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  1. ANyone know how much Photoshop CS cost?
  2. Ok no harm done since that was the reason, I would be suspicious too.
  3. Anyone here seen that show? I've only just started watching it at a site (I think its illegal here to post links) and I thought its a pretty nice action packed show. -- I wasnt expecting a long reply also I do agree that Shirou is a little annoying and Rider is awesome(special that one special move she does where she stabs her neck, bloody but cool)thanks for erasing the spoilers. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]jch832001 please try and refrain from double posting, if you wish to add more info after your previous post please use the edit button ~Ikillion[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. Wow so much hate already I just posted a pic so everyone can say something to it or not(whether it's good or not) and I got called an obnoxious advertiser hmmm is it because I use deviantart instead of the imageshacks or other forms of image hosts? take it down if you want, didnt think people would hate you for posting your drawings for people to see oh well.
  5. Here's some of my drawings: [ link removed ] [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Please see my post below for information. [b]- Retribution[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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