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About Kredion
- Birthday 06/06/1988
Profile Information
Busboy at the local Diner
Kredion's Achievements

Member (2/6)
[I] Walking in the torrents of rain outside of the Kredion made his way into the nearby tavern. As he pulled his hood back he saw that several of the Guild members were already here, as he looked around he saw it looked like an average tavern and went up to the counter and ordered a mug of hot water. As he stood there watching the small crowd he shifted the heavy pack to the counter and undid the clamps on the pack pulling out a small pouch of strong sweet smelling herbs carefully he poured some into the mug, used a small stake in his backpack to stir the mixture into the water. As he slowly slipped the tea, the guy who had approached earlier this week about giving a hand to the guild greeted him in a loud voice. [/I] Ah Kredion Glad you could make it how are you doing? The Large man asked. I am fine today my friend but I hear that the guild has stirred up a nest of those nasty vampires? Kredion Replied. Yeah they are now if you will please come over here I have a few people I would like you to meet my young friend. The man said. [I] As the two walked over to the small crowd of people in one of the corners the larger man pushed his way in and made room for Kredion to get fitted in as they got closer Kredion noticed that two looked like the Infamous Blades. [/I] Now Kredion I would like you to meet my two good friends Allura and Sarin The two best blades in the region. The man said.
Accepted And guys we need to start posting. I have my post in alot of people keep telling me they can't understand so i am gonna use my word processer god knows i hate it but hey if it helps. Alright anyone who wants this RPg to go forwards please post as soon as you read this. ~Kredion
Ooc: Bah i like my wall of text *chuckle* -------------------------- [i] Walking through the Forest back towards the Seeress's hut, Kredion found himself on a old deer path perhaps he thought he could track it and they would have some meat for dinner instead of one of the Seeress's nasty herb salads. Pulling a small dart from his pack Kredion Stalked down the trail until he saw the deer and slowly he snuck up on it pulling his arm back his muscles rippled from the energy that they would soon release and threw the dart with speed and accuracy of a born hunter as it plunged in to deers tender skin and dropped it to the gorund in shock it thrashed around until Kofu shot out of the bushes and landed on the beast grabbing it in his jaws and snaped it's neck. Kredion walked over to the kill pulling out a twine rope he had made eariler that day and with Kofu's help he dragged it back to the Seeress's hut. As he skinned and Gutted the Deer he put the various pleases in a pot and closed the lid they could be used for potions and he didn't want to offend the Mother Spirit of the Earth Or as some of the people called her Gaia. Cutting the horns off he took the bones and dug a pit in the ground burying them in the rich soil. Pulling a smll bag of seeds out he pull a large corn kernal out and planted it in the ground whispering a prayer to the Earth mother Kredion asked that she forgive their need for meat and that she bless her Deer-Child. Getting up he walked to the back of the cottage grabbed some water from the well and Stripped down to his Loincloth Quickly washed himself in the brisk cold water and Quickly scrubed up washing off the blood and dirt and pulled his clothes back on and walked to the door.[/i]
[i]Kredion was going through the various Programs in the computer and was looking for errors in the programing seeing none in the first couple and releazing that there were alot more programs to go he went through the computers options and reassigned the computer too look for Recent glitchs or perhaps a program that was shut off prematurely. After a few minutes the computer showed up with only 5 progarms that had been shut off prematurely. Taking a deep breathe he opened the first and went through it correcting a few small errors and went on to the next he contiuned to do this until he got to last and when he opened it he found out the "real" Trouble maker Deleting that part of the code he rebuilt it and saved the progress geting up he stretched and went back to the little table he had set up in the room and started to fiddle with a small machince. Taking a Short break from it he went over to the wall unbolted a panel Measured the space nessisary to be cut the metal into a sort of hole and bent back the pieces he cut still attached and placed it on the wall rebolted and put the machine in side wired it up and gave it a try instantly a soft blue glow appeared in the space that was allowed under the machine and as the glow disappeared Kredion grabbed the Frosty Cold Glass with water in it. Somewhat surprised it worked he took a drink and found it was just like water going back to the table he started working on new features for the room.[/i]
