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Everything posted by Zeke47
Lundrikan saw Beston running at an increadible speed ahead as he was thrown into a nearby tree. Lundrikan knowing that he would not catch up without help summoned a giant golden eagle. He got on the eagles back as it took flight soaring upwards into the sky. Following the pathway he soon caught up to Beston as he saw him run underneath far below. Lundrikan called to the eagle to go faster and they started a dive going at increadable speeds and soon saw a small group of soildiers on horseback moving quickly down the path. He went flying upwards soaring around the group watching waiting for a moment to strike. Lundrikan saw Beston getting faster and faster as he ran up behind the humans until he did a giant leap and landed infront of them. After a short while as it seemed some conversation was going on Lundrikan wispered to his eagle to dive and attack the leading human. The eagle started a great dive down toward the small human and the ground got bigger quickly. Xander looked up just in time seeing the eagle swoop down he jumped off the side of his saddle with the innocent. Lundrikan jumped off the eagle just as it pulled up and hit the mans horse instead of him tearing the small beast's back apart lifting it into the air and throwing it to the side. Lundrikan whistled to it to say it was ok to leave as it flew off Lundrikan withdrew his 2 swords and said "As the Lord or the Southern kingdom i demand that you leave the winged one with me untill negotiations are finished between our lands" Many of Xanders men seeing both the great demon and the elf lord willing to kill them if they denied them this girl seemed to be getting the idea of running leaving the what they did not know was the fate of the world in one of their hands.
Dalen had finished the qualifying round with relitive ease and now after a good night sleep he headed down towards the first contest after a quick look at a flyer he had found found it to be a contest of archery and an obstacle course. His elven blood and his keen eye would help him get throught the archery and he was quite nimble so he would get through the obstacle course quickly. He went up to the first event and heard a man yell " 10 minutes until the archery contest begins"
Lundrikan had been getting as much information about the innosent as possible. Recently he heard of an ambush on a docking ship that may have been related to the innosents where-abouts. Being a mission of great importance he decided to go personally to check the battle sight after clearing finishing a few things around his kingdom. Once there he saw bodies of demons and angel-folk alike, then saw a path that survivers had to have taken. He followed the path and he came upon a great battle site with many dead humans and demons alike (He didn't really like humans much as they where much weaker and less battle worthy than the elfs and always scurried around like rodents) and instantly felt a great power toward the way he was heading down the path and remembered this feeling before. He could feel many souls in anguish just like when he in a battle with the northern kingdom a few years ago when the king had been slain and there was much confusion. He jumped up onto a low tree branch and saw a small argument with a great demon and a mere human as a fight started and surprisingly the human was doing ok. Lundrikan took out his bow and fastened an 2 earth-bind arrows to it one on each string. He aimed carefully and fired them both at the ground as Beston had swund his sword. Xander had ducked under the blow when all of a sudden roots started growing out of the ground and started binding up Beston. Lundrikan ran out of the trees kicking Xanders wepons out of his hands and throwing him to the ground. Beston seemed to laugh as the vines withered and died not binding him at all. He swund his sword upward toward Lundrikan. Lundrikan jumped to the side rolled on the ground expecting the massive sword to throw him off balance. As he got up the another attack was already at him as he ducked under it too. Xander was back in the fight now as it was a free for all as noone knew who was on whos side. Lundrikan threw his hand forward as a green and blue light flew out of it hitting a nearby tree. The very tree itself started to uproot and come alive as well as others around it. He ducked and rolled under 2 swords as Beston and Xander both swung they're swords.
Name:Lundrikan Age: 1567 Race: Elf Kingdom/outsider:Southern kingdom Appearance: [URL=http://www.reapermini.com/goodies/desktops/Elf-Warlord_800.jpg]Lundrikan[/URL] Weopondry: 2 dual bladed swords that seem to glow green, grieve edge(blades attached to the feet giving you a lethal kick), shuriken and a Elven double-string composite bow Abilities: He knows much nature magic and Life magic, He also has the ability to swing his 2 swords in such a way that it creates a barrier of blade around him that can stop ranged attacks and he has very precise vision allowing him to see things far away as well as if they where right beside him. Past: He grew up during a waring time and has trained for his entire life and when the past king was killed in a battle he rallied the troops and ended up winning the fight. The kingdom decided to make him king considering all the previous king's heirs where dead and they needed a warrior to bring them through the war. Personality: He is good to be around and he's truthful and puts his kingdom first. He is always one to join a conversation and is always ready for a fight.
