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Kyuubimon whimpered a little at the pain of Andramon's attack. And now they weren't allowed to delete the annoying thing. Nothing but a security risk. And from the frown on Brent's face, he agreed but wasn't willing to say anything. "Brent?" Kyuubimon asked. "We'll do it their way for now. We'll jsut have to be watchful of her. Stick with Dragon Wheel for now, it deals more damage. When she starts getting weakened, use your Fox Tail Inferno, got it?" Brent asked. She nodded. "Got it. I'll be right back!" She told him, dashing off back into the fight. Brent turned back to Merlin. "I think I've got a first aid kit somewhere in my bag so that we can treat those burns." Brent said. [OOC: I'm currently internet-less, so I'm unable to post very often. I'll try to get access as much as possible, but...]
Ari cursed to herself. She should have kept a closer watch on that boy, making sure to the Anima before they escaped. This would be a serious setback in her plans. She'd wouldn't be able to make it back to send Mariko off to school. Maybe in a coulpe of days. If they kept moving at a good rate, though, she'd have to turn around and relocate her home closer by where they were headed. This group of Anima was too big to pass up, and it had her current contract target in it anyways. She looked back towards the mountains. She'd catch them there, before they got any farther. She wouldn't let them escape beyond the mountains. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rati followed the group almost mindlessly. Why did these people insist on running? It only made things harder. They were comfortable with food and bed at the last place. By moving, they would be put at a disadvantage in the game. They'd be hungry, tired, and wouldn't know their surroundings well. Moving was only to be done when the lady had caught on to your tricks in the area. Why these people insisted on playing the game this way confused her, but she would try and help them as best she could. That woman was undoubtedly following them, though. This group left a messy trail behind, one she could easily follow. [OOC: I'm currently internetless, so I'll have trouble making posts.Sorry.
Rita watched the proceedings with a small bit of confusion. She had returned from her dip in the stream to find everyone like this. What was wrong with everyone? So what if the Ari woman knew about them. That would just make things more fun and interesting. It was boring with no one to play with. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ari grumbled to herself as she waited in the limbs of one of the trees. She knew that kid was lying. But she didn't want to hurt him, he was just misguided and confused. It was the anima that were the problem. The shark girl, and possibly more. The shark girl would be trouble enough if they got anywhere near water, but until she met the others she'd have no clue of their abilities. She'd have to plan things very carefully.
Rita sighed as she slipped into the cool stream. Nothing beat a good soak in a stream. Except playing with that Ari woman. She was loads of fun to taunt and play with. Rita leaned back against the streams embankment. She thought she could smell someone coming closer, but she didn't put as much trust in her nose on ladn as she did in water. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ari was surprised to see the boy that she met up in the city approaching her. To think he was out this way, where the shark freak had gone. Maybe he had something to do with where she was hiding. As he came within hearing distance, she called out to him. "Hey, long time no see." She said.
Rita gnawed on her piece of meat happily, just observing the others interacting. She thought that she remembered once doing something vaguely similar, but no clear memories came to her. She looked around the room, studying each of the faces. If she couldn't remember the old ones, she make newer memories and keep those instead. She swalled a chunk of steak whole, having finally ripped it off from the rest. After some more gnawing, she finished her steak and watched with some barely concealed amusement as Kaho and Kai determined who was doing dishes. She stood up quietly and left the house quietly. Stadning in the quiet forest, she thought she could hear a stream nearby. She felt awfully dry and tired, and figured that no one notice if she snuck off for a quick fifteen minute dip. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Neechan!" Mariko said, running up to Ari as she entered their small apartment. "Hey, how was school?" Ari said, bending down to catch Mariko and pick her up. "It was boring. We were going voer Anima, but I already knew all that stuff cause you taught me." Mariko said in dissapointment. "Still, it's good to know and not everyone has someone in their family that knows as much about anima as I do." Ari reminded Mariko. "I know, but still..." Mariko trailed off as Ari let her down. Mariko looked nervous for a moment. "Um, neechan? Are you going out again tonight?" Mariko asked. Ari looked down at Mariko apologetically. "Yes. I promise I'll be back to see you off in the morning, though." Ari replied.
