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Everything posted by monipo1928
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
OOC:Sorry i havent been on! IC: Sky was off in a deep part of the forest when she was confronted bby satan.She nearly screamed but remembered her training as a little girl. "So my dear daughter have you made your choice?" Satan asked her. "No father. But why would i join you?" She asked her father with fire glowing in her eyes. "Because you are my daughter and it is you fate to join me" Satan said. "Never!" She snarled thinking hard and sending a telepathic message to leondis,amaya,kokolukia and sersu. 'Guys i have been confronted by satan and i will be fighting him momentarily probably' " Now if you dont join me you will be killed" Satan said as he took out a glowing red demonic sword and charged at sky. She took out her own sword which was now glowing a bright red. 'No!' She thought as she quickly sheathed it and took her necklace off and turned it into a sword and started fighting. "Father" She said as if acid had just hit her tongue before she continued, "You think that i would leave my friends and...And the person i love?Well if you think i would leave leondis your wrong....Father" Satan managed to slash her arm a bit before the other's came running. She was bleeding and she didnt pay attention to it and was just trying to focu on the battle. She refused to lose. Not after all her years training under master swordsman and everything. "I will not lose to you father!" She shouted as leondis ran up. "Get back" She said not even looking at his worried face. "But-" He started before she cut him off by saying, "This is my battle and i will not let other people fight my battle's for me" She said as satan was just about to hit leondis. She blocked him before hearing someone else saying, "But sky!Your injuries are severe and you will not live if you dont let us help" "Fine" She said as she jumped 6 feet in the air and turning into her angel like form she had before and floating down. -
RPG Phantom Dust-Ghosts of the Past (M-LV maybe S)
monipo1928 replied to Deathsye's topic in Theater
Sky tried to answer but was voiceless for a moment. "M-My dad" She managed to choke out before she started to cry. Suddenley she got up and ran out of the room and bumped into tsudo's back and fell to the ground onto her right shoulder where the dagger had hit. She screamed with pain and tsudo turned around and looked and was instantly beside her. Deathsye ran up momentarily and helped tsudo help her up. -
Hikaru had shown up in sera's room and was now in a conversation with her. "Sera!" Hikaru whined. "I cant help but show my feeling's after i have lost so many people i care about in war. First my master, Then my parents, Then my older sister and now im afraid to lose thomas" She said sitting down on the bed. "Its ok. We will figure something" Sera said as hikaru heard Pyro sit down outside the room. "Sera.Someone's outside the room. Ill go check it out" Hikaru said taking out her lightsaber and turning it on. She crept closer to the door and when she got out she saw the person she had run into before sitting there. "Why if it isnt the person from earlier" She said as Pyro gets up.
Hikaru just pulled her knee's up to her chest and layed her head down. She was crying like crazy. Finally she got tired of swatting hands away and let PyroBlade help her up. She sniffed before she tried to run again but a youngling came up and hugged her. "Sister....Why are you crying?" The youngling said hugging hikaru's legs. "Brother" Hikaru said dropping onto her knee's and hugging her younger brother. "Sister who are these people?" Thomas said. "Little thomas.....These are outsiders" Hikaru said still crying. "Sister...Please stop crying..It scares me because your normally so happy and energetic" Thomas said to his big sister. Everyone just stood there dumbfounded because they had never known hikaru had a little brother.As hikaru and thomas hugged each other hikaru's thoughts wondered about what sky was planning right then and there and where she was. She tightened her grip on her little brother and her student at the thought of sky mabey killing him. "Sister?" Thomas said reading his sister's mind. "I dont want to lose you thomas" She said knowing exactly what he was going to say. "Um-"PyroBlade started but Hikaru looked up and looked shocked. "Oh this is my little brother and my youngling and padawan thomas" Hikaru said putting her hand on his shoulders pulling him into her side.
