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Everything posted by Zeke47
[B]Name:[/B] Akida [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Role Within Team: [/B]Seer [B]Abilities:[/B] With his initial testing he was deemed as having "for all purposes, no ability to see into the future", but it appears the reasoning for this was this wasn't his ability not being detailed enough, but it being too detailed at seeing into the future. The main problems this caused was an information overflow that stopped him from using this information for any practical purposes, after continued testing it was found he started be able to use this information better until eventually he was put on PART as his ability was seen as "most useful in combat situations", as he had developed the ability to see in extreme detail the next few minutes of time. [B]Physical Appearance:[/B] [I][URL="http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i123/RyuDx/hei.jpg"]this[/URL][/I] [B]Personality:[/B] Akida is a rather quite individual but cares for his friends deeply. He rarely stats conversations and at times he does akwardly as he often already knows the result of the conversation before hand, this makes his interactions with people fairly difficult because to him it's always like they've already had the conversation. This can be problematic at times as he might get a little angry at someone for something they haven't said or done yet, or possibly will never happen because he has changed the future by his actions. This also makes him unusually good at consoling people as he can figure out their problem without asking and figure the best course of action before hand. [B]Weapons:[/B] dual standard 9mm pistols with extended clips. Auto-Retracting grappling line [B]Other Skills:[/B] Akida never really bothered to learn many skills as he found that he could figure it out by seeing the future most of the time, but before he came to relying on his seer powers he learned a bit of martial arts most prominently Pankration. Another skill he has acquired where he is fairly skilled with is climbing, as well as use of his grappling system, while he does use a fair bit of foresight to help him in this. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] Akida walked forward, his coat swaying behind him as his pace quickened. "Shit, i knew this was risky" he said under his breath, until now he thought he was about to make contact with an informant that was suppose to tell him the truth about what happened 6 months ago, but now he knew it was a trap. Akida saw the man he was to meet say "goodbye akida" before a hail of bullets pierced him from the surrounding buildings, he now knew what was going to happen but how to avoid it was his concern, he tried to go back but saw that they would have blocked the streets by the time he got there. Turning and running down a alleyway he continued to look for a future that would let him escape, they had covered man-wells, had every single building covered and now they knew that he was trying to escape. Gunfire broke forth from a window high up in the alleyway raining down near him, but none would hit, he had already devised a path to run through the gun's spread. Exiting on the next street he quickly drew one of his guns and fired a shot into a nearby window hitting a man in the neck and within 2 seconds 4 more shots rang into different windows making 4 more join his fate. Akida grabbed his phone hitting redial, which would connect him with his contact. A cold voice met his ear, "oh hello Akida, i'm sorry to bring this on you so suddenly but i'm afraid our goals don't actually coincide, your fate is inescapable, even for someone such as yourself". Akida responded "really from as far as i can see you're already set to lose over 50 men and i still won't be dead" and hung up with a sadistic laugh. firing two more shots into windows Akida continued to run down the street he was on, he knew if he stood in any place for too long he would be cornered to an inescapable degree, as eventually there would be no route to escape, he had thrown some doubt into their commander with his phone call so he would call some troops from the outer area to try and take care of him quicker but would he be able to find a route to the weakened perimeter was the question.
Shan and Bre sprinted forward, as they turned a corner Shan's eyes widened as Boush came into veiw - his shirt on the right half torn open blood coming down his arm and three large claw marks across his chest and arm. "I beleive france has deemed us a threat, tho i don't quite know how come these beserkers are fighting for them but they are quite tough" Boush said with a slight wince and a smile. Looking at the wounds from a distance Bre perceived while looking quite deep and wide they where already fairly well healed and noted down quickly that Boush's full water augmentation had improved healing rate since last time he had seen it. (10 minutes earlier) what had originally been a short walk down town quickly escalated into a full scale battle, he had gone out earlier by himself but on the way back ran into Sin and Damo heading down to some restaurant or the other and decided to follow along. About halfway there was when things turned hectic. It seemed to be an ambush of sorts, tho it could have been a frontal assault as it was hard to miss the large amount of screems as multiple large werewolfs ran straight at them. Damo quickly sent one flying with a blast but there was a large number of them and it wasn't enough as one came diving in at Boush, diving into a side ally Boush quickly used ablast of sound sending the wolf backwards into the street, coming back out of the ally he noticed the rest of the group was nowhere in sight. [I]shit, where did they disappear off to[/I], but quickly 2 berserkers interrupted his thought process as they dived in at him. Boush dove backwards turning up his lightning augmentation, he dashed down the allyway as they ran behind him. As he turned the corner he activated his invisibility and continued dashing. One of the berserkers ran in his direction as the other ran another way, as Boush's invisibility faded he turned around facing the berserker. [I]damn i can't keep up my invisibility while so augmented towards lightning[/I] looking at the berserker as it lunged at him jaws open Boush quickly ducked under the attack then jumped backwards landing ontop of a car. [I]don't want to get too close to that, i need some sort of weapon[/I], looking down at the car, "hmmm" full fire augmentation, reaching down he grabbed the door of the car and pulled it upwards breaking it's hinges. holding the door in one hand he jumped towards the wolf swinging it with his strength enhanced body, knocking the wolf's arm out of the way with the first swing then grabbing the door with both hands he put full strength into his swing hitting it squarely in the chest. hearing the sound of the glass inside the door shatter and flying several feet back the wolf lung quickly regained itself and once again jumped towards Boush who was swinging the door towards it. meeting the door with its claws the door was ripped in half as its claws continued towards Boush's chest, pulling back his shoulder the claws caught onto just his shirt ripping it across the right side. [I]shit[/I] 'Ice wall' Boush put out his left hand raising it up, water came rushing upwards from the ground right over top of the wolf before flash freezing encasing it to it's shoulders in ice. placing his hand next to the werewolf in ice he swung the now torn and sharp side of the door into the side of the werewolfs neck in a slashing motion, cutting though alot of the flesh blood squirted out, but as Boush went in for the second swing he heard a loud crack as the werewolfs arm shot out of the ice sending him flying with 3 deep claw marks on his chest[I]damn surprised it didn't break a rib[/I]. looking down he noticed he was loosing alot of blood[I]damn looks like i need some healing to clot this quickly[/I], water augmentation half, looking up now he saw that his earlier blow to the neck was already almost healed, [I]looks like i have to go all out[/I]. Waiting until the werewolf was just about at him Boush raised his arm 'chill', the werewolf stuttered as Boush layed a full strength palm thrust to it's chest sending it onto it's back. 'sun strike - 5 feet infront', then charging forward 'inferno' a branch of flames spread forward from his hand aiming it at the werewolfs face blinding it, at this time his sun strike activated causing a near instant explosion as a spiral flame flew upwards into the sky. Still streaming flames from his hand he grabbed onto the werewolfs neck, it swung its arm up towards boush, who blocked with his arm causing 3 gashes to run its length, "'EMP'" boush shouted as an electrical ball shot from his hand also into it's neck. getting up he walked awy from the charred corpse behind him as he activated full water augmentation to prepare for his next battle.