Name: Kredion Akima Race: Human Age: 15 Gender:Male Class: Priest Personality: Honest, Blunt, Nervous at times, Hot headed, Paranoid and has a weak Faith but is very gifted. Appearance: 5'7", Short light brown hair, Green Blue eyes, A muscluar body, Tends to wear Brown Commoners clothes with Calf high boots which he has small dagger tucked into the right boot, He also tends to have a thick Wool cloak for traveling and Leather pouch for his various Herbs and Medicinces (as well as Poisons). Weapon: Kredion Carrys a staff with a Metal Symbol on it top he ain't sure what the Symbol means but he is well versed in staff fighting. He also carries a Dagger tucked into his boot incase of emergencys. Bio: Kredion was born in the High reaching mountions that border modern day Europe from Asia. As a child he suffered from voices that seem be nothing more then delusions of his own mind As he grew older his parents took him to see the Nearby "witch" and found out the boy was not crazy but heard the wishs of the spirits long past and with training could learn to block them out. However Before they left the Women Gave the child a charm but refused to tell the parents it's use. AS they came back into the village the two were more trouble by the news that the witch had given them. Not long after the boys 8th birthday a raiding party of bandits came into the village and pillaged it Killing all the villagers however when they came to the house that Kredion was in. He suddenly blacked out and when he awoken the men around him had horrible slash marks all over their bodys all the bandits expect a few had been slaughtered but by what the handful that lived asked. As they buried the dead Kredion was gathering the ruined remains of some of the houses for fire wood and a man on a Black and brown horse came into the forest Gathering the few people left in the village to follow him the morning after he led them down to a new village and took Kredion back to the missionary Were he spent the next seven years of his life until the day a small group of warriors came for a priest.
NP due to the confusions i will be doing Rpgs with less Grammical mastery. thanks anyhow guys. all of my Misunderstood or usless Rpg posts are removed no hard feelings ok?
On the large and busy island of Raia, all different kinds of animals flourished. They were widely respected and even worshipped by some people on this land. But unfortunately, fur traders, realtors, businessmen, poachers, and even pirates from other lands frequently attacked the villages of Raia, upsetting the civilians to widespread extremes. Some just kept praying for the people's safety, others wanted bitter revenge on the attackers, and yet others were somewhere in between. Over time, the people of Raia discovered secret myths telling of pirates, of elves, of love and hate, of heroes... But the most appealing of myths to them were those of the dragons. Dragons were often described as "powerful fighting machines" or "trusty partners" or "graceful, magic-wielding creatures", or even "cute and cheerful healers". But whatever the people's opinions on these mythical creatures were, a selected few believed that the vast power of these dragons could put a halt to their attackers' efforts and at the same time provide great companionship for their people. Fortunately, one of the shamans of the village told his people about a special ore that, when ground into powder and rubbed into the skin of any animal, would turn that animal into a dragon over time. At this point, certain people who heard the shaman's story had decided that the ore needed to be found and brought back to the village. They would set off with a few different animals to be turned into dragons, and search for the ore in various places. Unfortunately, the word might have spread to rivals outside of Raia which would try and steal the ore and use it for evil purposes... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [i] Remember To stir that Potion ever few minutes and don't let it reach a boil Kredion! Yelled the old lady. Yes Misteress Gale.. kredion intoned as he contrected on keeping the viotile potion from boiling. Moving the liquid into a vial for the seeress's customers was a tricky task indeed however something that Kredion had gotten rather good at. As the Seeress talked to her customers a pair of nobles from the nearby castle Kredion half listened to the converation and added tiny amounts of the rocks and plants to make it smooth and gave it's redish tinge slowly draining the mixture into a container he gave it to the seeress and she sniffed it and gave him a simple nod as she always did letting him know he was dismissed. Heading into the back of the cottage he went over to his corner and grabbed his bag pulling on his boots and swinging his bag over his shoulder he stepped out the back door and was greeted by Kofu the Cragbeasts Soft Coonings reaching down he scratched behind the ear hole on him and headed off for the forest