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Everything posted by monipo1928

  1. "You dont know though..." Sky said turning her head away.Leondis was confused. "Know what?" He asked in a puzzeled tone. "That-That im satans daughter!" Sky said as she sobbed even harder before looking up in time to see everyone shocked and gasping."I knew you would be like this!This is why im a demon!But i didnt knew until after i got the letter. I got a letter saying that some hunters were calling a group and decided to check it out but he told me about being my father after i had excepted and i had to go.But i-i dont know if ill be able to kill him!" She cried onto leondis' shoulder as he sat down on the log beside her.
  2. "Leondis I told you im no freakin' rookie!"Sky shouted turning around and facing leondis her face turning a bright red with anger. "And if you dont stop calling me a rookie you will have a fist in your fucken' mouth understood?" Leondis nodded. Sky turned back around saying "Good" and started walking off again. She thought about having to kill her own father. "Me... Kill my own father ... "She said putting her head down and letting a few stray tears roll down her cheeks. Kokolukia saw and knew something was wrong.Same with leondis. After a while sky just started running and ran off. "Why?Why does he have to be my father?If it is true that makes ME princess of dar-" She said but satan cut her off. "Yes Princess of darkness. And that is why you have specail powers!You can use them to rule with me!You can use those powers to your advantage!Your so called friends dont know the truth!Do you think they would except ytou if they did know the truth?" He said as sky shook her headly sadly. "Right so you have a choice but if you decide to stick with them you will be killed by me" "I will not!You couldnt kill me when you attacked my village before and you cant now so how will you kill me in the future!?" She cried. "I do not know at the moment but i will find a way to if you decide to stick with DH" Satan said disspearing into a blackish red portal before kokolukia and leondis found sky crying into her hands.
  3. Lilian was just walking down the roads of america when she saw a resturaunt nearby. She went to an AM machine and withdrew $250 and went into the restraunt and sat at a table near some japenese guy. "Stupid japenese"She murmured staring at him. 'I think i have seen him before.HIRO!Crap!' She thought as her food arrived. She had ordered some lassagna but told the waiter to put it in a doggy bag,paid her bill and walked out before hiro recognized her but it was to late. She had already been seen. She rushed home making sure she wasnt being followed.
  4. [B][COLOR=DarkRed]"Im not a freakin' rookie!I guess you haven' heard of the 2 year old who kicked a 21 year old swordsmans butt?WEll im her!" [/B] Sky said walking around leondis as everyone gasped. [B]"Y-Your her?!"[/B] Leondis asked as he gasped again while sky nodded. [B]"Now lets get don to asking our friend here some questions"[/B] Sky said walking over to satan's messenger. [B]"Why were you sent here and do you have a name?"[/B] Sky asked.But before the demon could answer her exploded with blood flying everywhere. [B]"Now now my dear!What fun would there be in asking him?Now in order to find out you'll have to find out from me!"[/B] Satan said appearing from a blackish red portal. [B]"Satan!"[/B] Sky said before wincing and touching the slash on her back.[B] "Ugh!"[/B] She said while the pain was driving her to the ground. [B]"Good bye my little demon slayers!Oh and leondis things arent always as they seem"[/B] Satan said disspearing into the portal he appeared from. As soon as he disspeared sky was able to get up.She got up and strated walking,thinking about what satan had said,thinking about what he had said to her while she was still in her village. His words echoed through her mind [I]'Your my daughter'[/I] are the terrible words that had destroyed her inside out. Leondis and kokolukia broke her out of this. [B]"Whats wrong?"[/B] Kokolukia asked her. [B]"Oh nothing"[/B] She said obviously disturbed.[/COLOR]
  5. SKy was panting hard and on the ground when a demon came up and grabbed her. "Let go of me you stupid retarded monster!!!!!HELP!" She yelled as the monster started running off. Kokolukia's trance was broken when sky screamed. The demon that was carrying her was no ordinary demon.It was sastan's messenger. "Help you guys!Leondis do something!!!!!Please help!" She screamed before she was gagged by the monster.
