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Everything posted by valinus
Seran and Deria sat in the room awaiting the rest of the people to finish they had turned in there scrolls and told to stand waiting. No one else had shown up yet.
Name: Ray Zall Code name: Terror Age: 22 Gender: Male Personality: Very cold semingly emotionless person. Though he does care about somethings he rarely shows it on the outside. Aperrance: [url]http://www.myfconline.com/character_avatars/276_17291.jpg[/url] Fighting style: Ju Jit Su, Aikedo Weapon: His hands. Bio: At a very young age he was orphened at a monestary. They were unable to find anyone to take him in and adopt him because even from an early age he was very cold, never crying or showing any signs of emotion. Many believed he was disturbed. This forced the monestary to raise him as one of there own. Though he never believed in there ways of relgion he did study there ancient arts of fighting learning everything he possibly could. One day he left and wondered the world until finally the agrency tracked him down after hearing about his extrodinary abilties and icey cold deamaner. Lineage: Unknown
Seran was standing back already finished with his fight agianst Assar. He looked at his brother with an extreamly worried expression. "Brother calm down...." Deria's anger had passed into rage from the many interfearences. "Raise your guard brother....i will dispose of all this agravation....right now.." Seran was about to panic but took a deep breath and remembered his brother would try to prevent from hurting him as long as he guarded. He quickly formed seals putting a shell of hard rock around himself. "Phoniex......inferno.....justu...." All of the chakra coming from Deria stopped. Suddenly the ground around his feet began to turn back and smoke began to rise. "Release...." With a massive explosion a towering inferno of flame sweept the area detroying the earth and plant life with in a half mile radious. the towering inferno died down at the entire area was now completly black and scorched. Seran's protective shell was nearly destoyed leaveing his cloths slightly burnt. "Let us go..." As Deria walkd towards his brother the ground below his feet continued to smoke and burn from the presure of his chakra. Seran sighed a breath of relife glad that his brother had not lost control. He wasn't sure he could of survived if he had. Both brothers walked away heading towards there detination to hand in there scrolls.
Name: Ryan Harledger Age: 16 Appearance: (Picture or a detailed paragraph) Personality: Fairly depressed for most of his life. He is quite cynical and rarely looks on the bright side of things. Has an odd knack for bringing people down with him in his depression. Bio: Ryan lived a fairly dull life. He wasn't popular or extreamly good at anything he did. This depressed him and made him think life was unfair. Though he thought this he did infact not kill himself. He was walking home one night and witnessed a girl drowning in a lake. He dove in to try and save her and managed to get her to safety. The girl gasped and told him that her friend was still in there. Ryan went back in...and never came back out. He got caught in mudd and ended up drowning. The odd thing is....he never could find that girl... A witness had seen Ryan jump in but saw no one else there many believe he drowned himself but the truth had gotten screwed. After Death Name: Ryan Appeared Age: 16 Race: Human Personality: Still some what depressed but now he is angrey that people think he killed himself. He has also made it his life (after life) goal to find out what really happened on the night of his death. Powers: Elemental control over water. He is somewhat able to communicate with the land below his feet to. Though thouse powers don't seem to be fully developed.
