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Everything posted by Zeke47

  1. [B]Name[/B]: Tyreal [B]Age[/B]: 23 [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Race[/B]: Draenei [B]Class[/B]: Paladin [B]Weapon[/B]: A PhaseBlade called "Azurdeth" [B]Skills[/B]: Aura(half like magic), Alchemy, First aid [B]Magic[/B]: Blessings, Holy magic, Seals, Lay on Hands [B]Appearence[/B]: See attachment [B]Bio[/B]: He grew up in a small village with his peers, he went through much training in the schools of magic as his race has a natural affinity to it. After a few years of training he noticed that he was more phisically fit than most of his kind so when the evil threatened his people's lands he took up being a Paladin to use his advantage of strength over his peers and while still not wasting his affinity to magic. [B]Personality[/B]: Quiet and wise, he doesn't like being ordered around by anyone and will go his own way if others try to order him around repeatedly unless he sees great reason to stay. OCC: if you want me to change pm
  2. A man in a trenchcoat walked off a plane into a New Jersey Airport and walked out into the steets. He came up to a black Chevrolet Corvette C6.R and drive to an old warehouse that recently came into my possesion. He open the doors and he saw the revamped inside, a empty nothingness except a small room with alot of computers in it. He turn on the computer screen and type in a password, reach under the desk and press a button at the sametime as it's checking the password and racks of guns come out of hiding from the walls. He quickly check the inventory over and notice that the guns where not of the quality that was ordered and made a quick phone call. "the goods are not as he ordered them, he will require you to send back half of the money we paid you, if you don't like the idea then we'll have to eliminate you and any around you" ... "okay then we'll expect the money in the usual payment method so it is untracable" The man called another number "yes hello Mr.Reeds, this is Mello" The man explained the situation and walked out of the building. He had a suitcase that contained details of the gun salesman location and the requirments to killing him, of a bonus of $250,000 if it is done after the transaction of the money back to us and noone finds out about him sending the money back and if they do find out they must die. It also had a small black device with a screen very simular to a GPS that had a USB link cable ready attached.He set the suitcase down beside a dumpster so that it was in partial sight and he upened up a small bag with about 12 cell phones in it .He looked through them and found the right one and then he called a number, put the phone back in the bag and walked away.
  3. [B]Name[/B]: Diablo [B]Age[/B]: unknown [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Appearence[/B]: see attachment [B]Bio[/B]: Once a great warrior on earth who vanquished much evil and even went into the pits of hell himself to slay a great demon "Diablo"(Baal's Brother) who was terrorizing an area and had opened a portal to hell where demon spawn was spilling forth. He fought through the crowds of spawn and made his way to Diablo himself and slew him but Diablo's soul which spilled forth from his corpse and posessed the great warrior who was tormented for the next years of his life from a great evil that he possesed inside of him. He had nightmares of great evils and of his time in hell and werever he went a great dark cloud followed. He moved on to Kurast a great city that has been reduced to a small portside town gaurded by ancient magics because of a great evil within there ancient temple. He went into the temple travelled to the bottom and found the source of the evil... a portal inwich the horror of hell came through. He walked through entering hell where he belonged for the great demon had controll of him now and very little of himself remained. [B]Weapons[/B]: The great sword " azurerath" which he got at the site of the shattered worldstone. [B]Magic[/B]: Dark evil magic including but not only Hellfire, HellLightning and flame Nova.
  4. As John was sitting in his desk his cellphone begun to ring and he picked it up immediatly and said "yes i understand" as the situation regarding Mitsuki was explained. He said " ok then i'll call off the hit imediatly but you'll still have to pay for 50% for the costs of preparation", after a short conversation he said "ok 35% of the original price it is i'll contact my agent right away". 2 hours later he was down in the city of New York and was walking briskly towards a designated meeting place between one of his men and his top assasins. He knew he had to do it in person or else the identity of the assasin might leak to one of his employee's and he hated to hire new employee's. He reached the designated point 5 minutes before he'd show up and put down his suitcase with his company logo on it he knew he would noticethat contained files about the canclation of the one assasination and his assignment to kill the leader of a transportation industry in New Jersey for a rival company and the amount he'd be paid as a bonus over normal a whole $100,000. John walked quikly back to his office building and set up for a plane to take the assasin over to New Jersey without any record and a Car incase he decided to take a different transportation method.