Kyuubimon dodged back into the foliage after Wizardmon hit Andramon, keeping the Digimon from hitting Kyuubimon with her attack. Andramon focused on Wizardmon and his partner. Brent noticed her aiming for Merlin, and tried to shout out an order to Kyuubimon but Wizardmon used his Magical Game attack. Andramon attacked the hat nearest her, setting it into a blaze and injurin Merlin. "Kyuubimon!" Brent shouted. Kyuubimon jumped out of the foliage to land near Brent. Brent quickly hopped on. "We need to go get Merlin!" Brent told her. "Right. Hang on for a moment." Kyuubimon advised before dashing off. She came to a sudden halt in front of Merlin and spread her nine tails. "Fox Tail Inferno!" She said launching the fireballs over Brent's head. Becasue she ahd a clear shot this time, most of the hits struck true. Brent jumped off to help Merlin on. As he turned around, helping Merlin up and careful of his burns, Andramon had freed herself of the others for a moment and was taking aim at them. "Go!" He yelled, grabbing onto Kyuubimon's ribbon and jumping on as she began to run. He made it on somewhat awkwardly and hit the yes button on his digivice, giving Kyuubimon a temporary boost in speed.
Rita shifted a little uncomfortably as she amde her way around the house. She wasn't really used to being in social situations much, and people outside of her small group of recognizables always made her a little twitchy. She never really knew many Anima, but here were several all at once. Good thing the net girl had never heard of this place. She'd have a field day with it. Although, Rita had taken a quick liking to the wild dog one. No, it was wolf. Not wild dog. Rita tried hard to remember the different animals that would be associated with these other anima. She hadn't had to speak in many years, so her vocabulary was a little lacking. Although interacting with the net woman had taught her many an interesting word. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ari kept a watchful eye on the boy as he left. He was an oddball, and oddballs always made her suspicious. There was nothing really wrong with him, not at all. He actually seemed like a decent kid. But loners tended to have odd ideas. And odd ideas can spell trouble. And more often than not, anima were at the root of a lot of trouble. And someone as alone as him might get the idea that it would be alright to be a companion with an anima. Ari sighed in frustrationa dn shook her head a little to clear it. She really had to stop overanalyzing things. For now she'd have to figure out where that other anima from the beach went. She'd found the tracks that the thing had left behind when it exited the water. She finally stopped and looked up at one of the windows in an older apartment building. Before she left for the night, she'd stop in with Mariko. Cook her up some dinner and see her off to bed.
"Airdramon could use some help up there," Aesera said to the others. "You've seen how to get your Digimon partners to digivolve, so hurry up and do it!" Brent fumbled around for a moment before finding the glove. He slipped it on, and Renamon digivolved into Kyuubimon. "Alright, let's go!" Brent yelled. Kyuubimon jumped back up, starting to spin. "Dragon Wheel!" She shouted, turning into a wheel of blue flames and charging down Andramon that was keeping Airdramon pinned down. Kyuubimon struck Andramon in the side, and landed down on the ground on all fours before running out of sight under some other trees as Andramon whipped around. "Fox Tail Inferno!" Kyuubimon cried, nine fireballs launching up through the canopy top and generally missing Andramon and going wide. As some of the branches were burned away revealing where the fire had been launched from. Kyuubimon was no longer there. "That's it, Kyuubimon. Use your agility to your advantage. Keep 'er guessing!" Brent yelled out, glancing over his digivice. He'd seen the burst of speed Airdramon had gotten when Aesera had hit a button. But he didn't know which one. He glanced back to the battle to see Andramon getting ready to fire off her Wing Blaze again. "Watch it Kyuubimon, she's gonna attack!" Brent warned. As Andramon fired off her Wing Blaze, nine fireballs came out of the forest and canceled out a couple of the streams of fire. The others hit the forest, lighting it on fire, and a couple hit Kyuubimon knocking her down.