Dalen just made it to his position as the Duke yelled Begin. 2 men rushed him right off the start. Dalen stepped to the side tripping one of them grabbing his arm and swung him throwing him into the other sending them both into the dirt. Dalen walked into the crazed mob of people. As Dalen walked through the mob he heard a guy say "die by my blade half-breed" Dalen spun around and saw a man about to stab an half-orc from behind. Dalen while having no love of the creatures didn't want to see one slain within the qualifying rounds seing that using a sword for such a contest was cheating. Dalen grabbed a small spike from his side and threw it at the man. Just before the mans blade stiked the half-orc the spike went through the mans wrist making him drop the blade instantly. The Half-orc turned just as Dalen kicked his leg out sending him into the ground. while he didn't want to see the beast killed he had no pity in sending him to the ground. As Dalen wandered through the crowd he saw a man in shackled take out 3 men and break the very metal around his wrists and the elf he saw earlier today slowly moving towards him and desided to watch them both for they where both going to be great threats later and knowing their fighting style could help greatly.
Dalen walked through the streets as he looked for a place to stay the night. He had just left the registration for the Alabaster Cup. He had wished that he had come earlier for the city was dangourous this late in the night unlike the daytime where there is too many to people to start anything. As he walked down the street it seemed that he would never find a place to stay the night when he sensed a threat from behind him. He Ducked down as a stone flew over his head and turned to face his advesary. A man yelled "Die elf" as he swung his sword at Dalen. Dalen stepped back as the blade passed infront of him and released a kick to the mans wrist nocking the sword to the ground. Three more men ran to the location with they're swords drawn. Dalen said "I am no elf but half" kicking the first man as blocking a sword from another with his wrist gaurd. He rolled to the side as the others attacked dodging they're blows. He grabbed one man as another stabbed thrusting the man onto the blade. He drew his own sword parried 2 blows and spun around slitting on mans gut open causing the man to fall to the ground in pain. He easily blocked one more of the attacks, grabbed the mans arm twisting and throwing him onto the ground riping his shoulder out of place tearing all the tendants. The last oponent dropped his sword as he heard the scream of agony from his friend and quickly was on the ground as Dalen broke his knee with a swift kick. Dalen walked away from the men in pain on the ground wondering why they always mistaked him for being an elf when he was mearly half, He could easily tell difference as well as most elfs could when up close tho they sometimes mistaked him for being human. He continued looking for a place to stay but sa could not find one he climmed up a housewall and onto the roof and sat down looking at the sky meditating, for it was as good as sleep for him.
[B]Name[/B]: Dalen [B]Age[/B]: 168 [B]Race[/B]: Half-elf Martial arts expert [B]Weapons[/B]: Staff, Sling, Masterly Crafted Katana and specially made armor to best protect him in his many fighting styles. [B]Magic talents[/B]: Extreme Moevment, Uncanny Reflexes, through his meditation he has gained wholeness of Body and Mind making him have great mental defence and can exert energy to parts of his body to increase healing or strength for a certain period of time, Ki Srike [B]Personality[/B]: Can be very outgoing and upbeat but while fighting takes on a very serios attidude and is never distracted. [B]Bio[/B]: As the top student in his Dojo he became the teacher and came to the tournament after preparing for the last 10 years after watching it the last time.
