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Everything posted by Karma
[QUOTE]would you rather know of meaning of life? or meet the creator himself?[/QUOTE] Know the meaning of life. DURHHH!!! Would you rather ride your meet someone in person from MySpace that you don't know? OR Meet someone from OB that you don't know?
[QUOTE]Would you rather shave your head? Or.... Would you rather shave your butt crack? [/QUOTE] Shave my head. There's actually hair there. Would you rather eat a catapillar? OR Lick a toilet bowl?
[QUOTE]Would you rather be enrolled into a school you hated? Or.... Would you rather be enroleed into a school you like, but then get expelled? [/QUOTE] I'd rather be enrolled in a school I hated because... well... being expelled doesn't sound like fun. ^_^' Would you rather: Go to a Wiggles thingy and be chosen to dance up on stage? OR Go to a Barney thingy and be chosen to dance up on stage?
[FONT=Impact][SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]My place is on the computer. This is where I can talk to my friends with out embarassing my self. ^_^ My other place is (Which I hate to say) is school because that's where I can see the boy I like (initials in the siggy), see all my special friends, and it's where I can get ideas for my story.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Name: Rikku A.K.A Fallen Angel (Unfortunate friend) Sex: Female Age: 15 Personality: Rikku is a very outgoing person and she's very helpful. She'll face any obstacle like it's nothing. Rikku is very egar to do anything to impress anyone. Appearance: [URL=http://live.quizilla.com/user_images/P/priestess8/1126213482_hite_wings.jpg]Fallen Angel[/URL] Bio: When Riku entered the world, her personality was way different than it is now. She was very shy and she let everyone else do the work. She was afraid because she didn't know if she was created by humans or not. She was unsure of everything in her life. Now when she's older, she wants to find out who or what she was created by and she learned to do that, she had to change her personality. She got the nickname Fallen Angel because she has angel wings and sometimes when she flys, she falls out of the sky.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=nomad19]would you rather have a frail body with unsurpassed knowledge? or have an athletic/strong body with little knowledge?[/QUOTE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]I'd rather have an athletic/strong body with little knowledge because then I can get all the HOTT boys and then they can teach me more stuff. Would you rather... Run around your whole neighborhood in your underwear or Have your crush find you in your underwear?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[QUOTE]Would You Rather... ... play hockey? OR ... get in a fist-fight with a semi-sentient salmon which may or may not be capable of granting wishes?[/QUOTE] I'd rather play hockey. Even though I have no idea how to play, I'd rather not look stupid fist-fighting with a fish that might not grant me a wish! Okaky here we go now. Would you rather... [CENTER] Go to homecoming with the scariest guy in your school? OR Not go to homecoming and miss it?[/CENTER]
[center][size=4]Chapter 2 Dark Secrets Revealed[/size][/center] [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=3]"Dude, second period was a breeze today!" Ian exclamied as he walked out of the classroom. Arika followed right behind him. "Yeah I know. All the problems in math were so easy! It was just a review of what we did before!" Arika exclamied along with Ian. Ian went back to his locker and so did Arika. He opened his locker and something that lookes like a PDA fell out. Arika picked it up and handed it to him. "Here you go," said Arika holding out the item. Ian looked at her hand in shock. He immediately snatched it from her and put it in his back pocket. "Where did you find this?!" Ian asked tense. "It fell when you opened your locker," said Arika pulling her hand back and opening her locker. "Oh," said Ian relaxing. He put some books away and so did Arika. THey both took out two more books and one notebook. The two books were a language arts book and a social studies book. "So what was that?" Asked Arika as she put he books in her hand. "Or better yet, what is it?" "Nothing!" Ian snapped. "You musn't tell anyone about it!" "Why?" Arika asked concerned. "Just don't!" Ian shut his locker and stormed off to class. Arika shut her locker and went off to class. "Hmm..." Arika said to herself. "[I]I wonder what that was about...[/I]" Arika's thoughts trailed off. The rest of the day went by slowly, while that same question kept poking in Arika's side. "[I]What was up with Ian?[/I]" Everywhere that Arika was going, it seemed that Ian wouldn't be far behind. "[I]Really, what's up with him?[/I]" Arika thought to herself as she walked back to her locker with Ian not far behind. "[I]Its like he's observing me. Maybe he's stalking me. Ugh, I don't even want to go there. I know I like him, but that would be just plain scary. I don't even want to go there.