Rita swam idly in her territory, recovering from a particularly nasty bout with funny woman in the nets. She was always after Rita, but Rita didn't care. It helped to keep things interesting. Her head broke the surface of the water, and Rita shook her head a little, flinging water droplets everywhere. No sign of the funny woman in the net. This was her chance to snaek out of the water again! She didn't get many chance to do this, with that wierd woman watching her, so she leapt on the chance and dove back under water swimming for shore. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ari cursed. She'd lsot track fo that Anima again. The stupdi thing was a hazard to anyone in the area. The beach could probably be declared safe once that beast was out out of here. Ari just muttered darkly and continued to wring the water out of her clothes. That stupid fish was too fast in the water, next time she'd have to come better prepared and bring some scuba gear. She pulled the satchel and her Kodachi off her back and set them on the dock in front of her, some of the contents spilling out. Luckily, the satchel was waterproof and water tight. And the sheathing on her Kodachi kept the water out. She finally gave up on wringing her clothes out, and grabbed her things. "I guess I'll head home. Mariko is probably worried anyways..." She muttered
I you wouldn't mind, I could play a human character in addition to my Anima one? Name: Rita Fairens Age: 17 Side: Anima Sex: Female Half: Shark Appearance: [URL=http://dan.paramnesiac.net/data/9e/01/9e01a509c47a96f4d61020ec1dbd38b7.jpg]Appearance[/URL] Covered in scars from years of abuse, she wears them almsot like a badge. As proof that she survived. She generally wears a pair of baggy brown cargo shorts and a tight black top that cuts off above her midriff and leaves her gills exposed. Personality: After so long away from good social contact, she's degraded into an animalistic state. She can act odd and eccentric, but means the best. And she gets crestfallen when people are afraid of her. Bio: After being abused for a good number of years, she ran away from home. She eventually found herself at the beach, and began lving there. With her abilities, she was able to escape the humans fairly well by staying the water for several days at atime, or until they forgot about her. And she eventually grew adept at hunting for her food under water, and has started to stake out a claim on the beach as her territory and defends it against any other predators that come in. Little do the humans in her area realize, that the reason why their shark problem stopped was because of her. And if you choose to accept, my human character: Name: Ari Hawking Age: 19 Side: Human Sex: Female Weapons: A Kodachi on her back, some throwing stars in har back satchel, and she has some tools in there too. Appearance: [URL=http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs11/i/2006/241/8/e/Last_Kunoichi_post__conclusion_by_Motorfish.jpg]Appearance[/URL] Personality: Sarcastic and a bit Pessimistic. She's after the Anima because they are against her beliefs. They are an unnatural aberration upon the world that she wishes to get rid of. However, to humans she's a kind and caring woman, and even adopted a young girl named Mariko. Bio: She has been hunting and killing Anima for a few years now. She has yet to change her mind on her opinion of them, and likely never will. She adopted Mariko in the hopes fo keeping her from being exposed to the vile creatures. However, she would sonner give up her pursuit of the Anima than risk Mariko's life.
"Right. Renamon, let's show 'em a trick or two!" Brent said, sliding his crest into his digivice. "Yeah!" Renamon said, jumping up out fo the tree tops again behind the demented Digimon. "Diamond Storm!" She exclaimed, trying to catch it off guard. While it didn't entirely succeed, it distracted it. As Renamon fell back towards the ground she drew her paw back. "Power Paw!" She exclaimed, pushing the thing downwards a little, leaving it's back open to attack as it guarded against Renamon's attack. On the ground, Brent was watching his Digivice carefully as information began scrolling across it. He didn't have a clue what half of it meant. Renamon landed with a thud next to Brent. "Now!" She shouted. The other Digimon sprang into action, attacking the wierd Digimon. "Got any more smart ideas?" Renamon asked Brent. "Gimme a sec..." Brent muttered. "Try hitting the thing at the same time as another attack." Brent suggested. "Alright." Renamon said, leaping back into the fray with another Power Paw attack.
