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Everything posted by monipo1928
RPG Phantom Dust-Ghosts of the Past (M-LV maybe S)
monipo1928 replied to Deathsye's topic in Theater
The day before:"Yeah so i have heard" Sky said to tsudo before she gasped at what she said. "Im sorry!" She said as she rushed out the door,down a corridor and into a dark damp room with only a window that showed only darkness. She was crying by the time tsudo had found her. "Hey whats wrong?" He asked gently. She just cried even harder. She stopped after a minute and started to talk. "The thing is ... I have heard things about you and about the surface" She started not once lifting her head up.She was sure it was tear streaked. "None of it was very nice and well ... After you showed me your cut,Well i just broke down and had to run out of there"She said getting up and walking out. The next day Sky walked out into a corridor thinking about the day before when she broke down crying. 'Why did i break down crying?' She asked herself.She was asking herself this over and over when she bumped into tsudo again. "sorry" She said looking up. "We have to stop meeting like this" Tsudo said chuckling a little. "Yeah" Sky replied quietly looking down and blushing. -
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
OOC//Its ok i dont really mind at all! IC: [COLOR=Blue] "This way folks" Sasuna said getting nervous because the one that lead the group here,Sky, was more powerful then everyone thought.There was some sort of hidden power that he would want and therefore would hunt her down and try to take it,Persuade her to join him or take it and kill her. When she got to a hall that seemed to be a dead end she let sky pass. "What the fuck?"Sky exclaimed turning around to face sasuna. "Go on child.Sense the door" Sasuna said closing her eyes and sensing anger quickly arousing in the others. "Why dont just let her be?"Some one exclaimed. "Be patient" She said as she opened one eye and saw sky's necklace glowing. "ahh the old alchemy necklace" Sasuna muttered.Sky put her head up and closed her eyes and glowed a bright white.When the light had faded sky was gone and the wall was waving in the spot. "She found the way"Sasuna muttered surprised. "Come guys"She said leading the group through the wall and into a dark room.They saw the light blue glow of sky's necklace near a desk when the light was flipped on. "So you came eh?" Haruko the boss of DH said. "Im haruko" He told the group.[/COLOR] -
RPG Phantom Dust-Ghosts of the Past (M-LV maybe S)
monipo1928 replied to Deathsye's topic in Theater
OOC:I just signed up! ^_^! IC: "Ugh" Sky muttered while trying to open her eyes.The hurt badly and they were very dry. "Sir!" She heard a nurse call. She opened her eyes finally and looked at her surroundings.She sat up and felt something on her back. "I have wings" She muttered feeling the downy wings. She got a vision. Something about night and blackness. Being terrorized she couldn't make it out because it was fuzzy. "Get her some water" A voice said. Sky sat up and grimaced at the surroundings as she looked at them better. "Where am i?" She asked one of the nurses. "Oh thats easy.Your in the clinic" The nurse answered. Sky grimaced at the name and muttered something under her breath. "Now can you tell me a name at all" The nurse asked staring at sky's gorgeus wings. "Sky ... Sky NightTerror i guess" Sky asnwered. Soon she was allowed to leave. She walked around for a bit before running into a boy who appeared to be in a hurry somewhere and landed on the floor."Sorry"She said picking herself up and walking off somewhere.She walked around a bit before walking into the bar which she had accidently run across.She noticed people staring at her and ran the boy from before. "Sorry" She said looking up. This boy had some red goggles on. She picked herself and walked over to the bar and ordered a glass of beer. She sipped slowly on it thinking.She was thinking of going up to the surface. She was still in thought when the boy she had run into earlier tapped her on the shoulder and extended his hand. "Im tsudomashi" He said. "Sky.Sky NightTerror" She said looking off at the wall. -
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
SKy saw heimdall passing and was quite disturbed when kokolukia eldowed her about her necklace. "Oh shit" She exclaim as she started running past everyone.Soon she was past heimdall,but she didnt notice leondis following right behind her. The otheres followed as best they could considering these guys were alot faster then most of them.When sky reached the DH HQ sasuna was just coming out when she saw the group heading towards her. "Is this DH?" Sky asked quite out of breath. "YEs it is now come along inside she she rushing everyone in. -