As Shan fed Malinda Boush tore his eyes away from the scene figured it might be good to figure out what exactly was going on(as it isn't like he hadn't seen them do that kind of thing before). Wandering up towards Bre and Duke, Boush over heard about the blood hounds coming and that they had to fight soon. Figuring this all too suspicious Boush walked up to Nayomi and asked "so would they really just send a group of 6-10 men to take you guys out, you did force your way into the base and 'kidnapped' a large group of future workers/killer or what have you, not to mention your badly wanted. Besides the fact that i believe they could have a power to track us that isn't electrical, i'm sorry to say this but it's better this come up now then during the fight but for all we know this could be a trick to get rid of anyone who will rebel against them in the future, maybe those who fight the hunter unit with you will just be stabbed in the back". [I]given I'm sure one of the information gatherers would find this out before hand[/I].
[B]March 8th, 3000 [/B] It was... interesting, it was the first time that someone faced me, that was a long time ago now, i feel more normal at least, tho i guess most still see me as some sort of freak by normals. Either way this is my home, at least for now. [B]April 12th, 3007[/B] I heard there was a test coming up, i'm not too concerned, i feel like I'm being used now, ofcourse an education and place like this to live wouldn't come free no hooks attached, as long as the people i know get through i don't mind i guess, just have to make sure no one gets hurt, maybe even killed, there's some bad rumors about this test going around. [B]Name:[/B] Boush [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Ability[/B]: manipulation Boush's ability is odd in it's workings, he appears to have the power to manipulate the elements of fire?(heat), lighting?(wind) and water?(ice), while this in itself is not overly miraculous as he has very little manipulation of the elements outside of his body. Unlike other manipulators he cannot shoot out lightning or move water around as a shield, the power seems to come from when combining the elements together, even with themselves, he seems to augment himself with the elements and then gains an ability depending on the combination, these abilities are odd as they seem to be out of his control once he releases the ability, he can enchant another with lightning/fire which makes them stronger and faster, (we assume this is through the nerves) without actually concentrating besides the point he starts the ability, and it lasts a set amount of time before running out, we figure the ability has a sort of mind of it's own, possibly some sort of program within the power itself. besides this he has shown other abilities even so far as turning turning invisible and summoning a wall of ice for extended periods of time. As far as we know he cannot use the same ability in quick succession tho can use different abilities within very short periods of each other. A recently noticed attribute seems to be not only does augmenting give him a new ability to use it seems to provide his body with benefits, this is shown in increased healing, speed and strength. A list of his known abilities is as follows [B]invisibility:[/B] it appears through the use of wind and water he creates a mist around his body that doesn't obscure but bends light around him, this ability has only been shown to work on himself. [B]ice wall:[/B] water shoots out of the ground and immediately a wave of heat is admitted from the wall of water as it turns into ice, the wave is fairly intense but not such that it would do serious damage. [B]neural enhancer:[/B] increasing strength, reaction time and speed of a person, he can activate this ability fairly often it seems and on anybody including himself [B]chill:[/B] he seems to be able to lower the body temperature of an opponent for a period of time, he has rarely shown this ability but after a short time they seem to gain back their body heat if this was because he was holding back or not is not known but we assume not since he hasn't appeared to have that good control over any of his abilities. [B]inferno:[/B] creating basically a ball of fire that moves forward in a straight line, this moves slow but it's destructive capabilities are tremendous, this is his most powerful move. [B]EMP:[/B] we don't know what else to call this, a ball of lighting is release from his hand and after a short time explodes not only canceling electronics in a short radius but anyone caught near it will feel weakened and receive non lethal shocks. [B]blast of wind/sound:[/B] we are unsure of these two abilities, we are unsure if they are variations of the same ability or 2 separate ones, one appears to create a strong upward blast of air that launches objects/people upwards into the air and even suspend them there for short time and another blasts them backwards as well as causes a stunning(more of a daze) and deafening effect. [B]sun Strike:[/B] we are unsure of this ability but it appears through reassessment of energy into the upper atmosphere he can cause a strike of fire to fall upon a target location, this apears to have extreme range but like his other skills after using it has no control over it's landing place, we have suggested not using this ability during battle as an ally could move into the trajectory.
[B]Name:[/B] Ansananopola(Ansan) Aburame [B]Age:[/B]18 [B]Appearance:[/B] 5'11" tall and ussually wears a loose hoodie ontop of his ninja outfit which he takes off before he becomes serious in a fight, he has pouches on his vest under his hoodie and has a medium athletic build.he has Black short hair that is semi spiky and wears his headband around his head like a normal person. [B]Personality:[/B] He barely talks to anyone, and when he does it is few words, he doesn't like people to explain their reasoning or listen to them in the slightest, has a weak sense of responsibility and once he starts a fight he likes to finish it and will get royally pissed off if someone steals his "prey", tho he hates fighting with woman [B]Rank:[/B] chuunin [B]Village:[/B] Leaf [B]Style:[/B] As a member of Aburame and shika clan he is a user of shadows and bugs but he does know some nin and genjutsu but is more focused on gen then nin [B]Main jutsu/techniques:[/B] shadow sewing, uses it more often with bringer of darkness which he hasnt mastered to the level of the 2nd hokage but still has great uses, shadow bind, can create clones with bugs that can use minor techniques [B]Bio:[/B] Ansan is the son of shino aburame and shikamaru's cousin, growing up learning both clans techniques, at the age of 8 his older sister died while on a mission in the anbu, this has lead him to be over protective of woman until he was 13 when he was put under an emotional female team leader who got both his team mates killed due to incompetance(acording to Ansan) he left his group and worked with his clans instead but because he is learning both clans techniques at once neither will allow him to become joinin as he hasn't mastered either clans techniques yet(because he is spreading his learning) [B]What law you want passed:[/B] All female ninja must be foremost learned in medical ninjutsu and cannot hold a leadership position
[B]Name:[/B] Hayate [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Personality:[/B] Hayate is while smart, very niave, he will often mistake people words to mean completely different things then what was obviously meant and is very bad at knowing what they want to hear or otherwise are thinking and has a tendency to lead people on. At times he thinks everyone hates him tho this is ussually because they are just momentarily pissed off at his complete ignorance attimes. [B]Appearance:[/B] Skinny and fairly he has light blue hair and is extremely athletic and has amazing hand eye cordination. [B]Mech:[/B] Pheonix [B]Other:[/B] Hayate is extremely poor, tho this is through no fault of his own as he has enherited a negitive forture from his parents and often misses chances to get large amounts of money through shear ignorance. This is how he got signed up to the job as he is very skilled at just about everything he does, and he owed the government money so they put him through a rigourous eligability program and he finished without a scratch(it was mostly his insane luck that follows him everywhere).