Illudin saw the destruction of the magority of the fleet in the giant retaliation but he had managed to cloak and followed undetected. After a short while he saw an allied craft blast through hanger doors and make for an escape. Illudin took this oppertunity to get inside just before the blast doors closed and barely missing the allied fighter that was leaving. He landed his ship and got out leaving the cloak on and remembering where it was. As he got off the ship 2 B1s looked at him and said "jed" before both being turned into scrapmetal. Illudin proceeded into the hall and quickly jumped back in as 2 droideka went by. He continued down the hall and went into a nearby mantience room and disables one of the unprepared droideka before it had time to turn on it's shield and jumped over shots from 2 B2s cutting one in half then reflecting the shots back at the other. The other Droideka now firing shots Illudin was force to reflect them back but it had it's shield up. Illudin jumped over it slashing it 2 times in the air and one more time when he landed. Illudin then blocked a few more shots reflecting them into the shield and countered inbetween blaster shots uhntil he the shild generator over heated and he proceeded to rebound 2 more shots into its sensor lences destroying it. He proceeded to a screen outlet and plugged in a small device that proceeded to download the ships files onto it. Now with the ships layout, arment and a few other documents he retreated back down the corridor and ran into the 2 droideka he saw earlier. Illudin force pushed one beside a wall as it unfolded so when it activated it's shield it was stopped by the wall shortcircuiting the shield generator and Illudin cut it in half. The other thot 2 blaster shots, Illudin reflected them at a keypad by a door he walked through breaking it and shuting the door. Illudin ran down 3 more hall ways and into the hanger his ship was in to find 20 B1s 12 B2s and 5 Droidekas around his now uncloaked ship. Illudin jumped into the B1's cutting up 8 of them and using them to block the other droids from a clear shot, jumped into his starship, turning on the engines he spun around destroying many of the droids before taking off down the hanger toward another door leading to space. He fired 2 proton torpedos breaking a hole in a the bay door creating a hole big enough to escape though. As he reached space he reactivated the cloaking device after dodging a few shots. Relying on the ships cloaking device to hid from sensors and his force skills to hide from the sith lord he activated his TransGalMeg hyperdrive thrusters(gives limited hyperspace compatability since starfighters don't ussually have hyperspace compatibility) that he added himself with great difficulty and headed toward Mustafar where he heard that a sith had been repeatedly visiting recently.
Illudin seeing the many droids deploy and launch all they're buzz droids at once and was glad at the preparation they had taken earlier to set up the other half of the force consisting of the stronger makeup of ships to flank the enemy while the smaller and faster fighters(RZ-1 A-wing interceptor and R-22 Spearhead) that had started the attack could outmanouvor the buzz droids, vulture droids and take advantage during the confusion caused by the other forces to inflict maximum damage. Illudin isued the command to use manuevour 12-b and the pilots took action intaneously moving in formation outward around the swarm of buzz droids and taking shots at any random ones wandering from the group leaving them reletively unharmed and just when they came within range of the ships wepondary the other ships hit from behind with ion cannons hitting the main weapons energy generator shorting it out cutting power from the ships main weapons until power is deverted from other points. Illudin mesaged over the radio coms to not worry about missles from the launching tubes on the ship since they recently launched them all at another siths ship while it was on the ground and not to forget that the enemies fighters had already launched they're missles in they're original counter-attack.
Illudin landed outside his starfighter that he had recently aquired and upgraded with a concussion missile launcher, light energy toperdo launcher, 2 tri-laser cannons, advanced high effeciency particle and ray shields and a stygium crystal based cloaking device. He got into the cockpit activated thrusters and started to rise through the atmosphere. A few seconds later he was in space and activated comunication channel 23 sending a message warning of a enemy Providence-class carrier/destroyer near the planet and requesting reenforcements to ambush it as it leaves the system. After about 10 seconds he recieved a response from an allied force only minutes from the system containing 100 RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, 80 R-22 Spearhead, 25 BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter, 25 XJ3 X-wing starfighter and 2 Carrack-class light cruisers. They agreed to help after contacting they're commander and headed to ambush the enemy ship.
Illudin feeling more and more preasure from the onslaught of attacks when he remembered what his master told him when he was a padawan about anger lowering yur ability to use the force and even when used properly exausted the user after the ability ran out. Knowing that the barrage of attacks was coming to close to safely wait out the full scale offensive of a sith. Illudin Seeing an opertunity force pushed Darth Dythos away into a tree holding him there. Dythos felt his entire body tremble as his body was pushed into the tree with bone shattering force and he knew that a normal human being would not survive such an attack. Sudenly the force pushing him into the tree stopped and Illudin said "The way of the jedi will not allow me to kill you, I must not alow the anger to overcome me!!" Illudin jumped into the air with amazing speed and flew away. He knew that the force alone would not kill a sith but he had tried to kill him and that was not the jedi way and so went away to meditate to release his anger.
Illudin noticing that he was going to be backed into a corner sooner or later decided to act. He waited for an opening in his movements and just as he caught it he acted locking his sabre with his and using force push on him throwing him to the side. Darth Dythos catching himself landed 15 feet away and attacked with again with quick attacks and using lots of force jumping simular to form 4 fighting style but this time Illudin was ready and used form 2, blocking and moving quickly he kept out of reach using mostly finesse and less slashing to conserve energy slowely wearing Dythos down as he used so much energy with his form 4.