Name: Ari Fairens Age: 21 Sign: Cancer Powers: July 22, she had been on a scuba diving trip when she had been attacked by a shark. She panicked slightly, and tried to throw the shark off her arm as she was pulled back to the boat by her safety line. Other than a few light scratches it seemed she was fine and had gotten off lucky. The next morning, however, she woke up to find most of her sheets and blankets shredding, and her boyfriend had been covered in cuts. Beneath her normal skin is a skin like a shakr's that comes out when she's feeling upset. She also had a small set of gills on her neck, sharper teeth, and a wierd intuition as to north and south. At times, when she's frightened, she'll let loose with a stream of water from her mouth. However, this leaves her extremely dehydrated and she has to drink a lot of water to replenish her reserves. Appearance: She's a tall woman, about six and a half feet, with a well toned body from swimming and a slightly above average figure. She has reddish brown eyes and brown hair down to her shoulder blades, ending in a ragged cut that frames her fair skinned face. She wears a blue scarf to cover her gills up, and black shirt and faded blue jeans. However, whn her shark skin comes out she loses her fair skin as the sharp cales rip it apart. Her scales are white on her chin, neck, chest, and down through to her pelvic region, while the rest is a deep midnight blue, the same as the shark that had attacked her. It can take up to two days for her normal skin to grow back over the scales. Biography: She'd been an avid scuba diver until the accident, but afterwards she statyed away from it for fear of others noticing something wrong with her. As it is, the only person who knows about her secret is her boyfriend, whom she lives with. Nos, instead oif doing scuba diving tours, she works as a waitress at the local resturaunt, looking for a better job. Powers: Capable of shooting a jet of water from her mouth, and breathing udnerwater. She has a well developled sense of electromagentics, and thick shrak scales that normally stay beneath her skin unless she feels frightened or threatened. Sample: "Oh god, i can't believe I did this to you!" Ari moaned, helping to put the gauze over her boyfriend's many cuts. He waved her off nonchalantly. "You had a bad dream, not your fault." He told her. Ari looked down at her currently dark blue hands sadly. "But still...I'm some sort of a freak. I'm covered in sharp scales like a shark, I cut my boyfriend in my sleep, and I have gills!" Ari moaned. Her boyfriend finally finished with the gauze and set it on the edge of the sink. He turned around and hugged Ari carefully. "That doesn't change you, though. And besides, a shark's scales only cut in one direction, remember?" He reminded her, carefully running on hand down her cheek. "Thanks..." She murmered. "Eh, no problem. Tomorrow I'll go buy new sheets and we'll see what we can do about this predicament." Her boyfriend reassured her.
Sign Up Project: Liberation Transmission [M-LV]
squirr31y replied to Anakoni Stark's topic in Theater
Name: Ros Age: 20 Gender: Female Nationality: American Race: Fallen Archangel Powers: Advanced states of Hypnotism, large amounts of physical strength, capable fo growing stronger and helaing by means of devouring others, possesion, capable of minor reanimation, extraplanar vision with her hand-eyes, and the capability to manipulate the souls fo the dead into energy for various purposes. Appearance: Stands a good six foot three, with black hair that has a ragged cut at about shoulder length. She has a pair of two small black horns about four inches long coming out of her head angled backwards so that the almost blend in with her hair, and on large ten inch horn centered in between the other two. She has a deceptively attractive body that she's used to lure her next meal to her. She has an eye in the palm of each hand, making a total of four, all green. Coming from her back are two pair of medium black wings with red undersides and tail with a spade tip coming from the base of her back. She wear a tight grey top that has no sleeves and cuts off above her midriff and a pair of tight grey shorts that barely cover her thighs. She has a pair of calf high grey boots with blackend toes with spikes coming out and she wears a pair of grey gloves with black fingertips with special holes in them for her eyes. Alternate Appearance: Basically the same as her normal form, just minus the wings, extra eyes, tail, and horns. Occupation: Had been a waiter for short while, living with her boyfriend. Medical Defects: Is allergic to cats Weapons: The eyes in her hands. Background: Her parents had been highranking angels, although her mother had a demon somewhere buried in her family tree, and things were good for her. However, her parents had both been killed one day by a pair of robbers that had been on the run form the police. In a fit of rage, Ros drank the blood of her parents adn devoured their bodies and hearts to add their powers to hers, falling form her archangel status as her powers were greatly boosted. She used her new abilities to pursue her parent's killer ans devoured them too. for a long time afterwards she simply wandered and devoured the souls of those that she saw as unjust or evil. She eventually met a young man, a moved in with him at his insistence. She has since been living with him and eating less people. Although she still sneaks out every now and again for another snack. -