[COLOR=Purple]Hikaru stood up and turned around. She had tears in her eyes. [B]"This is what i get for trying to protect my home planet?Well tthen i wont anymore......Akira!" [/B] She said as akira stummbled up. [B]"Y-yes?" [/B] The now frightened akira said stuttering. [B]"Let this planet go...Stay here and you will not survive my master but i can not take you where im going"[/B] Hikaru said with her head down towards the ground while tears streamed down her face. Suddenely she broke into a sprint and ran off. While she was running she ran into PyroBlade and landed on her butt. She just cried even more. Sera was suddenly beside the now crying hikaru and was trying to help her up but hikaru just swatted her hand away. [B]"Why are you trying to help me?"[/B] She cried as sera tried to help her up again but hikaru kept swatting sera's hand away.[/COLOR]
"My master was hurt pretty badly but she did not slip i assure you. Before he came into my master's room they attacked her" Hikaru said. "And we wont give you a lecture about anything but trust me if you want to do this to here then you will have to deal with me" She said acidly. She stood with her legs apart as the wind blew through her hair. Blood dawn faced across from her. She hated to face someone in real battle on her own home planet. "If you wanna face me in battle then you will not be leaving this place un-touched" She said as the wind blew hair across her face. Suddenley she did a jump into the air and flipped three times before landing in a cat like position. She held her lightsaber in her hand before akira stummbled out. "Hikaru...Do not fight them for it will only bring war to this planet and-" Akira started before hikaru cut her off. "Shut-up!I will do as i want to these people for hurting you" Hikaru said while bringing out her lightsaber blade which was a pinkish one. It was pink because she had customized her blade.
Suddenley out of no where a girl popped out and she looked around her saying, "Why the hell am i here?!" She looked around when her eyes suddenley fell on baal. She looked like she was pissed and she was so to see baal made her a little bit happier but she was still not happy on being where she was. "Your baal right?" She said in a kind of pissed of tone. "Yeah" Baal said getting annoyed at this new presence. "Good" Was all she said before turning and walking off. Baal wondered what she was doing there because she didnt look like she should receive salvation if there still was salvation. She looked like one who would receive damnation.
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
Sky was blushing hard and she thought back to her first love. 'Sorry 'bout what has happened aiden but you dumped me' She thought as she saw leondis staring at her. "Thanx leondis" She said quietly grabbing leondis' hand and giving it a squeeze. Soon she was back to staring at the sky.She had no idea why she had been named sky but she was glad.And in a way she was glad that she had finaly fell in love. But what await her she did not know and was hoping that she would not lose leondis in the final fight against her father. -
OOC:First off can the character have a 'i dont care' attitude towards certain people?And what about shadow?Did you forget to add shadow?And i wanna be the one matthew didnt recognize Here is my form: Name:Sky Race:Fox Age:18 Gender: Female Physical Description:[IMG]http://www.ladyfrostfurr.zoomshare.com/album/Anthro%20(Animal)%20People/images/38f6855c87c2b420451c339055173eb9_11233443460/image.jpg[/IMG] (She has no tail because she was born like that) Personality:She can can be shy yet quiet around a person like matthew or sonic.Yet cold hearted around thiefs and other things like that. If you piss her off the watch out cause she has got a bad temper.If you break her heart she will NOT speak to you ever again.She has a split personality as you can see above so she tries not to be cold hearted towards anyone except theifs and rogues but if she is she is very sorry. History:She came from a planet that was nicknamed planet of shadows. The nickname was placed on the planet before she was even. So she never knew why it was called that or its real name. Her planet was attacked by theifs and rougues who destroyed the planet and took over. Her best friend and mother took her far away to mobius and stayed there.She was raised by her friends mother so she never knew her mother or father. She was always with the popular girls and wished secretly she could have just one good frind instead of 10 fake ones.She became used to hanging out with the popular kids and got her 'i dont care' attitude.She went to school with matthew but had never payed much attention to him until the day she was ditched by her so-called friends. After she had talked to him she gradually began to crush on him. She waited by the phone for weeks but a call never same for her. She was heart-broken and swore that if she ever saw him after graduation day it will be too soon. Not many people in high school wanted to be her friend and because of that she became mean and cold hearted until she met sonic. Sonic was nice to her and gradually she became nicer and nicer. Soon everyone wanted to be her friend and she was popular again but she never became the mean cold hearted person she was again. After she graduated from high school she went on a trip to her home planet with her friends mother's mother who was wiling to take her but she was horrified because her parents limp bodies were laying on the ground. She went back to mobius right away and joined the sonic group in some things they did. But she would never forget the awful day that she looked at her parents pain twisted faces.She went with sonic and the group to greet matthew and she recognized him but said nothing in fear that he would recognize her. Abilities:She can use any type of kung-fu,Tye kwon do and karate. She is a black belt in all and there fore she has excellent martial arts. She can also go at speed of light(186 000 miles per second),Use andmanipulate lightning.