Name: Vesemir, also known as The Black Hawk Age and Gender: 87, Male Race & Class: Human, Witcher Alignment: Self-sufficient and tendancies towards Good Company: While Vesemir doesn't travel with anyone at the moment he knows many people and is occasionally joined by another witcher or old adventuring friend Appearance: While he is human the modifications preformed on his body in his youth have kept his apearance at roughly 30 years old with sleek pitch black hair running down to his shoulders. His face has 2 small scars on it, one on his chin and another slightly above his left eye. He has a thin yet muscular build, and his atire consists of pure black clothing as yu might suspect from his nickname. thought the most noticible thing about him is whats different about all Witchers, his eyes are odly shaed he walks slightly diferent though only a truely remarkable man would notice that but anyone learned about witchers could tell he was one through various small things about him. Personality: He isn't one to talk much or atleast when he does talk he makes it short and straight to the point, he has the tendency to do good deeds but he isn't afraid to kill humans if it serves his purpose. Weapons/Magic: Hawk carries 2 swords one silver and one steel each of which is special in it's own right. The steel sword has small veins of blue and red running down it's length and the silver one is engraved with various runes. As a witcher Hawk knows a small variety of magic used with "signs" in which he puts his hand forward making a sign with his hand and a magical effect happens: Aard: Holding his hand forward in what apears to be a relaxed position as if japping with his fingers Hawk releases a wave of force that can break down a door, weakened wall or send assailants flying Igni: Holding his hand palm up as if holding onto something Hawk sumons fire which can be shot towards his enemies or just used for menial tasks such as heat or light Quen: Holding his hand in a fist and infront of him such as if he stuck his thumb out it'd point at him a force surounds Hawk and deflects blows and projectiles, if he concentrates on it he can even hit back the attacks with enough force to hurt the attack(only melee blows not ranged) Axii: Holding his hand forward almost as if to shake a hand Hawk curses one enemy causing him to lose his alliegance for a short period of time and gain it with The Hawk, others within a short distance of the target loose focus, sometimes run in fear or even become blinded by the outlash of the magic, if the charm is resisted by the target these may also aply to him Yrden: Holding his hand open Hawk sets up a "trap" on the ground that when walked over sends pain into the enemy, slows the enemies movement and making it harder for them to attack or dodge, at times like Axii Yrden can blind the oponent or even effect them with fast acting poison Writing Sample: It was dark out and had just started to rain when Hawk entered a bar. It's name was the Hairy bear, it wasn't the most splended of pubs, atracted the wrong type of croud, but for at the same time it was the only pub in this god forsaken town. Walking up to the inn keeper he was met with a sneer, "what do you want". "to talk" Hawk replied "about what" "Witcher jobs" "Why, you a witcher?" "If i am" Staring at The Hawk the inn keeper gave up on his hostility "you'd have to ask Jared, he's in his room now but i'll tell him to wait for you in the morning" "thank you, do you have any strong alcohol, perferably as pure as you have" Hawk asked He didn't ask for drinking purposes tho, well atleast not in it's current form anyways. He would use it later as a potion base mixing various herbs, and monster parts he would create a drink too toxic for a normal human to handle and would do little more then poison one if they did but for his body, the body of a witcher it would imbue with powers, such as perfect sight in the darkest of night or outstanding regenerative powers, even moreso then his body already had, tho there was a limit to these for they would still toxify his body and if he drank too many in a short time they could start have adverse effects. After purchasing a decent amount of alcohol from the inn keeper he also purchased a stay for the night and retired to his room to meditate until morning as Witchers don't truly need sleep as humans do. The next morning when Jared came downstairs The Hawk was already waiting. "Jared i wish to speak with you" "And you might be" jared said raising an eyebrow "Someone who heard you might have some problems that you are willing to pay to get rid of" "Ah a witcher, i shoulda known" Jared said, "Yes i do have some work for you, i need a cockatrice taken care of, it's been plauging my merchants along the roads for over a week now" "It'll cost you 400 coins" The hawk said calmly "no way thats way too much, how about 200" Jared said taken aback "no it has to be 400, the cockatrice is a dangourous beast and i require my expenses pain" "ok, ok fine how about 300 then it's a fair offer" "350 and you have a deal" Jared painingly accepted and told The Hawk where to find the cockatrice. The Hawk went forward now in a swamp outside the city, he was up to his waist in water and was searching for signs of the cockatrice. A small group of Drowners(evil water elemental, weak to silver live near waterways) came up a short while infront of him and began to move to encircle him. This was the 3rd group of them he had met, each time he had turned away from where they where more densly populated for they would avoid the cockatrice. Drawing his silver sword the hawk leaped forward slicing through the gut of one drowner with a quick movement and turning cutting off the head of another. now surounded by the other 3 he held his fist infront of him creating a barrier that they could not peirce as he cut throught them with few more slashes. Based on the information he got he continued on and soon started getting sure signs of the cockatrice. following them he came upon its den, luckily it was daytime and it would be sleeping so the Hawk snuck up on it. As he rounded into its den he turned around in a split second blocking it's attack from behind. "Damn bird" Hawk yelled pushing his hand forward send the bird flying with a wave of force. proceeding to attack his slashed down cutting a deep wound into the cockatrice's side. Attacking with a fierce peck The Hawk responded with a stap into it's mouth and through the roof of it's mouth. The cockatrice thrashed in it's dying moments and it's claw cut into the Hawks arm. Looking at his arm it had a deep gash in it and he figured it would take an hour to fully heal maby a bit more time. Walking up to the carcass he took out a small knife and cut into it's skull ripping out it's eyes which contained a very rare chemical compound(hydragenum) useful for a few Formula then took out it's poison glands in it's mouth and some tail feather which each contain Vermillion and Aether respectively both of which are valuable and useful.
