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Everything posted by crazyoveranime

  1. i can't really choose but i'd rather read the mange book then watch it...but there r times when i either want to watch or read depends on my mood and how the story is in the anime or mange take Angel Sanctuary for ex. i'd rather read the manga than watch the anime
  2. Tohma Seguchi from gravation and itachi,Orochimaru from naruto they have no mercy for anyone they kill Rurouni Kenshin u can't forget him he goes hard [COLOR=#007520][SIZE=1][INDENT]crazyoveranime, Otakuboards emphasizes post quality and post content. If you wish to reply to any of the threads, merely posting a list is insufficient. Conversation is the key. Explain to us why Tohma Seguchi is part of the list. Why is Orochimaru on the list and another of the many characters with no mercy (like Vicious from Cowboy Bebop) not? Give the others in the thread a little more to work with for conversation. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. -r2[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [quote name='Sojiro47']I am once again with White. Although what Charles-san says has it's truths, he shouldn't have asked unless he could truely take the answer. The guy must have suspected that his friend would've come up. But this was the male version of the classic "Does this make look fat" question. It never should've been said.[/quote] i agree completely [COLOR=Red][size=1]Edit: Please put more effort into your responses. We have a high standard for posting quality and your post fails to meet that requirement. Please take some time to re-read the rules before posting again. If you have questions about the rules or posting feel free to PM any of the moderators. Thanks! -Panda[/COLOR][/size]
  4. thats hard to say..hmmm i can't really say i prefere both even though i have tivo i can just record any anime i like but i slao like reading manga so i can't choose their both good
  5. my strongest emotion is love cause it has so many combinations and people say love is the most slowest sucides ever
  6. he does have a right to be mad at you,but at the same time he doesn't have the right cause well you guys weren't together when that happened......he had a gf and i think you had a bf (his friend)it was a thing of the past just say your sorry it was a honest mistake and if he really has deep feelings for you he would forgive you at least try to forgive you...just try talking to him if you can
  7. metal doesn't mean u worship the devil i happen to think it has alot of meaning,passion and heart in it i u try to listen to the lyrics you'll find out what their singing or in this case screaming about :catgirl: i listen to metal,rock,alternative rock too everyone tell me to turn off that trash when i listen to it but it doesn't bother me i just ignore them no matter how much they annoy me i like what i like and other people like what they like
  8. wow they have human features now like their taller,they have fingers and they have feet i can't wait to see it if its real :animenose
  9. ohhhhh i have.... i was having a dream that i was kagome from the anime/manga inuyasha i was kagome and me and kikyo were left alone in a cave (just like in the episode where kikyo and kagome were trapped in some cave and kikyo was slowly dieing cause her soulcollectors were fading away ect.)and so i had the chance me being kagome i wanted to beat the crap out of kikyo.. i know u might be thinking "kagome wouldn't do that she's too nice and caring"but I was kagome so i wanted to beat the crap out of kikyo FOR kagome in the end i ended up saving her instead..... grrr me having pity on that woman kikyo :animecry:
  10. who could possible hate the anime naruto well except anime haters and if i may add i have ran into some people who call anime lovers "gay" :mad: but,so on so forth you have to watch at least season one of naruto to understand whats happening specially when a character has a flashback which i may add are sometimes sooooooo sad!!!you just have to watch it to understand where im coming from :animesigh
  11. i adore the show its a great anime/manga im a kikyo hater and a kagome lover theres no second thought to it that inuyasha will pick kagome [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]crazyoveranime[/B], here at OtakuBoards we expect more from our members when they post. Your post is pretty spammy with little in the way as to why you like the show InuYasha. Also using proper punctuation and grammar makes it easier for others to understand what you are saying so please put more effort into your posts. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. im afraid of spiders well not small ones but huge ones im ok if their like not on me but if a huge is i'll freak out
  13. [quote name='Azarath']I think mine is Kagome and Inuyasha. He acts so tough and trys to keep other guys away from her. You know like Koga and Hoji. That just seems so sweet.[/quote] i have agree kagome and inuyasha are my fave he can get jealous alot when other boys try to flirt with her but that shows he cares about her :animesmil my other fave couple is hideki and chii they just make such a cute couple who could say no to a face like chii's :catgirl:
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