Illudin reached the wookie patrol a few minutes later and quickly sensed some danger coming a little off the pathway the wookies where on. Illudin told the wookies to fortify the area and get ready for an attack. 2 Magnaguards walked from the bush before being shot down from blaster crossfire from the wookie militia. Illudin then ran into the bush after the others he sensed. As he moved through the bush two more Magnagaurds ambushed him from either side. Illudin ducked under they're electrostaff attacks blocking and leading them into eachother locking them together and jumped up slashing through one of them and force pushing the other into a nearby tree. The magna gaurd that was left came upon him with swift strikes and quik agility. Illudin wondering why the elite body gaurd was off trying to ambush simple militia quickly threw one of his lightsabres at the magnagaurd catching it off gaurd it barely blocked the blade and was too late as Illudin decapitated it with his other lightsabre. Picking up his sabre he quickly head back to the wookie militia patrol as he heard a battle ensue. When he arived he saw 2 magna gaurds attacking and 3 of the wookie patrol on the ground. Illudin quickly force pushed one of the 2 gaurds down a nearby slope keeping it out of the fight for now. The other Magnagaurd turned to him as a blastershot hit it in the side. It stumbled and attacked as Illudin blocked and riposted cutting cutting upwards but was block by the magna gaurds unhuman speed. Three more blaster shots hit the droid in the back slowing it down as Illudin ducked under a blow from the staff and cut upwards taking off both of its arms and quickly therafter decapitating it. The other magnadroid now quickly closing distance to him. Illuding reacted quickly blocking one attack spinning around it and activating the dual-phase function on his lightsabre surprising the magnagaurd cutting it in half.
Illudin's transport landed on Kashyyyk a few minutes ago as he was now traveling through the jungle towards a disturbance in the force he felt from far away. He thought about the strength compared to anyone he had faced before and he just couldn't believe it. This power was much more powerful than any before and he thought about the other Jedi that was here and hoped that nothing bad was ahead for either of them. The Jedi council had sent him shortly after Rei left after receiving information on a Sith threat from the planet to help reinforce Rei incase he ran into a Sith but now that he felt the power he figured that they're was more than one Sith here. He felt the disturbance come from some thicker part of the jungle to the NE and headed in that direction. Illudin found a small pathway that seemed to be cut through recently with lightsabres. He followed along side the path and saw Rei fighting a droid and a man enimating power watching the fight cloely. Illudin jumped through the bush and jumped down behind the second droid just after he slew the first and made his first attack on the second. Illudin activated his lightsabres and attacked.
[B]Name:[/B] Illudin Velex [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Type of lightsaber:[/B] Dual Green and Blue both dual-phase and capable of adding a fibrecord. His Green Sabre has a lava crystal in it and is made to be green by a Ankarres Sapphire. His Blue sabre has Lorrdian gemstone and a snythetic crystal simular to Mantle of the Force. [B]Appearence:[/B] [URL=http://www.wowtaiwan.com.tw/burningcrusade/images/wallpapers/illidan/illidan-1600x.jpg]Illudin[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet and Mysterious and deals with any mission he is assigned to the Jedi ways and never breaks them [B]Bio:[/B] Was born in a far corner of the galaxy and was one of the last of his race. The Jedi council knew of his races warlike manner but took him for training before their ways can set in since he had an extremely high Midi-chlorian count. He trained until he passed the jedi test and became a true jedi and now does tasks for the Jedi council. When training he mastered forms V, II, III and knows well styles IV and VII. His mentors where extremely surprised at his mastering of combat forms so quickly and gave it over to his race being very observant in nature. He brought armor weave from his planet that provides moderate protection from energy wepons including lightsabers with an upgrade of small lines of Phrik lining it so a slash will not cut all the way through but instead only cause a burning wound into the flesh.
