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Everything posted by monipo1928

  1. Sky watched as kokolukia went all acrobatic.She started spinning in circles and soon turned into a spinning razor blade. Everyone got out of the way when she went through.When she stopped spinning she was drenched head to toe in demon blood.She was panting hard and fast. "That was hard but semi cool.Im drenched in blood though!" She said panting and gasping for air as a demon came up from behind her.She spun around killing it by hitting it with her hair.
  2. "Yeah so? I think i might owe you something" Sky said turning around and facing deathsye. "For helping to determine what had poisened me and for giving me some healing water" She said. She leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek near his lips. "And dont go thinking thats going to be an everyday thing.It was just cause you helped save my life" She said going off and opening a bottle a beer and guzzling it down.
  3. "Hmmm... I think i might go aboard this ship" Sky murmured to herself as a banshee came into her quarters. "You! Who told you where this quarter was?" Sky said as she advanced towards the banshee. "O-One of your crew members" The banshee stuttered out. "Well next time knock before coming in and yes i want to see what this ship of yours is like so lead me aboard but dont expect me to be nice about it" Sky said to the quaking banshee. The banshee led sky aboard and she was showing no emotion whatso ever but that still didnt mean she wasnt intimidating but she was. When she was lead to where xenos was she was imedatley changed. "So what do you want?" She asked acidly.
  4. Sky was still in shock after they started to work together.She just sat down on a log and looked at her bloodstained hair. "My hair?A weapon?" She said taking a strand of hair in her hands. "We could use your help!" Sersu shouted as sky was snapped back to reality. "ok!"She said getting up and taking her staff out but put it back. 'If my hair truely is a weapon it will work again' she thought whipping around and killing another demon. She whipped around again and saw her hair turn razor sharp.
  5. "I will not fight you for the simple fact of i do not do such things!" She said acidly turning around. She withdrew her lightsaber and put it back in its place. "i will not fight because i do not wish to. But i will leave you with a little gift" She said turning around faster then anything and used choke on xenos. She used it until near death and stopped letting him drop to the ground and she walked off smirking. "You have not faced a person like me.I am a rogue sith but not as in i was a sith.I still am and i will kill any jedi that stands in my way" She said over her shoulder as she walked up to the quaters where her bedroom is. "Fool!I could have killed him if i had wanted to.But i sensed something from that boy.He may be of use to me in the future but i need to kepp him alive" She murmured to herself while circling naboo on a map.
  6. Name:Sky NightTerror Lin Age:17 Gender:Female(Duh!) Appearance:[IMG]http://images.quizilla.com/G/GI/GIR/GirlwAttitude/1152013952_fgirlwhite.JPG[/IMG](Yes she carries that sword) Bio:Yes she is related to the once sparkle lin.She was sent to purgatory because of her many bad sins and she does not wish to receive salvation AT ALL.She would much rather be sentenced to damnation then to survive or be sent to salvation.She was under her cousin's(Sparkle) rep and ruined it by being the bad kid she was.She has always perfered satan to god because in her opinion god is only a goddy goody two shoes. Weapon: Two double swords and a single blade swrod thats shown in appearence
  7. "You seemed to say that a bit harshly!"She said turning around to face leondis. "But thats not inportant"She said turning around her hair whipping a monsters face and cutting it up so bad it died. Her hair was now tinted red with blood. Monster blood. "What the fuck?"She shouted feeling her hair.It had become a weapon instantley when she whipped around. But why now? "My hair .. Is a weapon?" She asked astounded at that the thought of it. She shook the feeling off and took out her staff. She jump at a monster and slashed her staff at it but expected it to just send it flying.Not slash right through it.
  8. Sky doged easily. "You think i will fight you?Think again.I do not fight just because someone lunges at me. I will only kill when someone lunges at me if they are a jedi" Sky said while dogding anotherattack. "Sith are not just "Hunters" We sith are nothing like hunters at all.We have knodledge of the dark side of the force and we do not mis-use it.The jedi do"She said saying jedi as if acid had just hit her tongue. "But if you wish me to fight i will" She said raising her lightsaber and block all of xenos' attacks and knocked his plasma blade out of his hands.
  9. OOC:Sazabi i was tired then it was late at night and stuff Anyway here is my part IC: As sky's ship was docked into the docking bay she smiled at the site of kizan's ship also in the docking bay. After what seemed like hours a squad came into her ship and up to the brdge straight away. "You guys think i can be bothered by you?" She said acidly. She brought out her two single lightsabers but decided to use her double. When the balde came out the squad was scared. "I am a sith and my name is not important to you at the time. If you wont let me go you will see what i can do" She said bringing her hand up to use choke. Seconds later the squad member she used it on lay on the ground dead.
  10. Sky was still getting glances from people around the room. Some random person came up and tried to hug her. "Hey back off please?" she said while she was dogding hugs. "Why are you trying to hug me"She asked dodging another in the silent room. "Because your the one who got attacked by a pecatto and survived the poisen from those things!You are now my idol" The boy said trying to hud sky again. "No way!You are not going to get any hugs so just go back to where you came from and leave me ALONE!" She said shouting that last word icily. She went back to the others and ordered 5 bottles of beer to go. Everyone was shocked as she walked off humming a little tune. "Tsudo ... He was drunk and i dont overly like him when he was drunk" She said to herself as deathsye caught up to her.
