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About emma-o

  • Birthday 08/16/1977

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  • Biography
    love my anime!
  • Occupation
    Administrator in a Merck factory

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  1. Since you watched all the episodes for Tsubasa, do you know when the movie comes into it time-wise? I have watched the first season and I have the second season and the movie (as well as the xxxholic movie) to watch, but I don't want to spoil it for myself. Any help would be appreciated...
  2. [quote name='emma-o']anyone else addicted to these?[/quote] In the TV series, when does the Tsubasa movie come into play? Just finished watching the first season and want to watch the movie but I don't want to spoil anything for myself... Should I watch the movie before I start the second season or after? HELP - I need guidance on this one from some Clamp Otaku on this one :catgirl:
  3. [quote name='Kurayami Oji']Well, I didn't dream anime until just the other night. I remember dreaming that they were gonna show brand new episodes of Hellsing on t.v. And that's about all I remember, too bad I don't have more dreams^^[/quote] [COLOR=Black][FONT=Times New Roman]Funny you should mention that - I was recently reading that the creator has enough material to do another season and it was under serious consideration. The anime only goes about 4 books into the manga, so maybe your dream will come true... [/FONT] [/COLOR] :catgirl:
  4. [COLOR=Black][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Times New Roman]FLCL definitely is a funny show, it's zaniness is what makes it! Cat Soup is an anime movie that won awards and is absolutely hilarious - there are no words, only sounds... CardCaptor Sakura and Chobits both have their funny moments, but they also have their serious ones. If you're looking for just funny Clamp, try finding Miyuki-chan in Wonderland - a one-shot manga and anime. It's a little yuri (girl-girl) but not in the romantic sense, it's just used for embarassment of the main character. Excel Saga is also a funny series - poking fun at all types of anime stereotypes at every opportunity. IDK - can't think of any others at the moment :babble:[/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR]
  5. Mainly the Studio Ghibli films, but in other series as well. I have to say Clamp is a well-known producer of good tear-jerker material. I was also surprised to find myself almost in tears in Trigun [spoiler] when Wolfwood gets shot by his mentor [/spoiler] . Wolf's Rain [spoiler] when they all meet with the Flower of the Moon and she comes with them [/spoiler] was another scene, almost needed a tissue. Of course, Cowboy Bebop [spoiler] when Spike is done fighting Vicious and staggers out, last word: "Bang" [/spoiler]. I think that any well-written series that has those dramatic moments is gonna find a way to effect the audience. You get so connected to the characters and their worlds that you start to feel for them. Thanks for starting this post! Bout Time! :catgirl:
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