  5. [B]Name[/B]: John Anthony [B]Alias[/B]: He Has 3 "L" for his work solving crimes with the police, "Mr.Reeds" for his place in the top of a company that commands an assassin or 2 and "Mr.Drong" for using while talking to people who need not find him later. [B]Age[/B]: 26 [B]Description[/B]: Tall and skinny, Black messy hair and wears clothes that don't seem like one a business man would wear often even just a baggy T-shirt and Baggy jeans sometimes.([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:DeathNoteL.png[/url]) [B]Weapon(s[/B]): [URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steyr_ACR]Customized Steyr ACR[/URL] and dual Customized GLOCK 18C [B]Location[/B]: New York, Tokyo and Toronto are where he holds residential status but is currently in New York [B]Bio[/B]: He quickly became a top detective in the police force and disappeared from contact. He later reappeared under the alias of "L" and seemed to help solve many cases but really was helping criminals get away with the crimes. His uncle died leaving a big inheritance and he started a business with the name "Mr.Reeds" that grew quickly to be a well known reputable software business, tho very few ever have known the darker sides of the business and those who have found out have met a quick demise.
  6. [B]Name[/B]:Abraham Whistler [B]Age[/B]:unknown [B]Aperrance[/B]: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lei-Fei[/url] [B]Personality[/B]:he is quiet and slow to anger but his anger is terrible to behold [B]Bio[/B]:Abraham Whistler was born in Canada and took pilgrimages all over the world to different temples where he trained in martial arts. One day while in a deep meditive state the temple was attacked by a small band of vampires while he was so deep in consentration he didn't even notice the vampires slaughtering his friends and master around him and in the mess he was bitten. The effects started after a few days but he couldn't live with himself slowly turning into one of the monsters that killed all his fellow monks and tied himself out in the sunlight so that once the transformation was complete he would die from the UV rays but as the sun came up the next day and ran over his face it felt hot but did not burn him as it did vampires He later found out from self preformed tests that he did not fully transform most likely from being in such a deep state of meditation wich gave him the strengths (including having a endless maximum lifespan) of a vampire but not having any of the weeknesses. [B]Expertise[/B]:Vampires until their recent disipearence sence which he has mostly hunted werewolves [B]weapons[/B]: [I]Custimized Shotgun[/I] each bullet is 13mm explosive, silver-filled. Plus, those are spread bullets, so one shot can kill 5 vamps. at the same time. The 6 bullets are now quicksilver-filled, with a whole new explosive technology which makes the bullets look like fireballs. It's almost has powerful has a rocket launcher (maybe more) and a very few creatures in the world can withstand it's shots. [I]Custimized Rocket Launcher[/I] 30 mm cannon which uses various types of shells, these shells including depleted uranium with silver for piercing armored targets and incendiary napalm rounds for destroying large groups of opponents both on land and in the air. It is a single-shot breech loader and there is many other forms of shells [I]Silver Slicers[/I] Silver spiked nun-chucks that injects silver nitrate when it peirces skin, the cord in the middle is razor sharp fibre wire that is covered in silver nitrate that can extend and be used as a choke line and one end can be thrown and retrieved as a weapon or for grappling purposes. [B]Training[/B]: over 100 years of martial arts training and weapons training [B]Extra abilities[/B]:His very high sence of smell, hearing, sight, being able to feel light as it passes over his skin and his overall hightened sence of awarness his meditation gives him makes it almost impossible to be undetected while he's around and he has a small chip in the side of his head that cancles the thirst for blood he feels as a vampire and also has other small built in purposes such as acts as a built in lie detector and increases his reflexes and intelligence further. It is also imune to all EMP pulses and interference waves. OCC:The vampire half-breed is not noticable to the eye
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