Shin left the blood bath heading back to his place, as he entered he imediatly noticed something off as he smelled blood, recognising who's it was he moved quickly down a corridor, walking into a large room where their where 2 bodies on the ground and Tory(his butler) was leaning against a wall heavily wounded. "sir they invaded without warning, i managed to hold these 2 off but there are still a few more i do beleive" Alex stated as he set a small knife he had defended himself with down. "i'll make sure to clear them out, you patch yourself up and meet me at the front of the dark district in 45 minutes sharp, make sure to bring your weapons, and also tell the 2 girls to be ready incase we call and until then for them to defend here" Shin said as he left to hunt down the remaining artifials, which wasn't hard considering the mansions gas release system. 45 minutes later Shin and Alex entered the Dark District, walking in just as Kieran was introducing himself and his Sire. Shin responded walking up from the side "Nice to meet you, its surprising with how long we've lived and how we have never met, i am Shin Takayanagi, leader of the Takayanagi clan and this is my Clans Butler Alex"
"Well it appears now that while your powers are still very ineffective vs me, but now i appear to be the one out numbered" Ken said 'what was with that guy and his sacred ground crap even now that i can use my powers again the werewolves are completely dead as if they all had been pierced through the heart', "well anyways this little voice in my ear is annoying me so.." as he ripped of the headset breaking it into pieces, "well anyways i'll be heading off now, i'd suggest neither of you go back to Red he's planning to brainwash you all or something, just figured after knowing all this doubt i'd be left out so I'm heading off, *sigh* and i thought i found a place i 'belonged'" with that Ken wandered off leaving Sin and Damo in the street surrounded by fallen werewolves.
Ken looking around a corner at Sin and Damo as they talked to Nayomi and Duke "remember just observe them while staying hidden" reds voice jumped through a ear piece. "yes, yes i know" ken muttered back annoyingly into the headset, "damn this is crap i don't like following orders like this, even has a damn camera installed" "stop complaining and continue your reconnaissance" red yelled into his ear "ok, ok but i never knew we had any werewolves on our side" ken said as he looked back at 8 werewolves who where sent with him "don't let that bother you, seems the convo is about up, what is happening now" red asked "it appears that they are going to let them go and are then going to keep an eye on you" "very well send 5 of the werewolves to capture those 2 as well, then we'll bring them back and if worse comes to worse we'll have to brainwash them, now i want you to lend them support while keeping the other 3 out of his minds eye for a surprise attack incase anything goes wrong with the first 5, now go and capture them alive if at all possible" "very well '[B]sir[/B]'" Ken said as he motioned for 5 of the woves to attack, 'damn this is a pain in the ass, if they want to leave why force them to stay, why'd i have to get mixed in this crap, it's so hard to know the truth behind all this considering i really havn't been part of this team for that long', sighing ken then moved through an alley way to take position behind them. Damo sending a large wave of force sent one of the werewolves into a wall with a deadening crack and as shadows closing in on 2 of them tearing them up "looks like i'm winning already" Sin said with a smile "what are you talking about" Damo said looking at the 2 werewolves "you barely even scratched them" Sin looking in shock at them both then over to the one that was thrown into the wall "it looks like all you did was shatter that ones leg" Both of them now in surprise as they sent more attacks at the werewolves but not one of which actual took one down, as they closed around them, "damn whats happening i don't understand" hearing Kens voice from behind they both spun around "well you see your powers all come from the mind, and i am the most powerful when it comes to controlling the mind, your powers are just about useless when it comes to fighting against me, oh did you know if you teleport a miscalculation can cause you an arm or a leg and with me around miscalculations are very likely, without your powers your useless, i'd suggest you surrender"
Name: Shin Takayanagi Age: 412 Appearance: [URL="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/4/43/Bunshichi_5.jpg/180px-Bunshichi_5.jpg"]Shin[/URL] Personality: he fights only for his own sake, he would rather live a peaceful existant but since that peaceful existant is threatened is the reason that he fights. Weapons: Shin has no weapons on him per se unless you count the high amount of scented needles he has Powers: Shin's Power is the ability to flow his energy to other objects through scent particles and dust. By doing so he can shape his energy around the object to make something new, most commonly he changes needles into blades. Bio: A scream echoed from an alleyway. "V-Vampire" a man screamed out as he ran out of the alleyway into the almost abandoned street. Following behind him was a vampire, he was about 6' tall with long brown hair who yelled "your next" and followed the man Grabbing the man from behind he let out a small laugh "pathetic" The man was instantly cut into 3 and fell to the vampires feet The vampire in shock looked up to see a man, "you dare attack my prey" "i think you have it wrong, you are the one attacking my prey, as you can see this is all Takayanagi territory, not only that you aren't very discreet in your feeding, who are you" "i'm an artificial one of you, a better vampire then you, if i kill you then this would be my territory correct" "i think you missunderstood i asked who you where not what you are, but either way i very well doubt you'll take this territory from me" Shin said, as he swept his out. 3 blades apeared in bid air slicing through the vampire in an instant. As Shin walked away he said "damn thats the third one this week, these are getting annoying"
Ken walked down the hallway and figured everyone else was up already, focusing he felt throughout the building and quickly noticed Symphony talking to Damo and Sin through their mind link not far away and headed over there, as he entered the room he saw now Symphony was talking to Nayomi. Walking over he saw the bite wound on Damo's leg with him basically passed out, sitting down near Nayomi and was about to ask what happened before he thought better of it as he noticed how mad she was, and figured be easier to ge the story from someone else, as Nayomi left the room Ken sent a message to Symphony asking her what happened and was soon caught up with the nights events. Ken thought over the events of the night, wondering exactly how it is vampires where turned and if the thing that Damo was given that let him be controlled by the other vampires couldhave been cancled if he was there by blocking out any telepathic comands transfered to him, well he figured he'd try if it ever happened again, which he hoped it wouldn't.