  11. Sky's Ship was just flying over the planet of koribann.Her home planet. "Miss NightTerror shall we land and check how things are on koribann?" Asked one of the pilots. "No.Keep moving on"" She said coldly. They finaly stopped over dantooine where they landed. The jedi council came running out as sky came out of the ship.Milleneum falcon. "You welcome here are not for sith you are" yoda said. "Feh. You jedi scum will pay for what you did to koribann" She said as she killed every single jedi council member with ease. She got back onto the ship and told the pilot to take off. "Next stop naboo" She said to herself coldly as she crossed dantooine off on a map.
  12. "Thanx sersu. But im not as strong as you think.I kill without a second thought because of what satan did to me.That boy was like a little brother to me but i killed him because there was no saving him" IS all sky said.While they were walking satan appeared.Everyone got into a fighting position.Satan held up his hands and bared his teeth. "Im here to speak to you" He said to the group. "None of you match up to my power when you dont work together.In order to defeat me you have to work as a team.Oh and sky you are more powerful then you think" Satan said before disapearing in a puff of red smoke. "What do you guys say?"Sky asked turning around to see the group drawing weapons. Sky sensed something behind her and did a triple back flip in the air and landed on her feet with her sword unsheathed. "Guys?Are you in this together or seperate?"She said as she did 5 more front flips and landed on her feet in front of the group.
  13. Name:Sky NightTerror Age:16 Gender:Female Sports or Clubs:Swimming and tennis High School:Windemere Personality:Happy,Friendly,Shy,Quiet and withdrawn from everyone. Appearance:[IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h289/Anime_Forever07/Anime%20Girls/Beautiful.jpg[/IMG] Bio:She hates everything about her school.She gets in trouble for everything she does.If someone broke a window she gets in trouble. If someone wrote a ransom note to the teacher saying "Damn you to hell" She gets in trouble. She has been going to the princible's office since she started high school. She was just wandering around hating her life when she heard some kids talking about LR.
  14. "Its doing ok ... And thanx for asking" Sky saidgently while sitting down next to tsudo. 'Ok i may like him a teensy bit but that doesnt mean deathsye can tease me about it and say i have a "Thing" for him' She thought as deathsye walked in and just grinned at the sight of tsudo and sky sitting together. " Dont even think about saying anything about it" She grumbled under her breath but directed it at deathsye. She started to think about the "Pecatto" as deathsye had called and what it had done to her. "Damn those creatures" She mummbled under her breath.
  15. "I do not!I dont have i thing for tsudo!" Sky said while a small blush was creeping onto her face. "I dont!I was just curious.Ever heard of that?Curious?" She said while leaping up and nearly knocking over deathsye when she landed. "He was the first person i met other then the nurse and of course the meister dude"She said while walking to the door. "Wanna come with me to see how tsudo is doing?Oh and just to tell you atleast i dont meet you by bumping into you all the time like i do with tsudo" She said and with that she ran out the door and down the corridor. She was pretty fast for someone like her.
  16. Sky recognized th eboy right away from her village. 'He's the boy that went missing!' She thought as her eyes widened at the thought of what he might have done. "Hikariko come down here!"She said calling the boys name. "Sky?" The boy,Hikariko questioned surprised to see the demon he had once deemed his big sister. "yes now who told you to do this?"She said getting on one knee. "A-A monster.It had red glowing eyes and long red hair" The boy said get scared. "Satan!"Sky hissed. Suddenley hikariko changed and tried to kill sky. "Satan is controlling him and his mind!"She hissed. "We have to kill him.There is no other choice" She said drawing her staff and hitting him over the head. She then unsheathed her sword and stabbed the boy. "Im sorry ... Im very very sorry hikariko" She said walking off. "Come on you guys.Oh and leondis you know i dont need a bodygaurd every second of the day" She said smirking and walking off.
  17. "Its helping pretty good" Sky said while sitting up from the bed she had layed down on. "Do you know where tsudo is?Oh and dont go saying anything like your beautiful or anything to me buddy or you will be slapped" She said as she tried to stand but fell back down onto the bed.
