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Everything posted by monipo1928
Skye walked through the woods on her quest to gather a group to defeat team incarnate. While she knew it was dangerous to be walking alone after dark but she had to get to the next town. She wasnt far now and as she walked she heard footsteps not far behind her. She faced the direction of the footsteps and someone ran into her. "Hey!Watch where your...going" she said looking into their face. "Well well well. Looks like I found you Skye!" a voice said snickering. "Damn... Flare!" Skye said towards the oncoming team incarnate member. "Well looks like you remember me" Flare said,her midnight black hair flowing through the wind. "Well duh i remember you! You took silvershock away!Then you went and tried to beat me up! Well not this time! Jungle use earthquake!" Skye said throwing a pokeball into the air. A marshstomp appeared using earthquake. "Go Star!" Flare said as a starmie appeared beside her. "Hey dude!Are you a pokemon trainer?" Skye asked the guy who had run into her. "Yeah. Names hiro masa." Hiro said introducing himself. "Yeah yeah whatever. You might want to help considering flare's the top merc of team incarnate and not only that but she was also one the elite four at one point in time" Skye said. OOC:Sorry for powerplaying but skye had to find one of them in the forest.
Your in..........Ill try to get the RPG up sometime today......
Name:Nami Uzumaki Age:16 Gender:Female Rank:Jounin Village of Origin:Leaf village Appearance:[IMG]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f151/Aki_Hakkai_/Anime%20Ninja/anime_girl_fav222.jpg[/IMG] Likes:fighting, proving herself, Sasuke,ramen, Training her team and being alone Dislikes:Preps, annoying people, Haku, and anything that isnt what she likes Personality Quirks:Unpatient,can be cold at times and is often considered weird. Special Jutsu: Hidden Sound Wave-Hides in the tree's as the user shouts this out and sends sound waves from their hands. Dragons Flame no jutsu- Gets engulfed in flames. Then absorbs the flames and lets it out as something resembling a dragons flame. Special Weapon:A sword on her waist called DragonFang(has an attack called Dragon strike) Bio:When she was a child she had been known as the child prodigy. She was a jounin at the age of 6 because of being able to surpass everyone. Although she doesn fall in battle sometimes she is still being offered to be hokage. Being able to surpass the sharingan in the past has built her a status. When she was 3 she lost all she ever loved. Also she was first offered the position of hokage at the age of 8. And is still being offered that same position from time to time. . I know the bio is all mixed up but i was in a hurry to type it.
Evevyone is in and now here is my sign up.... Name-Skye Haruki Age-18 Personality- Happy and outgoing going. She has trusted many people in her past who led her down the wrong paths and betrayed her trust. Up until now her only friends were her pokemon. She sometimes comes off as weird and cold but usually she's just afraid of what people will think of her. She's self concious about herself and often puts herself down. She's better then she thinks at battling with pokemon. She hardly ever gets in people's ways or stops them from doing something they want except for when she's battling team incarnate. Appearance-[URL=http://images.quizilla.com/E/Elemental-Cat-Demon/1110933027_3-1238-130.jpg]Skye(but without the wings)[/URL] When they started training-10 Are they a gym leader-Yes Pokemon(nicknames included if they have one,levels also included)- Silvershock (Absol)- Lvl 58 Flame (Blaziken)- Lvl 30 Jungle (Marshtomp)- Lvl 40 Skitters (Skitty)- Lvl 28 Miles (Medicham)- Lvl 40 Skar (Skarmory)- Lvl 45 What they want to be(coordinator,pokemon master)-Master Bio/Writing sample-She has had a few run in's with team incarnate in the past. Her first one was when they took her beloved medicham from her. She was pleading with them to give it back to her when an absol aided her. As soon as her medicham was freed she kicked team incarnates butts. The absol lets her catch it and then aided her whenever she needed the help. Then when team incarnate took all of her pokemon ash ran into her and helped her get them back. She thanked ash and joined him on her journey. She is currently the gym leader in fortree city.