"Renamon, keep an eye out for anything else, okay?" Brent asked. Renamon nodded, and leapt up into the trees. Brent sighed. Things were bound to get harder from here on out. The fact that they had been discovered by something didn't help. Brent was beginning to wonder about his choice to come here. Maybe things would have been better if he'd stayed back at home? Brent shook his head and sighed. No use in thinking about past decisions. He had to deal with the here and now. When Aesera got the group up to start moving, Brent hesitated a moment, but eventually got up and followed them. He still had no clue as to their trustworthiness...but they were in the same situation he was. He'd jsut keep an eye on them till they earned his trust. Renamon landed beside him. "The coast seems to be clear. And I grabbed your back pack from where you dropped it." Renamon said, handing Brent his pack. He checked a couple of the pockets. "And you already ate the tofu, I see." Brent said with a grin. Renamon stuck her tongue out at him and jumped back into the tree tops. Brent's thoughts eventually drifted back to the end of the fight. Their digivices had sort of...loaded the data of the Gazimon. Or had the data invaded the digivices? Maybe it was a last ditch attack to try and corrupt the devices? Brent looked down at his device. There was a possibility that this thing was corrupt and could lead to trouble. But in the legends of the digidestined, there had been no mention of the digivices getting corrupted as far as Brent could remember. "Maybe I'm overanalyzing things..." Brent muttered. He certainly hoped he was overanalyzing things. He turned his attention back to the group of people in front of him. He might as well figure out what they were like, since they were likely to be together for a while. He had to do something to get his mind off it's currently depressing track.
{OOC: Sorry for the short posts. As for the knife...I mentioned in my character description that he has one on him at all times.} Brent and Renamon stuck close by each other as the Gazimon began to thin out. But as there were less and less Gazimon, they started acting more and more intelligently. One Gazimon came at them form the front, before feinting away as a second one leaped over the first's back. Renamon jumped in the way, holding an arm up in defense, adn the Gazimon clamped down on it. "Ow! Let go you stupid thing!" Renamon exclaimed, shaking her arm with the Gazimon still attached. Another one leapt at her, and she used the Gazimon that was still attached to her arm to bat it away. The one on her arm finally let go, and the two Digimon were flung into a tree, landing in a crumpled heap at the base. "Damn, how many of these guys are there?" Brent muttered, knocking another one away, and almost getting hit by another that Renamon blocked. "I dunno, you tell me. You know more about this stuff than I do!" Renamon retorted. Brent just mumbled under his breath. "Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer." He whispered ot himself. As Renamon took over, guarding him, he glanced around at the others to see how they were doing. That one girl, Aesera, had been hanging back before, but now she ahd joined the fight. The Impmon and his partner had an effective tactic going, as did the Gabumon and the girl, Mia. Things weren't too bad now, but Brent wanted to plan for the worst, and didn't want any risks. If push came to shove, he was worried that someone might snap under the pressure. But he'd deal with that when it came down to it.
"Power Paw!" Renamon exclaimed, punching a Gazimon that was tossed her way by Brent. Another Gazimon tried sneaking up on her, but she faded out of existence and then back into it behind the enemy Digimon. She quickly dispatched of it, and glanced over at Brent to make sure he was alright. He had his knife out, and was staring down one of the Gazimon. He noticed Renamon watching him, and gave a quick grin. Brent leapt forward, jabbing with the knife, and the Gazimon jumped backwards in reaction to his obvious lunge. However, it jumped into another Gazimon, causing them to tumbled and land in a tangle of limbs. "Now, Renamon!" Brent ordered. Renamon jumped up, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Diamond Storm!" Renamon exclaimed, swiping her amrs out, unleashing a barrage of the sharp white stones at the two Digimon.