Tyreal had felt a great evil coming through the rift between his world and the human world that he roamed around in when he was younger. An elder walked through the portal and proclaimed that the legion had returned and that there was a call to all able bodied people to come and help the fight against them. Tyreal remembered the legion when they where beaten the first time he was younger then and remembered the tales of power that the warriors from the village had gone up against last time they appeared. Tyreal is only 23 by the Draenei years but in human time he has lived a few human lifetimes. The rift between worlds had been open for centuries before now but only recently had they found the way to come back once you had gone to the human world. Tyreal decided to lend his help now considering that last time the legion attacked the human world they're warriors had almost come too late because they underestimated the legions ability. Tyreal went to his house and got out his armour, shealthed his blade at his side, put a shield and great war hammer on his back and left toward the human world after a few goodbyes to his friends and family. He knew where Scallion was for he remembered when the place first started as a small town breaking apart from the old empire, tho that was at the begining of his life so he decided to look at his crystal map of the human world and located the city after sending a small amount of magic into it.
Vaan was at the Alabaster cup tournament which was going to start the next morning. Vaan was scouting the area even though there was little chance that anyone would notice him when he disappeared along with much money and items as they're was always many nobles at the tournament which meant much to steal, even if somehow he was caught he knew he was strong enough to fight through most enemies he encountered with ease, the only problem is if he went up against 2 or more of the more powerful contestants. As Vaan looked around he noticed a house that looked wealthier than the rest so he decided to take a look inside even though there where warning signs that it wasn't accessible to the public. As he walked inside he quickly dodged to the side behind a statue as a group of 5 guards rounded a bend in the house. He didn't know anyone but high nobleman who would hire that many guards for regular patrol. As the guards passed Vaan quickly ran right past them about a foot behind them without making a noise quickly getting through the doorway across the hall in case any of them decided to look back. He figured that this was the outer courtyard now that he realised how big the house actually was, what he first thought to be a nobles house might turn out to be a small keep inside the town considering the amount of guards there are. He looked up and saw a guard looking through a window over the courtyard and figured that he there would be more in the windows that are above him and quickly dove into a small ditch that was near the door he just came out of half a second ago. "Shit" Vaan mumbled as he knew he had been clumsy in this infiltration so far. Vaan concentrated and focused his energy to go outward just barely over his skin so that now he started to fade and after about 1-2 seconds he turned completely invisible. He crossed the courtyard at a jog since if he moved too fast he wouldn't be able to stay completely invisible without using magic which he was planning on saving since tomorrow he might have to use allot if he was seen. He entered in to the building on other side of the courtyard and walked right past 8 more guards. He continued through the keep until he came upon the entrance which was most likely the way to the inner courtyard and was blocked by large oak doors and a group of 6 soldiers 2 of which where leaning on the door. He search around but found that the door was the only viable option to getting to the other side of the inner courtyard and to hopefully some gold or magical items. Vaan walked up beside the six guards and decided his bet was to kill them all before they could raise the alarm and leave before anyone found the bodies. He walked up to the guard furthest in the back and released a small amount of the energy that surrounded him into him stunning him as to not make a sound or move but breaking the invisibility and luckily he wasn't noticed until he stabbed another guard through the spinal column wedging the vertebrates apart instantly sending the man to the ground. The other 3 guards turned around and drew their weapons as Vaan stabbed another one of the men in the throat tearing through the windpipe and jugular veins so that there is no chance of survival. Both the guards swung their swords at Vaan as he ducked one blade and blocked the other with his sword now soaked in blood he kick the guard who was now off balance from missing his opponent by his quick dodge sending him into the thick oak doors and sending his weapon from his hand and nearly knocking the man unconscious. The guard who now had his sword in a lock with Vaan went to kick him but Vaan was too fast and jumped above the kick and his blade turning his head with his free hand and then kicking it breaking his neck instantly. The recently stunned man started to swing at Vaan from behind as he landed but was slain from a small dagger that Vaan had thrown while airborne. The last guard now up from being kicked hard into the door went to make a run for it and about 5 steps down the hall just as he had started to scream for help a small bolt pierced through the back of his throat silencing him. Vaan went quickly through the next courtyard knowing he had little time before the bodies where discovered. He entered through the other side of the courtyard into the keep and quickly found the treasury after a quick search. He was happy to know that the door was already open for him and walked inside knowing someone was there already. He saw a big man with a sword looking through some old looking chests and as he walked up behind him the man swung around with a mace in hand swinging at Vaan's face. Vaan just barely ducking in time surprised at the mans awareness of him gave the man enough time to get in a kick which hit Vaan squarely in the chest sending him back onto the floor. The man jumped at him with a downward hit but Vaan jumped into close quarters so the mace would miss him and stabbed the man through the stomach and he fell onto the ground. Just as he was about to kill the man he heard the alarm sound, Vaan grabbed as much as he could and ran out of the room before the man got up and wasted any more of his time. Vaan ran up a flight of stairs and looked out a window and saw a roof of a nearby house was almost touching about 5 feet below the window ledge. He jumped out landing on the roof, he quickly ran and jumped to the next roof and down into the street holding the bag he stuffed as much valuable stuff as he could into. He took the stuff to a guy he knew who would buy almost anything and got 800 gold pieces from it and he kept a sword he found since it was enchanted with an everlasting edge. He was walking at the edge of town and saw an odd looking man for these parts, wearing red armour that reminded him of a man he once knew who rode on tigers though this armour looked to be much better than that that he had seen before, he figured he must be here to show off his abilities in the tournament and decided to go over and talk to him.