Deria pushed panda away not actually hitting her upon seeing the arrival of Assar and Goru. "Such a distained look. Every one is coming to bug us today brother. These ones are a bit stronger but still not worth the effort of all limbs." Seran Still stared dryly at his shows aggravated "They have a heaven scroll." Seran pointed to Assars hand. "Do you want me to get it or are you still not warmed up yet?" Seran's face went cold as his shoulders relaxed and he looked towards Goru and Assar. "You take the one with the scroll....i will take the one with the look of superiority." Deria pointed at Goru. "Don't bother reading my jutsu i will do nothing you can simply copy. I will end this...quickly." With out hesitation Deria stop up "3rd gate.....show your power." The explosion of power this time was monumental. Assar and Seran who were about to enter into conflict themselves both were blown back against two separate trees. The genin present flew into the air and landed some distance off into some bushes. Goru was forced to put his hands across his hand and brace himself trying not to move back. Seran shuck his head trying to shack off the momentary dizzy spell the chakra caused his head. "Man...i wasn?t braced for that...guess he wants this short." Seran Looked over and saw Assar had also regained some composure. "Guess ill get the scroll." Seran leaned down entrapping two stands of stones on each leg. He quickly tossed them to the side. Upon hitting the ground there was a loud explosion with a thirty foot crater where all of the small stones laid pilled together." Assar watched with a somewhat perplexed look. [I]What was that just now.[/I] "Sorry....this may get a little painful but....if i don?t finish this quickly my brother might have to. He is allot meaner then me." Seran lifted one foot up and touched it to the ground. His movement was unreadable by the common eye. He tour forward at a pace that caused the ground below his feet to rip up behind him covering the entire area in a cloud of dirt and dust. Assar cought faint glimpses of movement and chakra but was unable to tell his exact positive. "Stone bind jutsu......." Around Assar's legs the ground opened up and swallowed her up to her knees allowing little room to move. Seran then appeared in front of her in a blink and grabbed Assar's arm. Planting one solid punch into her stomach. Assar froze for a moment then lost all breath. Blackness over came him he tried to struggle to stay awake. The scroll in his hand loosened and fell. Seran quickly grabbed it and made it disappear out of sight. On the other side Deria was looking at Goru with a very cold stare. "Leave....I will give you one and one chance only.....take all of these useless people...and leave." Deria's hand began to glow red as an aura generating immense amounts of heat surronded him. "Last chance..."
Seran wasn't so much shocked by the melting as he was aggravaited that part of his shoes had melted. "Grrrr these shoes are practiclly new this is redicules." Seran frowned. "That lady has attitude problems...." He sighhed and looked at his shoes once more. ooc stil waiting for that other person to replie to deria's fight
Seran watched Aya approach and sighed. "Just when i thought id get to watch something intresting." He let out another sigh then quickly warped in front of Aya. "Hello girlie you werent thinking of interfearing were you?" ooc Sorry its short but im waiting for two others to post heh
Deria was playing with the scroll in his hand when he glaced over at his brother. "Someone?s coming....." Seran sighed and shrugged "Yeah i know there making allot of noise with there chakra i can hear them from over here." Seran tried to grab the earth scroll from his brother but missed. "Almost" he snapped his fingers. From behind Dakishime was hiding in a tree observing the two brothers. "They do some to old....and weird." Suddenly a pebble smacked her right between the eyes knocking her out of the tree. Luckily she was able to adjust her self and land swiftly on her feet. She alertly looked around and saw the two brothers standing 30 feet in front of her still playing with the scroll. Seran was tossing a few pebbles in his hand up and down. "Yo, its not nice to sneak up on people." Seran flicked another pebble at Dakishime. She easily slapped it away. "Do you have a heaven scroll if not we aren't interested in talking to you." Dakishime smiled "Of course we do." She took a step forward and started to mold her chakra to prepare for an attack. "Brother, since you got to fight lately this time its my turn." Deria handed his brother the earth scroll. "Right arm only...." Seran grunted and nodded his head. Dakishime turned her head slightly confused "Right arm only?" Deria "Only my right arm will be enough to beat you ill use nothing else....including my legs." Behind Deria Seran held up the scroll "Now you see it." Seran hand passed over the scroll and vanished "Now you don?t." Deria cracked his neck and crouched close to the ground. "heal gate....open" Suddenly Deria's chakra exploded out blowing Dakishime off her feet. She landed on her knees and looked at Deria whose hair was now standing straight up. Seran raised an eyebrow surprised at how much power his brother could draw from opening the 2nd gate only. Deria put his right hand on the ground and pushed forward launching himself straight at Dakishime. She franticly tried to get to her feet but wasn't quick enough. She shut her eyes preparing to take a hard hit but nothing came. Slowly she opened them and saw Deria standing there with his fist less then an inch away from her face. "Give me your scroll if you fight back.......i will kill you." Deria's voice was so cold it sent chills down both Seran and Dakishime back. ooc sorry i dont know your guys moves very well so it was hard for me to make a fight.