Scroll 1-Collision Course "Kakashi!Wait up!"Sakura yelled as team 7 tried to catch up with their sensei.As kakashi ran ahead,team 7 realized that he had dropped his book back there in the clearing. "has he ever-" NAruto started to say as he ran into Hinata Hyuuga. "N-naruto!A-are you o-ok?"She asked naruto timidly while his teamates ran ahead of him."Yes hinata-san,im fine" Naruto said. "Naruto!You slowed us down come on!"Sakura shouted slightly annoyed with the big idiot. "Sorry hinata-san!I have to go!" Naruto said sidestepping hinata and running to catch up with his teamates. When he caught up with them he noticed kakashi slowing down. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ill finish the first chapter later =(
[B]"Ash!Ash wait up!"[/B] Skye yelled. Skye had recently joined up with ash on his travels around the hoenn region. Little did she know she was soon to be seperated from her friend to create a group to help destroy team incarnate's plans to rule the world of pokemon. [B]"Skye!Where were you?!"[/B]Ash demanded as you caught up with him.You tried to look a little hurt because he was your best friend and your partner in tag team battle's. You looked around before answering him with a sigh. [B]"Ash i saw someone i havent seen for a long time ok?" "Oh yeah?Who?!" "Misty" "M-misty?!She's here?!"[/B] [B]"Yeah she is. Why are you blushing?Wait you like her dont you ash?!"[/B] [B]"Like who?!"[/B]Demanded a familiar female's voice from behind ash. [B]"Oh just that i think ash likes a certain girl"[/B] Skye said as ash shot her a dirty look. Suddenly there was a loud crash coming from the forest ahead of them. Skye dashed ahead and since ash and misty werent as fast as her couldnt keep up. When they caught up with skye she was staring ahead at a large metalic absol. [B]"Go miles!"[/B] She shouted throwing an ultra ball onto the feild. Soon a medicham came out and took place beside skye.[B] "miles use ice punch followed up by hi jump kick!" [/B] Skye shouted.Miles followed her orders and attacked the metalic absol blowing it up and send the crummy team rocket flying off into the air. [B]"Cool moves skye!"[/B]Misty exclaimed as miles returned to her pokeball. [B]"Thanx misty"[/B]Was all skye said before walking off. Soon a peice of paper hit skye in the face. Skye read the paper which appeared to be a note to her.It read this: [COLOR=Blue]Dear Miss.Haruki, We apologize for the inconvienence of this note. We really need your help to create a group to battle with team incarnate and stop their plans!We know you already travel with ash(why we dont know) but we need your help on this!There will be many others who will be notified but you will be the leader if you accept. Just keep this in mind:every second wasted team incarnate gets one step closer to completeing their plans and ruleing this world! [RIGHT]signed: [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Denise Haruki[/FONT][/RIGHT][/COLOR] Here is the sign up sheet: Name- Age- Personality- Appearance-(Picture,link or a detailed description) When they started training- Are they a gym leader- Pokemon(nicknames included if they have one,levels also included)- What they want to be(coordinator,pokemon master)- Bio/Writing sample- Ill post my sign up after some people sign up
It was 2034, a quiet year for some, but for the world, a new leader was rising. He was slowly convincing the world that in order to have world peace, everyone must look and act the same. And so it began. Three years later, everyone is the same. The world of once full of unique individuals had fallen. It was now time of the holocaust. Anyone who didn?t fit in: mentally ill, handicapped, and the most unique of all, half animal people, were sent to death. It is now 2038. All the mentally ill and handicapped have been killed off. All that stands in this leader?s way is the half animal people. They have been run out of their homes and beaten. They have just recently found a clearing in the middle of a dense forest that no one knows about and have been setting up a small settlement there. The only thing that is keeping them alive is hope, hope for vengeance and hope that the world will return to its former glory. A leader had risen from the handful of these people left and her name is Skye. She has assembled a small army and is leading attacks against the Global Unity Keepers, or GUK. It seems that everyday they get more and more supporters and more people joining their army. You have become one of them. Our journey begins here. We are half animal half human people. We are considered abominations of the human race. Sign up: Name: Age: Personality: Appearance: (Please include what type of animal you half are; pic or desription) Weapon: (please no high tech gear or guns, for they'll run out of ammo) Bio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As soon as a few people sign up i will post my sign up's. This was an RP originaly started by a friend of mine,nekosama101. It never got finished and was a really good one so i thought i might revive it in memory of her. Hopefully some of the original people who signed up will sign up again
