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Everything posted by Zeke47

  1. [B]Name[/B]: Alexica [B]Gender[/B]: female [B]Age[/B]:56 [B]Appearance[/B]: [URL="http://features-temp.cgsociety.org/gallerycrits/165635/165635_1114793970.jpg"]Alexiaca[/URL] [B]Race/Racial Traits[/B]: Half-Celestial Half-Elf Personality: Very generous person who likes a good fight but will only do so with evil individuals, she is almost always happy and in a good mood. [B]Kingdom[/B]: Argrim [B]Class[/B]: Artificer- a creator of mechanomagical items, ones that use equal part science and magic [B]Abilities[/B]: Flight Arcane Science - knows how to mix science and magic to create items and create devices to focus his power through invention - a device that can be used to use a spell, it has various switches on it that must be used in right order to use it Mechanomagical Armor - Can modify armor with various parts to give a strength bonus and increase defensive effectiveness of the armor Mechanomagical Weapon - Through shearing fields of magical force and moving parts she can increase the damage of her weapon Elemental Modification - Can add elemental modifications to melee weapons such as acid,cold,electrical,fire and sonic making them deal that kind of damage on strikes Mechanomagical Construct - Alexica can create constructs that have all the abilities of the original creature through inventions to use spell-like abilities they have and even more if inventions are added Living Machines - Has become so gifted with constructing mechanomagical stuff they now repair themselves at a fairly fast rate like living creature heals, and healing spells work on them Technogenesis - Has figured the secret to adding intelligence to his mechanomagical creations giving true life to a empty shell Mechanomagical Savant- A genius in her field she has learned how to build items with better efficiency and less supplies as less is wasted. [B]Spells and Spell-like Abilities[/B]: Some Light spells from her celestial heritage, and as such is quite good at healing spells and ones like smite evil. [B]Items[/B]: Half-Plate mechanomagical armor Mechanomagical longsword of cold blast Various spell foci and inventions various small figurings that can be used to summon her constructs [B]Bio[/B]: She grew up with her dad as her mom was a celestial being and couldn't stay in the mortal realm for long, more of an issue of things to do then physical limitations. As she grew up with her dad she learned much from him as he was a lesser Artificer himself and was her inspiration to become one. After growing up and learning all she could from her dad she left for a bigger city where she took up under another to further pursue her knowledge in the art. When she was 32 years old she had learned most of what others could teach her and went on by herself and when They declared war with Arathia and her fathers place was attacked she joined in the army applying her talent there for the next 12 years of her life to learn to better protect her family who had just barely survived the last war. After that she returned home and continued pursuing her passion making constructs and perfecting her craft and went adventuring every once in a while to fight evil and even took some time to train as a paladin. Now the Desert has started to expand and her home being on the corner of Argrim next to Arathia and on the edge of the desert it is in danger of being consumed by the sands, so she has dedicated herself to stop this evil and has left to go join others in the fight.
  2. [B]Name:[/B] Dactrast [B]Gender:[/B] male [B]Age:[/B]43 [B]Appearance:[/B] He looks like a very dark individual, is about 6'2" with a deaply weathered face that doesn't look to have ever rested, His eyes are pale and full of anguish, he has long black hair to his shoulders that is ragged as there is little care put into it and he is usually slouched forward making him seem much weaker and older then he is. All his clothes are shades of red skittered with dark puple and black runes written across them, an over all frightening fellow. [B]Race/Racial Traits:[/B] Human and as such he is a able learner and good at adapting to new areas. [B]Personality:[/B] Can be summed up quite well with the word loner, he isn't one to talk to others and usually stays to himself and most people like it this way. [B]Kingdom:[/B] Arathia [B]Class:[/B] Warlock, Born of a supernatural bloodline he has magic that suffuses his soul, unlike a wizard or sorcerer who uses spells as a medium to use their powers Dactrast uses his innate magic through fearsome determination and will power. [B]Abilities: [/B]Dactrast is a very skilled enchanter and crafter of arcane goods. He created all of his items himself and uses his innate magical nature to do these enchants to add magical effects to items. He is also very good at detecting bluffs and bluffing himself, as such he can trick people and tell when they themselves are lying easily and besides that helps him intimidate people as he is a very intimidating individual just by a glance. [B]Spells and Spell-like Abilities:[/B] Eldritch - focusing his power into a blast of baleful energy that can be used