Seran and Deria walked along the forest somewhat bored. They had been spinning there scroll out in the open for the better part of an hour waiting for someone to jump them. "Earth...kinda wished we had heaven." Seian flipped the scroll around balanceing it on differnt parts of his head. "What differance does it make?" Deria kicked the scroll off his brothers shoulder and caught it on his head. They continued to walk in the forest playing a somewhat amuseing game of catch with there scroll.
"Very good Rin." Hugo Yora (13th squad captain) said while walking forward with a broad smile across his face. "You are making good progress as usual." He patted her on the head and continued to smile. Hugo looked at the boy who had a depressed look on his face after being beaten so harshly "All in due time I?m sure you will improve" Hugo patted the boy on the head as well and it seemed to bring a smile to the boys face. Hugo Yora the newest captain to join the goki 13 elites. He was considered by most to be the kindest of all captains. He cared very much for not only his members but the entirety of Soul Society itself. He often enjoyed trying to help others get better then working on his own abilities. Hugo often saw himself more as a teacher then a captain though many in his squad would disagree and argue that he was a great leader. "Rin i came here to ask you something." Hugo adjusted his built on his waste. Though Hugo dressed like most other captains but since he was far skinner then the others his cloths often were excessively baggy. This forced him to wear a belt (which also mind you seem to do a poor job of keeping his grab all together.) Rin smiled and felt honored that her captain was coming to her directly with a problem. "Yes sir what can i do for you?" "Come on now...we don?t have to be so formal. It always makes the back of my head itch." Hugo weakly itched his head. Though suddenly a look of seriousness came across his face. "There is a mission...We were asked to gather people, or should I say volunteers willing to go to the other world. There is some weird disturbance going on. I?m sure that all captains will be "Volunteering" Someone to go to keep an eye on what is happening. I would like you to be our volunteer" Hugo's face lightened somewhat. "Besides it will give you a chance to do something new." Hugo struggled to adjust his belt again. "If you have any questions feel free to ask them ill answer them the best I can." He smiled while fully and noticeable holding his pants up.
Seran and Deria both stood leaning agiast the back wall at the chunnin exam. They watched all of the genin chatting away with each other in small group. Seran looked up wondering how everything would go once they started. Then his mind crossed wondering about the guy his brother had met. It seemed odd to him that his brother would take the side of anyone. Though the two always worked together it was useually Seran who went with his brother rarely the other way around. He considered this then decided if things were to get out of hand he would most likely have to be the level headed one. He sighed and shut his eyes while leaning agiast the wall in hopes he could conjure up a few more happier thoughts.
Deria and Seran were garbed in there hidden village of the stone outfits. They both held there forehead protectors in there heands looking at them with a somewhat distasteful expression. "Lets go." Deria tied his protector on and was followed by his brother and one other man shrouded in a cloak. "You know the plan, no more discussing from this point on. Many are watching and listening. Lets go." Deria Seran and the shrouded man walked through the forest and entered Kohona making there way towards the chunnin exam.