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
OOC:Phew that was alot?lol IC: After the little kiss sky wouldnt look leondis in the eyes. She would look at his face but not at his eyes. She was embarressed about it and was not used to things like that happening. She didnt like to get close to someone she liked and here she was getting close to someone. While everyone was talking about what he did to kokolukia she snuck off into a clearing with a log.She sat down on the log and started talking to herself. "I never should have done that!I should never have let my feelings interfere with my duty! I should never have let myself get close to leondis" She said to herself out loud before a voice surprised her. "And why not?" Leondis said leaning up against a tree with his arms folded across his chest. "Leondis!What i said...No offence but i have never let myself get close to anyone until now....I wouldnt even hug someone until you came along. I just was scared that i would be weak and that they would get hurt because of me and-"She said as leondis came over and kissed her. Her eyes widened and she blushed. She closed her eyes and after the kiss was over she opened them. "There now wasnt that better then just being cold hearted and quiet?" Leondis asked grinning while blushing a bit. "Yeah" Sky said nodding in response while she looked up into the sky. -
"What the hell?!" Screamed hikaru as blood dawn came charging into the training room. "STOP IT!" She yealled at the top of her lungs causing everything to shake and everyone to stop. "This is a peaceful planet and you have invaded it with war!" She said. "You!You brought this to our planet to destroy us didnt you?!" Hikaru said pointing a finger at sera. Before anyone knew what was going on hikaru had used force pull on her lightsaber and now had it in her hand and running towards the palace with her lightsaber blade out. "Please be ok master akira!" She mutered to herself while using force push to push herself off the ground and jump to the palace. "Master akira!" She screamed at the top of her lungs again when she got to her master,makeing everything shake and everyone stop. "Oh no you dont!" She shouted grabbing her master and getting out of there only to be stopped by blood dawn. SHe force pushed him into a wall a put akira into a ship. Before hikaru would even think about getting in she made sure she faced off with the attackers. "Why the HELL did you hurt my master!?" She shouted while the wind blew through her hair.
OOC~I think that my sith with be as strong as a rock hitting someone in the head (NOT!) Ok ill tone my character's power down but crazy kev also has to do that to because if he doesnt i will drop out to giving deathsye full control over my characters! Ic: [COLOR=Purple][B]"Of course it isnt!"[/B] Akira snapped at sera. [B]"Its a totally different galaxy! And whatever your talking about you must stop babbling about because its nothing but nonsense in this galaxy!For this is the planet of courasaunt!"[/B] Akira said getting out of her chair and walking down some steps to hikaru and sera. [B]"My master... What should we do with this outsider/newcomer?"[/B]Hikaru asked kneeling down on one knee with her head down in a bow. [B]"Show her to the training room and then to her quarters" [/B] Akira said walking past hikaru. [B]"But master-Where are her sleeping quarters?"[/B] Hikaru asked in complete shock. [B] "A-5 left corridor on the right" [/B] Akira said over her shoulder. [B]"Well come with me outsider"[/B] Hikaru said to sera. The 2 walked out the door of the palace and down to a training ground. Hikaru took out her lightsaber and placed it against a glass wall with the blade out. Next she used force push on the lightsaber and pushed it through the glass without even cutting the glass. Then she took out a key and used it on the lock which brought out a hand verification and an eye verification. She placed her hand on the hand print and her right eye on the eye thing. After that the door unlocked itself and opened. [B]"After you outsider" [/B] She said as sera stepped inside followed by hikaru.[/COLOR]
In new york Lilian was just sitting in her motel room when the news came on. [I]"In other words 2 bodies were found dead today.ONe in an apartment building owned by a girl who was there before the body was found. The body was stabbed in the head and looked to be about 21. The other body was found dead in an alleyway stabbed in 2 places. A blood vein and a pressure point.Looked to be about 25" The newsman said before the T.V was clicked off.[/I] "Damn it" She muttered to no one in particular. She looked out the window in time to see someone walking down the street. It was her old high school friend sky. "Sky!Behind you!" She screamed out the window as she noticed that a person in black had come up behind her friend.But it was too late. Sky had gotten herself shot in the head and stomach. Then the gunman pointed the gun at lilian. She ducked as the shot came through the window and hit the waiter that was now coming in with her dinner. "HELP!" She screamed as the waiter fell down bleeding from his upper abdomin. People came rushing in and saw her rushing over to the waiters side. "Get an ambulance!Now!" She cried near hysteria now. She tried to stop the bleeding as best she could but the waiter was long dead before even getting to a hospital. "The shot came through the window from a gunman" Lilian said shakily as she got out of the room. She walked out and went to a park and sat down on a bench.