  6. "Deathsye...Im scared!What if i really hurt someone i care about?Like... Tsudo" She said whispering tsudo's name. Then it came to her. The monster. Quickly she rolled up her sleeve. "Deathsye...The monster!IT could be what's making me go into trances. When i was fighting it i saw some eyes at the palace!"SHe said getting scared at the memory. Her vision started to blur as the poisen that had been left from earlier worked its way back into her system and soon she had her weapons and was attacking deathsye. She stabbed her own wound and the poisen poured out and she was back to normal. "Deathsye im scared" She said clinging to deathsye
  7. Name:Shadow Species: Deer Colouring:Mid-night black with white spots Disposition:Like hammy[Over the hedge] She is really hyper and she is really fast.She is fun,Hyper and caring. Anything else:She is very cunning and sneaky sometimes.She is farely lucky when it comes to sucess but very unlucky when it comes to luck. She is great to have as a friend and is over-hyper alot of the time.She has very unusual colouring and for that she got her name.
  8. [COLOR=Navy]Sky listened to what xenos and kizan said. She was particularly interested or disgusted at what kizan had said. [B]"I do not fight with my emotions!I merely show them!And further more i am no weaker then you!"[/B] She hissed acidly,turning around and facing kizan anger and disgust showing clearly on her face.[/COLOR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=Purple]Hikaru watched as sera's ship sailed down onto courasaunt.She was scared but became brave when she saw the she was a human. She assembled her look out troop and went to investigate. [B]"You there!What are you doing here on our peaceful planet?!"[/B] She shouted at sera as she was explaining that she was a human. [B]"Chewy make the troop stand down"[/B] Hikaru commanded the wooki that had aided her. She made sera's team put their weapons down. [B]"Now who are you?!"[/B] Hikaru asked getting angrier and angrier at the new arrival's silence.[/COLOR]
  9. Im soo sorry!I dont want you to leave even though i dont know you.But you might be able to get on a local library computer and go on there.I think you get more then an hour. But if you cant then good luck and everyone on here will miss you!
  10. No problem!Here's her bio Name-Hikaru SkyTerror Race-Jedi Age-17 Gender-Female Rank-Jedi Master Personality-Enthusiatic and friendly.She can be mean if you piss her off but other then that shes fun to be around.She is also shy and quiet but aggressive in battle and hates sky. Appearance-[IMG]http://live.quizilla.com/user_images/A/AN/ANI/animefreak98/1133718590_-adulthood.jpg[/IMG] (Ignore her ears and the lock around her neck and the words in the background :animeswea) Bio-She was born on courasaunt and was sent to a jedi master who trained her.While she was visiting her old master, Master Yuki, sith flew onto the planet and went everywhere. They killed her master in fron of her eyes and from that moment on she has hated sith. She went straight to tatooine for a year. She heard her mother was sick on courasaunt and went back home.When Sara's fleet came to the planet courasaunt she immediatly went to check it out with a group of aliens.
  11. Would i be able to make a jedi character for this RPG?If so ill post her form when you reply
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed]Sky was in such a rush in the morning she cut her finger on a knife,stubbed her toe and crashed the clean dishes onto the floor.Its was 6:00 o'clock and her school started at 6:30. She grabbed some toast she put in and ran to her car,a sports car, and threw her bag in. She hopped in and went speeding off. It took her 25 minutes to get to school and it was already 6:10. When she got to school she ran in and to her locker.She threw her bag in and got her history books out. She ran to her class and sat down. She was so tired because she went to bed around 2:30. [I]'Shit im so tired i wont be able to make it through this period'[/I] She thought as she dozed off. [B]"Miss NightTerror!"[/B] The teacher said as she slammed a ruler onto sky's desk. [B]"Go to the princibles office now!"[/B] The teacher said flapping a letter in the air. [B]"What the fuck?Why?"[/B] Sky said. [B]"Because of this and dozing off in one of my lessons!"[/B] The teacher said handing sky a ransom note and sending her out. [I][COLOR=Blue]"Dear Miss Kazikazu(Kaz-I-Kazu), What the hell is with all the homework?You give us so much damn homework and such short time periods to complete it. All of your students wish you would just go to hell so damn you to hell!"[/COLOR][/I] [I]'Damn it!Why does this always happen to me?!'[/I] She thought. When she entered the princible office she was given a "Im not surprised" look by the assistant. She knew why sky was here. [B]"He's in his office"[/B] The assistant said sighing. [B]"Thanx"[/B] Sky grumbled rolling her eyes. [B]"Ahh!Nice to see you sky. Now what did you do this time?"[/B] The princible asked. So sky told him and he dismissed her.After school she was standing around hating her life and her school when she heard some kids talking about some LR thing. [I]'Leading revolution?Hmmm... sounds interesting.Ill go there and check it out'[/I] She thought walking home. When she got home she checked her e-mail and noticed a letter about LR. She started to reply.[/COLOR] OOC:Sorry about her school starting so early!