Captain Zomeru (11th division) walked quietly down the long white path of soul society to the everyday meetings he was getting tired of attending. As he passed by a group of soldiers they saluted him, he barely gave them a second look. Inside the meeting all the captains and the command captain were present. "Things have gotten rather boring over the last few years." Zomeru sighed throwing his head back looking at his Vice captain Lero. "Things are running in proper order sir there is little to worry about." Lero tapped his clip bored trying to look as official as he could. "That?s not the point...never mine you official types never understand." Zomeru spaced out as they began doing roll. "Zomeru...ZOMERU listen..." command captain Noru slammed his staff against the ground trying to get the captains attention. "Yeah yeah I?m here if there isn?t anything else going on i think ill go take a nap." Zomeru started to walk away but was stopped by the command captains staff. "If you would have been listening i want you to organize a small group of shinigami to go investigate a weird disturbance on the other side." Noru lowered his staff and cleared his throat. "What kind of disturbance?" Zomeru couldn't be sure if this was something important or just another pointless activity to keep the council happy. Ever since he became a captain of the Gokai 13 he has barely even had to withdraw his sword. "We can't be sure...honestly we have never seen reading like this before. That's why your going to go find out what it is. Besides you do nothing but complain maybe it will give my ears some rest finally." Noru sighed and gave Zomeru a hard look. "Ok ok...So i can form a group of people from any squad....Hey listen up captains ask everyone in your squad if anyone wants to volunteer just tell them to come to my quarters ill be in there for the rest of the day." Zomeru walked out slamming the door to the meeting room behind him. "That man may be the laziest shinigami ever..." Falji (4th squad captain medical) half smiled wondering if anyone would volunteer from his squad. Gora (3rd squad captain) laughed "No i have this one shinigami who will do no extra work and barely finishes his word." "Lets go back to the meeting." Noru went back to listing all the other issues that were on the agenda. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back on earth In a dark ally the shadows became distorted. Slowly a red light began to grow brighter and brighter until a blood red figure climbed out of it. Shinigami "Hey hollow...i think its just about time for you to disappear." A black Shrouded shinigami leaped into the air drawing out his sword. Slowly the red figure turned around. The shinigami looked shock staring at the demon. "Your not a hollow" He gasped swinging his sword down at the red figure. With out any hesitation the figure reaching up catching the blade in its hand. A trickle of blood flowed down its arm as it twisted its head to look. Its eyes suddenly glowed red as it reached out with his other claws hand. Grabbing the shinigami's neck it tore the better part of half of it away leaving him bloody and lifeless on the ground. The red figure lifted up the soul slayer and fed it into its mouth. It slowly slid down the figured throat until it could not be seen anymore. The demon shuttered and suddenly bulged with muscles. Its claws extended and spikes grew from its shoulders. Its color changed from a blood red to a dark blue. The figure licked around its mouth and began to let out a growling laugh that echoed all through the dark street. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Seran returned carrying a person slumped over on his shoulder. "I got someone he is a little distracted right now but he will be ok in a day or so." Seran looked at his brother who was deep in thought. "What?s wrong?" Deria squinted his eyes "Someone?s been watching us...Onimasa something or another. He is planning on destroying the village as soon many before him have tried. He wants us to help." Deria squatted down on the ground and picked up a stick to draw in the dirt with. "No innocent people, thats what you promised me no innocent none ninja's would get hurt." Seran watched as his brother drew a small drawing of Kohona. "I know, i have no intentions of hurting anyone that isn?t a ninja." Deria never lifted his head from facing the ground. "He is still watching probably do as i am mumble and keep your head at the ground so he can't see what we are saying." Deria gave a side long glace at his brother. Seran kneeled pretending to point at the map. "What do you want to do?" Deria frowned "Join him for now, its the only way we can get what we want and no innocent people get hurt." Deria stood up looking around. "Whatever you say brother." Seran stood up as well wiping the dirt off his knee. "If you can hear me." Deria shouted at the top of his lungs. "We accept." Seran had an uneasy feeling about all of this, as he was sure his brother did. But the time was fianlly getting close to when their goal would be achieved.