Seta landed infront of everyone, looking around he saw everyone was in a fighting stance and Arimi apeared behind him about to launch a kick and about 3 others where making hand signs and the others where strategically surounding him. Arimi stopping her kick and everyone else standing in surprise "hey what is this all about" seta said in shock, "i'm not that big of a pain am i?", with that everyone sorta mumbled sorry and looked around as if they knew it all along. Seta laughed "man just because i released my chakra in not my normal patern u all thought some big enemy was coming" "perhaps we should continue our attack" Rizen said calmly "aww comon it wasn't that bad" seta replied, well besides that i've found a barrier up ahead, seems to be arrected by 4 large ice towers, which is odd considering ice isn't a normal element by any means, and behind it apears to be a small town by what i gathered" "ice towers??, no problem i'll melt them" shinori stated "ice is actually good vs fire fro what i've heard" Rizen said "we can try but its best not to waste energy, we will aproach it hidden and try to burry under it, if it proceeds underground we should use a barrier piercing technique which will require 3 of us to use on one side to open it then 3 of us will have to go through and maintain it while the others outside will then proceed through the whole, and then we will proceed with caution and expecting resistance, remember while we're on the inside retreat will be almost impossible and recovery time will be minimal so make sure to be fully rested before we begin."
[B]Name:[/B] Cicero Gordianus [B]Hunter:[/B] Paladin156 [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Hair:[/B] Blond but dyes it, most commonly Blue [B]Eyes:[/B] Green [B]Height:[/B] 5'11" [B]Weight:[/B] 180 [B]Creed:[/B] Defender [B]Weapons:[/B] Barrett REC7 with enhanced barrel, scope and forward hand grip for increased accuracy if the situation allows for it. He also carries around a suppressor that is easily attachable if the situation calls for it. Dual trench knives and a hidden katana behind his back under his clothes Dual MK23 pistols with enlarged clips, barrel upgrades and high grade suppressors. [B]Edges:[/B] Regenerate: Cicero yells out "I Cannot die" sometimes adding a “here” to the end in desperation as he feels like he is losing and taking too much damage, or without it as a challenge to worry his opponents. Champion: Shouting "I'm invincible, just try to prove me wrong" Cicero taunts all the enemies around him as they feel a compulsion to prove him wrong. Burn: Cicero says "I am untouchable" yelling untouchable out or says "you dare touch me" if they already are holding him. Balance: Staring straight at his target Cicero says "I'm the monster in this fight" sapping them of their powers Discern: Closing his eyes then opening them while saying "No one can hide from my view" Cicero sees beyond normal means. Pinpoint: Cicero says “You shouldn't leave yourself so open, I can see your weaknesses a mile away” Hide: Cicero rolls to the side as he says "No one can trace my movements" and disappears near the end of the roll. [B]Appearance:[/B] Cicero wears a Black Hakama(Traditional Samurai pants meant to hide leg movement) with a belt that has holsters for his guns and trench knives. For his top he wears a cloak that blends in with his pants very well, this also conceals his weapons from view and has a deep hood. Under his cloak he wears a dragon skin extended vest and also has slight protective gear on his legs under his Hakama, most noticeably knee pads that have titanium caps on them. [B]Biography:[/B] During his childhood Cicero led an odd like as both his parents where high degree black belts of various martial arts. While this didn't effect his early school life, his home life was filled with vigorous training in Ninjitsu, Capoeira, and Kendo and this continued until the end of his secondary eduction in high school. During his primary education he attended a public school and ended up braking up fight quite regularly as he always had a chivalrous spirit and was planning to become a police officer when he grew up. When he started high school tho his view of the world changed a bit, as his regular school life of breaking up fights was replaced with a life of avoiding them himself but that couldn't always be done. People all over the school where constantly challenging him to fights trying to prove themselves for whatever reasons they had. They usually consisted something like “I'll show you that your martial arts are no match to someone who has fought in the streets all his life” or “They said you know martial arts, they aren't so great” while thinking 'if I beat this guy up, I'll become so cool'. In other words pretty much wanted to show that they where better then the great black belt Cicero who most considered the best fighter in school. Throughout the entire 4 years of high school Cicero only lost one fight and that was when he was greatly outnumbered and other then that he barely ever even got a scratch on him. [B]Imbuing:[/B] A normal school day, or so it seemed at first was when Cicero was imbued, He was wondering down a hall a little before noon when a girl gently grabbed him from behind. Surprised Cicero turned around to find the girl very close to him as she leaned in gently pecking him on the lips. Blushing slightly Cicero jumped back surprised at the girls abruptness, and asked “what was that f..” but got cut off as the girl put her finger to his lips then quickly motioned for him to follow her as she entered a nearby empty room. Following slowly behind he entered the room as the door closed behind him he turned around as the girl grabbed him and pushed him into a wall. “You look like you taste good boy” she said just before she kissed him again, this time much deeper, and during the kiss he was sure he felt something sharp with his tongue. Smiling the girl moved down slowly to his neck before sinking her teeth into it. Cicero shuddered with a pain, at first thinking she was just being kinky soon found out different as he quickly became light headed. Feeling the blood getting sucked out of him Cicero yelled out in desperation swinging his arm across knocking her off him. Stumbling back Cicero looked at his opponent and saw blood dripping down from her mouth. Fear hit him instantly as he quickly grabbed his neck trying to stop the bleeding by applying pressure. Licking her lips the vampire girl teased “aww don't act that way, u taste so good” as she slowly advanced she bared her fangs and moved tables and chairs out of the way that Cicero was putting between them. The situation couldn't have been worse, an abnormally strong girl was moving towards him as he bled to death and the only exit was on the other side of her. She was fully aware of this and seemed pleased to just follow her prey tormenting it. His vision now blurry Cicero could barely walk and proceeded to fall backwards onto the ground. “damn” he said he held himself up with one arm behind his back while holding his neck with his other. The girl now over him smiled as she sat down on his lap and pushed him completely onto his back as his arm gave out. Groaning he looked at her as she moved her body up his and looked into his eyes, licking her lips she smiled as he said “no.. please I can't die like this” Laughing gently she lowered her head to his neck and gently licked at the blood over the wound revealing the 2 punctures in his neck. She jumped in shock as the 2 holes closed themselves up, “hey, how did you do that” she questioned as his dizziness subsided. Acting quickly Cicero used a palm thrust to her side rolling her off just enough to get a kick in pushing her across the ground. Kicking himself off the ground he landed on his feet and was surprised when the girl was already on her feet too when he came up. “Well thanks for the drink” she smirked as she left the room. Quickly following from behind he entered the hallway and didn't see her anywhere as it was now filled with other students. Not quite sure y he suddenly closed his eyes and said “You cannot hide