  13. Sky was still panting hard when kokolukia passed her. She decided to go for the demon that was charging at him from behind. She slashed her hand through the air and slaswhed the demon in half. Blood spurted everywhere. By the time all the demons were slaughtered sky was on hands and knees panting and gasping for breath.SHe was not used to this kind of fighting.Soon she had caught her breath enough to where she could stand up.She had a gash on her back and it hurt her bad. 'Damn those demons!' She thought touching the gash and pulling her hand back quickly. Sersu and amaya ofered to wrap it up.
  14. I wanna play one of the unfortunate friends Name:Sky NightTerror Sex:Female Age:16 Personality:Cold hearted,Mean and Sarcastic.She can also be very nice if your on here good side or one of her friends. Appearance:[URL=http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j229/ddspeed2000/Anime%20Girls/Neko_warrior.jpg]Click this[/URL] Bio:She traveled around the world with her chobit,Hikaru before she met the chobit. When she met the chobit she decided to join the chobit and help her.
  15. When sky got to her house it was already 10:30. "Shit!Im sooo not going to be able to get up tomorrow!" She said. "My school sucks crud balls!" She said to herself as she got her homework out. "This is fucken stupid because i get homework from every subject and its due tomorrow!" She said starting on her homework then deciding not to.
  16. Elder:Once 10 years ago there was a legendary golden ninga.Legends have it "he" was one of the most strongest and most powerful ninga's known to man kind and to the land.People say "he" grew up in this village.Where our hero is now no one can say for sure. Naruto passes by hearing the elder tell the story of the golden ninga and thinks to himself, "One day i will defeat the golden ninga" [CENTER]The next day[/CENTER] Kakashi and his students were walking in the forest when all of a sudden Kakashi ran ahead dropping his ichya ichya paradise book at the students feet. The three students look down in shock. "Has he ever dropped that book?" Sakura asked as sasuke picked the book up and read the date. "Appearently not.Its from years ago" Sasuke said as the three ran off laughing hysterically.When they finally caught up with kakashi they grabbed onto his jacket. "Do...Not...Run...Need...Re-" Sassaid as kakashi yelled "AHA!" And took off again with the students hanging onto his jacket for dear life. "Dont let go!" Yelled naruto. 5 minutes later he let go and saskura caught him. "Do not let go you hear me?!?!" She yelled over the wind. Another 5 minutes later sasukes hand slipped and sakura couldnt catch him so naruto did. "DO NOT MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF!" Sakura yelled over the winds. The two boys nod in fear when all of a sudden kakashi stops abruptly and sent the students fliying. Saskue landed Ino, "Boo yah!Forehead girl 0 me 1"Ino said. Naruto landed by hinata, "Are you ok naruto?" and sakura landed by kakashi who had now on the ground by her feet because sakura had pulled him.The girl looked about 12-16. The girl said "Good to see you again kakashi." She helps him to his feet and he hugs her saying, "Omg you finally came back!Everyone missed you so much!." Sakura gets up to save sasuke from Ino and naruto yells, "Who the hell is she?!"
  17. "Visions...?Sounds...?I think i heard something. Like a buzzing sound or something as for visions yes. I kept having a vision of something really stange.I cant make it out but its blurry and it scares me deathsye" A few stray tears escaped as sky said those last few words. "In the visions all i hear is a males voice and m-my voice.And we were outside,bodies laying everywhere."
  18. "Guys...I dont remember wha happened to me" Sky said as she was helped into a room. "My thinking room?" She asked. "Yeah" Deathsye said as he flicked on the light and it showed a bright and cheergul room. "Wow!" Sky gasped. Her eyes went into a trance like state again.