Character creation sheet 1) Name - Noai Ryuoko 2) Age - ?? 3) Group - Shinigami Sword name: Syilla Shikai: Please rage...syilla Bankai: Electric demon hurrican 4) Basic demon arts.....Basic flash step 5) Biography/origin - A fourth seated member for the 3rd squad. He rarely involves himself in matters that he is not intrested in. Though he has been offered promotions he refuses to move past the third seat in fear that he will have to do more work. Basiclly...He is lazy... Not much else is known about him. 6) Personality - Lazy....pretty much sums him up. 7) Description of looks / Picture - [url]http://animechronicle.webcindario.com/kofa.jpg[/url] [b]Edit[/b] Tommorow when i get home from work i will right the starting story. :D hopefully more join. story is up post a bit wish we had more people but lets start anyways
Deria appeared standing on top of a tree branch holding the shurikan between his fingers. "Sorry there is only one of us here now. Deria.....that is my name...we have not been harrasing anyone...Honzo got in the way....my brother felt the need to show him his weaknesses..it should be considered a gift. If i was the one he would of been dead far before he managed his shadow avatar." Deria tossed the shurikan aside and looked intently at the shadow figure. "What do you want? I will only ask once.....do not make enemies out of us." Deria gripped the side of the tree next to him and squeezed slightly. It shattered like broken glass and fell to the ground in hundreds of little pieces.
"You almost made a big ruckus" Deria looked at his brother with a tense look. "Don't worry i was holding back allot i tried not to get anyone that wasn't a ninja involved. That Hanzo guy is pretty tough but i can probably take him.....If i can't you definitely can." Seran slapped his brother on the shoulder. "It wouldn't be worth it we have bigger things to deal with right now. Chunnin exam...this isn't the first time someone made a move during the exam...but it is our best choice." Deria looked out over the village of the leaf. "We don't have enough power to take them all or finish off the people we need so we need to make a choice." "We have sometime...maybe we should flip for it." Seran laughed rubbing his head. "Don't be a moron.....we will enter the exam....hidden and make our move at the correct time. I suggest changing your face since they know what you look like. Also go to some near by village and find us a third to be our filler. I don't care who it is or of his abilities...he just needs to breath and walk." Deria turned to look at his brother. "Gotcha ill be back..this shouldn't take to long." Seran gave a small wave and disappeared. "Things are about to get fun." Deria crossed his arms and let out a small laugh.
ooc CRAP i had like 4 pages types but i clicked the wrong button and it deleted /anger As the smoke cleared Seran was standing in the middle covered from head to toe in stone. "Diamonds.... really tough.." Slowly the pieces of diamonds fell off Seran who was standing there brushing the dust off. "Pretty good i guess ill have to try a little." Seran bent over and rolled up his pant leg on his right leg. Strapped to his leg were four strands of pebbles. Un-strapping one of the strands he tossed it over the edge of the building. Moments later there was a loud explosion. Hanzo looked over the edge surprised to see a 15 foot crater with the strands of pebbles inside. "pretty heavy...now imagine four strands like that on each leg...what a hassle." Seran un-strapped another strand and tossed it over the edge. There was another loud explosion. He then rolled down his pant leg and proceeded to un-strap two more stands on his other leg. He tossed them over the side of building and of course it was followed by two loud explosions. Hanzo quickly made the signs and split back into three clones. All most moments later him and his clones turned black as the night. "Excellent...Pebble jutsu" Small pebbles rose off the ground and hovered around Seran. Seconds later the red Hanzo was in front of him throwing a round house kick. The kick smashed down crushing into the ground making a small crater. Seran was well behind the red Hanzo. "Pebbles one two and three go." The pebbles whipped forward and passed through the red Hanzo, the pebbles fell to the ground after passing through. While Seran was sending the pebbles at the red Hanzo the normal Hanzo was coming down from the air with his heel. Once again the heel smashed into the ground making a small crater in the ground. Seran was on the other side of the building "Pebbles four five and six go" The pebbles shot forward and passed through the normal Hanzo as it did with the red Hanzo. This time however the pebbles kept going straight for the blue Hanzo. "Cheap trick" The normal Hanzo let out a weak laugh. The pebbles once again past through the blue Hanzo. This time the