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
Sky just smiled as she saw leondis and his bright red face. She giggled at it. Soon she turned and started walking again when leondis ran up. "Hey... Um about the whole my mom being and angel and my father being the devil thing" She started but leondis cut her off. "Hey its ok" He said gently looking into sky's chocolate brown eyes. "Woah!"Sky said tripping and landing face to face,lips to lips, into leondis. Her eyes widened and she blushed so hard it almost looked like fire. She quickly pulled away and looked away from leondis. "Sorry" She said quietly. -
[quote name='John']Girls do love them some gender stereotypes, though![/quote] Yeah some though! [quote name='John']I do have to agree with you there. Girls will often kill and eat their mate if they detect imperfection or weakness in him during the mating dance.[/quote] I soooo totally know!
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
Sky blushed at the way leondis looked at her. A second later she was realizing what his look meant and thanked him for the compliment. "Thanx leondis" She said looking at the ground. 'He's love struck...With me...' She thought. "So i guess we should get moving on-" She said as the wind blew through her hair. "Um guys there's high winds coming from the south.There is danger in that direction so we should go this way" She said pointing north. All of a sudden and an angelic ghost appeared. "Hello my dear" The angel said. "Mom!"Sky cried seeing her mom once again. "Yes my dear.I came to congratulate you on finding your true form" Sky's mom said.Leondis just looked shocked. "I must go now my daughter but i will always be with you!"Her voice and appearence said fading. -
First of all ask yourself these questions: Is it really worth the effort if she just says no? Is there anyone else? Does she even know i exist or in other words does she acknowledge you?. If they are yes ask her. But there is no easy way out. Girls like it if you stay calm and cool while you ask them. Try not to stutter(Girls hate it),Get clamy hands and sweat excessively(Girls also hate it) and try not to look nervous. Girls will take that as a sign of weakness. If you follow these steps you will have a girlfriend in no time ;););) P.S~Im a girl so i should know!Lol
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
"I could of taken care of it myself!" Sky said to leondis pouting a little. "You still have a chance!"The fly demon said becoming once more a fly demon. "Alright thats just disgusting!Leondis let me handle it this time" Sky said noticing a blue gem in the monster's forehead. Sky took her glowing necklace off and it changed into a sword. The symbol on the sword was glowing and she touched it and floated up. Her voice was now like an angel's and glowing blueish pink. "Gods of time,Gods of light,Gods of darknes and shadows aid me now in this time of need. Aid me so that i can defeat. Aid me so i can find my true power and defeat this fly! Aid me now dakrnes and light!" She shouted and she became a blinding blueish pink light and when she emerged from the light she looked like this:[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/InuyashaInLove/Anime%20Girls/Happiness.jpg[/IMG] but with one devil wing and one angel wing. "Holy crap-" Leondis gasped. "Sword!" Sky said reaching out and a sword appearing out of no where.The sword looked like the one that appearered before she changed. She took one slash on the fly demon's head and it burst into tiny peices of tinted yellow flesh. She picked up the gem and returned to normal and put it in a pocket. She saw everyone staring at her. "What?" She asked innocentley. -
RPG Phantom Dust-Ghosts of the Past (M-LV maybe S)
monipo1928 replied to Deathsye's topic in Theater
"Thanx deathsye" Sky sasid quietly reaching for the healing water when she got a vision. "AAH!" She screamed and fell onto the floor limp. Deathsye rushed over to her side and shook her trying to wake her up. Meanwhile what was going on in her mind was bad. "Who are you?!" She cried to a blur of someone. "You should know my voice my dear sky" The blur said. "Dad?Why?!" Sky cried as she felt a dagger peirce her skin on her arm. Outside her right arm by her shoulder started to bleed. "Because" Her dad said dissapearing and a dragon appeared. "AAH!" Sky screamed jerking into a sitting position. She was sweating and there was a peirce mark by her shoulder where the dagger in her dream/vision had hit. -
[U][I][B][CENTER]Hit the road people[/CENTER] [/B][/I][/U] [B]Naruto[/B][B]-[I]Naruto[/I]-[/B]WHo wants a loud mouth who obsesses over sakura and says beleive it all the time?At some point in time after a while you'd just want to strangle the poor hyper,annoying and stupid kid so what good is he except for strangling practice? [B]Miroku-[I]Inuyasha[/I]-[/B]He's nothing but a jerk and a perverted monk. I'd be slapping him left right a center thus giving me a sore hand so who needs him.Sure hes cute but he flirts with every single pretty girl he see's :animeangr OOC:Ill finish up l8ter