Name:Skye NightTerror Age:16 Gender:Female Race:High elf Appearance:[url=http://members.aol.com/theodorius/AnimeIowa/DanielFielding-elves-big2.jpg][u](skye's the one on the right)[/u][/url] Likes:Training,Being alone,Dark places,Meadows,Waterfalls,Magical creatures,working alone,meditating Dislikes:Annoying people,boys,preps,working with a group Class:Warrior & Mage Abilities or Specialization:Fire & Warrior skill Biography:Having a lonely child hood she naturely became a loner.She perfers to work alone instead of a group.When she's not meditating she's training. Being a member of the society of elves and a natural loner,gives her trouble sometimes. As a child she was used to being the loner of her village and getting made fun of.She's a totally different person when she's fighting though. She often gets defensive if someone asks her to much of her past and waves the questions off. She does show she cares about someone if they can get close enough to her though. [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]I changed your image to a link because it was distorting the page width. - Sandy[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Sign Up Inuyasha Warriors:Rise of Empires (M-LV maybe S)
monipo1928 replied to Deathsye's topic in Theater
Name:Skye NightTerror Age:16 Race/Nationality:Human Likes:.:edit:. Dislikes:.:edit:. Appearance:.:edit:. Weapons:Katana,Bow and arrow,and a regular sword Abilities:.:edit:. Bio:.:edit:. -
rei noticed that david has dissapeared.Sure enough his fears were soon realized when he heard david shouting,sounding thirsty for revenge. "Shit skye i have to go back!" Rei said suddenely. "But if you go back you'll get yourself killed!" Skye protested. "Skye heal yourself now" Rei said as he walked back to the site where david was now fighting. "But i couldnt heal earlier!" Skye protested but it was no use this only resulted in making rei angry. "Just do it!" He snarled. "Fine" and with that skye was able to heal herself.She followed rei out of curiosity and saw someone takin gon the slayer that had almost killed her and she was suddenely filled with rage.she began to float up in the air and glowed black a moment later she was on the ground her hair down and in a pale pink kimono.Seconds later she spoke some weird language and sent a blast of energy towards zak and hit him sending him flying into a wall full force. Skye's eyes had seemed to turn from a bright yellow to a dark mid-night black.She was filled with rage and suddenely let her inner ppower posses her. As she walked towards zak rei walked to david and told him to calm down now that skye was taking things into her own hands.Secretly rei was worried for skye for he had never seen her like this.He knew that she was filled with rage and had the potental to kill anyone in this state.
Real Name:Skye Annabell NighTerror Screen name:~Xx*StarPower*xX~ Nickname: Star Location:Paris Age:15 Personality:.:edit:. Appearance:[URL=http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m5/key_of_darkness/everydays/accidentallyfell.jpg]Click[/URL] Bio:.:edit:.
Skye was walking around when she heard some noise.She looked around to see a light flickering in a window.She lilghtly pushed herself of the ground and up to the window.She saw two of the slayers rei had mentioned.And one of them saw her...She let out a small gasp and tried to get out of sight but it was really no use...so she just kept running like the first time she encountered the slayers but this time she ran to a dead end.The people from the room had chased her and now she had no way to escape except battle her way through the slayers...Suddenely Rei showed up and got into a battle stance. "What the hell are you doing getting into trouble with the slayers?" Rei shouted above the clanging of metal.He now fought off jaden. "Its not my fault!Honestly!It was scarlet that said i was the one to destroy them!"Skye shouted back at him. "Not your fault?!Skye your the one who let them fricken see you in the first place!" Rei sounded angry and skye knew he was.She had to do something...but what?Her instinct told her to pick up rocks and throw them at the slayers but her heart said to help rei fight in melee combat.She followed her instinct and threw rocks at the slayers faces.All the rocks hit their targets knocking some out while others were just dazed and couldnt see very well. "Come on!We have to get out of here!"Skye said grabbing rei's hand and pulling him towards her own apartment in the city. She packed up what little stuff she had counted her money and hurried out of the apartment she had rented.She tossed the keys to someone who was just asking for an apartment to rent. "You can take my apartment cause im moving out..."Skye started before her voice trailed off and she stopped abruptly.She stared ahead in shock. "Shit their fast"She said.Before she had a chance to move they spotted her and came towards her...She didnt want innocent people hurt and she put her stuff down which included a laptop a few extra outfits and a few accesories,on the hard marble floor.She faced the slayers with her hand at her hip on a nearly invisible sheath and sword handle.The only time the sword was clearly in vision and able to be seen by other people except her was when it was in use. "Hey vampire!Whats a puny girl like you doin wandering the streets?Shouldnt you be in the sewers?"One of them joked.Since she had come out a slayer that was almost drunk but still a bit sober had joined the group of four.The slayer that had joked resulted in his chest ripped right open and the body was tossed aside. Skye's eyes glowed red and she dissapeared from veiw and appeared in front of them.She quickly drew her sword tetsaiga and faced off with the slayers.