red Hanzo smashed Seran in the back of the head sending him flying across to the other side of the roof where he crashed down face first. "Maybe i hit him to hard...or not hard enough." The red Hanzo let out a laugh and went to stand by the other three. Slowly all three faded back to normal color and looked at the unmoving body of Seran. Suddenly the red and blue Hanzo's looked at the normal Hanzo. "What?s wrong?" Hanzo watched as suddenly both colored Hanzo's chests exploded open as a stone spike sat passing in the middle passing through both sides. They both dropped down to one knee coughing up blood. Hanzo looked shocked and was unsure about what just happened. "Ouch....nice hit" Seran stood up off the ground. "Lucky the crystal absorbed most of it...still it did manage to sting." Pieces of clear rock fell off the back of Seran's head. Hanzo stepped forward in anger "Ill kill you." He growled in a deep voice filled with intense hatred. "No I?m afraid this fight is done for today. You see while I used my speed and pebbles to distract you in shadow form i left three rocks hanging in the middle of you. You were a shadow so you couldn't feel anything to know they were there. Those two only got normal quartz stone pretty strong...strong enough to form a spike straight through you if it was sharp enough. You...i left a special one in you....Sulfur...Poison..." Seran held out his hand and the pebbles attached to the straps came floating up to his hand. He began to strap them back on reluctantly. "It really stinks not being able to move your legs much...oh well." He finished strapping back on the last one. "You have the better part of an hour maybe two if your lucky before you drop over dead from sulfur poisoning i suggest you find a medical ninja to cure you?. somehow. In the mean time im letting you live to deliver a message from us...Tell the hockage...Seran and Deria have come...for well lets call it our payment. If we call it revenge it sounds so ugly... Also tell your Genin were coming for them to." Seran stood up straight then gave a small wave good bye. "Later...Honzo we will have to finish this next time." Seran was gone in a blink leaving Honzo standing there in total anger....
Seran stood up holding his one arm out while keeping his other arm bend back with his palm facing up. "Come at me, make me have to try" A look of aggravation passed Honzo's face. "You will regret those words..." Quickly the red clone and the normal Hanzo leaped forward both drawing out there knives. Quickly while in mid air they split into opposite directions coming from both sides of Seran. While charging at Seran both Honzo's threw four shurikan?s each. As they whistled towards Seran they quickly went to the opposite sides forcing Seran to deal with an attack from four different directions. With out hesitation Seran flipped forward into a hand stand quickly he bent his arms then sprung up kicking the shurikans high into the air. Seeing an opening both Honzo's came down from the air with there blades. Seran quickly back flipped onto his feet and stretched out his hands catching both the blades between his fingers. Honzo and his red clone hung in the air still holding onto the knifes with a look of surprise on there face. "Your not normal are you" The red one shouted in a someone frustrated voice. "Come on now....you can do better then that. I haven't even warmed up yet." Seran let go of the knives and spun around trying to cut both Honzo's. Leaning back both Honzo's watched the blade pass just above their head. Quickly to avoid any further attack they flipped back to put some distance between them and Seran. "I'm not done yet." The shurikans that were kicked into the air were finally coming back down. Quickly Seran caught them and threw them back. Both Honzo's watched the shurikans sail over there heads. "Not very good at aiming....are you?" The red Honzo was about to laugh when he realized at his feet were two explosive tags. In a loud explosion of fire the tree they were fighting on began to go up in a blaze. Seran jumped off of it and landed on the near by hospital building. In front of him landed the blue Hanzo, the normal Honzo and moments later the Red Honzo who was gasping for air and bleeding from his arm. "Shall we get a bit more serious?" Seran smirked going back into his stance.
"I would make the assumption that the blue is the stronger of you three?" Seran quickly ripped off the sleeves of his shirt. On his arms were various marks and symbles that seemed to be somehow tattoed into his skin. With out forming any seals the stone from the ground began to rise and circle around Seran. "Stone blade Jutsu" Quickly the stone began to form together extending from his wrist a blade. "This should be all that i need for you....who knows maybe three of you is enough...." ooc i got to run to work ill finish when i get back....