various forms Invocations - uses his magical ability to create various effects, ussually dark in nature He also knows a few Fire and Shadow Spells. [B]Items:[/B] Dagger of cumbustability - A small dagger with a 8" blade, 2 small runes on the hilt and a small topaz in the hand gaurd, it is made out of adamentine grade metal and is used to help in his magic, for melee combat he often charges it with eldritch energy Cloak of Defences - A Very dark red cloak with black runes on it, enchanted with magic resistance and improved durability Starfire Vest - A pure black vest that increases the intensity of any fire spells he uses if activated, makes the fire bright blue. Sapphire pendant of Deathly Night - increases his shadow spells power during the night Azuright Ring of Force - Can create a Shield of force in front of arm/hand to fight with Ring of Bitter Shadows - Can create magical darkness around him that weakens enemies and that he can meld into, becoming essentially invisible Cairnstone Silver - A small rod that holds extra power in case of emergency and can be used as a focus for his powers [B]Bio:[/B] Dactrast grew up on his own, though he doesn't remember why or how it happened he got separated from his parents when he was 6 years old and lived off whatever he could get, at the age of 8 is when he first discovered how to start controlling his powers that his parents passed down to him but the control of the wild energies wasn't easy and was lacking and he spent much of his time time training. When he was 23 he had learned to control his power to a reasonable degree and was when he took an apprenticeship in crafting of arcane goods, after 3 years he left the small city he took the apprenticeship in and continued on the road while perfecting his crafting and magical skills whenever he could. By the time he was 30 he had found out through arcane divination that he and his parents where warlocks and that his ancestors had traded a portion of their soul to an extra planar being for super natural power and that his parents where villains and killed many in massacres all across the country with their powers. Since that day he has hunted down his own parents and tried to undo the wrongs of his ancestors, according to rumor people with powers similar to him recently appeared in the Sand Shapers ranks and he has decided to join the battle against them.
  3. [B]Rules[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Give players a chance to fight back, you may not kick the shit out of another character without giving them a chance to fight back Don't be untirering, if you just cast 3 major spells did a 10 foot jump and fight off 3 trolls please don't act as if your character is completely fine, also be aware that casting spells should not be effortless, just because you can cast 1 fireball doesn't mean you can cast 10 in a row in quick succession, taking this into account your characters can be powerful and be capable of firing off 10 fireballs in quick succession but don't over do it(perhaps if he is a wizard who are masters in spells, but a archer with some skill in magic can't). Don't be all knowing, it is very annoying if you made up a big plan and told it in a post so you don't seem cheap in instantaneously having everything set up and the opposing player is ready for it[/COLOR] [B]Story[/B] An evil group know as the Sand Shapers(an ancient organization of wizards and sorcerers that use the sands to empower their spells and have control over the desert, the greatest of which cannot truly die if their remains are left on the sands) have risen up in the Aster Desert from the past and now control an empire there that has long been in secret until know, they have attacked the surrounding empires and taken them by surprise. The various empires have called a truce until they qualm the invasion on all their territories but occasional skirmishes still break out between the nations. Just a few days ago the Desert started expanding outwards, the various spell casters in the different nations all found out that the source of the spell is from a Sand Shaper named Wantar. The kingdoms have called out to their people for skilled adventurers who are willing to fight for their kingdom to help battle this powerful enemy. They are to meet 2 days from now at a small outpost on the edge of the desert soon to be consumed within it if help is not received, the first task of which they plan on giving these adventurers is to break the siege and then drive through the enemy ranks as the kingdoms attack the Sand Shapers and kill the one known as Wantar as he is distracted by the battle to stop the desert from consuming the kingdoms [B]Background on the Sand Shapers:[/B] Each sand shaper is a magician who ventured deep into the ruins of Atul-Saki and was chosen by the ancient spirits of past sand shapers who reside there to carry on their work, each one believes he should be the one to rule the desert and those around it and as such they often fight one another on the rare occasions that they meet. Lately it seems as one has risen to the top and is commanding the rest who are all surely angry at his control and believe they are the rightful