if you didn't like make him... a enemy or something. -
[B]Name[/B] - James Weldon Taylor [B]Age[/B] - 17 (Birthday in four months) [B]Student Template[/B] - The foolish courageous [B]Weapon[/B] - Lance [B]School of magic[/B] - Summoning [B]Minored school of magic [/B] - Elemental [Earth] [B]Abilities/Spells[/B] - [list] [*][I]Clay Golem[/I] (Summoning/Earth Magic) - Simple summon of a small clay golem, the golem's size increases as the user becomes more proficient in summoning magic, the golem may be anywhere to the max size possible, to smaller. The first golem that is summoned is the only one that will ever be summoned by the summoner. A golem can be used as a translator. James can currently summon a six inch golem affectingly called ?Bob?. [*][I]Earth molding [/I] (Earth Magic)- when a earth elementalist molds earth into something useful such as, but not limited to a key. [/list] [B]Personality[/B] - With a love of bad jokes, and bad puns James is a quite weird individual. While he doesn?t like to be second guessed, James understands that it just means he should make sure of his reasoning. He is a person who will work hard for the respect of others, and wants people to respect him too. A man who likes to take his time, weather it be walking, talking, or even sleeping. He doesn?t like to be rushed when it comes to simple things like that. But even he knows when it?s time to stop wasting time. Never really excelling at anything James likes to be considered average. It?s too much hassle to try to be the best, and stay at the top, or that?s how he sees it. He hates to waste time on closed minded idiots who will never see the world in anyother light. 50% lazy, 5% Jack ***, 5% Scholar, 40% Wannabe hero = 100% James [B]Physical appearance[/B] - [URL=http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a161/SleepyNin/james.jpg]James[/URL] [B]Without uniform[/B] - Same as the Physical appearance pic. [B]Background[/B] - James was born, but we all know that. For him to even exist he must have been born. That?s the only thing that James can truly remember about his childhood. If it was a good one, he can not remember, he can barely remember what he had for breakfast let alone something so long ago. He often makes up stories about his family to ease the little pang of loneliness he feels when he tries to think about it. The stories he used to make up once caused him to be mocked by fellow students that were from age six to nine. He doesn?t care about that, he understands that they were all children who had been taken from their families and just wanted something to take their mind off of the pain. He was glad he could help in any small way he can, but the want to help slowly diminished as the years passed. Now at seventeen he is getting quite freaked out by the looming threat of the final exam. This was the only chance he had to make something of himself. It was around this time that he started to regret not learning everything he should have. But oh well, no use to cry over spilt milk? too much hassle.