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Everything posted by Karma

  1. Tifa looked at the man that had just spoken. She knew the people that she could trust thus far Mayhony and Ronyo. She didnt know if she could trust this Drou yet. She thought of an excuse to get closer up to him. To look into his eyes. Tifa walked up to the man and put out her arm and looked at his eyes. "Hello, I'm Tiffany but you can call me Tifa," she said shyly like she did with Ronyo. She looked into his blue grey eyes. "Looks like you've had a horrid past."
  2. Tifa looked up at Ronyo. His slivery hair glistened with water in the light of the house. By the looks of it, he was about 3 years older than her. "Um, hi, I'm Tifa," she said shyly while extending her hand out. Ronyo noticed her shyness. "No need to be shy. You can trust me," Ronyo said with a smile on his face. Tifa looked up into his eyes. [I]Yea. He's telling the truth I can trust him. I can see it in his eyes,"[/I] Tifa thought to herself. "Yea I know I can trust you," Tifa said out loud. "I can see it in your eyes. I've learned to tell when people are telling the truth, it's in their eyes." Tifa looked up at Ronyo as her red eyes shone in the light.
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: Jasmine Walaker or Jamie Age: 18 Blood type: A+ battle Type:Mental control magic type: Black Magic, Summoning magic. Weapon: Lone Wolf. This keyblade can split into two, sometimes four parts. It is about 4 feet long, excluding the handle and keychain. The blade is silver and the tip of the blade is a wolf's head, resembling that Jamie is kind of the loner. The blade's handle is black and has a wolf's head on it. The keychain is also a wolf's head. Abilities: Magic Shot- sends keyblade flying at enemy. if enemy trys to run, the keyblade will follow. the keyblade will return to jamie. Elemental rage- Shoots various elemental spells at enemy. if the enemy is a thunder element and you shoot thunder, it wont heal it but it will damage it. 4-8 hits. Encore shot- SAme thing as Magic shot, but keyblade splits in two and hits enemy multiple times. 4-8 hits. Future abilities Bravado- Deflects enemy attacks and shoots is back at them with twice the damage. Final Heaven- consumes a lot of MP. Jamie's keyblade splits into two. She throws them both up into the air, higher than the clouds. They come down from the sky and are huge and attack the enemy. Keyblade returns to Jamie at regular size. Ultima- Consumes all of MP- Keyblade splits into four parts: two in Jamie's hands and two circling around her. Speed and strength raises. Jamie quickly runs towards enemy while the keyblade circling her act on their own. When Jamie gets to the enemy, she and the keyblades around her unleash a flurry of attacks. Personality: Jamie is a very smart student at The Academy, which is why she can use keyblade control. She is also very shy, but once you get to know her, she is a very fun person to be around. She is a very kind person who puts others before herself. She is not afraid to fight. She hates letting other people besides her friends know whats shes thinking so sometimes she can be an enigma. History:Both of Jamie's parents went to the academy too, and they both were able to use keyblade control. Jamie inherited her parents geenes (spelling?) and skill, which eventually led her parents to send her to The Academy. Appearence (image, or discription, or even both): [URL=http://psp.advancedmn.com/images/media/final-fantasy-vii-advent-children-20041209065744152.jpg]clicky[/URL]
  4. Tifa walked up to the attic dripping wet. Her feet squished and squashed from the water in her shoes. She got into the attic, and the first thing she saw was a cobweb. [I]"looks like no one's been up her for a looooooong time,"[/I] Tifa thought to herself. Tifa spotted a wardrobe in the corner of the attic which was covered in dust and cobwebs. She slowly walked over hearing nothing but the squishing of water from her shoes. Tifa opened the wardrobe, and she saw a bunch of jeans and some shirts. Tifa spotted a shirt that showed just her belly and her lower back, like a mini shirt kinda. she spoted some jeans that were faded and were ripped a lot around the bottom of the legs. SHe put both of them on. [I]Damn! Mayhony was right! i would fit in her sister's clothes! Well she headed downstairs. maybe i should go too...[/I] Tifa walked towards the exit of the attic, still hearing the sploshing of the liquid in her shoes. [I]"Damnit! these shoes a fuckin annoying! maybe there are still some shoes in the wardrobe still."[/I]Tifa walked back to the wardrobe and look at the bottom. [I] "Great shoes![/I] Tifa slipped the shoes on,threw her old shoes aside, and walked out of the attic and downstairs. [I]"Finally, no more squishing sounds. Peace at last."[/I] Tifa thought to herself and chuckled while heading downstairs. when she reached the bottom of the stairs, she spotted Mayhony and someone else holding up a sword. "Um, hi?"