  19. Name:Lilian Alias:N/A Age:21 Description:[IMG]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j229/ddspeed2000/Anime%20Girls/Neko_warrior.jpg[/IMG](Pay no attention to the ears or what shes holding :animeswea ) Weapon(s):Click this link:[URL=C:\Documents and Settings\Desiree.LINDA-IWBS56KBB\My Documents\My Pictures\yd-sw06.jpg]Sword[/URL] Location:France Bio:Will edit
  20. Sky listened as deathsy put his arm around her. "Thanx ... " She mubled not exactly happy at the moment. "Why do i feel like im breaking a promise to myself?" She muttered. "Huh?" Deathsye,Ruby and Tsudo asked all in unision. "Oh nothing!" Sky said waving her hands in front of her face. 'I feel like im breaking a promise to myself' She thought. She got up,walked out and down the corridor. Her eyes were like she was in a trance. And she was.Meister spotted her and called her name but no response.Only a sword drawn and an attack before tsudo and deathsye stopped her.Ruby just watched.
  21. Name:Sky NightTerror Lin Age:17 Gender:Female(Duh!) Appearance:[IMG]http://images.quizilla.com/G/GI/GIR/GirlwAttitude/1152013952_fgirlwhite.JPG[/IMG](Yes she carries that sword) Personality:Cold,Mean,Sarcastic,Uncaring and down right EVIL.She hates goody goody two shoes and she is always saying things like "Get the **** away from me you retard!." Bio:Yes she is related to the once sparkle lin.She was sent to purgatory because of her many bad sins and she does not wish to receive salvation AT ALL.She would much rather be sentenced to damnation then to survive or be sent to salvation.She was under her cousin's(Sparkle) rep and ruined it by being the bad kid she was.She has always perfered satan to god because in her opinion god is only a goddy goody two shoes. Weapon: Two double swords and a single blade swrod thats shown in appearence Magic:Devastating power.Even greater the her cousins sparkles powers. She has evil powers given to her by her sword(Pic) and from her cousin. Her powers are evil and horrifying.
  22. This is a story i started writing in august.But bear with me because it wasnt to good and i couldnt find it for the longest time but i finally did so here is what it is about:A young girl who is already a jounin even though she is only 12 comes back to konoha after a trip out to her own village:The village hidden in mist. So she comes back and kakashi realizes shes back and finds her when on a mission. There was a legend about a legendary ninga who was thought to be a he but was acctually a girl.The girls name was nami and she was the strongest and most powerfullest ninga's ever. She is naruto's twin sister no one knew about.Nami also has an older sister mimi. Sakura also has an older brother named hideki. People still think that the legendary ninga from the legend is a boy. PLease tell me if it sounds good and if you wish me to post the first chapter!
  23. "I dont make deals but this is any exception.Fine you have yourself a deal" Sky said somewhat in a nice manner. She turned around and said over her shoulder, "Just remember i work alone." She started to walk off and she heard her name beng said. She turned and saw it was kizan. 'He is a little late getting down here' She thought. "Heh if it isnt kizan" She said smirking an evil grin. She turned without notice and walked off.
  24. This is a story i started writing in august.But bear with me because it wasnt to good and i couldnt find it for the longest time but i finally did so here is what it is about:A young girl who is already a jounin even though she is only 12 comes back to konoha after a trip out to her own village:The village hidden in mist. So she comes back and kakashi realizes shes back and finds her when on a mission. There was a legend about a legendary ninga who was thought to be a he but was acctually a girl.The girls name was nami and she was the strongest and most powerfullest ninga's ever. She is naruto's twin sister no one knew about.Nami also has an older sister mimi. Sakura also has an older brother named hideki. PLease tell me if it sounds good and if you wish me to post the first chapter!
  25. "Thanx"Sky said over her shoulder and ran back to deathsye. "Here!You deserve it!" She said offering deathsye a bottle of beer. Deathsye took it and opened it. In less then an hour both sky and deathsye were drunk. "Hey deathsye" Sky said with a hiccup. "You wanna go to the bar and get more beer?" She asked. "Sure" Deathsye replied as he and sky went off to the bar as tsudo was truning around in his seat. "Woah!Those two sure are drunk" He said going over and helping deathsye and sky to a seat. "Hic" SKy said.
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