Brent silently thanked that attention was turned away from him. As he and the fox disentangled themselves, his Digivice beeped. He grabbed it and looked at it. "Renamon, a Beast Man Digimon. Rookie level." Brent read aloud. Renamon looked herself over. "I evolved! Woohoo!" Renamon exclaimed, suddenly hugging Brent. "Um...can you let me go?" Brent asked her. She released him, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. Brent turned to see the Gazimon. "Um...and we may want to go help the others..." Brent suggested. "So they're safe to trust?" Renamon asked. "For now." Brent replied. Renamon nodded, and the two walked over to where they were confronting the Gazimon.
"Geez, I really hope that they aren't enemies. They're growing and number and digivolving jsut as we watch!" Brent whispered. "Hey, they get to digivolve but I don't!" Viximon complained. "The moment we figure out how to do digivolve, I'll let you." Brent reassured Viximon. Viximon's stomach suddenly growled. "Didn't you just eat?" Brent asked. "Ooh, I feel funny!" Viximon muttered. "If you're gonna be sick, don't do it on me!" Brent warned as Viximon began to glow. Viximon grew in size, and causing Brent's sense of balance to be destroyed and he toppled forward through the bushes with a humanoid fox landing on him. He and the fox looked up from their pile to see the others. "Um...hi?" Brent greeted sheepsihly.
"I'm gonna digivolve, I'm gonna digivolve!" Viximon sang from her perch atop Brent's head. She suddenly paused in her singing. "When do I get to digivolve?" Viximon asked Brent. "I dunno. Hey, some of the dots are moving closer together!" Brent said, his eyes on his Digivice. "More friends?" Viximon asked. "Hopefully. If they're enemies, then we're pretty badly outnumbered." Brent replied. Viximon began sniffing again, before turning and jumping into Brent's backpack. "Hey! What are you doing!?" Brent asked as she came back out with a white cube inh er mouth. "Eating. In case they're bad people." Viximon replied. "The Tofu was supposed to be a treat. And you'd better not spill any in my hair!" Brent replied as he came upon the group of signals, staying just out of sight.
"Ooh, pretty!" Viximon said, staring at the glowing computer screen. Brent had his back to the screen and his Digimon, packing up some hiking gear. "Huh? Hey, that's odd..." Brent said, turning around to see what Viximon was talking about. "It isn't supposed to do this?" She asked. Brent shook his head. "Unless...I wonder where I put that thing..." Brent began, walking over to a book shelf and sorting through it. He eventually pulled a small steel lockbox off the shelf, and opened it up. He reached in, and pulled out a strange little device. "Ooh, the digi-thingy! Does this mean I get to evolve now?" Viximon asked. "Maybe." Brent replied, grabbing his backpack. He held out his hand, and Viximon leapt from his desk, to his hand, and ran up his arm to jump onto his head where she promptly settled down. He held his device towards the computer screen, and it flashed. For a moment, Brent thought he saw the same symbol that was on his crest. Bretn landed with an 'oof' and tried to roll with the landing. However, his backpack got in the way, causing him to skid along the ground. Viximon landed on all fours on his side. Brushing himself off, Brent got up and looked around as Viximon resettled herself. They appeared to be in some sort of a city area. But it was abandoned. Viximon began testing the air, sniffing it lightly. "I smell someone...that way!" Viximon said, turning to face behind Brent. Brent turned around to see that the road they were on lead out to the edge of the city, to a forested area. "Well then, let's find out who they are!" Brent said, walking towards the forest.