Sign Up Phandom Dust- Ghosts of the Past (M-LV maybe S)
monipo1928 replied to Deathsye's topic in Theater
Name-Sky NightTerror Appearent Age-21 Gender-Female Bio-When she was unfrozen she had some visions and glimpses of the ruins.She went on an adventure to the surface and was startled at what she saw. She got a sword and a bow and arrow. Meister was inpressed because she had almost as much potiental as tsudomashi. Personality-Kind,Caring and gentle.She does not like the idea of living underground but sine she is an esper it doesnt effect her as much as it does other people.She can be sarcastic sometimes and is really shy and quiet.She is quit withdrawn from people. Apperance-[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y163/InuyashaInLove/Anime%20Girls/Happiness.jpg[/IMG] Favorite Skills- Skill Name-Burst of flames Skill Class-Elemental Skill Type-Attack ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill Name-Vine barrier Skill class-Nature Skill type-Defense --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill Name-Light barrier Skill class-Light Skill type-Defense ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill Name-Darkness barrier Skill class-Darkness Skill type-Defense --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill name-Flight Skill class-? Skill type-Defense OOC:Is it better now? -
OOC//Sure!!!!!And i was kinda wonderin if they could get to know each other. IC: Sasuna barely dodged a peice of pie that was thrown in her direction but instead it hit the wall.She threw another whole pumpkin pie and it hit stones face.She laughed playfully as he like it off.After about five more minutes she walked out of the room quietly saying, "Im cleaning myself up so if anyone wants to talk to me im having a shower then getting dressed." She walked slowly up the stairs for the simple reason was she was deep in thought.When she reached her room she noticed a little neko demon kitten had walked up to her from somewhere. She loved the kitten but told it to go back o where it belongs. "It belongs in your room. Its your kitten" A famliar voice said in her head. "Stone!" She said and ran into her room before he could look into her mind again and let the kitten slip through.She then saw a shower in her bathroom so she took a quick shower and got dressed. She looked around her perfectly designed room.It had all the tropies and medals she got for doing exterminations and stuff. 'Why does he have to be so complicated sometimes?' She thought flopping onto her bed and then jumping back up. "Shit dinner!And im still hungry" She said as her stomach grummbled. When she got back downstairs the food fight was still going on. "Time to stop this food fight"She said over the noise so everyonr could hear her. They stopped. "Everyone get cleaned up and into the dining room because im making dinner" She said as she started to make dinner.Minutes later everyone was eating and in covorsation.Sasuna finished first.She had cleaned the kitchen earlier so the maids didn't have to do what they should have done. Everyone went to bed early because of they had done that day.Sasuna went to bed around nine but knew she wouldn't be sleeping.Around midnight she got up quietly and snuck past chris,Al,Vincent and stone's rooms to the window. Quietly she lifted it up and flew up to the roof. 'So warm and peaceful' She thought looking up at the moon. Stone approched her and placed a hand on her shoulder scaring her.
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
Sky felt that something was bothering amaya so she waited until they were at the gates of the village of light. "You there demon filth" a guard said pointing a sword at sky started. "What is your buisness here?" He finished. "I am here on buisness for the DH headquarters" Sky said. "Show us your letter" The gaurd said as he approached them. "Here it is" Sky said taking it out of her sleeve. A weird place she knew it was but thats where she put it and for a reason. "Go on in but stay out of trouble" The gaurd said passing the letter back to sky and letting the group pass. "Were in now to go to the DH HQ" She muttered looking around at the peaceful and beautiful village that was bathed in light. -
Sasuna was surprised at what kali said but went back with her anyway. When she got back everyone looked at her then at stone. Sasuna looked down when stone walked up to her. "Im sorry" He said. "Its ok" Sasuna said. When stone tried to hug sasuna kali looked worried but sasuna just stepped backwards. "Im sorry ... Stone" Sasuna said looking into his eyes with sorrow. "Its ok" Stone said quietly. Sasuna looked over at kali then back at stone and gave him a hug and quick kiss on the cheek. 'I hope this makes up for what i did and how i acted' She thought and ran into the house.