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=2][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Tifa slowly walked into the bar, soaking like she had come out of a typhoon. She looked around uncertainly at her surroundings and the people there. SHe spotted the bartender and walked up to him, her feet squeaking as she walked. "Um, excuse me. Have you seen a person named Mayhony?" The barteneder turned around. "Mayhony? that must've been the lady sitting here a few minutes ago." he nodded his head towards a few seats that were wet. "Well do you know where they might've gone?" "I think they went somewhere near the back of the woods. Try looking there." "Okay thanks." Tifa smiled at the bartender and slowly headed towards the door, back out to the rain. [I]"Great, more rain,"[/I] Tifa thought. Tifa slowly manuvered through the woods, and what seemed to be an eternity but was really only 1 hour, she ended up at a house in the woods. [I]"So tired... wonder if i can rest here."[/I] Tifa walked up to the door and knocked as hard as she could, even though it caused a shot of pain to shoot through her body. A lady around 19 years old with her black hair in a ponytail and violet eyes answered the door. "Hai. Do ya mind if i stay the night? i'm looking for a person named Mayhony and the bartender said that she'd be in the forest. Do you know her?" "Do i know her? Of course I do. I AM her."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]Name: Tiffany Warsenberg or Tifa Age: 16 Specialty: Hand to hand combat, pickpocketing, long range attacks. Weapons: Her hands and feet, a bow and arrow. Uses hands for pickpocketing and fighting. Personality: Tifa is very shy, but once you get to know her, she is a very fun person to be around. She is a very kind person who puts others before herself. She is not afraid to fight. Bio: Tifa was born into a spoiled family with 6 siblings, and to make it worse was that she was the youngest. Her parents never really payed any attention to Tifa, since she was different than them. Tifa wanted to help other people, while her family put others down. Then when Tifa was 13, she ran away from the life of luxury and out into the world. She has been on her own since then. Tifa would steal from the rich for herself and the poor. Three years later, when Tifa was 16, she thought to herself, "[I]I've gotten good at stealing stuff. I'm considered a thief to the rich but a hero to the poor...[/I]" She kept thinking when she walked into a pole. "[I]OW!!![/I]" Tifa looked up and she saw n ad. "JOIN THE BAND OF THEIVES!" Under that it said meet Mahony in the bar in Crotan at 5 in the after noon. "[I]Sounds great! I'm in![/I]" And then Tifa turned around and walked in the bar. Appearance:Think of it This way just without the wings.[URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/InuyashaInLove/Anime%20Girls/Love.jpg]Clicky!!![/URL] [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Original Name: Jasmine or Jamie Order Name: Ximaje (Prononuced Zim aaj) Number: VII Code Name: The Lone Wolf Element: Darkness Weapon: Ximaje wields a gun known as the Mellacuster. Ximaje uses the Mellacuster when fighting from a distance. It has three barrels and is a lethal weapon in skilled hands. The Nobody sign is engraved on the barrels of the gun. Ximaje also has a sword called the Howling Wolf (about the size of Cloud Strife's From Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children) for close combat if needed. The Nobody sign is engraved on the blade of the sword. Nobody: The Howlers- Nobodies that are very similar to wolves. They are quicky and agile. Their ear-piercing howl will catch you off guard and leave you stunned for a few seconds. Appearance: Although she may seem weak, inside is a beast of terror. Ximaje is about 5"9' and is not too skiny and not too fat. Ximaje has very long black hair which goes down to her knees. some of her hair that are shorter than the others fall in front of her face, hiding her blood red eyes. Personality: Ximaje is really the quiet type, and usually speaks when spoken to or when necessary. She is very brave and she walks into battle without hesitation. She hates letting other people know what she's thinking, so sometimes she can be an enigma. Other than that, she is very reliable and faithful to the order.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2]Name: Jessica Ultima or Jessie Age: 17 Gender: Female Weapon: Howling Wolf. Jessie wields a sword (about the size of Cloud Strife's From Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children) without a struggle. Able to split into two. The Howling Wolf only lets Jessie and the person who previously wielded it. It has a wolf's head engraved on the blade near the handle, resembling that Jessie is a loner and tends to do things on her own. Continent of birth: Asia Tribe: Blood Tribe Alteration (Demon): Phoenix Physicle form: [URL=http://psp.advancedmn.com/images/media/final-fantasy-vii-advent-children-20041209065744152.jpg]clicky[/URL]
