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Everything posted by monipo1928
[COLOR=darkorchid][B]Name:[/B] Madeline Neko[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkorchid][B]Age:[/B] 25[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkorchid][B]Personality:[/B] Very shy. She will only speak her mind, or speak if she is spoken to. She is often considered snobby because she is so shy. She only speaks out when she is around her friends. If she is appointed leadership of a group, then she will speak out, and fulfil that position of leadership.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkorchid][B]Appearance:[/B][/COLOR][URL="http://www.youthink.com/quiz_images/full_639254837.jpg"][COLOR=darkorchid]http://www.youthink.com/quiz_images/full_639254837.jpg[/COLOR][/URL] [COLOR=darkorchid][B]Bio:[/B] Born in BC, Canada, she looks very fragil for someone from Canada. Her parents were known for being the best fighters in Canada, placing numbers one and two on the champions list. She grew sick of their shadows and moved to Japan when she was 14. She lived in a dojo, learning the way of traditional sword fighting in Japan. She is now a master of that and has moved into the US, now traveling through AZ. She is also known world wide for her singing voice.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkorchid][B]Weapon:[/B] She fights with two long swords and a metal fan.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkorchid][B]Magic:[/B] She uses mainly ice, with a little bit of water.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkorchid][B]Sin:[/B] She fights wrath along with Mikel.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#9932cc]On second thought, I will not be playing a sin because I can not keep up with it as of right now.[/COLOR]
I'm totally interested in being a Folarian and a Samurai ^^
Wow....sounds complicated. I am a writer, but....My storylines are usually confusing. But while I am willing to help, I also have school I must attend and homework I must complete. So I will not be able to finish one storyline right away.
[SIZE=2][COLOR=deepskyblue]Madeline Neko gasped as ABEL grabbed Kaelthrin. [B]"Let him go!"[/B] she screamed, her voice echoeing off the walls. She scratched his hand with her nails, trying to get him to let go. She was almost desperate for him to let go. [B]"Please"[/B] she sobbed, dropping onto her knee's. She let tears fall down her now paled face and drop to the ground. She watched ABEL, unable to help because of her anorexia.[/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue][I]Please god, let someone help me![/I] she thought, glancing at ABEL and Kaelthrin.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=deepskyblue]Madeline Neko heard Travis rush after her and she sighed. She had taken care of the two she had heard. But she rolled her eyes and she sniffed him out. Quickly she made her way over to Travis, sighing when she spotted him. She quickly ran up to him and pointed a finger at him.[B] "If you keep protecting me like this, you'll end up getting yourself killed you know!"[/B] she exclaimed, getting in his face. A moment later, she pulled back and smiled softly. [B]"But, if you must, then I will let you..."[/B] she said softly. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
Thank you Drizzt. I really appreciate this, so thank you.
The Enemy- You're accepted. Though more of a bio would have been appreciated, I will still accept this. I also think it will make the RP interesting.
The RP is up and running, and sign ups will remain a little long before they get closed. I will try to make a Backstage thread, but if I can't, I will leave that up to Drizzt Do'urden
Neptune-You're accepted, very good sign up. But Madeline is not the leader of the GUK, but of the half animal people. The Black Order- You are accepted. Nice sign up.
[SIZE=2][COLOR=deepskyblue]Madeline Neko heard the yell, grabbed Kaelthrin and duck the knife. She glared at him before recognizing him. [B]"ABEL, its ok! We're your friends, not your enemies!We've been experimented on to!"[/B] she yelled at him, knowing the anger he felt. They had entered his territory, but he didn't have to attack them.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=deepskyblue]Madeline Neko walked around the camp she had set up for the group she gathered. She sighed as she looked around at everyone going about their business. She walked into her tent and examined her scythe. She took a cloth and gently wiped it clean. When it was spotless, she put it down on her bed and crawled back out of her tent. She walked around the camp once more, trying to think of something to do. Her dog ears twitched as they picked up a conversation about 2 miles to the north. It was 2 GUK members talking about someone leaking information about the camp. She groaned and crawled back into her tent, grabbing her scythe and crawling back out. She ran off into the forest, seeking out the two GUK members to kill them. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=deepskyblue]Madeline looked from her ankle to Kaelthrin. She nodded slightly and tried to stand up. She teetered back and forht before steadying herself. She walked forward, limping a little. [B]"I think its ok...."[/B] she said, looking at it. She heard footsteps heading towards them and grabbed Kaelthrins hand, running down a side street and into an old abandoned warehouse. She shut the door, locking it behind her as soon as Kaelthrin had entered. She looked around to see dozens of rats and mice. She let out a small scream and ducked behind Kaelthrin. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
Decay- You're accepted. Great sign up too. I really like it, it was interesting. ^^ sakurasuka-You're accepted after you finish your sign up. I also like your's. It was interesting also. Sign ups will remain open the rest of this week, and some of next. I will put a notice up about 2 days before sign ups close.