"Oh ... Well he still didnt have to be as harsh as he was to me ... I care about him ..." Sasuna said looking at the ground. "He doesnt know ... He doesnt know about how i suffered from him.Well i have suffered far more then him. He killed my entire clan,He cursed me with guilt and put a curse,He said he cared about me and i believed him.He was the only one who understood how i felt kali.He knew my pain but he killed them anyway and taught me his ways and then betrayed me" Sasuna said looking down at the ground."His lust for power and blood led him to my village.The curse he put on me.It twas one that i fear that i can never find true happiness and true love until he is dead" She said rolling up her shirt halfway so that kali could see an alchemy symbol on sasuna's stomach. "It means that if i find true love before he dies,They die and i become his prisoner and have to help him kill even against my will" She said rolling her shirt down.
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
"You ... Saw it?" Sky asked. Kokolukia nodded and sky sighed. "Well its .. not exactly magic but it is a specail necklace." She started in on the history of the necklace. "When i was little,i was exploring a ruin when i spotted a glow.It was this necklace that was glowing.When i went up to it it was like it put itself on me.Its an alchemy sign"She said taking it it out from underneath her outfit. "Whenever i take it off it turns into a sword" She said taking it of. Moments later she had a sword in her hand with an alchemy sign on it. "Its weird.When i touch the symbol an alchemy sign appears underneath the ground im standing on" She said touching.Moments later they were all standing on an alchemy sign and sky was in the air glowing blue. She floated back down and turned the sign into a necklace again and put it on. -
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
"Cool!"Sky said as they started walking."Hey amaya your a neko demon right?"She asked amaya. "Yeah"Amaya said. "Cool!"Sky said as she looked down then up.Sky noticed kokolukia right away but said nothing.She noticed that the necklace she had on had started to glow. "Damn" she muttered. Kokolukia heard and some of the others heard to. "what?" Sersu asked. "Oh nothing" She said looking down to make sure it wasnt glowing still.But it was. Kokolukia noticed the glow and went over to see what was going on but she turned around so he couldn't see. 'Damn this necklace!' She thought while she had to make sure it was hidden and stopped glowing. -
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
Everyone continued to fight the demons off.After what seemed to be hours the demons that were still alive retreated and everyone sat down tired. "Hey guys ... When the demons retreated did you hear something?" Sky asked thinking she was going nuts. "No" Everyone except leondis muttered so that she could hear. "Oh ok" She said thinking she must be going crazy when she heard some buzzing and she got up her eyes going blank for a moment. "Guys the wind ... It just isnt making sense.We need to get to the village of light right now and its only 5 minutes from here" She said leading the others away. The time went by quick and they were there in a matter of minutes even though the journey had ben silent. -
OOC:Fine........ IC: Stone ran over after the the pair had left through the portal. "Why the heck did you do that?!" He yelled making sasuna stand up.Or atleast try to because she fell right down afterwards. "You could have gotten yourself killed!" Stone yelled a little softer now. Sasuna tried to move her right arm but couldnt because it broke when she hit the wall. "Oww!My arm ... It hurts" Sasuna said grabbing her arm. "Let me see it"Stone said softly while reaching for her arm.She jerked it away causing more pain to shoot through her arm and she grunted with pain.Sasuna just got up and ran towards some woods.She didnt stop until she got into the middle of it and sat down on a log. "Stone...Why?Why did you have to be harsh?" She said putting her head down and letting a few stray tears slip.Kali was madder then heck at stone for making sasuna run off when she was hurt.
"It wont work ... Ill have to use IT to get it to go down" Sasuna muttered flying head first at the barrier.She started to form giant flames in her hands and went faster and faster. "NO!Sasuna!" Stone yelled running towards her. "Im sorry"She muttered "To worry you but it will work" She muttered. "Shes going to hit the barrier head first which could kill her" Chris said observing her speed. When sasuna hit the barrier there was a burst of flames and light.When it cleared they saw sasuna fly back and hit the wall.Shirube and the prince of hell badly burned. "Damn you little bitch!"The prince of hell said. "Heh" Sasuna said smirking when she was badly injured. "Takes one to know one you bastard" she said. "Fuck!" Shirube said opening a portal and stepping into it after the prince of hell.