from me”. When he opened his eyes he instantly noticed her far down the hall going up the stairs at the end. As she went up the stairs she looked back over her shoulder noticing Cicero rushing through the crowd after her, smiling to herself she said “how interesting I was planning on letting him live for a bit, but o well” and waited at the top of the stairs. Cicero ran up the stairs following her as she continued on and went down an abandoned corridor used for supplies. Just as he got to her she turned punching quickly into his gut, cringing he returned the punch into her shoulder which she shrugged off like it was nothing and grabbed at his shoulders. “boy you sure are over confident” she said as she went to bite his neck again. Turning to the side and stepping one foot down and then putting the other in her stomach he rolled back throwing her over him into a wall. Hitting the wall she fell to the ground catching herself she was already on her feet before Cicero was even on his feet. Going to attack while he was on the ground she was caught by a spinning upward kick from the ground hitting her back into the wall and getting him to his feet. “your not so tough” Cicero said as he landed from the kick and suddenly saw a green line in his vision that pointed to her chest. A circle appearing at the end of the line showing her heart, and he wasn't sure why but he knew for some reason he had to pierce her heart to have a chance of beating her. Laughing she said “wow I didn't know you where gonna be so fun” running at him and thrusting at him with her fist. Dodging Cicero hit her bicep on a nerve then punched up hitting her under the chin then rolled back saying “theirs noway you can follow my movements” when she looked down from the uppercut she didn't see him anywhere and started to look side to side. Cicero not knowing what happened looked at his arm and saw wisps of something like fog running around him, quickly looking around for something to pierce her with he saw the gyms supply closet and ran to it to grab a javelin. Hearing movement in the closet she came over to investigate. Just as she turned the corner into it she met a javelin thrust into her chest. Coughing up blood she dropping to her knees as she said “pretty good”. As Cicero looked down at her he saw her smiling, as if she was somehow happy about this, he didn't understand, in fact he almost felt like he didn't want to, how horrible did you have to be to be happy about your own death? Looking closer he saw that the javelin had missed the heart by an inch but had pierced her lung, as she pulled it out she slowly got back up to her feet and let the javelin fall to the ground. “you almost won, u know that don't you” she said with a smile before lunging at him take a bit in hi shoulder missing his neck by a few inches. 'shit' he thought as he pulled away ripping his flesh from the teeth leaving a large cut on his shoulder. Pushing her down he ran past her and down the hallway, sitting on the ground the vampire girl said “damn he really does taste good” as she licked her lips. After this happened they met a few more time and both of them have always survived.
'what a pain in the ass that guy is' Seta sighed as he left him to his women he said "man i hope one of the girls in there is an enemy kunoichi" Jumping through the trees to get back to where he was suppose to be scouting he created 3 shadow clones, sending one back to Rizen to keep him informed and sending 2 ahead for scouting with one transformed to look like a generic ninja as he followed behind them, he squinted as he felt a pain in his arm, 'oh ya i forgot to get Rizen to take a look at this seeing as I hastedly popped it back in during battle it could be relocated a bit off, o well sure it'll be ok until i report' Not long after they where sent out Seta jumping out of a tree landing a foot infront of Arimi who was by the looking over its reflective surface and seemed to be in fairly deep thought, as he landed he was so close that if he wasn't taller then her their foreheads would be touching, with a surprise she jumped back a little, Seta smiled widely and said "hey, so you seen Rizen?" With a a small start as a little surprise came on her face and a little red growing on her cheeks she said "n-no, why would i know something like that" "well could you relay a message for me, tell him that douche Moutsi.. wait Mitsow, naw that isn't right.. well call him 'that douche', he'll probably understand, decided to not scout and instead is drooling over some girls at a tea shop, while i have nothing against girls it isn't something to do while on a mission, definitely one as important as scouting, well any ways could you tell him that, also tell him that I'm scouting on my own using clones to back me up and to relay any messages by dispensing one and then this one will instantly have the info and be able to give it to him" as he said this he lay down by the shore setting his feet up on a rock and looked into the sky Just as she started to complain and ask why she had to do it and why he couldn't report it himself Seta continued on his long speech "oh and I'm asking you to do it because if i go and tell him he'll obviously get angry at me for jumping out at him and setting traps around him and maby falling into some sort of pit as a joke(as he never reacts to me surprising him, and thats no fun), then he'd get mad at me for letting that guy take time off, then he'd be even madder at me for trying to scout ahead by myself knowing full well my major technique is to copy others abilities and that by oneself it's much harder to get abilities to copy then if i have teammates to use their abilities at the same time definitely if my opponent happens to see my technique before it succeeds or whos abilities are too difficult for me to copy correctly, besides i saw you two earlier, isn't this a good reason to go talk to him anyways??" as he finished he closed his eyes and thought 'man that was great' as he smirked
Seta sitting in a tree watching the fight below "hmmm, this isn't going well and theirs no telling how long or if that fire done even slowed them down, they could just be playing with us" Jumping down still out of veiw of lee he had his shadow go out and waited with it right next to Jet, as lee apeared infront of jet, throwing a punch at him Jet barely dodge, and Lee was captured in Seta's shadow. "gotcha" Seta exclamed. Lee now going to attack Rizen who had started thinking up a plan, but was making sure to be ready to dodge, saw lee apear infront of him, knowing the most logical way in wich lee would attack him while he was planning liek that rolled perfectly out of the way, Lee apearing behind him in the role exclaiming "good movements but ur still too slow". Seta apearing behind lee said "am I?" launching a punch at him using lees own methods of attack sending him forward a fair few feet. yelling out in pain as his sholder dislocated seta said "shit my body couldn't even handle using a single one of his punches", lee easily recovering exclaimed (not even aware of the significance of what Seta just said) "a fellow strong fist user, and by the feeling of that punch almost on a level of my own, this is amazing to find sumone such as you here, now let the match of firery fists begin" as he got excited at the procpect he might have a good fight between a fellow user. Suddenly he was hit from under the chin 'shit he went all out on me i didn't even see him leave his location.. or feel it with my shadow technique' glimpsing over to his comrades he saw that they each had been hit by a shadow clone from underground the same way as him, 'ofcourse' Seta thought as he badly recovered from the attack. Looking over he saw that shinori had suffered badly from the attack 'ofcourse he must be low on stamina keeping that giant fire dome this entire battle not to mentioning using a new technique that they've barely even practiced' as he thought about it he got a tinge of anger through him 'damn whats he thinking using a new technique in a life or death battle like this' looking around he saw that lee was waiting for his arival to fully stand up and that their where many clones around now who obviously dug under the dome, 'damn i'm screwed if i have to go up against lee in a full fledged taijutsu match' as he stood up fully he said "one sec lee let me just relocate my arm" as he relocated his arm he that Rizen had filled up a large amount of the scroll with planning, 'damn must be hard to think up a plan vs such bad odds and without everyone in good shape, can't beleive arimi went to fight him alone after all the training she did today' "ok i'm ready" seta exclaimed. "Very good" lee cried out as he disapeared from his location shooting a kick at his back, passing right through him lee exclaimed "genjutsu clone??", as from underground Seta launched an uppercut at his chin, "nice try" lee laughed as he lifted his head making the punch miss by inches and launched a kick nocking Seta flying before it disapeared into a poof of smoke "hmm a shadow clone??" lee said as another seta launched a punch from behind lee easily counted destroying yet another clone, "i'm starting to think ur not a strong fist user at all, did you trick me????" lee exclaimed