leader of the desert and are all planning on making their move, but see the conquering of the surrounding kingdoms just as good as it will increase their rule once they take over. Sand shapers are extremely powerful individual and if you should meet one you should be prepared for depending on the ones personal power they may do anything from making giant sand storms that are so fierce that the sand gnaws on the skin or sending out a blast of sand forth from their palm that will tear flesh from bone all the way down to creating items from the sands themselves, each one should be attacked with numbers and should their be more then one, you should flee unless you greatly outnumber them as not only will they each be a powerful opponent but will have followers such as thugs and warriors with them. [B]Signups[/B] [B]Name:[/B] [B]Gender:[/B] (M/F or w.e. your race has if it's some freaky one) [B]Age:[/B] (20-60 for humans, 50-200 dwarfs, 80-450 elfs, no matter your race no one is going to live forever maximum would be around 800-1000) [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Race/Racial traits:[/B] (elf,dwarf,gnome,human and any others, you can even be half dragon if you wish(adds natural armor, a breath weapon that can be used occasionally and a few other dragon traits))(please don't make unrealistic racial traits like saying your an elf so you can jump 20 feet cuz we all know being an elf doesn't let you jump 20 feet) [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Kingdom:[/B] (You can be on either the Sand Shapers side or from any of the three kingdoms that are being attacked(Arathia, Teladion and Argrim)) [B]Class:[/B] (what you consider yourself ex. sorcerer, wizard, paladin, monk) [B]Abilities:[/B] (ex lockpicking, Religious Knowledge, Tracking or even a good eye or keen ear to see/hear things others might not) [B]Spells and Spell-like abilities:[/B] [B]Items:[/B] (any magical items you have, don't have them too powerful like sumthing that can cut through anything or a ring that lets you teleport at will) [B]Bio:[/B] (doesn't have to be anything too long just background to help know how your character will react and to know how got to be a mighty warrior/mage or how they came across the Atul-Saki ruins or joined the sand shapers army) Woops wrong frum meant this in Auditions [COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="1"][INDENT]*fixed* ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [B]Name:[/B] Tidite [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/5852/vergilse3zb2.jpg"]Tidite[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Tidite is calm, cool, and collected. [B]Squad Number Captain/ Vice Captain:[/B] Captain of 13th Squad [B]Zanpaktou Name (Released and Bankai attacks and/or abilities):[/B] Ogap-maler [URL="http://images.wikia.com/devilmaycry/images/1/13/Weapon_1.jpg"]*Sealed form*[/URL]- looks exactly like his twin brothers Shikia(doesn't apear to change)- instead of changing in apearance his shikia just increases his speed and has abilities, he often uses this to trick his opponents into underestimating him thinking only using unreleased form. Has wind element [B]Judgment:[/B] An orb of wind energy forms at a distance damaging any within distance of it and are thrown from the area. [B]Trick Step:[/B] Tidite shunpo's and sheaths his katana then all those between where he was before and where he is after shunpo get cut, usually used over short distance as is weaker the farther he travels. [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v711/Eredh/Devil%20May%20Cry/Weapons/DA2.jpg"]*bankai*[/URL]-NOTE an odd characteristic of the Bankai is that Tidite retains his katana at his side and fights with both weapons. [B]Judgment: [/B]When in bankai he can create masses of these that appear quasi-randomlyr [B]Wind Shield:[/B]Despite it's name it is more of an energy shield then one of wind that completely encases Tidite protecting him from harm for a limited time, afterwards he is charged with the energy for a short while [B]Drive:[/B] His Blade(the larger one) glows with red energy as he slashes forward an invisible wave is unleashed cutting all in it's path. [U]Lesser Moves[/U] Blade Throw/Retrieve: He throws his larger blade which either goes straight at the target or spins and homes in on the target slightly and is then retrieved by an act of will. [B]Stinger:[/B]He lunges at his target with supreme speed with his larger blade at speeds far surpassing what one could do physically. [B]Bio:[/B] Like his Twin Brother and Rival Judis, Tidite was raised in Seireitei as he also showed skill in being a Shinigami, Throughout the training he excelled in Swordsmanship and speed while still having fairly decent kidou and developed his Shikia earlier then most but was mocked for it's exact similarity with his unreleased form, that was until he started unlocking it's powers. like his brother he excells at shunpo and one of his zanpakuto's abilitys show as such. He joined team 13 and quickly went through the ranks by beating everyone else in sparring. When the Captains sickness was too hard for himto continue as captain he gave up his position and gave it to Tidite.