  9. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Name: Jasmine Walaker or Jamie Age: 18 Blood type: A+ battle Type:Mental control magic type: Black Magic, Summoning magic. Weapon: Lone Wolf. This keyblade can split into two, sometimes four parts. It is about 4 feet long, excluding the handle and keychain. The blade is silver and the tip of the blade is a wolf's head, resembling that Jamie is kind of the loner. The blade's handle is black and has a wolf's head on it. The keychain is also a wolf's head. Abilities: Magic Shot- sends keyblade flying at enemy. if enemy trys to run, the keyblade will follow. the keyblade will return to jamie. Elemental rage- Shoots various elemental spells at enemy. if the enemy is a thunder element and you shoot thunder, it wont heal it but it will damage it. 4-8 hits. Encore shot- SAme thing as Magic shot, but keyblade splits in two and hits enemy multiple times. 4-8 hits. Future abilities Bravado- Deflects enemy attacks and shoots is back at them with twice the damage. Final Heaven- consumes a lot of MP. Jamie's keyblade splits into two. She throws them both up into the air, higher than the clouds. They come down from the sky and are huge and attack the enemy. Keyblade returns to Jamie at regular size. Ultima- Consumes all of MP- Keyblade splits into four parts: two in Jamie's hands and two circling around her. Speed and strength raises. Jamie quickly runs towards enemy while the keyblade circling her act on their own. When Jamie gets to the enemy, she and the keyblades around her unleash a flurry of attacks. Personality: Jamie is a very smart student at The Academy, which is why she can use keyblade control. She is also very shy, but once you get to know her, she is a very fun person to be around. She is a very kind person who puts others before herself. She is not afraid to fight. She hates letting other people besides her friends know whats shes thinking so sometimes she can be an enigma. History:Both of Jamie's parents went to the academy too, and they both were able to use keyblade control. Jamie inherited her parents geenes (spelling?) and skill, which eventually led her parents to send her to The Academy. Appearence (image, or discription, or even both): [URL=http://psp.advancedmn.com/images/media/final-fantasy-vii-advent-children-20041209065744152.jpg]clicky[/URL]
  10. Karma

    Thud <PG-V,L>

    Name: Samantha "Sam" Mudslider Age: 16 Profession:Achery Teacher Backstory: When Sam was younger, she lived in the village of Denderoth. She was very rich but unlike all the other rich kids in Denderoth (Which there were very few) who were spoiled and bratty, she was kind and gentle. but one day, the Trolls attacked her village for unknown reasons and destroyed everything: all the buildings, the families, and all the crops. the only survivors were Sam and her pet phoenix, Finnalow. No one knows how they survived. Sam and Finnalow went back to the remains of their house and found their parents under the rubble dead. Sam ran away from that town. Now 7 years have passed and now Sam and Finnalow are just wanderers around the world. SHe gets caught stealing a lot just to stay alive Personality: Sam is the kind of person who will help anyone in need. She is very kind and gentle. She is very perky and really thats what gets her into trouble. Very clumsy. Stuff: Appearance- Ok i know this is from FFX2 but its the only pic i could find that looks like my idea of sam! its too hard to explain in words too. just make her hair black [IMG]http://membres.lycos.fr/bffx2/images/awyuna2.jpg[/IMG] Talents: She uses a Bow and arrow for fighting sometimes and a sword if Sam knows its going to be a long fight. She is able to transform into any type of being (monster, wolf, etc.)
  11. me? my strongest emotion(s) sadly are anger, revenge, hatred, and jelousy. sure i may seem like a happy little girl but deep inside, anger is burning. hatred is burning. and jelousy is to. when i'm angry, i tend to bring it out on other ppl. i take my anger out on them. i really cant control it. then hatred comes in before the anger. when this one person from my school (ahem. *coughs* aaron kozlowski) calls me evil or pyscho for no reason, that really gets to me. 1st it starts out as hatred for him. then anger against him. then revenge. then jelousy is other ppl. some ppl in my school, they rub it in that they have more friends blah blah blah. then everything once again is tied. 1st its hatred against that person, then i'm angry at that person, then i want revenge on that person! i feel like i could live my life in the dark side of kingdom hearts... can some one help me?
  12. Ok. I remember watching this show when i was like 5-years-old but then all of a sudden, i was told it was canceled! Can anyone tell me why they canceled it?