Seta was walking through the forest when felt a large amount of chakra over towards the lake at which they faught kisame at, even with his skill in detecting chakra from far away he was surprised that he couldn't even pick up either of the 2 people who where their a moment ago's chakra. hoping nothing happened to them knowing that the pure mass of chakra would easily cover up the other 2's chakra he was still woried and took off making a few shadow clones to warn the others. Quickly arriving on the scene looking out from the trees he saw Rock lee jump down and yell as Rizen and Arimi retreated in his general direction. Running out just as the other 2 passed him he made a few handsigns "Shadow art: rain of darkness" as hundreds of needles flew into the crowd of naruto's who quickly moved very effectively dodging most of the needles, "Damn only took out 5 or 6" he muttered as he jumped forward lanching a kick at lee. Lee easily blocking and using whirlwind sent Seta flying into the trees breaking through 2 thick branches and hearing a loud crack in his arm, "you'll have to do better then that to beat me" lee shouted as Seta stood up body flickering behind and throwing 3 kunai at him. in an instant lee was behind Seta again and launched him into the air with a leaf whirlwind. "Looks like i've sustained too much damage" seta said as the clone disipated into smoke and the real Seta now ariving with Rizen just as Arimi dashed off got the information from the clone and quickly told Rizen that they whern't far behind and he barely delayed him at all but he had sent a clone earlier to inform the others. OOC: lets say that u left right after i met up with u 2 to fight him since i dont feel like rewriting my post
Seta walked up sitting next to Rizen "You know you really auta stop over dramatization those jumps when people sneak up on you" "it's just too obvious that they are there tho" "still you actually jumped up when that guy there 'snuck up on you', your a ninja and the head of a blackops devision, nobody would be that surprised let alone you" with a laugh Rizen replied "true enough but you heard what he aid about that sword your holding, isn't stealing it a bit much for a prank" smiling Seta replied "yea but i wanted to figure out if it was a boy or girl sword... maby its an it" at this point is when draco realised that Seta had used replacement technique on his sword when he was looking away with a clone transformed as a sword. Seta dropping the sword with its point sticking in the ground quickly said "nice to meet you all, i'm Seta and will talk to you all later" as Dracos fist hit the side of his face and the clone dispersed into smoke.
[B]Name[/B]: Urishima Seta [B]Age[/B]: 22 [B]Apearance[/B]: 5'9" long dark hair that is a mix between brown and red, so close u can barely tell the red in it without looking closely, he wears an dark green athletic hoodie he leaves unzipped with a dark brown T-shirt underneath, his hoddie is specially made with scroll pouches and other useful things. [B]Personality[/B]: Very smart/tactic individual but rarely shows it in battle but if he can be persuaded to plan ahead(wich is almost impossible to get him to do unless its for a prank or to show off) his tactical prowess is very impressive, he loves pranks and the such and lots of the times goes a little too far but when battle comes around he never plays a prank on his allies, tho sometimes still shows this side of himself to aggravate the enemy and lower their deduction and tactical skills. [B]Bloodline trait[/B]: not exactly a bloodline but his clan skill is in the dark "element", loosly related to the leafs nara clan some say but noone knows for sure, the only bloodline like part of his clan is that they all have perfect night vision. [B]Common Techs[/B]: Shadow Clone: while he can use mass shadow clone he rarely does and prefers to create smaller numbers and use them tactically, he has actually improved upon the technique so that his clones don't disperse when hit with a weak attack, and it shows damage, which he often uses to his advantage. Shadow Explosion: causes his shadow clone to explode, doing good damage and creating a lasting darkness in the area(not overly dark just like a shadow is being cast on the area) (edit)Shadow Imitating: Simular to the Naru families ability in how it comes into effect but once the shadows are connected its completely different, it allows copying of almost any technique the enemy has at will if they use it while in effect and the copying skill only lasts while the shadows are connected, while he can use them while the shadows arn't connected the skill is very greatly diminished.(/edit)(if too powerful tell me and i'll tone it down) Dark mist disruption technique: A dark mist rises and shoots outwards in a giant one time wave which carries small amount of chakra which will disrupt any genjutsu on the people it hits(also breaks any on himself and can disrupt some techniques that require high chakra concentration) [B]Bio[/B]: Grew up in the fire country where he was trained by his father who was a missing nin, travelling alot because of the people chasing his father he knows many places and has been all over the world, being primarily in the fire country he knows where just about every town in it is and their size and the taverns that don't care if ur wanted/ninja/criminal. When he was 16 the Anbu nin finally caught up with them, after a long fight the Anbu retreaeted to rethink the aproach and thats when his dad left him, he said sry for doing this so late and that he should have done it long ago as to not get him involved in his afairs with the leaf, and since then he became a "missing nin" so to speak, when he was just turning 18 he joined the waterfall village, now that the threat has entered threatening the very fire country he decided to step up and join the group to defeat naruto.
Ken walked around the corner into the room with Symphony as she kneeled next to marcus, running over ken blocked a werewolves attack on them from behind, spinning his blade he drove it into the chest of the wolf as it fell onto the ground, looking back she saw that all the werewolves where getting up already almost fully regenerated. "you have to kill them with silver or else they won't stay down", ken said as he showed them the silver blade he had made"i've already given a few to the others", and tossed a smaller silver knife at one of the werewolves getting up hitting it in the chest, with a roar it ran at Ken fangs bared, slashing down with its claws, Ken smiled as the attack went just to the left of him and he rammed his blade through its chest into its heart. with its dying attack it bit into Kens shoulder and yo could hear the sound of teeth scraping on metal. Ken elbowed the wolf in the jaw as it fell down onto the ground,"man i barely got off that defense fast enough", turning to the 2 others he handed then a silver edged weapon each and ran left looking for more werewolves.