John walked up to the FBI person at the front and said "nice to see you again Josh" he replied " you too L" after a quik discusion they had it planned out and the FBI director had told him that they might have found Hiro since the girl who was with him foolishly brought him to a hospital and that they have sent 10 FBI agents to the hospital and got the local cops to set up a perimiter. The FBI had brought 50 men with them to help the assualt on the compound and they set off and where going to wait in survailance around the compound as 3 FBI agents L and Felix went in and took out the gaurds, John had set up a small opening incase Felix wanted to take out any non armed personal who he had a beef against. They set off and would be there within the hour.
Name ? Light Age ? 19 Gender ? male Appearance ? [URL=http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y91/Rujutoshi/Random%20Pictures/Death%20Note/Light2.jpg]Light[/URL] Skills/Powers ? He has an akward ability to understand how machinery and the like work just with a quik glance at the object Weapons ? SPAS 34 automatic shotgun and a High powered dart gun that has various darts including liquid nitrogen injecting darts. Sides ? Was in the corporation for years but recently disopeared and is now working for himself and his own means, he does not have outright hostility to either side tho the corporation doesn't like his dealings with the rebels. Class ? Engineer Personality ? Quiet and Outgoing an akward combination Bio ? He was in an experiment that the corporation ran that was to increase the effectivness of the engineers by 250%, he was one of the top in his class at the time and he is now the greatest engineer that is publically known as all the others that went through the program either died as result to the experiment or mysteriously disopeared. He figures that the corporation is behind the disopearences or that his peers figured out what he had and gone in to hiding.
[B]Name[/B]: Vaan [B]Age[/B]: 23 [B]Personality[/B]: Vaan has a very unnoticable personality he doesn't stick out in a crowd even when he seems out of place and he's usually a pretty good guy to be around but he mostly like to keep to himself. [B]Apearence[/B]: attachment [B]Weapon[/B]: usually uses small swords and daggers, small crossbow, has small amounts of magic and has a fair bit of special unique abilities and [B]many[/B] other more common abilities
John Anthony sat back down as the Hummer drove into a akwardly large alley and as Felix was getting more nerves all of a sudden a hidden entrance opened up and they drove in. They parked and they all got out of the car followed by a nervous Felix who now was unshealthing his dagger but not enough to be noticed. John withdrawed his Steyr ACR and shot the Big Driver with a quik 3 round burst without the driver having enough time to een respond, the driver fell down dead and John turned to Felix and said "he knew too much, i'm gunna go for a while you can help yourself to one of the cars over there" as he pointed to a small lot of new cars"and any of the weapons that are in them, this has become personel, a friend just told me on the phone that he... my friend got shot by Hiro and under the circumstances it is quite amazing since all that he used was a silenced Desert Eagle and at the range he had even with perfect aim the bullet itself would most likely miss considering it's a handgun which are made for close range circumstances and are bad at distance shooting, so as you can see it is quite personell now. We can use any help you give us and here's my cell number" as he gives him his number he walks away. "don't worry i already know yours" John anthony went up to the top of the building changed and got some people to take care of the body in the parking lot. He decided to call his friends in the police and FBI, they could come in handy if a fire fight broke out. "Yes this is L" "oh L we havn't heard from you in a while" "yah i've been doing some stuff, i was wondering if you could get a large group of men together and send them to Jersey by tonight or latest tomorrow" "if it was anybody but you i'd have to say no but your one of the few people i trust with my men" "ok i will send you over the location to send the men, i'll send out a signal on the radio frequency you guys use when i need help for me and a few of my guys are going in, i'll fax over the information on them" John walked over to his desk and got some information together and sent the fax out with information about how the Yakuza had killed a owner of a small retail store which he completely made sure that his agent could not have been seen or that he could have it tracked to him. John readied up a few of his highly trained gunman and waited for news on the FBI men and police if there where going to be any.