  13. um 4 me it would be eight below because [spoiler] when all of the dogs died, i was crying my heart out and i really like dogs!![/spoiler] it reminds me of when i put my dog to sleep
  14. even thought its hard enough for me to admit it since for a girl i hardly cry, i cried while watching S-cry-ed when righ after [spoiler]Ryuho died fighting that one Alter and when sherrice gave up her life to save him cuz she lovedd him[/spoiler] i thought that was so sad cuz sherrice knew what would happened but she did it out of love. i would have done the same cuz i think ryuho is hot!!
  15. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Yea look at that watch me be the 1st girl to sign up.=] Name: Samantha Ashleys. Goes by Sam. Age: 26 Gender: Female Ethnicity: 1/2 American, 1/2 German Appearance: Sam has straight black hair which goes up to around her mid back. She's very fit. Not to skinny, not too fat. She wears glasses that are blue. When she's at work, she wears a white dress shirt, a navy blue skirt, and some very fancy dress shoes. When she's not at work, you can find her in blue jeans and a t-shirt with graphics on it (i.e. cats, dogs, etc.) You might also see her at a dojo and practicing Karate. Personality: Sam is the kind of woman that takes charge. Sam is calm, cool, and collected. She keeps many things to herself. Other than that, she is an outgoing person. Sometimes she has a short temper so don't do anything to get her angry!Sam was never the girly girl type since she grew up in a family of boys. She likes things to be done her way because she thinks her way is the only one thats right. She's never afraid to speak her mind and she'll stand up for anything that she believes in. When Sam's not at work, she's basicly the same. Takes charge, everything done her way, etc. But this time she kinda backs down from her position as top dog and lets her friends kinda take over. If Sam sees something that she knows is wrong, she'll tell you or she'll do something to correct it. When at work or not, she abosolutely [U][B]HATES[/B][/U] being called by her real name Samantha. Family: Sam has a big family. She was the youngest of 3 and her siblings were both boys. She has never really gotten along with them until now but the reason for that is unknown. Sam also has a boyfriend and his name is James Crypt. Whenever Sam's not working or doing karate, she's probably hanging out with James. Information: When Sam was younger, she was never able to speak her mind. She was very shy. That all changed when that one year when Sam was in school that she had to give a speech. That day she overcame her shyness and became the woman that she is today. She had gotten a lot of awards at her previous workplace but after it was burned down in a fire, she was hired here. if i need to change anything, PM me[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. [QUOTE=Azarath]answer:close I guess it's my turn now. [FONT=Arial Black]Scramble:[/FONT]rglsi vbaor [FONT=Arial Black]Hint[/FONT]:This manga is mainly about a boy with girlaphobia and breaks out in hives whenever they touch him.There is only one girl that can touch him and he doesn't break out.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3]i think its girls bravo idk i'm not sure. o well its a gues right? will someone tell me if its right or not if they know? o well heres a new one. nidnigf enom HINT: just keep swimming! [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. hangman! so easy akblc deye aesp so simple hint: shes got me spendin
  18. UNDERTOW!! ok kawe em pu henw bstempere ndse Hint: green day song
  19. [QUOTE=Tical Blue]raisin bran ni hotre dorsw, copnasuyhst! HINT: said on a commercial for a lisghtly popular platform game[/QUOTE] in other words, pyschonauts! finally i got it! lys ooperc nda eht tehivuis ccoonarsu HINT: benny, murray, sly
  20. [QUOTE=Tical Blue]angel of music het necsdo getsa rutbnie labde HINT: Coheed CD[/QUOTE] answer: the second stage turbine blade next one:mursaia lochampo hint: a japanese anime
  21. [QUOTE=Tical Blue]The Phantom Of The Opera ejuss sichrt kolos kile em HINT: A line from a Type O song which frequents my sig[/QUOTE] jesus christ looks like me i think thats it. umm. genal fo siumc hint:opera
  22. ljiue enan teepsr= julie anne peters? mine: eth hatomnp fo eth aerpo its a musical and a movie. Song:angel of music
  23. ok heres one. omibel utis nadgum=mobile suit gundam! yay! for not puttin an answer omibel utis nadgum=mobile suit gundam, right? astr rasw dispeoe rete: egnerev fo eth tish hint: very popular movie series. started about 20 years ago. srry if its too hard. hey it was hard enough to type! pm me if you get the answer. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]XRyuho_FanX1256[/B], you are suppose to provide the answer to the current scramble before you can post your own. It's a good idea to actually check the first page in a thread like this and read the rules to make sure you are playing the game correctly. [B]EDIT: XRyuho_FanX1256[/B], if you need to add something just use the edit button in the lower right hand corner of your post. Double and triple posting is not allowed. Thanks.~SunfallE[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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