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Everything posted by Mythologicly

  1. I would also have to say the satan because hes one of the oldest fears inbeded in the human mind weather you belive in satan or not everyone knows who satan is and what he does. Also he has many forms some say horns with fangs others say wings and a tail there are many forms satan has.
  2. My resolution would be to stop smoking, drinking, partying, and just get closer to god in all way's of my life. Also to workout even more and get healtier. Thats about all that I'm going to do this year and pass.
  3. I would have to say thatmy number one hobbie would be writing poetry. People say I'm really good at so I started writing a book of my poems. Another would be working out I'm sorta vain so I work out just so I can look good that and I'm really active and theres no better way to burn of fat and turn it into muscle. My final would be video games and anime because I love watching it and Playing it oh yeah i forgot flirting with girls america's fevorite past time.
  4. Mine would be my past cause I've reformed and redeamed myself and alot of people from my past cant deal with that and they constatly try to convence my to go back to my old ways. That is what i belive to be my arch enimie not myself but what i've done in the past.
  5. I would be for it cause there are good advantages to having a personal clone one being if you need a transplant who better to get it from that your self. Cause its happen to my grandma before she got a transplant but her body wouldn't except the new kiddney. If it would have came from her cloned body there would be noway for the body to reject a transplant. Another is for replacment body parts incase someone loses a leg or something it wont be hard to get that body part back. Those are my reasons for being for cloning.
  6. I'm not good at school not that I'm failing i just hate school alot. Another thing would be keeping a girlfriend for some reason I'm able to get girl and make girl fall in love with me but then they just leave me and still remain in love with me :huh: i just cant keep gf's.
  7. I would like you to know that I am taking a break and doing a little me time thats why i work out even more than what I use to. Also I'm going back to boxing and getting my grades up and being a flirt. I've also learned from this in many way's and even though she still tells me she loves me I'm okay and i know shes not worth all this wasted time over. I would like to thank you for your help and maybe one day we can all share a drink.:beer:
  8. I've been in this situation before. First get to know her by hanging out find out what she likes to do, then find a common thing you share and do that togather after that you can be a close friend with and if you still like her wait a while but if you cant let her know and hopfully she'll say yes.
  9. All the things that I'm good at are poetry cause i love writing poems and I am good at rhyming. Also I'm athletic and goof at running, boxing, and basketball every thing but bowling and swiming i cant swim. :animecry: I forgot I'm good at advertising and everything in a buisness area thats about it. I love boxing best sport ever :wigout:
  10. I just want to know what was your hardest break up and what made it so hard and hwo did you deal with it. What brought me to do this thread is obvisly i just go dumped by my 20th to 30th love of my life. The story meet girl like her only know her for a month ask her out we start being bf and gf. go out for three weeks fall in love for that period of time tells me she wants to have my kids, marry me, and will alway's love me then dumps me. How do i deal with it i dont know cause getting dumped has become aa regulare in my life. the only thing that makes it hard is I excually belived every word she told me.
  11. If i can only choose three that are my best times out of a lot of times. 1.) When me and my cousin dre went to the colli ( teen club) and it was my first time at a club and we had so much fun and we ran into come old friends from school started makin bets to see who could get the most girls ( I won and i brag about it every time.) That was relly fun. 2.) Another time was when me and my friend Rob went to a party on campus and even though were under age are friend is really populaur and he got us into all the hot clubs that night. ( 16 year old boy 24 year old girl feelin on him yeah.) 3.) Finally it was when there was this big fight at school and every body just started fighting each other. People were jumping off lockers and stairs we were all just fighting and even though its not that good to talk about it was the feeling of excitement, fear, and just pure ignorence that made it fun.
  12. My object would be my swords, weapons, books, and work out stuff i collect cause my swords and weapons hold secerets of the past while my books teach things that are both new and old. finally my work out stuff cause i find it amazing what the human body can do with a little motivation ( i love to work out). i know i wrote down more than one but i'm very indecesive. ( I hope i spelled that right.)
  13. I think the best kinds of relationships are. Boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, and boy will even risk his own to save girl even if she doesn't feel the same way. Another is the rrlationships like tenchi were all the girls in the house are in love with him and all try to compete for him even though he cant chose wich one cause he doesn't want to hurt there feelings. yeah thats about it.
  14. pokemon would win because with each lv up they becom stronger. [INDENT][COLOR=#007520][SIZE=1]Mythologicly, welcome to Otakuboards. It's nice for you to respond to the thread with your opinion, but it would help if you could express yourself with a little more detail. Otakuboards emphasizes post quality and content, this means proper spelling/grammar/syntax and proper conversation. Maybe you can tell us why you think leveling up in Pokemon is better than Digivolving. Although we're not expecting a highschool essay from anyone, more than a simple sentence to continue to conversation is expected. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. -r2[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  15. i woud do it even though there are a few people that important to me its worth the risk and besides mechanical body parts are cool as long as i dont lose my my male parts.
  16. I repeated 6 grade so i have two story's first time in 6th i was one of the short kids and the middle school i went to was medina and its a really poor school the teachers sucked,the winters were cold the summers were to hot 9-11 happened and i was intro duced to a new way to survive if you want something take it by force wich meant i did a lot of bad things for many i would get in fights with other kids for money,still from the school,still from other kids,roll dice with kids. but those were really great times. 2nd time most of the same stuff execpt the school saw that i was a problem and had me saspended almost ever day till it was may i was kicked out of more classes,striped surched,and most of the day me and my niggs would run from teachers,cops,and any athority figure but the only reason this year was better was that i met someone named christina who made me stop doing most of the bad stuff like smokin,and fightin and had a lot of fun this year. but the worst thing about this was that kif you had know friends it was over for you cause people who diddnt have any were getting jumped,robbed,or mugged . this one went for every body six grade beat em up day was the worst also if you were late to class and got cought in the hall prepare to fight cause you about to get robbed for all you got. my school sucked put i wouldnt trade those memories for anything. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]Mythologicly[/B], please put more effort into your posts. Here at OtakuBoards, we greatly emphasize the concept of having clear, easy to read posts. This includes correct use of spelling, grammar and punctuation. Especially since it makes it easier for other members to understand what you are trying to say. Try typing up your response in a program like Word or Hotmail if you don't have Word, which has a free spell check feature. You can then just copy and paste it into the reply box once you've checked it for spelling errors. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~SunfallE[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. i would end a series when it wasn't as popular as it used to be and there werent as many veiwers also i would end it after i ve done so many versions of the show.
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