Now just think about it...
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Plum]Do you remember when Pokemon first aired and was the huge hit on America?
When Sailor Moon was the hottest show on Cartoon Network?
Before Dragonball Z went into Dragonball GT?
When Yugioh aired for its first time ever on Kids WB?
Before they stopped showing Megaman?
Handhelds of Pokemon yellow, red, and blue were the hottest thing?[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkOrange]It's sad isn't it? How quickly time really goes. I really miss those days, no Pokemon is hated (well mostly hated) among the older audience who watch the very first episode.
Sailor Moon is now, Sailor who? I mean sure, people who are into anime know what it is and people who maybe have watched it have a faint memory of what it might be, it's not as well known as it used to be.
Hey anyone remember Hey You! Pikachu? It came free when you got the N64 with a Pikachu on it. I had that one, and let me say that the kid on teh commericals made it look easy. Pikachu is a serious slacker :animedepr
Pokemon was my favorite if you couldn't already tell. I still have all my TCG cards, but sadly I cant complete my collection because they don't sell the old packs anymore. :animesigh
I miss the old days, If only it were the 90's again :animesmil What are your experiences about anime in general??[/COLOR][/FONT]