Ken woke with a start on a chair, 'eeegh, damn i fell asleep', getting up slowely he pulled a note from his pocket, 'oh damn i musta slept through the wedding, better get going before the briefing starts" walking down a corridor he started concentrated on thoughts in the building. he continued down the corridor folowing the direction which was where people where thinking about some sort of mission but he couldn't quite figure out the thoughts at this range. After a short while he came upon the main room where he saw Red and the some others talking, walking up next to them as they walked away, after following them for a while Nayomi caught back up to them. Nayomi sniffed for a second then looked straight at Ken who everyone else hadn't noticed yet, right before she mentioned it Red spoke up "I see you've noticed Ken as everyone alse looked around Duke noticing right away using a look with his vision and then a moment later removing his telekenetic quise the others saw him as Red said ah yes he's a telepath and transmuter"
[B]Name:[/B] Ken Akasuma [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Appearance:[/B][URL="http://lilianne.deviantart.com/art/Nagi-Springfield-76544814"]pic 1[/URL][URL="http://i245.photobucket.com/albums/gg59/gatx105_strike/nagi.jpg"]Pic 2[/URL] [B]Ability:[/B] Transmutation/Telepathy Ken walked up towards the gates of a place he had been told about and assigned to by a guy named Red, Ken had just finished his schooling through the academy and was sent here to help reinforce the team with "new talents and abilities" or some such stuff, Red that they where the best team but he would judge that for himself, though if Red said it it was probably true. He walked up and knocked on the door, after waiting for a short while and noone answered he started getting impatient, he didn't want to barge in, but he was sent here so he figured they wouldn't mind if he let himself in, putting his hand on the handle he sent a shimmer of power inside the handle, he opened the door and entered after returning the lock to how it was. He sat down for a while and amused himself by practicing his transmutation on his clothes, changing the trench coat that he was wearing when he came in into a cloak and the color from black to white and started fiddling with a small piece of steel he carried around, turning it into various shapes and items. After a while someone came into the room she was in walked past him gabbed something and walked out before abruptly turning around and looking over the room again as if she was sure he saw something shrugging it off she left all the while Ken was sitting in a chair. (his telepathic ability he is using there is to make him apear invisible to the mind so while the eyes/nose/ears might pick up sounds smell and light from him it makes it so that they don't notice you, if u'd like anything changed PM me)
[B]Name:[/B] Frieren [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Personality:[/B] He is a very quiet and is a deep thinker, He does as he wishes and has very little loyalty to his clan and has show such which is why even with his skill he's low in the chain of comand. He is a good healer and tends to use it on those he wishes on little more then what seems like a whim and doesn't matter if it is an enemy or a friend, but what seems like little more then a whim ussually has reasons behind it wether he believes the individual to be of usefullnes to him or he believes it will gain the trust of the clan slightly better or even if he finds an injured female warrior he finds attractive [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/items/armorsets/images/dungeon1/priest/human-male.jpg"]Frieren[/URL] [B]Weapon:[/B] jo(staff much like the bo but a bit shorter) [B]Clan:[/B] Western [B]Main Spell:[/B] Icy Veins- Either slows an enemy by cooling thier system or enhances his own spell casting by making his power more readily available, he can also use it to enhance anothers powers in various ways Heal- Through concentration and contact with a body Frieren can manipulate the body to heal the wounds as it is made mostly out of water. [B]Bio:[/B] He grew up studying the way of water magic training with most of his time until he was 15 years old when he started learning the ways of the Northern tribe but decided to go completely magic based even though they are weapon users since he had already trained in the Western ways whcih where mainly magic based and he was particularly gifted with magic.
Alexica landed ontop of the large headcourters buiding after going for a small flight earlier and noticed that there was something happening, most likely new arrivals, she decided to investigate and jumped of the roof and went down towards the ground where she found a guard with his armor off that had a hole crushed in the chest. Asking what happened she lifted a small device from her belt, pushed down a small button while holding 2 others as lines of magic flew from the devices entwining themselves throughout it as the metal sprang back into its original place. Then proceeded to move her hand over his chest casting a cure moderate wounds healing his chest. Noticing the quality of the armor she asked which way the man had gone and followed the path towards the adventurer quarters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dactrast Walked in behind Dante and scoffed at the bug mans remark before replying "I believe you are mistaken this room belongs to he who wants it most, and it is quite a fine quarters" as he brandished his dagger and a large hand made of stone rose up out of the ground grasping towards Chal'kath's back.
An evil group know as the Sand Shapers(an ancient organization of wizards and sorcerers that use the sands to empower their spells and have control over the desert, the greatest of which cannot truly die if their remains are left on the sands) have risen up in the Aster Desert from the past and now control an empire there that has long been in secret until know, they have attacked the surrounding empires and taken them by surprise. The various empires have called a truce until they qualm the invasion on all their territories but occasional skirmishes still break out between the nations. Just a few days ago the Desert started expanding outwards, the various spell casters in the different nations all found out that the source of the spell is from a Sand Shaper named Wantar. The kingdoms have called out to their people for skilled adventurers who are willing to fight for their kingdom to help battle this powerful enemy. They are to meet 2 days from now at a small outpost on the edge of the desert soon to be consumed within it if help is not received, the first task of which they plan on giving these adventurers is to break the siege and then drive through the enemy ranks as the kingdoms attack the Sand Shapers and kill the one known as Wantar as he is distracted by the battle to stop the desert from consuming the kingdoms --------------------------------------------------------------- Alexica landed on the edge of a high roof in a small outpost, being there a 2 days early and it being around midnight she lept off the building gracefully opened her wings and glided to the ground landing infront of a fairly large building obviously the comand post of the place and walked inside introducing herself before accepting the bed they offered and going down to sleep Meanwhile Dactrast walked down a road while looking at a crude map, looking up at the stars for a second he all of a sudden felt rage built up inside of him, this happened often and it had been hapening more often lately, a few times he even heard voices, evil and demonic voices. Dactrast sat down and meditated for a few minutes before continuing on as the anger subsided. After about half hour he came upon a town and passed through it as those few around the streets stared as he passed in silent pity and fear of the man before them who obviously had inner demons and could be dangerous. He continued down the road for the next few hours untill the sun started to come up, at that time he revieved his map and notes he got from strangers he asked and figured he had time for a few hours of sleep before leaving to make it on time.