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Madeline Neko blushed as Kaelthrin took her hand and started running off with her. She let him pull her along while she was having a fight with herself in her head. He likes you! a small voice shouted at her. No he doesn't, she replied. She tripped over a rock and fell, cursing herself as she fell. She laned face down on the ground, her hand going to her ankle immediatly. [B]"Ow..."[/B] she said quietly, looking at Kaelthrin.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Madeline Neko nodded to Kaelthrin and looked back at the door she had come through [B]"come on"[/B] she said, running out the door and down the alley way. She stopped when she saw more agents talking to the one who had fled, and turned around. She headed back the way she had come, and ducked behind a big dumpster. She awaited Kaelthrin who had fallen behind.[/COLOR]
Everyone is accepted, and I love everyone's idea's. I must say, I didn't expect anyone to sign up, but thanks to everyone that did. Now for my sign up: [B]Name:[/B] Madeline Neko [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Personality:[/B] Madeline, or Maddie as she is sometimes called, is a kind and caring person. She cares about her group of half animals like they were her family. When it comes to the government though, she's as cold as can be. She may seem like bit of a ditz at times, but she is extremely smart. She can generally outwit the Government, but there are a few times when they outwit her. [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://photobucket.com/image/anime%20demons/youkoselementalkitsune/anime%20demons/PunkKitty.jpg?o=51"]http://photobucket.com/image/anime%20demons/youkoselementalkitsune/anime%20demons/PunkKitty.jpg?o=51[/URL] Madeline is part dog, part sorceress and part human. [B]Weapon:[/B] A scythe, knives and throwing stars. [B]Abilities:[/B] [I]Joker Illusion-[/I] Madeline shows the oponent a joker card and their instantly caught in an illusion. The illusion usually lasts about five minutes and the oponent usually see's the joker that was on the card. The oponent usually is to distracted by the illusion to notice Madeline sneaking around behind them to attack. [I]Bloody Tempest-[/I] Madeline creates an Illusion that shows the opponents loved ones around them, dead. The illusion lasts about ten minutes, in which time the opponent usually goes crazy, giving Madeline an opening to attack. [I]Levitate-[/I] Madeline uses this as a defence. She usually will levitate herself into the air to avoid on coming attacks. [I]Sense of smell-[/I] Being part dog, Madeline has an excellent sense of smell. She can smell someone from the Government five miles away. [I]Sense of hearing-[/I]Madeline also has a great sense of hearing. She can hear things from up to 3 miles away. [B]Bio:[/B] Madeline's parents were killed when she was 2, so she doesn't remember them at all. A young woman took her in and trained her so she could defend herself. When the Government found out that Madeline had survived, they were furious. They sought her out, figuring out that the young woman had taken her in. They ransacked the house she was staying in, killed the woman and stole Madeline's scythe. Madeline was out in the forest, collecting berries at the time and when she got back, she found the woman she had come to love dead. She looked for her scythe, and realized that they must have taken it and went in search for the HQ of the Government. She found it, infiltrated it, and stole back her scythe. Since then, the Government has been looking for her, a bounty on her head. Madeline decided to get a group together of half animal people like her after a while.
[SIZE=2][COLOR=deepskyblue]Madeline Neko looked at the two new comers and felt heat rise into her cheeks. She looked away, an angry expression on her face. She stood up from where she was sitting and walked past the two new comers. She knew who they truly were, but wasn't going to shoot her mouth off. Her father had shown her pictures of everyone they had experimented on and gave her the mission of bringing them all together before she had to run. She politely asked them to move from in front of the door and when they did, she opened it, walked out and slammed it behind her. She just wanted to be left alone with Kraelthrin so she could get to know him better. But could she?! No! Because everyone else seemed to be showing up. [B]"Stupid experiment..."[/B] she muttered, angry with her adoptive father.[/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue]A few Government agents were outside the building, waiting for the right time to strike. They heard someone muttering and nodded to each other. They ran in and surrounded Madeline. Madeline growled a low, harsh growl. She was already in a bad mood, this didn't add to it. She formed a spear of ice, using wind to chill her water. She threw it at an agent and pierced his heart, freezing his heart, giving him a slow, painful death. [B]"Wonderful" [/B]she said cruelly.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=deepskyblue]Madeline looked at Rika as she healed her wounds. "I could have done that..." Madeline muttered, inaudible. She looked up at Kaelthrin, awaiting his response to this...women who had just appeared out of no where. She stared at Kaelthrin for a minute before looking away, blushing slightly. The blush was light enough to not be seen. She looked at the ceiling and frowned. The fear still showed in her eyes, and she hated that. [COLOR=plum]((Where is the other person? Anywho, I cant write much right now as I am currently having brain farts))[/COLOR] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=deepskyblue]Madeline Neko watched in amazement as Martel killed one of the agents. It was then she seemed to snap out of her panic and looked around her. She got a firey look in her eyes and narrowed her eyes to a glare, sending death glares at the agent. She smirked, pulled her hand away from Kaelthrin, reached down and took out a small throwing knife from a pouch on her lower leg. She grinned as she threw it, piercing one of the agent's vital organs. He was dead within seconds. She grinned again, grabbing Kaelthrin and running into a different room. She shut the door behind her and looked at Kaelthrin. She watched him for a bit before walking over to the couch that was in the room and sitting down on it. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=deepskyblue]Madeline Neko was surprised by the person who suddenly charged at her. She shut her eyes tightly, shaking. She was extremely scared right then and there, the Government officials chasing after her. As Kaelthrin's aura tried to sooth her, her body seemed to reject the attempt. That was how her body reacted to new things. It rejected them now... she screeched as a searing pain went through her arm. She looked down to see that a throwing knife had been thrown and it has cut through her soft flesh. Her face paled as she watched the blood flowing from her arm, unable to move. She stopped and stood there like a deer in headlights. ((Sorry...my brains dead right now...this is all I could think of at the moment)) [/COLOR][/SIZE]
It was 2034, a quiet year for some, but for the world, a new leader was rising. He was slowly convincing the world that in order to have world peace, everyone must look and act the same. And so it began. Three years later, everyone is the same. The world of once full of unique individuals had fallen. It was now time of the holocaust. Anyone who didn?t fit in: mentally ill, handicapped, and the most unique of all, half animal people, were sent to death. It is now 2038. All the mentally ill and handicapped have been killed off. All that stands in this leader?s way is the half animal people. They have been run out of their homes and beaten. They have just recently found a clearing in the middle of a dense forest that no one knows about and have been setting up a small settlement there. The only thing that is keeping them alive is hope, hope for vengeance and hope that the world will return to its former glory. A leader had risen from the handful of these people left and her name is Madeline Neko. She has assembled a small army and is leading attacks against the Global Unity Keepers, or GUK. It seems that everyday they get more and more supporters and more people joining their army. You have become one of them. Our journey begins here. We are half animal half human people. We are considered abominations of the human race. Sign up: Name: Age: Personality: Appearance: (Please include what type of animal you half are; pic or desription) Weapon: (please no high tech gear or guns, for they'll run out of ammo) Abilities:(everyone must have at least one) Bio: I will post my sign up after a few people have signed up. Hopefully, people will want to join.
[SIZE=2][COLOR=deepskyblue]Madeline Neko hid out in the local diner. She had her head down as she ate. The door banged open and some government officials walked through. They looked around the small diner and let their eyes rest on Madeline. She looked up at them, scared. She shook her head and sent a wave of wind at them, hitting them and blowing them back. She ran out of the diner and ran down a street at random, never once looking back. She knew it was only a matter of time before the officials caught up to her, so she just kept running and running. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
I would like to have an underground thread to discuss this RP. One of us could make it, preferably not me, seeing as I'm horible at doing stuff like that.
[COLOR=deepskyblue]Name: Madeline Neko[/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue]Age: 18[/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue]Looks:[URL="http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q172/echoizzy14/anime/girls/schoolgirl.jpg"]Madeline Neko[/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue]Long light brown hair, skinny figure, about 115 pounds, slightly anorexic. Long arms with graceful fingers, long fingernails and long graceful legs and small feet. Slightly muscular, but it doesn't show on her. Big prominent eyes bluey green eyes, small nose and nice full pouty lips. [/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue]Personality: Madeline is a kind girl at heart. She is normally outgoing and would do anything for her friends. She'd die for anyone she considers a friend. Around her run down house though, she is very casual, even going as far as walking around in boxers and a bra. But when it comes to strangers, she can be considered cold and distant, not caring about them. But watch out! If you get her pissed off at you, then its like a hungry tiger tearing you apart, limb from limb.[/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue]Bio: Madeline doesn't remember her past because she has amnesia. She will get flashbacks of a horrible past full of pain and hurt which seems to be tied together with the scar from her right shoulder to her lower back. She only remembers that a scientist adopted her when she was 14, and loved her very much. Her adoptive father was convinced to experiment on her, and did unwillingly. Now she roams the streets, trying to save humanity.[/COLOR] [COLOR=deepskyblue]Abilities: She can heal injuries, project her voice into others minds, and control 2 of the 4 main elements. She can control Water and Wind, combining it and making a deadly combination. [/COLOR]
(Im back!) Nami watched as the others retreated. This peace wouldn't last for long she knew it. She turned to Sayoko and opened her mouth to say something but then abruptly shut it. "That Tetra...she's Orochimaru's daughter..." Sayoko said quietly. "What?!" Nami said, shocked. "I saw it with my Byakugan..." Sayoko said.