[/I]" At the end of the day when Arika was at her locker getting ready to go home, she spotted Ian staring at her as he walked down the hallway and to his locker. He didn't say anything as he walked up next to her and opened his locker. Arika kept quiet as a mouse as she watched him put his homework in his backpack. It was silent for a few seconds before either of them said anything. "Okay!" Arika said. "Something's up with you and that... that..." Arika stuttered. "That whatever-it-is!" Ian looked at Arika confused. "What's the 'whatever-it-is'?" Arika groaned. "Oh my gosh! That little PDA thingy!" Ian gasped as he put the rest of his stuff in his backpack and shut his locker. "Shh!" He put his finger up to his mouth. "Come with me." Ian grabbed Arika's wrist and pulled her. Arika kept following Ian, who was leading her outside of the school and behind a tree. Arika broke free of Ian's grip. "Dang it! What the hell is it!?" Ian looked around to make sure no one was in earshot. "Okay. I've been watching you and-" "I know you've been watching me! Just TELL ME!" Arika butt in. "Jeez, okay. Anyways, while I was watching you, I was observing you. You seem like a very trustworthy person, so I'm not afraid to tell you now." "[I]Oh my gosh! I know what he's gonna say![/I]" said Arika's inner voice. He's gonna ask me out! Yay!" "Tell me what?" Arika said out loud. Ian looked once more around the grounds. "Okay. That little PDA thingy... it's my little personal spell book," Ian said with no expression on his face. "Arika... I'm... I'm a wizard."[/size][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]Okay, this is a story that a lot of people from my school are reading. They all say it's really good. [CENTER]-----------[/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=3]CHAPTER 1: A FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING[/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR=Teal]40... 39... 38... The seconds kept ticking away. 32... 31... They'll contine to tick away until the first period bell rings,marking the day that Arika Mayhony will finally talk to him, the most popular boy in her school. 21... 20... Arika looked in front of her and looked at a guy who was about her height, with dark-brown hair and beautiful green eyes. 8... 7... The day that Arika would finally talk to Ian Martivail. 2... 1... RING! The school bell rang and echoed throughout the building. Arika stood up immediately and walked out of the classroom as quickly as she could and went to her locker, beating the classroom door traffic. "[I]46-22-14[/I]," Arika thought to herself as she twisted and turned the padlock. She opened her locker and put a few books away. She pulled a few out and put them in a pile in her arms. Arika looked in a mirror on her locker door. She flattened he long and straight brownish-red hair and made sure that her bangs looked nice. Arika leaned closer towards the mirror and looked into her bright red eyes. "[I]Perfect[/I]." Arika looked down the hallway and saw Ian walking down it smiling. He came to his locker - which was right next to Arika's - and opened it. "Hey," Ian said smiling at Arika. He put some books in his locker. "[I]Oh my gosh! He's talking to me and smiling! He's so CUTE when he smiles![/i]" Arika's inner person said. "Hey," Arika said back outloud to him smiling. "What's up?" he asked. "Not much, you?" Arika started to get weak-kneed, so she shut her locker and leaned against it. Ian's smile dissappeared from his face as he sighed. "I already have a lot of homework and its only the beginning of second period. 10th grade sucks." "Yeah, I know. I have first period with you. in fact I have all my classes with you, knowing that you sit right in front of me." Arika started gaining more confidence. Ian pulled out a few books and put them in his hands and then shut his locker. He looked at the clock in the hallway. "Class starts in two minutes. Gotta go, bye!" Ian turned and walked off. "Wait!" Arika called after him. He spun around and faced Arika again. "I have next period with you, wanna walk together?" "Yeah, sure," Ian said smiling. "You know what? I can finally talk to a girl that doesn't get all goo-goo eyes at the sight of me." Ian laughed. "You're not like the others, Arika. You're the calm, cool, and collective type. I like that about you!" Ian finished with a smile as they walked to class. Arika smiled and blushed. "Hehe, thanks." "[I]Oh yeah! Score 1 for the Lovebirds![/I]" Arika's inner person shouted in her head.[/FONT][/size][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=Purple][FONT=Tahoma]Okay I have finally posted. I'm sorry for not posting in the RP. I got grounded, then my brother came home again, then I got grounded once again. I'm sorry. What I would like now, though, is if you can give me a little recap on what's happened and what we're going to do in the future. Like me, I got an in post from someone so basically all I know is that we're in the hospital. I don't know what we're going to do. Someone please help me![/FONT][/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted at all yet. I had a lot to do because I got grounded and with my brother here and all. [CENTER] --------[/CENTER] Jamie looked at Gabriela. [B]"Oh yeah. You can call me Jamie if you want. I kinda respond more to that.