  5. [B]Name:[/B] Phil Trasin [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Personality:[/B] Fairly calm and logical thinker and goes very closely to a normal persons morals but ussually won't stop another from doin sumthin that is against his morals if neccesary. [B]Appearance:[/B] attachment(doesn't seem to like uploading image on edit getting one set up) [B]Occupation:[/B] Military, trained as a lone commando, his mission is to go in and bring out any remaining personel within the city, military or otherwise [B]Skills:[/B] Has a [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XM29"]XM29[/URL] that is silver with black flames(paint job he paid for himself) with a [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XM26"]XM26 LSS[/URL] specifically designed for the XM29. Skilled spotter as he has photographic memory which lets him quickly look over an entire area and know where specific things are, great for memorizing maps and quickly figuring out where he is. He also has a few explosives(det packs) and a small sub machine gun on his belt. [B]Tick:[/B] Has a tendency to make small comments just to annoy people at times perhaps making fun of their tendencies or doing something just cuz they don't want to and is seen as a prick at times because of it. [B]Bio:[/B] Growing up with a rocky childhood as his parents where always fighting Phil always went down town and on the way there was a small military base. He'd always stop and look at the soldiers practicing at the range and soon got a job and picked up paint balling. when about 15 years old he left home and joined the military system through a special program that trained him until he was 18 when he was deployed and excelled at combat and quickly went through the ranks. A little before the out brake he started his training as a solo commando to go through enemy territory undetected and take out special targets and train citizens there in fighting tactics against superiorly armed foes(guerrilla tactics), when the outbreak occurred he was brought back home and did some quick briefing and was deployed shortly after the last wave of troops sent in, after various groups lost contact to find and retreive them and any other personnel in the way.
  6. Illudin jumped back making 12 hand signs in a split second(kakashi after time skip speed) before moving his hands forward "destruction technique: twisting spears", 4 black spears flew out of the ground from beside Illudin going towards Koro. Quickly jumping to the side onto another small hill and just before throwing senbon in retaliation the spears curved in the air almost hitting koro as he made another smooth jump away this time not trying to throw senbons as he would deffinatly be ready for it and made a few hand signs using his rain jutsu instead, As the 4 spears running out of power landed behind Illudins 2 opponents in a wide spread as each had tried to turn round at different angles. A few drops of rain and a small breeze came up as Illudin jumped back further looking at the Airi and Shaidow waiting for them to make a move as he himself prepared his strategy to come out the winner even planning just incase for the situation that Donobu arived, He made 6 quick hand signs "multi body flicker", And illudin apearing infront Koro punching at him who reactivly ducked as Illudin disapeared apearing behind Airi unleashing a wave of bugs from his sleeves as the rain started to come down harder now almost a heavy pour.
  7. Illudin took Donobu out through the town and pointed out thinks saying their name but mostly concentrated on basic speach, such as hello, verbs and various names of bugs. Later on in the day he was showing him the area around the village and paused for a second as he saw a wire infront of him, and quickly noticed many others in the vacinity. looking around he noticed they had stumbled into a maze of wires and moving around would be very difficult as they even lined in the air between trees, and he put his ear to the ground and quickly heard 2 people coming in this direction and got up and told donobu 2 people where coming this way. Illudin and Donobu looked up as 2 akatsuki landed on a nearby branch above them weapons drawn, Illudin made 1 hand sign as a puff of smoke apeared and a clone of him ran off towards the town to get reinforcements, One of the 2 akatsuki made a small motion with his hands and 2 wires crossed each other slicing through the clone as he smirked. "ha you gotta do better then that to stop my clone" as the cuts through the clone filled with bugs on the other side of the wires and formed back as it just was. The clone jumped a few times and met the other akatsuki who suddenly apeared infront and punched into the clone holding an explosive tag which then exploded scattering the insects. A wire came flying towards Illudin and Donobu, Donobu quickly disapeared apearing short distance away and felt a sharp pain as 2 cuts apeared on him. "wires everywhere, don't run through any" Illudin commented as the wire cut through me which turned out to be a bug clone, as he jumped out of the way of a black spear made of bugs Illudin through at him from behind. *hmm one apears to be using a combination of strong fist and iron skin jutsu and the other seems to have complete control over those wires* as another wire came by almost cutting off Illudins who just replacemented in time. edit: spelling and tense issues
  8. Illudin already fairly close behind Donobu's track got the message about him being friend and at the meeting from his clone dispersing, "he found the village quickly enough, must have spent a fair bit of chakra to travel that distance in such a short time" Illudin thought as he ran through the trees towards the village. After a short bit Illudin arived at the edge of the woods that where cared for by the Nara family showing that he was just a short while out of the village. As he ran he thought about how the other 3 sannin became so by surviving a war and the top enemy let them live because of it and said he'd let them live only if they called themselves the 3 sannin. Illudin wondered what kind of training he could recieve that would be the equivelant to living through a war and facing the top enemy ninja, while he had no dout that his skills where good enough to be a very hard challenge to any opponent let alone if they don't know of his bugs but to become a sannin seems nearly impossible seeing as theres only ever been 3. just as he arrived in town he figured that they must mean sannin level and quickly entered the hokage's building, walked up some steps then entered the room quietly and stated "sorry for the wait" and walked over and waited at the edge of the room quietly waiting for the hokage to speak.