"Yes.They are vampire slayers so stay away from them. I am a vampire like others and they are out to slay us" Rei said walking swiftly in the shadows.Soon he was in an area not familiar to david.He stepped out of the shadows to see a young vampire that looked about to be in her 20's.Rei approached the girl with david still trailing behind him looking around cautously.
Rei tasted the tray of snacks and took a moment to answer. "Yes they are to my liking" Was what he replied coldly.He suddenely sensed another vampire and stood up and swiftly moved out of the room. "Come on there is another vampire nearby" He said as if acid hit his tongue.He was suddenly in the streets of new york and passed a girl and a man who seemed to be about to fight. He looked in their direction and sensed the vampire slayers in both of them. He quickly walked into the shadows with david trailing behind him.
Your in!now the sign ups are closed!
I ran franticly through the graveyard looking for a way to escape. They were right behind me now and i knew what they wanted.They wanted me dead. They were vampire slayers and were out to kill me because i had been the one who had first been sent out in search of the victim. I ran around a corner and found the way out. It was the circle of rethlehim. "Come on i think she went this way!" I heard one of the shout. I stepped into the circle and shouted, "Designation 01800" Just as they ran up i dissapeared in a burst of blue flames. WHen i appeared in my disination i ran into the darkness that had engulfed me. Soon i was in a stone room with a fire flickering in the middle. There was a shadowy figure standing in the flickering light of the flames and i shouted at him. "Why the hell did you do that Scarlet?" I shouted at the black figure. "Do what?" The figure that was obviously scarlet asked me. "Lead me into this mess!The vampire slayers almost killed me!" I shouted in anger and frustation and the only way i knew how to show it was throw things.So i threw a rock and it hit scarlet square in the head.She flew back into the wall and landed on the ground with a loud thud. "Sister!" I screamed running up to her.I helped her up and she steadied herself. "You are the one" She muttered. "What?" I asked now confused about what she had said. "You are the one destined to destroy the vampire slayers and restore this world back to the way it was before they came into our universe. The way when vampire's could live in peace with demons skye" Scarlet said hugging me. "But your more expeirenced then me!Your 31 and im only 21!" I said as i slid down the wall and sat down. "Sister you have to do this!I have summoned some other vampires to help you in this quest. It will be a long and hard quest and i do not expect you to come back alive but if you do i want you to know that i will be waiting. If you dont i want you to know that i love you sister" She said before i went on my way to my room. I was sitting in my room when i heard a noise coming from outside. I went to look and i found that there was a demon. He krept closer as i backed up against the stone wall of the house. I almost let a scream escape my lips when i saw that this was a vampire slayer. "SO you guys finally found out how to work the circle of rethlehim huh?" I asked slowly putting my hand on my swords handle. "Yeah and now its time for you to die" It spoke and came running towards me.I was ready. With a quick flick of my wrist i had my sword out and was charging at the demon. I let a battle cry escape from my mouth and slashed through the demons. Moments later i was greeted by a vampire who seemed to take an interest in me... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC-its started!Now anyone who signed up as a vampire can be the person who took an interest in skye
Quicksilver~Very good sign up and your in Lost voice~Your sign up was good but next time can you make your bio a little longer? [B][U]Accepted[/U][/B] Lost voice Quicksilver Nefertimon Forest Crusader Prowlingdarknes
"No!I do not wish to see you leave sera!Besides just call me hikaru none of that miss stuff" hikaru said as she put a hand behind her head and laughing a sweet angelic laugh.Moments later she turned to Pyro be serious again. "Please to meet you PyroBlade. I must thank you for what you did earlier"She said turning around before walking off only to hear a lound BOOM coming from outside. She quickly sensed an unwanted presence and muttered under her breath, "Damn!" and ran outside with PyroBlade and Sera at her heels. When they got outside she saw sky lifting a struggling thomas up by his collar. "THOMAS!" Hikaru screamed and shot forth at sky lunging with her pink lightsaber out. "Heh. So you finally come" Sky said tossing thomas to the side like he was a peice of shit. Instantly hikaru ran to save him before he hit the ground and ran to Sera and PyroBlade and asked one of them to protect her little brother. She then faced off with Sky as the wind blew threw both of their hairs.
