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King Penn

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Everything posted by King Penn

  1. Man there was an earthquake here in the UK, Birmingham to be exact, it happened on sunday I was about to fall asleep at the time (12.55am) when suddenly my whole room was shaking, I swear, I thought it was a bomb or something since earthquakes are extremely rare in the UK It only lasted about 30 seconds, but I don't think I'll ever forget it, it measured 4.8 on the richter (SP) scale As many of you know Sephiroth also lives in Birmingham and although there have been no reports of casualties I have no heard from him since (he has moved in with his family) I tried to phone him but there doesn't seem to be an answer, I know he's probably ok but you know, you get worried about these things Anywhoo, I dunno why I posted this, just to let you people know there was an earthquake here O_O
  2. Finally got the time to check out the boards and must compliment the admins for the fine job they did to version 6 I look in the anime forever however and it does no say it is super moderated by Sephiroth, it says "nobody" instead, and on his status it is now No Life Is he no longer a staff member? and if so I would have thought there would be a topic about it or something, did any other members know about this?
  3. Congrats and hope you live a long and happy marriage, you should talk to Sephiroth for advice or something {realises what he just said} on second thoughts forget it lmao
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shadow Genesis [/i] [B]Sadly enough I am not much of an otaku at all. I love almost every anime/manga I have seen/read, but I don't have much. But this is the small list of stuff I do have. 1. Just about every Dragonball manga released in the U.S. ( Not Z) 2. Plenty of *shuders* dubbed Dbz tapes 3. A few subbed dbz/gt movies 4. More dbz cards than I should have 5. Trigun dvd vol.1 6. NGE box set 7. 7 Gundam models 8. Endless Waltz dvd 9. Loads of Gundam fan-subs 10. Misc. Crap Pretty soon I will have every Cowboy Bebop and every Outlaw Star episode on dvd. Ah! The wonders of childhood birthdays! [/B][/QUOTE] You my friend, will be getting a good bollocking from Sephiroth since you brought back a thread that is over a week old! To make matters worse, the general anime section is already messed up because of a recent spammer!
  5. oh yeah, the NWO forever baby! I just hope that they are the result of the rock being permanantly away from the wwf!
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B]does anyone remember waking up on saturday morning sitting in front of the TV eating a big bowl of Mr. T's cereal and watching PeeWee's play house until Soul Train came on? Does anyone remember going outside wearing your hair parted to the side or being comepletely messy? wearing the big plastic bracelets and beaded jewlery? Does anyone remember playing GI Joe with your friends, or making Ken and Barbie get married? Does anyone remember wanting to be like those kids on the breakfast club or wanting to sneak into the R rated Fast times at ridge mont high? do you remember getting away with it? Does anyone remember putting away the Atari and pluging in your brand new Nintando entertainment system? and how those little turtles were so hard to beat? Does anyone remember coming home from school and flicking on MTV? watching maddona or Miachle jackson hoping to be like them one day? Does anyone remember the very first internet? how small and inpeculiar it was? I remember........... [/B][/QUOTE] dear god I loved the 80's, sniff :bawl: oh, apart from wanting to be like madonna and mickeal jackson :cross:
  7. toni was having a discussion with one of his guys, mickey blue eyes, they had been friends for years, and mickey had come in with blood covered all over his nice silk suit mickey: like I was saying, not my fault! just walking when guy lookey at me funny, makin me go grrrr toni: and you killed him for that? mickey: well hey hey hey! go have those funny eyes, make you uncomfor...comfor... toni: uncomfortable mickey: yeah, that, and he laugh at me, at me suit! me suit! so I hit him on head with lucky hammer, pinky toni: that was quite unnecessary, well anyway, go get changed, we have to go get ready for momma's restaurant, a lot of the guys are gonna be there mickey: me hearing you have cuzzin or somethin? toni: erm yeah something like that, his name is flash, he will be with us mickey: cool, he can meet me, mickey bloooooo mickey blue, man with blue eyes, and nice blue silk soooooo, blue silk suit, daa daa daa toni: ....oh brother
  8. Name: Mickey Blue Eyes Age: 27 Bio: talks funny and general comedian of the mafia Description: pretty short but stronger than he appears, always wears a silk blue suit Weapon of Choice (optional): rocket launcher Vehicle of Choice (optional): the mafia car, forgot what its called
  9. lets just hope the tekken movie doesn't follow in the footsteps of the street fighter movie (shudders)
  10. the game's awesome, simple as that, though they could have added a few extra levels, 4 levels gets boring after a while, but hey, its a fun game, and thats something developers are forgetting nowadays
  11. what do you mean by the deep dungeon? try and explain it a little better :p
  12. I hear this awesome dreamcast game is going to be released on xbox, its definately being released on game cube, but I'm not sure about xbox, anyone know anything?