Seran smiled feeling Hanzo?s breath on the back of neck. ?A tricky jounin you are?that much is for sure? He sighed ?Interesting ninja?s with interesting powers? Seran looked over his shoulder at Hanzo who was looking at him coldly. ?Now now?well it cant be helped I suppose? Seran shrugged his shoulders and tossed his arms into the air acting like he was giving up ?Stone seal jutsu? Honzo jumped back as the rock from the ground below shot up and tried to grab at his arms. Honzo flipped back dodging the stone. ?Pretty quick?.I?m here watching your young Genin?s we need a few recruits?.before we can get what we want. And young minds are so easy to shape don?t you agree?? o.o.c i would go on allot longer but im not sure how the person in charge of honzo feels..
[quote name='heruka]I am surprised that the Sakura and Chiyo discussion is still alive, the manga has really leaped passed that stage. [spoiler'] Now I am fascinated as to who will (romantically speaking) team up with Naruto. I would be really pleased if it is Hinata, but that is strongly doubted. I am thinking that in the end, Sasuke will die in a way which would make Sakura fall for Naruto (after realizing his love for her...bleh bleh bleh). Both are quite tedious possibilities, that is why I would like to see how Kishimoto is going to work with it. [/spoiler][/quote] If naruto doesn't fall in love i fail to see how he will find the will to truely control the nine tails....so they might as well pick someone and get it over with.
Okay here goes ill post alot more this time and have a rateing and here is the subplot idea for the RPG i want to run. Warning: Before reading this there are some bleach referances and may be spoilers for some so please be warned before reading on. Years after the events that disorganized soul society and caused some of there members to rebel there was a peaceful calm. A kind of serenity took over the functions of how things would work. Of course Hollows still existed and caused trouble but as always Shinigami were there to send them on their way back to soul society. It was as if the flow and natural order of things had finally been restored. The various other renegade groups that had emerged during the previous events went back into hiding to prevent any action that would have to be taken by soul society should they remain in plain sight. Yet through all this peace there was a feeling that it was unnatural. As if something was holding back its true identity and refusing to make its move until the proper time. Nearly fifty years after the original events that occurred in the bleach saga a presence that stood by watching all that unfolded has finally decided it was time to put its own motives into action. This presence has come to be called the Hollow Lords through out soul society. A group of five Hollows who had previously manipulated everything that had happened simply to test the resolve and strength of soul society and to find out who really opposed them in the world. Now knowing who there true enemies and allies were they are resolved to finally wage their actual war on both soul society and the real world. The only thing that remains is to find people who will stand up against such a force whether it be Shinigami or something else.....
I am looking for a few people to join this rpg...I have a pretty long elaborate story planned out I just need people to join. If anyone has any questions or wants to join the thread is posted at the INN to sign up... Also sorry the intro isnt very long its just i cant figure out a way to say whats going on with out blowing open the plot....heh
[QUOTE=uchihagirl]Can you tell me about that part? Or anything that gives me a clue on how the heck [spoiler]Sakura and some Chiyo person (probably just as weak) can beat the all mighty Sasori of the Akatsuki clan that has made a name to be quite unbeatable.[/spoiler] T-T I don't know how to use the spoiler text.[/QUOTE] I can't do spoiler text either so please look away if you dont want to know what happens. [spoiler]The old women isnt as weak as you think in fact she is the one that taught sasori what he knows how to do. Also Sakura isnt weak either she has become pretty strong the combined power of both were enough to cripple and beat the akatsuki and i doubt he was unbeatable my assumption was that he was one of the weaker members of akatsuki...[/spoiler] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][strike]Fixed ~Ikillion[/strike] Double fixed ~Ikillion[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]