"A seer?I have heard that the prince of hell once did something to look into my mind and make me go nuts" Sasuna said before she ran outside and hissed. "Hey Demon scum come on out!" She shouted before shirube and the prince of hell came out in a disguise. "Prince of hell and shirube come on out of those desguises!You think i cant see through them?Well your wrong!" Sasuna said drawing a sword from her back.
would you mind adding an image site thingy like a satori did?
Sasuna followed up the staircase and into a hallway when she asked kali a question. "kali did you notice something about stone?" Sasuna went into the bedroom that had the name sasuna printed across it almost as if they knew what would happen.Sasuna changed into another black shirt but this time said "IM JUST PUNK" and a pair of army pants tht hung loosely at her hips.She slid on her black flip flops and came out and went back in and flopped down onto the bed and invited kali in to talk about some stuff.A while later sasuna came downstairs with kali tagging behind.Sasuna had told her about what had happened in herast and begged her not to tell. Kali looked worried as sky asked where the fridge was.
"Damn him"Sasuna muttered dropping her stuff then turning around to look at her once beautiful home and dropped to her knees. "DAMN IT!"She screamed. She felt a hand on her shoulder but she just turned around hissing and then ran back in to find there was something moving in the shadows. "Hello?" She called and then she screamed. The others came rushing in with stone leading the way followed by kali. "Damn you!" she yelled out in frustration. "Sasuna!Dont get yourself killed!" Stone called a bit worried. 'Is it just me?Or does stone seem to like me more then the others' Sasuna wondered as chris as if he could help her. "Yeah sure" She said as she charged at the demon.
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
What leondis had said made sky stop abruptly."Me?Why me?" She asked as a demon came charging towards her and made a small slash in her arm before she totally flipped and killed the demon. She grabbed her arm which was bleeding badly and contiued to slash through the demons in thought. 'Why is he here to help me and only me?' she wondered. She felt an overflowing amount of pain and went over to sit on a log when she healed herself and headed back. "Where is the slash?" Leondis said slashing through another demon sending blood flying onto sky. "I have no idea and i dont care!"She said while slashing another demon and sending more blood onto herself. -
Thanx i like it jigglyness you can give a go at it and i might choose one from each of you right?
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
monipo1928 replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
OOC:Peeps im changing how my character looks ok?So check out the adventure Inn if your curious! IC: "Yes.I-I know where the village of light is" Sky said catching her breath before standing up. "Oh and im sky..."She said shying out in front of the two males that now stood in front a sersu and sky. '2 girls?Oh well they are probably on their way to the light village' zida thought without knowing sky was reading his thoughts. "Yes ... We are on our way to the light village"She said confusing sersu and leondis but completley shocking zida. "we have to get there now!" Sky said suddenley getting into a fighting position. "You guys go on ahead.Ill stay behind and kill this demon so it wont frickin' follow!" She said. "But what about you?" the others asked. "Just go!" Sky shoute while drawing her staff. "Im staying"The others said. "Fine!"Sky agreed as they fought off some demons. -
"Hell yeah it ticks me off!!He Fucked around before and that wont happen again!" Sasuna muttered and only the ones with good hearing heard. She was about to walk off when someone grabbed her wrist. "What?"She hissed turning around to see it was stone. "Dont let emotions overcome you" He said his eyes sparkling a little. "YEah i wont ... Whatever" She mummbled so that only stone could hear.He held her longer then he should have.She wriggled free and went to her home which was now on the verge of attack. "AAAH!MY HOUSE!" The group heard before everyone,including stone and ragnor, went to see what was going on.
Well i would like anything that is from either naruto(Sakura or Ino) or Inuyasha(Kagome,Sango or Kikyo)
Hello all! Well lets get down to buisness shall we.Would someone be kind enough to make me an avitar and a banner for my signiture?I would like if anyone who could do it would help and i thank you in advance -Monipo1928