  13. my list of worst movies of all time............ star wars phantom menace titanic harry pothead lord of the rings (I just plain hated it) showgirls and a bunch more that I forgot, now what are your worst films?
  14. yeah, I've gotten the cops on me a few times, once was in a huge gang fight, and the other time was......... well, lets not get into that one :p
  15. Mr Penn begins to get agitated at sephiroth and muu fighting mr penn: dammit, I hate standing here, I wanna kick muu's butt! he begins to spank his butt mr penn: come on muu, come get some, ya damn pansy! neither muu nor sephiroth paid him any particular attention mr penn: dammit, stop ignoring me, don't make me mad, you wouldn't like me when I'm mad, I can give you the biggest damn chop in the world!
  16. Mr Penn watches the match Mr Penn: hah! its about time they started fighting, and you call that charging up?! my grandma can charge up faster than that, and she's dead! hahahaha! sephiroth continues to charge up Mr Penn: you pansy! think you can ignore I, the great Mr Penn?! noone can ignore me for the am the best fighter in the world, hahahaha! sephiroth is still charging up Mr Penn: dammit, you suck! you hear me? YOOOOOOUUUUU SUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!! sephiroth looks right at Mr Penn and suddenly Mr Penn's butt gets on fire Mr Penn: ahhhh! my butt's on fire! he starts swatting his butt until the fire goes out, everyone staring at him Mr Penn: errrr....ha....hahaha! I meant to do that! that was my infamous flaming butt move! hahaha! continues to praise himself for quite a while to come
  17. nice pics, and nice banner, you should try making the banner smaller, though
  18. virgin also stock anime, but they don't don't usually have much
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] keel is one of the members of SEELE, I think he is the main one, the one who weare the eye visor.... [/B][/QUOTE] wasn't his name something like general keeao? I don't think he has anything to do with the wandering jew, I haven't seen anything in the red cross book that says anything about a wandering jew either
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B] Oh boy........ Red Cross Book of EVA explains all..............literally. It gives a lot of definitions, glossary of terms, the purpose of EVAs, etc. Sums it up?? [/B][/QUOTE] yes, it explains it all, but they explain it in such a complex way that half the time your confused, they should have simplified it! moe is right, ritsuko does not say anything about the LCL liquid when she destroys all of the rei's
  21. woah, thats some harsh shiiiit with your step dad, you shouldn't worry though, you will win, he doesn't seem to have much going on in his favour and don't worry about the court thing, you'll do fine, just relax, there's nothing to worry about, I've been to quite a few court hearings myself, once with moe!
  22. I give you a thumbs up, two in fact! just look at my avatar! He had no right to do what he did, and got exactly what he deserved! you go girl! ps. you are a girl, right? lol
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Simply put, no. A TV series perhaps but a movie, I think not... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, I agree with you there, they just wouldn't be able to fit in enough of the story
  24. lmao!!! you just found out about this???!!! interestingly enough, the dragonball game on the ps2 looks similar to this
  25. Nintendo recently announced that they will be showing off a bunch of games and hardware on feb11, and they have hinted at a definate UK release date for europe, most excellant, UK'ers are saying, but hold your horses right there, compadre, that means that we are at least 6 MONTHS away from it being released here! meaning moe was right when he told me about it being released at least in august, why does nintendo hate the UK so damn much?! not only do we get things here later than everyone else, but nintendo sell their stuff here for so damn much! heck, N64 games cost £10-20 more than a ps2 game! now thats just plain dumb, even old n64 games are being sold for about £30, so whats going to happen when the GC is released? £100 for a game? at the moment, thats what its looking like!
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