  9. Also note about my character, he wouldn't act so surprised when he came in warning about ur guy disapearing for he doesn't talk too much and is very calm and calculating about his actions, plus there was a female bug on you so i'd still probably be able to track you quite well.
  10. Illudin walked out of some near by bush as Donobu was a little way in land now, "noone walks upon the country of fire unbenownst to the leafs" as the bug clones disguised as thugs on the ground dispersed back into himself he menioned "while the beetle may take out a few ants, it will only build his confidence and make it easier for him to be taken down when the swarm arives" Illudin started following well behind his target keeping an eye on him as he sent a shadow clone to tell the hokage of the situation and ask what he wanted done of this intruder for it could be a spy or scout for an attacking nation. He made special sure to mention that the man had weapons of japaneese make so he was most likely from another village, tho at same time wondered why one would go to such lengths to sneak a person into the county of fire. With that he followed the scent of the female bugs that where placed on him during the short fight and wondered if he had a fight coming up and as such checked his supllies and got ready.
  11. Name: Aburame, Illudin Gender: Male Age: 22 Clan and Bloodline limit: Destruction bugs Appearance: 5'11" with medium build, dark shoulder length hair and dark blue eyes. Dark green clothing with specially made thick and loose weave that allow his bugs to crawl through. Brief Bio: Growing up in the Aburame clan he mostly sticks to himself, tho not to say he isn't a team player as he's quite a mastermind in strategy and tactics and often leads those around hi to victory. He became a chuunin after the first exam and was later offered training in the anbu but declined but no one knows why he did so except perhaps his clan as none of them have ever seemed to join the anbu. His original team he was in is now dead except for him who almost died only to be saved by naruto himself during a lone attempt at rescue and revenge on those that captured his team mates. He then retreated for a few years and seemed to disappear and returned a few years later and people recently learned that he had been training and was now a Jounin and since he returned 2 years ago hs made quite a name for himself. Weapons: shuriken & holder on leg, scrolls, explosive tags as well as some smokebombs and soildier pills in a small pouch and kunai in holders on his thighs and other conveinant places. Other:
  12. Name: Kentello Race: Human Age: 32 Personality: Strong Leader who is loyal to those he feels he can trust(didn't trust Konda) and is very loyal to friends and will do what is needed Weapons: Oath Keeper Daisho, Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang Magic Abilities: Ice and Holy Bio: Growing up throughtout the abara his parents where killed and he was drafted at the age of 5 to be trained for Konda's Samurai army and throughout his years he was promoted up though the ranks and until recently was one of Konda's best generals. When the Kami first attacked Kentello gathered up his many Samurai and Kitsune supporters and left on the orders of Konda to do a small scouting mission and after meeting up with an old friend he convinced the majority of his supporters to go with him on their own quest to stop the Kami Other: His Ice magic is with his sword, He has a Tiger as seen in pic [URL="http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u146/CrimsonS13/SAMURAI.jpg"]On tiger[/URL] [URL="http://www.ice.org/unzipped/2002/09/ac-Drak_Samurai.jpg"]After Special Move[/URL]
  13. Itouma used sonido appearing behind Haru slashing upward at his back which was narrowly blocked as Haru turned around. Illudin kicking Itouma in the side cleary stated "you know we can see your movements while u do that right" as Itouma flew towards a building from the impact of the kick, apearing behind him Illudin slashed down at Itouma. The blow was barely blocked as Itouma grabbed the blade and stopped himself from flying into the building. "Freeze Aiaaia" Ice grew from the blade freezing his arm up past the elbow. "You know all u arrancar have the bad habbit of relying on ur skin to block attacks" Illudin said as he slashed upwards at Itouma with his second weapon. Itouma barely blocking with his zanpakuto saw the other 3 shinigami ready to take him out in his now almost helpless form. "you know ur sword stuck to my arm means one less weapon for you shinigami" Itouma placed his leg on Illudins chest and pushed off with all his force planning on pulling the sword from his hand and was surprised to see Illudin willingly let go. As they parted he saw the chain on the hilt of Illudin's zanpakuto lead to his other swords chain and as they got farther apart the chain grew in length. All of a sudden the chain stopped growing in length and the force he used in pushing Illudin away was used against him as Illudin grabbed onto his other sword with both hands and swung Itouma around himself into a building breaking through a wall. As this happened Illudin threw his other sword at Itouma and said "consume" as it landed in the floor beneath his feet and quickly afterwards "shatter" as ice shot up from the floor of the building freezing around him and then shattered in a giant explosion of ice shards. Pulling on the middle of the chain both Illudins swords came back to him as he caught them both, from the rubble of the building Itouma jumped out kicking at Illudin in the chest and was just blocked as he moved his swords in the way, but was still sent back a fair bit with the power of the kick. Itouma ran at him quickly slashing at his throat and narrowly missed as Illudin shunpo behind him saying "you must be quite good to survive such an attack, whats your rank arrancar?"