Name: Brent Turner Age: 17 Gender: Male Country: USA Personality: Can be a bit of a loner at first, but warms up to people fairly fast. He loves to joke around and have fun, and is a practitioner in the art of sarcasm. He's a smart kid, but sometimes lacks a little common sense which usually ends up being his downfall. However, he'll just get up and try again if he fails the first time. He also is willing to help other people out with their troubles, but tends to remain quiet about his own, unless they're gonna cause trouble for someone else. However, when he's agitated he fiddles with a four inch black handled switch blade. Bio: Brent is an all natural New Englander, and has lived there for all seventeen years of his life. The biggest city he's ever seen was Boston, and he's only been there twice. When he was younger, his parents divorced, and he was seperated from his father. Soon after the divorce, his mother started dating and then ended up remarrying. At first, Brent was awfully negative towards his stepfather, but grew to understand things better as time went on. Originally, when the divorce was still fresh, Brent was a hot tempered kid that would take offense fairly easily, and it got him into trouble fairly often. After a while, though, he began to learn that his anger wasn't doing much, and he calmed down quite a bit. As it is now, it takes a lot to get him mad. For middle school and high school he was a runner for cross country, and while he wasn't exceptionally great he was good enough to be taken to the away races too. Appearance: Brent is about 5'10" and very lanky. He hasn't got much muscle to him, but he's still fairly fit. He has sandy blonde hair that's a couple inches long, and cloudy blue eyes that he hides behind a pair of tinted motorcycle glasses. He wears faded jeans, sneakers and an old green t-shirt. He's always kept his four inch switch blade and a PDA in his pockets no matter where he goes. Digimon:Renamon Baby: [URL=http://wiki.digivice.net/images/7/7d/Reremon.gif]Reremon[/URL] Attacks: Metamorphisis, Bubbles In-Training: [URL=http://wiki.digivice.net/images/d/da/Pokomon.jpg]Viximon[/URL] Attacks: Killing Stone Rookie: [URL=http://wiki.digivice.net/images/6/66/Renamon.gif]Renamon[/URL] Attacks: Diamond Storm, Power Paw, Ko Hen Kyo Champion: [URL=http://wiki.digivice.net/images/6/6f/Kyuubimon.jpg]Kyuubimon[/URL] Attacks: Dragon Wheel, Fox Tail Inferno Ultimate: [URL=http://wiki.digivice.net/images/e/e6/Chimeramon.gif]Kimeramon[/URL] Attacks: Heat Viper, Hybrid Arms Mega: [URL=http://wiki.digivice.net/images/6/60/Ghoulmon_grey.jpg]Deathmon[/URL] Attacks: Death Arrow, Explosion Eye Digivice Colors: Mainly orange with blue and black as secondary colors. Example: "Viximon! Viximon, where did you go?" Brent yelled, walking around the farm. "C'mon, Viximon, this isn't funny!" There was some rustling in the hay bales, and Viximon popped out form between them. "Sorry, I thought I smelled something strange." Viximon apologised. Brent scooped her up in his arms. "Really? So you weren't just tormenting the cattle?" Brent asked. "Well...Maybe a little. But I honestly did smell something wierd, but the smell of cows and hay is too strong for me to find it!" Viximon complained. Bretn glanced down at his Digimon curiously. "What did it smell like?" He asked. Viximon shifted uncomfortably. "Um, kind of like you. But different. Like you, but not you." Viximon muttered. "Tell you what, I'll help you search for the source of this strange smell. But if we can't find it within an hour, then you'll stop running off on me, and you'll listen to me more often." brent suggested. "Okay! But we'll find it in a half hour!" Viximon proclaimed jumping out of Brent's arms and back intothe pile of hay. "Hey, I thought we were searching for something, not playing in the hay!" Brent said, jumping in after his Digimon. Viximon squealed and burrowed deeper into the hay. "What's this thingy?" Viximon asked from within the hay. "What's what?" Brent replied. Viximon plopped out of the hay with some odd looking electronic device. Viximon dropped it into Brent's hand. "So? What is it?" Viximon asked. "I'm not sure, but it resembles a Digivice, I think. These things haven't been seen in ages! And if this is a digivice, then this thingy-majigger here must be a crest!" Brent told her. "Yay!" Viximon exclaimed in glee, hopping around in circles. "Wait, what do they do?" Viximon asked. Brent jsut laughed a little bit, causing Viximon to pout. "They were used to make Digimon evolve long ago!" Brent told her. Viximon's eyes widened. "Yay, I get to evolve! Woohoo!" Viximon exclaimed, dancing and hopping in a circle around Brent.