[/B] Gabriela just looked at her. [b]"Okay if that's what you want."[/B] Gabriela just smiled at her. [B]"Maybe you should tell everyone else that."[/B] she suggested. Jamie just smiled at her and nodded.[B]You know what? I hope you guys just don't bail on me when I really need it."[/B] Gabriela just looked at her in disbelief. [B]"You already think we're gonna abandon you? Well think again. We friends and were tight.[/B] Jamie just smiled some more, knowing that she could trust these people. [B]"Thanks."[/B] Jamie said but she had a feeling that she shouldn't trust them like she did her other friends just yet.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Okay here's a poem that I wrote based on what happened to me online with someone.[/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=2]The Things You Wish You Could Say[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=1][CENTER]All the things you want to say, All the things you could. It might ruin your friendship, Do you think you should? You want him to know how much you care But in a certain way. What if you seem way too nice, Will it give your cover away? So one day online you tell him That you like him in every way In kindness and caring and your friendship And what does he go and say? "What if just 5 minutes ago I started going out? Would you be happy? Sad? Angry? C'mon just spit it out." So then you type all the things That you would go and say, All the things that you type Are all the things you'd say. When you're done typing, You finally hit enter. You see that he is typing Then his text comes in the center. "I feel really bad Because all of this is true. Just 5 minutes before you got on Someone told me before you." Right then you felt like crying Not knowing what to do. Then you thought, "What's the point?" And typed, "I'm happy for you." Then he was like, "Thank you. We can still be friends. I hope you find someone nice And we're friends 'till the end." At that point you had to go So you went and typed and pushed enter. Then you saw him typing It said, "I'll see you later." You told him you'd give him a not Tomorrow in a class Telling how you really feel, All the stuff you couldn't type fast. You signed off all heartbroken You think about your day. Then you think, "At least he knows What I wish I could say.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Purple]Tifa looked around where she was, looking out for Mayhony. [I]Hmm...Maybe if I try to look for Mayhony using my eyes..."[/I]she thought.[I]Yeah.[/I] Tifa focused on looking for Mayhony. It took a while before she could tap into her seeing eye mode. Tifa could hear Mayhony running, like she was really close. "Hehe..."said a voice from behind Tifa. It was Mayhony. "Looks like someone's up to something." Mayhony grabbed Tifa and Tifa struggled to get out of her grip. "C'mon Tifa," Mayhony teased. "I thought you were better than this!" TIfa stayed silent but still struggled to break free of her strong grip.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1]Well There's this one person that I like. His name is Jacob Theut but people on his soccer team call him Jake so I do too. Well one night in my dream, my 3rd hour [which I have with Jake] went on a field trip to a like a forest of death where everyone that went in never came out alive [I'll just say one word-[I]Naruto[/I]] Well we got paired up by last name so he and I were partners. After like 10 minutes into the forest, Jake got attacked by like a wolf thingy. I ended up protecting him, and I beat the wolf thing but i got beat up pretty badly. :animecry: Well then Jake stood up, walked over to me, picked me up, and bolted to the opening of the forest. Everyone was there [since in my dream, they only went one team at a time until one team came out.] Jake slowly laid me down on the floor as everyone looked on. They all knew that i liked him and they all knew that he hated me. "She really liked you," my friend Kristen said to Jake. "I know," he said as his eyes started to water. He couldn't hold it in anymore so he just started crying and rested his head on my chest. "I should have told you before," he said inbetween sobs. "I like you too!" Everyone watching started crying too, even the people that didn't know me well. Then after like a minute, I started waking up. Jake was holding my hand and he didn't know that i was awake so I squeezed his. He sat up and looked me in the face. "Hey," I said weakly looking up at him. "Hi," he said back in disbelief. I sat up. Jake and I made eye contact. Then we hugged each other and ended up kissing. Then when I woke up [which was soon,] I was like, "NOOOOOOO!!!!" beacuse I liked that dream. Trust me. My dreams are really weird. There are even dreams weirder than this but that's another story for another time. [RIGHT]~~V.G.G[/RIGHT][/size][/COLOR]