  14. Illudin left from the 10ths squads quarters running down the street "shit i'm late", jumping onto a building he ran along towards the meeting place. As Illudin looked to the side he caught a glimpse of Ichigo moving towards the meeting place as well. "well if ichigo is only getting there now i can't be too late" Illudin thought as Ichigo passed him moving ahead at a fast rate. Ariving behind Ichigo he walked up as Urahara was explaining to Ichigo that it'd be a short while before they open the gate to Huco Mundo because a few went to the human world to stop and attack by an arrancar. After hearing this Illudin stepped up and asked "how long ago was it" After findig out it was just a short while ago, Illudin followed them to the human world and figured that if he was lucky he might get to help in the fight but then figured if the arrancar was still alive by now he'd be better off surprising him and decided to mask his Presense.
  15. [B]Race[/B]: shinigami [B]Name[/B]: Illudin [B]Rank[/B]: lieutenant of 10th division [B]Appearance[/B]: [B]Personality[/B]: very loyal to his friends and bitter to his enemies and really wants to hear people out to find out why they defected to Aizen and likes to fight tough battles [B]Alliance[/B]: Soul society [B]Bio[/B]: grew up in soul society and lived in a rough part of the district, finding his shinigami powers on his own he joined the academy and passed with some of the highest grades, after getting out of the academy Toshiro Hitsugaya offered a position in his squad where Illudin quickly got a seated position and went up through the ranks. During the time where ichigo went to save rukia and Aizen defected he was in the real world stationed far away from the action and came back and helped in the fight against Aizen. Now that Matsumoto became a captain Illudin got promoted to lieutenant and has trained since that time with his bankai that he developed during the fight with Aizen and is now very good with it. [B]Zanpakuto[/B]: [B]Name[/B]- Aiaaia Gallagher [B]Appearence[/B]- attached [B]Command words[/B]- release: Devour abilities: attach, freeze, consume, sheet, shatter [B]Abilities[/B]- for the most part control over ice
  16. Phil looked as slowly the various vampires noticed the small group at the front door. "i'll break through to the back door to stop too many from escaping" phil said as he turned on the UV light on his gun and started to make his way onto the floor. Firing 2 SCIMTR shots into the croud he ran through the hole it made in the crowd firing his assualt gun into the crowd many fell before him as he quickly made his way towards the other side of the club. As his assualt rifle silence he clicked a button sending the clip steaming onto the ground, bracing the butt of the gun on his hip he grabbed the second clip in his right hand. The vampires seeing this as a time to strike all charged in at once and smiling phil pulled the trigger turned and pulled it again as 2 more SCIMTR rounds cut through their ranks. Phil raised the gun now bracing it with his shoulder fired more gunfire infront of him as he looked back seeing that Drew and Reilly where covering his back well as he avanced through the crowd. Still firing infront of him he grabbed a 4 more SCIMTR rounds quickly reloading the shotgun attachment under his assualt rifle. Now at the other side of the club surprised that he made it unharmed he turned around firing 2 more SCIMTR round into the crowd as he reloaded again followed by firing 2 more into the crowd as he scanned the area firing his assualt rifle and hitting them with his UV light. Reloading he looked across the room at the other 2 who had covered his back until this point and the half breed who was still in the crowd amonst all the remaining vampires which there where many, tho now that he was here almost none would escape.