just outside of the clearing making his way past the snares and traps he checked for new growth on some of the plants and used the sticks he found to prop some smaller bushes up. Seeing some Wintergreen berries he picked them and gave a few to Kofu placing all but one into his bag to took the one and with two fingers he made a small hole in the dirt and planted the seed in the earth slowly he hummed and thanks the earth mother for her gift to her children and got up and walked away unseen to him that a small tendril of magic seeped into the berry and were it was planted a small leaf popped out of the ground. As he made his way into the village kredion counted Out his small pile of coins he had gained over the last few weeks he should have enough to finally get that scroll From Numair the merchant today before he left town for another season. Ahh Kredion how good to see you again Boomed Numair. Hail Numair how fair thee on such a grand day said Kredion Formally. Ahh Kredion you warm my heart with such fine talk that i have taught yee now down to bone of things you have the money for the Scroll of Waloran? Numair asked. I have 4 Gold pieces and 31 Silver pieces and a few coppers is that enough? Kredion asked him. Yes laddy it is Give me 3 of your gold and 24 of those sliver and we will have this wrapped up for you in a jiffy lad. Numair said. Handing over the money Numair looked Kredion over and then leaned up close. Now laddie i have a way of hearing things now if i ain't mistaken is it not your birthing day tomarrow? Numair asked. Blushing Kredion Answered. Yes Numair it is however i feel silly even admitting it on such a sorrowful day such as tomarrow. Well laddie i have know you for a long time and i have made up my mind a certain matter that me and the seeress had agreed upon that on your 15th summer that you should get this from me. Handing a small Dagger and a Belt with some pouches. Here ye be with a trusty dagger to protect your self use it wisely and well be safe laddie Numair said as he ruffled Kredions hair before walking away. Step out of the Town Inn he walked back for the forest with his new gift Tomarrow was the mark of his last year with the seeress and the last year of his apprenticeship at normal means however his relationship with the seeress was a odd one at that who knew when he was really finished.[/i]
[i] As Hydra took Dustin to his room Kredions mind was buzzing with ideas for "Dustin's" new little weapon plus he still had alot of ideas for the Danger room. Pushing aside the ideas for the weapon Kredion made his way downstairs and into the wrecked danger room looking at what was left to do he got right on it wasting no time in repairing the various equipment in the room renforcing the walls and working on flood draining equipment afterwards he started working on some equipment that would challenge the other mutents here not just physically but mentally as well and shortly after noon he had three part already put in when hydra and dustin showed up to see what was up. As hydra walked in her mouth dropped as she looked around she saw that almost all traces of the damage she had done to the room were gone and seeing the new subpumps in the room her eyebrow went up. It wasn't until Kredion turnned around that he even noticed they were there.[/i] Kredion: oh hey guys.. Hydra: How did you fix all of this already? Kredion: it's what was left from last night i had to fix plus i added a few features.. but i still have a few things to add before i can test it out on someone however. Dustin: what is it a training room or something? Kredion: thats excatly what it is. However I still have to go through the computer database and fix whatever is wrong with that. Hydra: so what else you adding in yet? Kredion: Just a few thing might take a day or two at this rate. Thinking a partiacule beam cannon, a few mobile saws, some Partiacule barriars, a holographic generator, flamethrowers, Robotic enemies that come out of the walls, a command center up there * he points up towards the one wall* Maybe i can get Tremor to help dig out a hallway to it and a few new emergency protocals. Dustin: geez that it? Hydra: *throwing Dustin a crazy eye look* Kredion i am gald for your enthusism but are you sure you can add all that? Kredion:Positive just need a bit of time. [i] Angel walks in without anyone looking[/i] Angel: Then do what you have to i will get the resources together for you about time we got a mechnical whiz in here. Kredion: don't know if i am that but i will try my best. Hydra: anyhow Lunch is in 15 minutes i will be back down then. [i] with that the three leave kredion alone in the room as he looks around he thought hmmm perhaps i should add a automatic snak bar down here somewhere...and started back to work[/i]
Looking good guys ok sorry about the delay had a few things on my plate so i will get this started sometime today. Note the Sign ups are still open and anyone who has signed up who has any questions let me know ok? good.