[b][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Century Gothic][U][SIZE=3]Half Sibling[/SIZE][/U][/b] [SIZE=2]Name: Jenifer Walker or Jenny Age: 14 Gender: Female Nationality: Filipino Race: Telapath Powers: Pyrokenisis, Telekenisis, Biokinesis[Healing, biological manipulation], and Chronokinesis[Time manipulation] Apperance: [URL=http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f386/AnimeQueen20/Anime%20Girls/mai7.jpg]Clicky[/URL] Alternate Apperence: N/A Occupation: Student Medical Defects: Split Personality Weapons: Kunai, Long Sword, Shuriken Background: Jenny isn't your average 14-year-old. Sure she's into those things other teenage girls are into like boys, make up, shopping, etc. but not as much as them. About 4 years ago, during the 5th grade, something changed her life. When they were taking the test, this boy that she liked, who's name was Jacob, was thinking. Not about the test, but about Jenny. "She's so pretty," Jacob thought while writing on the test. I'm gonna ask her out today." At first Jenny was happy (who wouldn't be?) but after a while Jenny started thinking. [I]How did I know that? He never said anything out loud.[/I] After that day, Jenny would hear her friend's thoughts, wether she wanted to or not. [CENTER]-------------------------------------[/CENTER] Now next year was pretty much the same, but now she had learned how to control who's mind she reads and when. She was over Jacob because they broke up over the summer.Now she has to deal with her split personality disorders. The friends she had before she found out she had split personality disorders all left her. They thought she was a freak. Jenny made new friends, and this time she told them straight out that she had split personality disorders. They accepted it and her new friends stuck with her. One day when Jenny was in class, the teacher asked her a question and Jenny got it wrong. Jenny, before she found out that she was wrong, she was calm and relaxed. Now she was angry and pissed. She stood up and tiped her desk over. Her teacher sent her down to the office & called down her brother, Brian. "It's her split personality disorder," Brian explained. "Sorry about it." [CEnTER]-------------------------------------[/CENTER] Now it is present day. Jenny has learned to control her split personality so now it doesn't happen a lot. She has gained more experience with the years with her telepathy. She has found out how to talk to her brother telepathicly and he responds telepathicly. She's learned how to control minds (which on several occasions, she'd control her brother.) Now she's using her telepathy skills to help her brother. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Tifa quickly ran after Drou. Right away, Tifa was already running side-by-side with him. "Hai!" Tifa said quickly and waving. Drou's jaw dropped. "Hi!" He said waving back."You run pretty fast," Drou said to Tifa. "Hehe thanks," Tifa said. Their eyes met again, and Tifa saw what Drou was thinking. "Okay, I'm up for it!" Tifa said to Drou. "Um... up to what?" Drou questioned. "What your thinking! A race!" "Oh okay," Drou said smiling. "First one to get to Mayhony wins!" Tifa said. "Okay!" Drou said smiling. [I]"HEHE... Finally a way to show my skills in front of Mayhony,"[/I] Tifa thought to herself. She quickly pulled in front of Drou. "Damn she's REALLY fast!" [/SIZE][/COLOR]
"Yeah, I could tell. I could, well sense it. It's kinda a creepy crawly feeling," Tifa said looking at Drou still. Drou looked up. Tifa's and Drou's eyes met. Tifa just went into a trance seeing all of Drou's past and his experiences. Her eyes slowly got heavier and heavier, untill they eventually shut. Everything went black and Tifa fell to the floor. Tifa woke up moments later in Ronyo's arms and Drou hovering above her. "Wha happened?" Tifa asked rubbing her head. "We don't really know," Drou said looking down at her. "You were just looking at me and you fainted." Drou paused. "Did you see something in my past? It looked like you were in a trance." "Yea, I think so. I saw what you were talking about earlier. I'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air." Tifa struggled standing up so Drou helped her up by pulling on her hand. Drou pulled to hard and Tifa was still a bit wobbly from the faint so she colasped onto Drou. "Oh I'm sorry!" Tifa said. Drou just smiled. "No problem." Tifa walked out the door and just stood there in the peace and quite. She closed her eyes and tried to think happy thoughts. THen Drou came outside and stood next to her. "Can I ask you something?" Drou said. Tifa turned to face him. "Yeah what?" She said as her wine red eyes shone in the sunlight.
Tifa slowly opened her eyes. She was looking at the ceiling. Tifa sat up quickly in the bed. [I]Where am I?[/I] She thought to herself. [I]O yeah, I'm with Mayhony.[/I] The evening before quickly passed through her eyes as she slipped on her shoes beside her bed. She put her bow and arrow on her back, kinda like how Ronyo carries his swords. [I]I should've done this a long time ago! Carrying it in my hand gets annoying after a while.[/I] Tifa fixed her bed and looked in the mirror real quick. Her hair was sticking up. She quickly patted it down and headed out the door and went downstairs. Tifa walked in silently, so nobody noticed her untill she sneezed. Everyone turned around. "Morning all," Tifa said as she walked to the table with food on it. [I]I wonder how we're gonna be paired up? O well. Let Mayhony decide. Well duh she's the leader.[/I]tifa though to herself and chuckled.