  17. phil waking up before his alarm went off like normal gathered up his stuff he had left laying about and disarmed his traps. Walking outside he looked up at the sun and saw it would go down soon enough and that he'd better get going. Jumping on his motorcycle he looked at the scrap of paper again and drove off towards his destination. After a few minutes as he was stopped at a stop light he heard a gunshot and felt a pain in his chest, "shit" phil said as he dropped behind his motorcycle looking up he saw 2 vampires in a building window across the intersection and 1 had a rifle in his hands. Luckily his vest had caught the bullet stopping it from peircing his skin but it still hurt like a bitch. Quickly jumping back on his motorcycle he drove through the intersection and ran into the apartment building that the vampires where in. As he ran up the stairs he ripped off all the curtains he passed knowing it may help him escape if he was to be overnumbered. After a few flights of stairs he reached the room the vampires had been in and the door was shut. Knowing there must be a trap he grabbed the hand rail running up the wall pulling it out of the drywall. Pushing the door open while pointing his shotgun in the room with his other hand he looked around walking into the room, "hmm noone's in here too bad i was hoping for a fight" turning around and walking out of the room he fired his gun straight up into the ventilation shaft and heard a yell of agony as his silver buckshot ripped through the vampire hiding there. "now then where is the other one" scanning the room with his shotgun. "maby he was smarter than his friend and knowing the rumors about me fled in fear", hearing a noise behind him he ducked to his knees and rolled behind a table as 3 bullets flew over his head, he turned looking at the vampire and fired sending the second vampire to his death, "tho vampires are never that smart". Leaving the building surprised that there wasn't more he jumped on his bike and continued on his way. After a short time he got to his destination and he saw a limo outside the store, slowing down he parked across the street and walked towards the shop.
  18. Phill walked down a busy road in london and looked up into the sky and decided he might want to get some rest before night came as it was dangerous for him at night as vampires now seemed to come at him for vengance or whatever other reason, he didn't really understand the minds of the beasts but it sure made it easier to find them when they are searching for you as well, tho did make ur survival a fair bit harder. Looking at a scrap of paper in his pocket he thought for a small bit and figuring it'd be faster on his bike he walked down an alleyway and opened a garage at the end of it leading into his living quarters and revealing a large motorcycle. He jumped on the bike and left down towards a shop that he had learnt from a vampire desciple that there was a skilled vampire hunter that had incured the wrath of a fair few vampires and that there was very high number of vampires gathering in that area of town. After a half hour of driving he came to a motel and payed for a room and figured he'd get some rest before getting there for it seemed there would be alot of fighting once he got to the district of town and it wouldn't help to be tired. Setting his alarm clock to 5pm he set up various stuff to wake him and ward off vampires while he slept, After laying down for a few minutes he fell to sleep wondering what the vampires where really up to.
  19. [B]Name[/B] - Phill [B]Age[/B] - 26 [B]Personality[/B] - Sorta crazy and very noticable in a crowd, he is a heavy drinker and make outragous boasts all the time but an all around likable guy. [B] Appearance[/B] - [IMG]http://www.artinfantry.com/gallery/albums/gtavicecity/phil.thumb.jpg[/IMG] [B]Weapons[/B] - C7A3 assult rifle with heavy power UV light attachment, dual trench knives, shotgun w/ various rounds, UV grenade [B]Alliance [/B]– Freelancer [B]Race [/B]- Human [B]Bio[/B] - Phill grew up in a small town in Scottland which was one of the first to be attacked by a large group of vampires that made the world create the guild. As they attacked he hid himself inside a small crawl space under his house that he use to play in when he was younger. After the night passed the few survivors gathered at the town square where he learnt his parents had died and decided to see what he could do to fight back against the vampires that he knew he most definatly saw. After speaking out in the streets warning people of these creature a car drove up to him with govenment men who wished him to be quiet and after a short while he had joined the newly developing Guild. After being in the guild for a few years (age of 24) he had finished all his training and was now a full time hunter. After doing various deeds for the guild he still didn't think he was doing enough and was mad that they wheren't acting on all the reports they got thinking some situations where 2 dangourous to act on due to civilian harm and might result in harming them as well if done improperly. Phill took this information and decided to act on his own or with a few other who agreed from the guild numerous times without problem and the guild only let it happen as long as it did because so far they had done it without civilian casualties but there luck changed and a stray bullet hit an acetelene tank setting the place aflame killing 2 civilians and 4 vampires. His supereors beleiving that he had done this too recklessly even tho he had not made a mistake before this point (atleast not that had caused cilivian injury) decided on releiving him from duty for a period of 2 years. Phill went and gathered all his belongings and headed down to the armory. After grabbing his weapons he headed off before anyone could stop him and has never looked back. He has been hunting vampires by himse;f ever since tho he has made a few contacts with other freelancers and weapon manufactures since to keep his supply up.