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed]As sky lead on her thoughts went back to her village. [I]'I hope its doing ok without me'[/I] She thought as she noticed leondis smile a big smile,making her blush. [I]'Everythings gettin' complicated'[/I] She thought while looking around for amaya and kokolukia. [B]"Guys!Amaya,Kokolukia!Come on we are going now!"[/B] She shouted to them. [B]"Ok I think-I smell demon blood not far away!"[/B] Sky said to the group before leaping into the trees and heading the way to some demons.One of them was bleeding badly and three others were crowding around. [B]"Demons!What are you doing here!"[/B] She said to the demons walking up to them with suspicion on her face. [B]"Our friend has been in a fight with our master and he got hurt"[/B] Said the female her voice wobbling a little bit. [B]"Here ill heal him for you and then get out of here"[/B] Sky said healing the little demon.They hurried out of there before an old man came up to them. [B]"Hello old man how may we-Demon!"[/B] She said getting into a fighting position smelling the demon on the man. [B]"Oh my dear lord!You got rid of my slaves!"[/B] The old man said turning into a giant fly demon.[/COLOR] OOC:Lame i know but i couldnt think of anything else -.-; -
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
"Uh...Thanx...For the compliment and sure i would love to learn a few of your skills after this is all over" Sky said blushing even more. She let go of him and stood up and turned away to keep him from seeing her now blood red blush. 'He's so nice... And cute' She thought as she turned back to him still blushing a blood red blush. "Uh we should get going" She said as she noticed that everyone was staring at her then at leondis. "Leondis...Im glad your here to protect only me" She said quietly enough so that only leondis could hear. -
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
"th-Thanx leondis" Sky said looking up at him hugging him back. She rested her head agaisnt his shoulder. She suddenley had a sudden thought. 'Its been nearly 10 years since i got my last hug' Was the thought that raced through her mind. She was still resting her head on leondis when a voice in her head said "You like him dont you.!" "No i dont!" She fought back. Soon she realized she did like leondis a bit and started blushing. -
[COLOR=Purple][B]"We know nothing of this stuff you talk of!Our peaceful planet of courasaunt is not taking part in hosting a war!So if you think of bringing war to our planet you will be executed!Understood?"[/B]Hikaru asked sera. [B]"Now if you will follow me i will show you to the planets master"[/B] Hikaru said leading sera away and to the master. When they reached a palace the gaurds that were gaurding the gates stopped her and asked who the stranger was. [B]"Only a newcomer that talks of nothing but nonsense Flare"[/B] Hikaru told the gaurd named flare. The gaurds discussed this with each other before letting the two in. [B]"Newcomer!Be nice,polite and be on your best behavour!If you dare try to hurt the master then you will be taken to the dungeon!"[/B] The gaurds beside flare said. [B]"Master Akari?" [/B] Hikaru said going onto one knee and bowing her head when they reached the master's quarters. [B]"Yes Hikaru?"[/B]The master said eyeing the newcomer. [B]"Who is this newcomer?!" [/B] She demanded. [B]"Her name is sera your highness! I will let her explain her reason for being here!" [/B] Hikaru said standing up and letting sera in front of her.[/COLOR]
OOC:Sorry i wasnt here for a while!But im here now! IC: Lilian was in here apartment when a robber broke in. He didnt seem to notice her at first but then after she spoke he realized he was caught red handed. "What are you doing here?" She demanded from the robber. "What the hell do you think?!Now if you dont mind stay out of my way and you wont-" The robber started but didnt have time to finish when lilian took her sword out and stabbed him in the head. She pulled it out and left sheathing her bloody sword. She walked out of the building and down the street when hiro drove by her. He recognized her as one of his failed missions. "Crap!" She muttered dissapearing into the shadows of an alleyway. "Heh!Nice purse there miss" Said a thug grabbing her purse. "Wow! $150,A diamond watch,A diamond necklace and whats this?It seems to be a-" He started. Lilian had unsheathed her sword and had been running towards the robber who was walking away.She stabbed a major blood vain before stabbing a pressure point to make sure he was dead. She walked out sheathing her sword again before going to a motel. She had left her apartment building and was checking into a motel only because she didnt feeli like being around when the bloody body was found.