[I]There he goes again with the touching...[/I] Tifa thought to herself while looking at Drou in the distance. [I]Well then that means... yeah he does. I'll let him make the first move."[/I] She smiled to herself and giggled. "Well I guess we'll tell him thanksies in the morning," Tifa said to Ronyo. He smiled. "Yeah." Tifa and Ronyo made they're way back to the house. "Say Ronyo, what were you saying before we went to see what that noise was?"
Tifa slowly made her way up to the attic and then to the bed. She took off her shoes, put them beside her bed, and set her bow and arrow beside her bed. Tifa slowly slipped under the covers and slowly shut her eyes. A few minutes later, her eyes shot open. [I]"What happened today downstairs? With me and Drou? Does he like me? Nah it can't be possible. It was just a coincidence. I put my hand down, he put his down... but it was on top of mine... No that's not possible. Because if it is... No. What am I thinking? Who would like me?"[/I] Tifa thought to herself. [I]"I have too much on my mind. I need to relax."[/I] Tifa put on her shoes, grabbed her bow and arrow, and went downstairs and walked outside. When she got outside, she just started walking around the house. [I]"Wow it's still raining,"[/I] TIfa thought.[I]"Mayhony said not to be outside alone... O well I'll stay close to the house."[/I] Tifa went up to a tree and carved a target onto it. She took a few giant steps back. Tifa turned around, pulled out her bow and an arrow and prepared herself for a shot. Suddenly, someone grabbed her from behind, making her drop her bow and arrow. The person took her arms and put them behind her back and pushed her up against a tree. Tifa screamed like she was dying in Hell. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" the voice said. [I]"I know that voice!" [/I] Tifa thought. "Ronyo?" "Tifa?" Ronyo asked confused. "Sorry," Ronyo said releasing Tifa from his hold. "It's okay," Tifa said looking at Ronyo. "What are you doing out here?" Ronyo asked. "Just trying to relax. There's been a lot of stuff on my mind and rain is very peacefull to me. What about you?"
Tifa gasped in shock and turned to where Drou was walking. She then turned to Mayhony. "Mayhony, is the attic my room now?" Tifa asked. "Yeah, I guess," Mayhony said and shrugged. "Okay thanks." Tifa turned back to face Drou. "Drou! Wait!" Drou came to a halt and turned around. "Yes?" "Um..." Tifa hesitated to say something to make him stay. "You should wait here with the rest of us," Tifa said blushing and smiling at him. "Hmm..." Drou thought for a moment." 'Kay." Tifa headed for the couch and sat down, and Drou sat right next to her. She put her hand down on the couch and so did Drou right after Tifa, resulting in them holding hands. They both looked down, quickly pulled away and blushed.
"Well, um... I'm Tiffany but you can call me Tifa... um... I'm the shy type of person so if I don't talk much, sorry. Once you get to know me though, I'm a [U][B]VERY[/B][/U] very fun person to be around. Or at least that's what my friends said before they were... nevermind that part," Tifa said. "Well, I may be shy, but I'm never afraid to fight, especially if its someone special..." Tifa quickly glanced at Drou and quickly turned her head. "O yeah, people who never really got to know me say I'm quite an enigma... and that's pretty much it."
"Looks like we'll have to wait then. Well we can get to know each other while we wait for the others. "Said Tifa. "You go first Drou," Tifa said quickly.
All Tifa could do was smile and turn cherry red. "Does anyone know the names of people here?"
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=3][FONT=Trebuchet MS]"Oh you have a scar?" Tifa said in shock. "I never noticed! I'm sorry. Sorry i never mentioned," Tifa said still awestruck. Everyone's jaw dropped in the room. "Well looks like we have a person who can see if people are telling the truth or not," Mayhony said. "That might come in handy..." Tifa turned to look at Mayhony. "Yea i've had to learn how to do that, people always lie to me. I'm able to see they're past and read minds too. One day when I was working a few other thieves before, i was curious because on kept lying to me. one day when i looked into her eyes, i just saw her past. I dont know what happened. Then one day when I was pretty sure she was lying, I looked into her eyes again and saw that she was lying. I don't really know. It's too hard to explain." Everyone was still looking at her in awestruck. "What?" asked Tifa getting scared.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]