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Everything posted by Pozzum

  1. I like most of the songs Yoko Kanno does. I think she has worked on Cowboy bebop, Ghost in the shell, and Wolf's Rain. I really want to get the GITS:SAC OST. Also I like the Pillows. I would like to have some suggestions of what to listen to.
  2. The thing I think is strange about DDR is the difference in titles. Even in the same song on different versions with the same rating(foot wise) and one being harder then the other. I'm just going to say where I am on the different titles. Konamix-almost all light I can do DDRMAX-almost all standard DDRMAX2-a few Heavy DDRExtreme-middle of standard I just wish my feet could move faster. how good is the best guy you know? I have a friend that I have never seen fail a song when challanged to do it. He loves it so much he constanly chalanges himself with edits.
  3. Yes that could be good if they do it right. Another book series I think should be anime is broken skye, they already have the character looks that are anime styled.
  4. I'm wondering. I personally think that Super Milk Chan is anime and I was wondering if you considered it anime and if you have seen any other anime that looks alot like old cartoons.
  5. I personally think relationships would take extreamly long or be extreamly short. Little girls would be the whole millitary. buildings would be countinuously be destroryed by something. Life would be quite random.
  6. I have only cried while watching anime once that I can remember, and it wasn't even that long ago. I was watching If I See You In My Dreams: OVA Series, and I guess I connected with the story of the guy and started to cry.
  7. [QUOTE=Bullet] While we're on the subject of Basilisk and Gunslinger Girl. What are these animes about. I don't hear much talk about them. Are they any good?[/QUOTE] I personally liked it. It has several girls who have been mechanically enhanced being rigorously trained to be servants. Many become killers and assassins but it still has a side to it where you see the feelings of the girls and you see what they go through. Closest thing I can compare it to is Noir.
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