Name:Zero Age:16 Personality:can be very kind to yuki and sometimes protective. Can also be very cold and distant sometimes but is generally friendly. If you piss him off he look out because he is scary if he's pissed off. When he's in vampire form he's as cold and distant as you can get except when he's around yuki. Appearance:Has mid-night black hair down to his shoulders with fire red streaks and red bangs. By day he wears the day class uniform but by night he wears the night time uniform. But when he is in vampire form at night his hair goes down to mid-back in a low ponytail(Kinda like itachi uchiha's hair) and his bangs go down just past his shoulders. Bio:Zero is part of the Day Class and at night he guards the Night Dorms to make sure that no Day Class students wander into the dorms. Now he's the head of the Night Dorms. He's a year older than me yet he was held back. His whole family was killed by a pureblood vampire and yet, Zero barely survived. He was raised by a vampire hunter to kill vampires and then I've known Zero for at least 4 years. Zero is also in the same class as Yuki but a year older.He's also been through alot and seems to be mysterious with his past and who he truely is. When yuki asks him what he's keeping from her he gets all cold and distant but yet he has a nervous look on his face.
RPG Phantom Dust-Ghosts of the Past (M-LV maybe S)
monipo1928 replied to Deathsye's topic in Theater
"Ok listen the thing is that when you destroyed the monster tsudo there was something else lurking in the shadows.I heard its breathing from here and thats not a good sign" Sky said as she felt a sharp pain in her right shoulder. "Tsudo i dont want to hurt you if i go into another trance" She choked out. Suddenley she hugged tsudo tightly and then gave him a quick kiss on the lips before walking away slightly limping. -
SO far these are the people excepted. [U][B]Accepted[/B][/U] Nefertimon Forest Crusader Prowlingdarknes Prowlingdarknes~YOur sign up hardly meets the expectations of this RPG and my standards but ill let you in this one time.Next time can you make your sign up a bit more organized and if you want to be on the vampire side then you will be on skye's side but please put how old you are in human years if you are a race other then human. And the bio/writing example has to be organized and can you please put how you went to meet skye please?And further more your writing is a bit confusing to me but like i said before ill let you in because you have never tried to join an RPG i have made and therefore you didnt know what my standards for RPG's are. --- I will try to get this RPG up and running today but the sign up's will stay open for a while.If anyone else wants to sign up they are welcome [COLOR=DarkGreen] [SIZE=1][B]monipo1928[/B], please don't double post but use the edit-button instead. If you want to bring the thread back up, just copy the text in your previous post to the new one and then delete the old copy. Also, if you don't like somebody's sign-up, you don't have to let them in. - Sandy[/SIZE][/COLOR]
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
"LEONDIS!" Sky screamed and fell out of the sky,landed on her fathers back and stabbed her sword into his back through his chest. He tried to shake her off but it just tore mmore of his chest apart until it hit his heart. He screamed with pain before sky's eyes went black. Leondis turned back to normal but sky fell limply to the ground. "Sky!" LEondis shouted before trying to run up to her but satan stopped him. "Its no use my dear boy for now she is mine to control!" Satan said while showing leondis the now changing sky. Both her wings went black and devilish,her outfit went black and her eyes stayed black. "Whats happening to me?" Sky said as she bent over with the change. "Darkness is now consuming your heart" Satan said laughing before wincing. Moments later sky was beside satan healing his wound she had created and was helping him up. She made a portal and made satan step through to the safety of his throne. SHe closed the portal after him and as everyone started to lung at her she stopped time. The only one out of the group that could move was leondis. "Leondis..." She started before running up to him. "THere is nothing that can be done to change me back. I just want you to know this-" She started before kissing him passionatley. She broke it off minutes later and heard leondis groan. "I love you and there is nothing that will change that" She said as she started to drop leondis' hand that she had grabbed. -