  18. OOC:Its fine Blod Moon Lily! IC: Sky just went on thinking on how everyone one was carrying on the fact that she had been deemed leader. "Will you guys just shut the fuck up?"She asked the ones still talking about it. They just stared at her. "Its getting on my nerves ok?" She said and continued to walk on. When they were out of the forest sky let a growl out and leondis asked what was wrong. "Som demon filth is watching us" She said jumping into a tree and slamming a demon onto the ground and kept hitting until a sickening crack was heard. "There" She said looking at the demon when an arrow almost hit her head. There was an archer nearby and she did not like the archer. OOC:Whoever wats to continue it from here is welcome.And if you want to put a twist in the story you can.You can do any twiists
  19. Sky grimaced from pain. "Oh ok" She said and tried to get up but almost fell down from the imense numbness in her legs. "Oh!" She said grabbing onto a metal table and picking herself up. "Stupid nimb legs." She said while she turned in time to see someone else coming into the room. It was mikan. "Is she alright?"She asked looking at sky. "Yes.YEs im fine right now" Is all sky said before the numbness in her legs went away and she walked away into her new room. It was bright and cheerful. The dark room was her thinking room.The room she would use when she wanted to think or be alone. She drank some of the healing water deathsye had given her but she thought about something else. How when she was around the surface she felt imense anger but to whom she did not know.Her first time on the surface she felt so much anger, so much hatred and pain,Suffering, that it was unbeleivable
  20. "You dont know what happened to my arm"She said carefully taking off the guaze and showed the wound as it got deeper. "Shit it just deepened"She said pulling her knee's up to her chest and hugging them.She gently rested her head on her knees and let some tears free. "You see tsudo ... I almost didnt miss the first round of attacks. IT scorched me and now the scorches are turning into open wounds" Sky said as she looked up at tsudo to see his reaction. "Shit"Was all he muttered before taking her to meister. "Yep.Its officail.Her wounds are all poisened" Meister comfirmed everyone's suspicion and sky was just shocked. "B-But how?" Sky asked. "I dunno but be careful for the next few days after we get the poisen out" Meister said. "This may hurt/Sting a bit ok?"He said while he zapped each wound. The one on her arm was the worst and hardest to do but it was done.
  21. "Yeah i have something to say tsudo. You are retarded sometimes!You some the test would be easy!I had to face some sort of dragon creature!And this-"She paused showing her right arm wrapped in gauze. "Is what happened!"She finsished near hysteria now. "And guess what else?It hurts like hell!Fuck it even stings!"She said ordering 5 drinks and drank them down in a minute. "And another thing!You wouldnt even ask how im feeling!" She almost shouted at tsudo. Everyone was now staring. "Oh no you just assume im fine!But im not!Those dragon claws hurt my arm and fuck!Its now hurting more then ever!"She said before running out and running to the dark,damp room she had run into before.
  22. "So you wanna take the test?" MEister asked as sky nodded nervously. "Yes"She managed before she had to gulp. "Ok then go up to the surface" He said. "Ill be up in a little bit" He finished. Sky walked up to the suface and was about to let her gaurd down when she heard something. Sensed something. She looked around and got hit with some fire. "Damn" She shouted jumping up just getting minor scorches. She looked at the monster.It was a dragon.Or what looked like one.It had three heads,A tail and some wings. "Damn it!Why do i always have to face hard monsters?"She shouted jumping up and onto the dragon type creature and went all ninga.She took a sword from nearby and stabbed it into the dragons tail to keep it from moving. "Ha!That should keep you from moving" She said while panting hard. The dragon sliced it foot through the air and hit sky with its claw.IT made a small gash in her arm. "DAMN YOU RETARDED CREATURE!" She shouted. "BURST OF FLAMES!" She shouted shooting flames out of her hands and almost killing the beast. The dragons creature shot out flames. "Flight!"Sky shouted floating and flying into the air. "Burst of flames"She said again killing the creature. When she went back underground she went to the bar while gauze was wrapped around her arm from just below her shoulder to just before her wrist.
  23. "Not exactly" Haruko said. "We called you here to get rid of this demon yourself" He said emphasizing yourself. "We here at DH can not hunt this demon down because it would be to risky so we sent letters out to all the people who we thought were good and strong enough,Not to mention powerful enough" He looked at sky when he said powerful enough then continued "To hunt this demon down in a group and kill him." "On the way you will encounter minions of his and face him in combat and no one knows what he acctually looks like. He coulf take on any form so prepare yourselves and trust no one but the people in your group" Haruko said. "So when will we know if its him?" Some one asked. "You will." Haruko said. "But who will our eader be?"Leondis asked. "This young girl right here will be your leader" Haurko said pointing and squeezing sky's shoulders. Everyone was astounded.They expected it to be a boy ... But SKY? "She cant even fight" Said someone. "Oh you would be surprised if you had seen some of her potential and power" Haruko said and walked off. "Oh and you are dismissed so get going and start to track the demon down" Haruko said over his shoulder while going through a door.
  24. "YEah whatever" Sky said being sarcastic.On the way to the main hall the two bumped into deathsye and sky just kept walking when deathsye spoke to her. "My fair lady.What may i ask are you doing down here?" He said. "None of your buisness she said as she bumped into meister. "SO im ready for the surface" Sky said while looking at the wall. Tsudo sensed she was worried. 'I dont wanna do this but if i dont prove im fit to live here in peace then ill never forgive myself' She thought following meister to the main hall.
  25. 'Blushing?' Sky thought . "No reason its just that-Nevermind.Hey do you know where the main hall is?" Sky asked while looking away. "Yeah why?" Tsudo asked. "Because i wanna take the test to seem if im fit to stay or doomed to die a miserable death" Sky said kinda harshly. Tsudo just was silent. She didnt look like the type that would be harsh. He lead the way and sky just followed thinking about what may await her on the surface.
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