Diablo walked forward into this soon to be hell and he slaughtered all he came apon. But whenever he killed he heard a small voice in the back of his mind telling him not to do it for the man who he possesed had a stong will and he had difficulty controlling the man at first but he had broken most of the mans will but there was a small amount that remained within and it was begining to piss him off. He knew that the moer he killed the stronger he would become such that he would gain more controll over his body until edventually he'd come to his full strength and be able to help baal in his true form instead of this broken shell of a human.
Just as John was about to shake Felix's hand his phone rung and he quikly answered it. After a short conversation he started walking toward a door and motioned Felix and 47 to follow. "I have just been informed, that assasin that you met at the airport, his name is Hiro and we found a lot of sites refering to an assasin with that name. The magority of the pages all seemed to lead to the gang that is called Yakuza so now we will not even require any payment for our services since we cannot let anyone outside of our clientel know of this part of the buisness. At the same time we checked over the records and could find no slip of information regaurding how he knew Mr.Julio or any of the information that he did until we found out about a Yakuza spy that had got to our central computer manually the only way possible since it is in a one way system, we have taken care of this and he will no longer trouble us." John walked into the armoury and he picked up all his weapons which included: [I]Infrasonic Grenade[/I] : a weapon that creates quite a loud bang that is almost imposible to defend against [I]Steyr ACR[/I] : customized to use metal razors like the SCIMTR does and it has a built in silensor, laser sight and has an increased fire rate and magazine size, The razors are made out of Depleted Uranium making it burn and poison on impact, and are covered with a mixture of Sodium Pentothal, Pavulon and Potassium chloride that will kill you but since there isn't much on each blade you stand a small chance of survival if you are put into intensive care within 20 minutes. [I]ASAS-12 [/I] : A shotgun, has a maximum of 20 round clip in a drum or 10 in a box magazine and has automatic firing capabilities. [I]nanocomposite based on Tungsten Disulfide body armor[/I] : ummm... body armor [I]Shotgun shells[/I] : many shotgun shells, ussual shot used is SCIMTR with same customizations as above^^^, also many other shots including but not only R.I.P. cartridge and Brenneke slugs. He then put the shotgun in a dufflebag with the ammo for it and grenades, he then attached the Steyr ACR around his front to hide under his jacket and moved his GLOCK 15 to his waist. They got into an army surplus hummer that had 2 small vehicels in the back, 1 a SWORD talon remote fighter and a small remote control helicopter. The big man got into the driving position, Felix and John got into the back. John said " I'll contact you later" to 47 then "Hi my name is Mr.Drong but you can call me Reeds please tell me all the information you know about the Yakuza" to Felix as they drove off towards John's head corters.
John Anthony was sitting at his desk readying some payments to go over to an offshore account when he recieved a call from his cell phone. "Hello this is Mr.Reeds" "Yes i understand the Yakuza" "Ok you can meet with one of my people for a more private conversation" "yes his name is Mr.Drong and he'll meet you at a warehouse thats in New Jersey i'll give you the specifications through a subordinate who'll be waiting in a fake cab just across the street from the eastern hospital, tell him to take you to the butchers" John Anthony got up and set up for some men to watch the meeting area and went to get his weapons for he had some of his own problems with the Yakuza and wanted to take down as many of them as he could too. he made a call and left a message at the warehouse to hide the goods and to make sure to be unseen when he comes.
[QUOTE=Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm....I think i'm gonna have to go with the person I like. I mean, I may not like the cutest person in school, so therefore I may not enjoy making out with her. Would you rather own a Playstation 3 and all the game's that have been released so far? Or.... Would you rather [B]never be able to play Halo 3[/B]?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] what a great question would i like to own all these games or none and be restricted from a game i think i'll chose the earlier Would you rather shoot a police officer with a paintball gun Or your girlfriend/wife