YOur accepted now i will sign up for my two characters. Name-Skye Age-Vampire:21 Human years:16 Personality-Often she will just stare off into space and start acting cold and distant but if you manage to get on her good side she's an all around great person to be friends with. Since she is the prophecy she is upset in a way but also happy in a way to be going on this quest. She often gets depressed for no reason and cheer's up minutes later. She is an unviolent person when it comes to fighting with humans who have done nothing but if she is facing an enemy she is aggressive. If you piss her off she'll get mad and probably throw something at your face. SHe often see's the beauty of what lays behind things where others dont normally see it. Appearance-[URL=http://webzine.anigate.net/img/2004/03mar/vampire_princess_miyu-01.jpg]Skye[/URL] Weapons-Some dark magic and two swords.One looks like tokijin and one looks like tetsaiga(Both names are from inuyasha :animeswea ) so she named her sword tokijin and tetsaiga Side-Duh she's skye Writing example-I was sitting in my room when i heard a noise coming from outside. I went to look and i found that there was a demon. He krept closer as i backed up against the stone wall of the house. I almost let a scream escape my lips when i saw that this was a vampire slayer. "SO you guys finally found out how to work the circle of rethlehim huh?" I asked slowly putting my hand on my swords handle. "Yeah and now its time for you to die" It spoke and came running towards me.I was ready. With a quick flick of my wrist i had my sword out and was charging at the demon. I let a battle cry escape from my mouth and slashed through the demons. Moments later i was greeted by a vampire who seemed to take an interest in me... OOC:Now for my other sign up Name-Rei Age-Vampire:23 Human years:18 Personality-Cold and quiet as his appearance suggests. He is arrogant and jerky but can sometimes make perverted jokes. Most of the time he's cold and distant as can be. If you know the true rei then you know he is an all around good guy. In battle he is aggressive no matter what and sometimes disagree's with things people say. He speaks his mind which is rare for he never speaks his mind normally. Appearance-[URL=http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i295/shadows_kill/anime%20guys/Rei02.jpg]Rei[/URL] Weapons-A sword he has named Orikatsu and a katana. He has dark magical abilities as well as lightning speed,in fact he can go the speed of light. Side-Skye Bio/Writing example-.:edit:.
I ran franticly through the graveyard looking for a way to escape. They were right behind me now and i knew what they wanted.They wanted me dead. They were vampire slayers and were out to kill me because i had been the one who had first been sent out in search of the victim. I ran around a corner and found the way out. It was the circle of rethlehim. "Come on i think she went this way!" I heard one of the shout. I stepped into the circle and shouted, "Designation 01800" Just as they ran up i dissapeared in a burst of blue flames. WHen i appeared in my disination i ran into the darkness that had engulfed me. Soon i was in a stone room with a fire flickering in the middle. There was a shadowy figure standing in the flickering light of the flames and i shouted at him. "Why the hell did you do that Scarlet?" I shouted at the black figure. "Do what?" The figure that was obviously scarlet asked me. "Lead me into this mess!The vampire slayers almost killed me!" I shouted in anger and frustation and the only way i knew how to show it was throw things.So i threw a rock and it hit scarlet square in the head.She flew back into the wall and landed on the ground with a loud thud. "Sister!" I screamed running up to her.I helped her up and she steadied herself. "You are the one" She muttered. "What?" I asked now confused about what she had said. "You are the one destined to destroy the vampire slayers and restore this world back to the way it was before they came into our universe. The way when vampire's could live in peace with demons skye" Scarlet said hugging me. "But your more expeirenced then me!Your 31 and im only 21!" I said as i slid down the wall and sat down. "Sister you have to do this!I have summoned some other vampires to help you in this quest. It will be a long and hard quest and i do not expect you to come back alive but if you do i want you to know that i will be waiting. If you dont i want you to know that i love you sister" She said before i went on my way to my room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok so the point of this is that a group of vampires are going on a quest to destroy the vampire slayers that were mentioned above. The vampire slayers are types of demons,humans ect ect. There will be some ground rules set and they will be displayed below. Now you can be on the vampire slayers side or skye's side whichever one you want. Vampire slayers are also known as VS. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NO more then 3 characters NO ultamite powers NO being undefeatable STICK to the rating NO changing things from your sign up unless i say you can ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now for the sign up: Name-(First and last if a human or if they have both) Age-(If demon/vampire please add how old they would be in human years and the regular for humans) Personality-(Pretty self-explanatory) Appearance-(Picture or a DETAILED description) Weapons-(Maximum of 2 if human,Maximum of 4 if demon with more then two arms,Maximum of 2 if vampire) Side- Bio/Writing example-(Must be AT LEAST a paragraph long) I will post my sign up after some people sign up
Name:Sky SkyTerror Age: 21 Gender: Female Blood type:O Height: 5 Ft 10 In Weight: 154 Allergies:Peanuts,Cats,Bee's,Dogs,Dust and Oranges(They upset her stomach and give her cramps) Phobias:Arachnaphobia