Mind if I join? Name: Brent Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Wears a pair of faded jeans and a black t-shirt. Generally carries a knife on his belt, and carries a butane lighter that he fiddles with when he's fidgety. A little under six feet tall, and has a runner's build to him. He has blonde hair a couple inches long and a pair of icy blue eyes. Personality: Calm and reserved, it takes a while to tick him off. But when you do, watch out. He likes to try and plan a situation out first, but will act if there is no time to think. Also loves to make sarcastic remarks. Name: Witchmon Gender: Female Forms: Tsukaimon(Rookie), Witchmon(Champion), Antiramon[Virus](Ultimate), Minervamon(Mega) Appearance: [URL=http://wiki.digivice.net/images/6/6e/Tsukaimon.jpg]Tsukaimon[/URL], [URL=http://tnis.hp.infoseek.co.jp/web-digimon/bo1003.jpg]Witchmon[/URL], [URL=http://wiki.digivice.net/images/8/86/Antiramon.jpg]Antylamon[/URL], and [URL=http://wiki.digivice.net/images/c/c7/Minervamon.jpg]Minervamon[/URL] Binary Coding:10, 01, 00, 11 from Rookie to Mega Hope this is good enough...
If it's all right, I think I'll join. Name: Brent Age: 17, started at 15 Username: Kurayami Eiyu, or Kura for short. Appearance: A little under six foot, he has blonde hair that's a couple inches long and has a runner's build. Wears t-shirts with sarcastic sayings on them and a pair of camoflauge cargo pants where he keeps various knick-knacks. He has an old, battered lighter that he likes to play with and is hardly ever seen without it. Partner: Kura's Partner is a Renamon who cares mostly for power, and less for subtle means. Ready to help most people in a pinch, she has some trouble controlling any form beyond Champion. She enjoys a good fight, and will often jump right into a fray wihtout leraning any details, leaving it up to her partner to figure things out. Her attacks are Diamond Storm and Power Paw Champion level: Kyuubimon. She has little to no trouble controlling herself in this form, but finds it lacking in any serious firepower. But she will be the first to admit that it's better than her Rookie form. Attacks are Dragon Whell and Fox Tail Inferon Ultimate leve: Kimeramon. She has reached this stage only a handful of times, and can't remember much of the time. In this form her only thought is to destroy everything except her partner. However, because she still retains some protective thoughts, if the enemy strays too far from her partner, then she will give up and return to her partner's side. She will also somewhat listen to her partner. Attacks are Heat Viper and Scissor Claw. Mega Level: Milleniumon. As far as Kura or Renamon know, she has never reached this level. However, Kura's Digivice has stats describing Renamon in this form. In this form she doesn't have the power that the true Milleniumon has, but is still unbelievably powerful. The only drawback is that she is left as simply a creature of instinct Kura and Renamon believe that with enough work, that Kura may be able to get some control over her in this form, similar to in her Ultimate form. She can use Milleniumon's Mugen Cannon, Energy Blast, and a nameless attack which launches lightning from her claws. Kura and Renamon have determined that if her Ultimate form and a Machindramon were to DNA digivolve they may be able to have a fully powered Milleniumon, but they don't know at what cost and have discarded the idea of ever trying it.
Name: Brent Age: 17 Encountered/Befriended Fictional Character: A rather confused Milleniumon From: A slightly different Digimon universe Backstory: Found a strange black stone in his laundry that read 'Chaos, Destruction, Renewal' and the next thing he knows he's stuck in a fight between Milleniumon, in his first form, and the D-Reaper of all things. After helping Milleniumon to defeat the D-Reaper he found out that Milleniumon was attempting to become immortal but his only option was to have a partner. After mkaing a deal with Milleniumon, Brent became his partner.