[i] Watching Ariador Collasped to the floor Kredion stood up so quickly his chair fell over rushing over to his side Kredion got down on his knees and took Ariador's head in his hands and focused on his power inside. Suddenly the power inside erupted and Kredion flew wide eyed across the room and slammed into the wall breaking boards and splitering atable as he fell to the ground. The cold air weakened Kredion's natural toughness and for the first time in his life Red Iron Fluid fell to the floor shocking him. he had never seen his blood before it came from a cut on his cheek from when his face slammed into the wall. Standing up somewhat wobbly he flexed his muscles and attempted to get the tough muscled knot out of his body. Walking carefully back over to Ariador as everyone watched him and Ariador's unconscioness form he crept up to the body again and Allowed his innerflame to warm his hands and he held his hand to the humans head and focused on the power inside Ariador again this time watching with greater care the power levels inside the body. As he slowly Burned the Liquor out of body suddenly Ariador's eyes flew wide open.[/i]
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Kredion replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
Walking to the entrace of the forest Kredion saw a a Trio of men standing by the gate waiting for something as he walked towards them he saw two more men dressed simalarly walk over to the Trio and they all started to talk about something. ask Shinrei was ying yanging away in his ear Kredion glanced at the tree line and started to wonder how these ninja could feel safe among all these trees. As Shinrei Finsihed what he was talking about Kredion Saw that two of the men had Small Boxes in their hands Narrowing his eyes he looked over the outside and guessed that perhaps these men were taking a very valuable Idol or something to get Repaired or blessed perhaps. Look at them they have a pair of boxes and those boxes have Excellent worksmanship. Kredion saided. Shinrei Looked at the men and said. Yah so what do you think is in them? Treasure? Some Valuable? Probably a Idol or something Kredion told him. -
Besides your name i want to know how you became so darn powerful? asked Kredion. My name is Ariador and as for how i can be so power i took many years of hard training and hard work. Said Ariador Why what do you think it is? Something else.. i can feel how powerful you are.. you see i have ways of feeling these sort of things.. can we talk in the back? I don't want want everyone here to hear what i want to tell you. Kredion told him. Alright fine. Ariador Agreed. [i]Stepping into the corner of the room more away from everyone else the two sat down at a table.[/i] Now you see i ain't from around here, Not even close and i can tell your not either. Kredion told him. So i am that transparent huh? Well perhaps you can help me fix that you stick out like a sore thumb..Ariador said to him. I am from a much hotter place you prolly didn't notice that it seems to be a bit warmer back here then normal. This area is freezing but i hope my peoples enemies won't find us here. That is the hope any how. Kredion told him. So you come to me looking for help Ha you crazy i should go finish my drink. Ariador said. I need your help with him. Kredion said [i] Pointing to the man in black with glowing eyes at the next table Ariador looked at Kredion like he was nuts.[/i] Him? why Him? Ariador asked He has a very high power level. Kredion told him firmly.
RPG Naruto:An old Danger is brought back.(M-L:V possibly S)
Kredion replied to Anime Dreamer00's topic in Theater
[i] As the 4 ninja enter the presence of the Hakagai, Each had there own way was feeling about the Wagon. Shinrei was angry, Kredion was Puzzled and Yoshi was Bewildered only Ishtar seemed to be in comeplete control of her feelings.[/i] Shinrei: Lord Hakagai, What Is The Meaning Of This Senting Us on A Fool's Errand? Hakagai: to teach you to follow orders but also to keep a eye out for anything strange. Kredion: be that so there Are other ways unless there was two wagons. Hakagai: Ahh so you already figured it out. Shinrei: ok but Why? Kredion: so that we would distract the bandits of course.. why else.. -
[i] After dinner Kredion helped clear the table while the Gale washed dishes and Levi Dried them. Taking a rage he washed the table down swept the floor and went up to his room and started to tinker with a gadget he was hoping he could turn into a 3D screen projector for the training room if he could maybe he could create holographic enemys and missions. Shortly after Kredion started tinkering with it a knock on the door interupted him he went to the door and opened it Standing their was Hydra looking pretty as a full moon on a clear night over a patch of peace lillys in her jeans and pretty a little blue tidyed shortsleeved ruffle shirt.[/i] Hydra: Hey Kredion: Hey, whats up? Hydra: I was looking for you after i got that cobbler off, They told me you might be upstair messing with one of these little gadgets. Kredion: Yeah.. i kinda get a bit obsessed with them i guess. Hydra: Well if Angel wanted to give something to you. Kredion: Me? Why? What is it? Hydra: Come and see big boy. [i] As she walked down the hall way Kredion walked out the door and closed it on his way out, He jogged to catch up with her. As they neared Angel's Study/Office She knocked on the door and Angel hollered for them to come in.[/i] Angel: Ahh Kredion just the person i was looking for.
Name:Kredion Age:15 Gender:Male Appearance: See attachment. Personality: Stubborn, Calm tempered, Silly and Loyal Bio: Kredion Lives with the Seer of the Enchanted Forest although his training is almost complete he is always told he has a lot to learn however one of the special metals Kredion was told about of the mysterous ore and reliezing that it might not be a bad idea to have such a ore used to protect himself and others such a ore could be used to make a powerful defender or avenger. Silently warring with he self over it he has finally decided to find the ore and use it as a defensive power against anyone who would wish to harm him or others he loves. Animal: A Very small Cragbeast Animal's Name: Kofu the Cragbeast Animal Description: Kofu looks like a Bearded Dragon only about the size of a Large dog and Has a loyal personality and very smart.