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Everything posted by sango_elric

  1. Everything depends on my mood and other factors. One factor being that I am near sighted and the first time I watch something I have no great desire to squint at the televison set trying to read subtitles and watch the action simutaniously. so, the first time I watch something i watch it dubbed. After that, I will watch it in Japanese with subtitles so i can hear how the show/movie originally sounds/looks/feels. after that it depends on my mood and wether or not i'm watching the show/movie with other people. Then I usually give the other person their choice, because I'm a nice person. :)
  2. I'm not to worried about the fabric, it's more the pattern its self I'm worried about. I can get cotton pretty easily, since i'm pretty sure that's what i'll use. i may try doing an online seach for a pattern. the hakama pattern I found was online, so I may luck out again. Thanks! ---- sorry to post twice, but i just found out that Simplicity sells a haori and hakama pattern under either formal wear or jackets. I'm not sure how it looks or anything, so i was wondering if anyone had ever used this pattern. [color=#007520][INDENT][SIZE=1]I deleted your second post and copied the text into your first. If you want to add something, there's always the edit button. Don't double post. -r2[/SIZE][/INDENT][/color]
  3. I think that would work great maybe you can wrap the strips with tissue papers make it thick, and wrap with the same red fabric you use for the costume. For wrapping with fabric, You can cheat by using staplers Staples, duct tape, and hot glue are all extreamly usful in costume making... trust me, I'm a theatre major.
  4. Fullmetal Alchemist-(spoiler warning... don't know how to cover it)[spoiler] when Huges dies, his funeral, and the last 2-4 episodes... i dunno the last few were just a cry-fest.[/spoiler] there have also been a few Inuyashas that made me tear up... Faithful Love song of before we met Part 2 was one... I know there are others, but i can't recall right now. [COLOR=#99121c][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Spoiler tags were added ~Ikillion[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. Ok, so silk is a no... I know I can definalty get some cotton and I can use RIT dye if I can't find red fabric. Does anyone know where I can find a pattern for a man's kimono? Also, jakewise, i had noticed the socks and sandals and i found a website i can buy "tabi" socks from, so I was planing on that, but i'm not sure what i'll do for the shoes... I had considered buying those flip flops with woven bamboo soles (at least i [I]think[/I] it's bamboo. it's very thin strips of something). Do you think that would work? Or is that what you ment by GAP sandals? Thanks again for your help!
  6. Thanks for the advice. I'm not to worried about the patterns, i found one for a hakama online that I can custom measure to fit me, and I know Simplicity has a kimono pattern that I can eaisly adjust. Everything I've read said to layer kimonos, so i was planning on that. a friend of mine suggested that i make my under kimono out of cotton and the outer cothes out of silk in order to better hold the shape of the clothing. Plus I can buy the under cotton sooner than the silk since i have to wait until i have some money to buy silk with. (cotton i can get for a doller a yard at Wal-Mart). Again thank you so much for the help. If you have any other suggestions I would be more than happy to hear them... or... read them...
  7. Hi, I'm new to the boards. I wasn't sure where to pot this so, i thought I would try posting here... Anyway, i'm in the process of trying to create a Kikyo costume and I have been frantically trying to find out what kind of material a shrine maidens uniform would be made out of. can anyone help me with this? I would greatly appriciate it.
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