  20. Name: asignar age: 17 appearence: attached below rank: jounin kekkei genkai or self-designed jutsu: mist clone: clone made out of mist, it can make physical attacks and can reform. clone asortment: works like shadow clone but can choose each and every clone you summon. bio: found a flyer on a nearby window and decided to test his luck
  21. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Toron laughed as they summoned they're creatures. "ha a summon is a waste of chakra against me they won't even be able to penetrate my armor.. or survive this blow" he made a hand sign and said "ten thousand raining needles of death". As they looked up the sky was filled with needles flying down at a tremendous rate covering a very large area. Toron looked up towards a nearby tree and said "you might want to look after your students" as he knew that while the Joinin could probably avoid a bit of the damage if by nothing other than having they're summons protect them the genin in the tree who couldn't even see up due to the fact that there where leaves in the way had absolutely no chance of escape without a jounin taking a hit for them.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Toron stopped his barrage of attacks, deciding he was getting nowhere at this pace. He jumped up ontop of the nearby fence that surrounded the hot spring and made hand signs before they could interrupt him."Ice blades" Toron smirked as water rose from the spring and formed into shards of ice attached to his blades. Toron jumped forward towards Siniku and as he did so he made a hand sign and sent 3 shards of ice out of the water at Tsubasa catching her off guard as she just managed to move so that they only slightly cut her arm instead of impaling her. "My chakra levels are far beyond what you may think, i will not go down before any of you" toron said lightly as he prepared his technique by making hand signs. He place his hands on the ground and said "ice armor" as the water around him formed onto his skin creating a protective layer of ice. He held out both his katanas which now longer,sharper because of the ice on them and noticed there was some help coming for Siniku.[/COLOR]
  23. [B]Name:[/B] Talik [B]age:[/B] 23 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/vhorizon/stuff%202/Raven2.jpg]Talik[/URL] [B]rank:[/B] Jounin [B]Kekkei Genkai or self-designed jutsu:[/B] Leaf Storm Cover:through use of this technique Talik can infuse himself with chakra (much like Gai does to make his leaf whirlwind more powerful) so that a particular part of his body or even his entire body becomes much harder. Leaf Thunderstorm: A move in which the user(after hitting the opponent into the air) sends a barrage of punches sending the used down at a tremendous speed and ends with a kick tat hits at the same time as they hit the ground to create an amplified effect. Leaf Lightning Kick: A lightning fast jumping kick hitting them into the air ussually followed by a downward kick hitting them into the ground followed by a punch or by Leaf Thunderstorm Leaf Twister: A spinning kick with both legs much like Leaf Great Whirlwind(a more common tai move)but is followed by a grab from the the user and a kick sending them into the ground. [B]Bio:[/B] He found out about the tournament from his old instructor who recommended him go since he had surpassed him and the other tai users in the village and could open up all the gates. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Changed image to a link as it was stretching the layout. --Ezekiel[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [B]Name:[/B] Talik [B]age:[/B] 23 [B]Appearance:[/B] see attachment [B]rank:[/B] Jounin [B]kekkei genkai or self-designed jutsu:[/B] Leaf Storm Cover:through use of this technique Talik can infuse himself with chakra (much like Gai does to make his leaf whirlwind more powerful) so that a particular part of his body or even his entire body becomes much harder. [I]Leaf Thunderstorm:[/I] A move in which the user(after hitting the opponent into the air) sends a barrage of punches sending the used down at a tremendous speed and ends with a kick tat hits at the same time as they hit the ground to create an amplified effect. [I] Leaf Lightning Kick: [/I]A lightning fast jumping kick hitting them into the air ussually followed by a downward kick hitting them into the ground followed by a punch or by Leaf Thunderstorm [I]Leaf Twister:[/I] A spinning kick with both legs much like Leaf Great Whirlwind(a more common tai move)but is followed by a grab from the the user and a kick sending them into the ground. [B]bio:[/B] He found out about the tournament from his old instructor who recommended him go since he had surpassed him and the other tai users in the village and could open up all the gates.
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Toron slid backwards stopping himself from falling. He looked at the woman who he just asked for help from and figured she wasn't too much of a threat(as what he thinks from most ninja females). He focused on Siniku and moved forward towards him slashing at his side. Siniku jumped to the side landing on top of the ice. Toron laughed as the ice cracked for he had only frozen a thin layer over the water. Siniku fell through the ice losing his balance as he was now on water and just saving himself from plunging into it. Toron had already advanced on this opportunity and swung both katanas at Siniku. Siniku just got 2 kunai up to block in time as he noticed it was a fake attack and was hit in the chest by a well placed kicked sending him into a nearby fence. Siniku quickly recovered as Toron narrowly dodged an attack from behind from the nearby Tsubasa had attacked him from behind. Toron jumped backwards to make both his opponents infront of him as he readied his jutsu's.[/COLOR]
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